

distrib > Mageia > cauldron > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 67fcefc7368ec6ef6377a726522a94bb > files > 2


%define maketest 0
%define filelist %{name}-%{version}-filelist

Name:      innotop
Summary:   A MySQL and InnoDB monitor program
Version:   1.13.0
Release:   %mkrel 2
License:   GPL/Artistic
Group:     Monitoring
BuildArch: noarch

BuildRequires: perl(DBD::mysql)
Requires:      perl(DBD::mysql)

MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor.  Like 'top' for MySQL.  Displays
queries, InnoDB transactions, lock waits, deadlocks, foreign key errors, open
tables, replication status, buffer information, row operations, logs, I/O
operations, load graph, and more.  You can monitor many servers at once with


grep -rsl '^#!.*perl' . |
grep -v '.bak$' |xargs --no-run-if-empty \
%__perl -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -e 'MY->fixin(@ARGV)'
%{__perl} Makefile.PL `%{__perl} -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -e ' print qq|PREFIX=%{buildroot}%{_prefix}| if \$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION =~ /5\.9[1-6]|6\.0[0-5]/ '`
%if %maketest
%{__make} test

export INSTALLSITEBIN="%{_bindir}"
export INSTALLSITESCRIPT="%{_bindir}"
export INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR="%{_mandir}/man1"
export INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR="%{_mandir}/man3"
find -name Makefile | xargs perl -pi -e "s|/local||g"

%make_install `%{__perl} -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -e ' print \$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION <= 6.05 ? qq|PREFIX=%{buildroot}%{_prefix}| : qq|DESTDIR=%{buildroot}| '`

[ -x $cmd ] || cmd=/usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress
[ -x $cmd ] && $cmd

# SuSE Linux

if [ -e /etc/SuSE-release -o -e /etc/UnitedLinux-release ]
    %{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}/var/adm/perl-modules
    fname=`find %{buildroot} -name "perllocal.pod" | head -1`
    if [ -f "$fname" ] ; then                             \
        %{__cat} `find %{buildroot} -name "perllocal.pod"`  \
        | %{__sed} -e s+%{buildroot}++g                     \
        < /dev/null                                         \
        > %{buildroot}/var/adm/perl-modules/%{name} ;      \

# remove special files
find %{buildroot} -name "perllocal.pod" \
    -o -name ".packlist"                \
    -o -name "*.bs"                     \
    |xargs -i rm -f {}

# no empty directories
find %{buildroot}%{_prefix}             \
    -type d -depth                      \
    -exec rmdir {} \; 2>/dev/null

%{__perl} -MFile::Find -le '
    find({ wanted => \&wanted, no_chdir => 1}, "%{buildroot}");
    print "%doc  Changelog INSTALL";
    for my $x (sort @dirs, @files) {
        push @ret, $x unless indirs($x);
    print join "\n", sort @ret;

    sub wanted {
        return if /auto$/;

        local $_ = $File::Find::name;
        my $f = $_; s|^\Q%{buildroot}\E||;
        return unless length;
        return $files[@files] = $_ if -f $f;

        $d = $_;
        /\Q$d\E/ && return for reverse sort @INC;
        $d =~ /\Q$_\E/ && return
            for qw|/etc %_prefix/man %_prefix/bin %_prefix/share|;

        $dirs[@dirs] = $_;

    sub indirs {
        my $x = shift;
        $x =~ /^\Q$_\E\// && $x ne $_ && return 1 for @dirs;
    ' > %filelist

[ -z %filelist ] && {
    echo "ERROR: empty %files listing"
    exit -1

%doc Changelog

* Mon Mar 21 2022 umeabot <umeabot> 1.13.0-2.mga9
+ Revision: 1814341
- Mageia 9 Mass Rebuild

* Sun Apr 18 2021 daviddavid <daviddavid> 1.13.0-1.mga9
+ Revision: 1716401
- new version: 1.13.0

* Fri Feb 14 2020 umeabot <umeabot> 1.12.0-2.mga8
+ Revision: 1521363
- Mageia 8 Mass Rebuild

* Wed Dec 19 2018 daviddavid <daviddavid> 1.12.0-1.mga7
+ Revision: 1342942
- new version: 1.12.0

* Thu Sep 20 2018 umeabot <umeabot> 1.11.4-2.mga7
+ Revision: 1278874
- Mageia 7 Mass Rebuild

* Tue Apr 03 2018 kekepower <kekepower> 1.11.4-1.mga7
+ Revision: 1214829
- Update to version 1.11.4

* Fri Feb 05 2016 umeabot <umeabot> 1.8.0-7.mga6
+ Revision: 937958
- Mageia 6 Mass Rebuild

* Wed Oct 15 2014 umeabot <umeabot> 1.8.0-6.mga5
+ Revision: 740758
- Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild

* Tue Sep 16 2014 umeabot <umeabot> 1.8.0-5.mga5
+ Revision: 680521
- Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild

* Fri Oct 18 2013 umeabot <umeabot> 1.8.0-4.mga4
+ Revision: 506082
- Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild

* Sat Jan 12 2013 umeabot <umeabot> 1.8.0-3.mga3
+ Revision: 354411
- Mass Rebuild -

* Wed Aug 17 2011 dlucio <dlucio> 1.8.0-2.mga2
+ Revision: 134144
- Require fixes
- SPEC fixes
- imported package innotop

* Mon Jan 08 2007 Lenz Grimmer <>
 - Updated the spec file to reflect the changes in 1.0, fixed the URLs
 - removed the reference to innotop.html, added INSTALL to the docs instead

* Thu Nov 16 2006 Lenz Grimmer <>
 - Initial spec file for version 0.1.160
   (with some help from cpan2rpm -