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<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<p align="center" class="header">OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)</p><P ALIGN="center" CLASS="header">The 
Sample Applications</P><P ALIGN="center" CLASS="header"><A HREF=""></A></P><P CLASS="MainHeader">The 
Samples</P><P CLASS="MainContent">The samples provided show you the kind of thing 
you can do with OGRE. To be fair, we haven't ourselves done any major demos with 
it; after all we spend all our time writing the engine! So these demos are just 
short snippets showing you how quick it is to get an OGRE application up and running 
with little fuss.</P><P>All the samples use a couple of framework classes to make 
their jobs easier and the code shorter and more about WHAT you're rendering rather 
than HOW you're doing it. Feel free to reuse the framework there, which consists 
mainly of a base object called ExampleApplication. This handles all the engine 
initialisation and all you need to do is subclass it and override the createScene 
method to provide your own scene. You can optionally override any of the other 
methods if you wish to have more control over the scene. By default the camera 
is controllable via the standard freelook and WASD key combinations, but you can 
change this by replacing or subclassing the ExampleFrameListener class.</P><P>How 
do you find out what all the terms and classes mean? Take a look at the <A HREF="../Tutorials/index.html">tutorials 
section</A> for more information, and the <A HREF="../api/html/index.html">API 
reference</A> after this. </P><P CLASS="MainContent">Here's a summary of the examples:</P><TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="1" CLASS="MainContent" CELLSPACING="0"> 
<TR> <TD WIDTH="114">BezierPatch</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Demonstrates the use of bezier 
patches for approximating curved surfaces. Displays a single curved surface at 
a predefined subdivision level.</TD></TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="114"> <P>BSP</P></TD><TD WIDTH="994"><P>Demonstrates 
a specialisation of the SceneManager class for a very specific kind of scene - 
the indoor level as used by countless first-person shooter games. Loads Quake3Arena 
levels.<BR><B>IMPORTANT NOTE:</B> For copyright reasons no Quake3 data can be 
distributed with OGRE. You are expected to provide your own level data to use 
this example - edit the quake3settings.cfg file to specify the location of your 
pak0.pk3 file and the map you wish to load.</P></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">BspCollision</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Demonstrates 
the use of collision and physics with both movable objects and level geometry. 
This demo uses the ReferenceAppLayer library to provide the linkage between OGRE 
and ODE, the library which performs the physics. The ReferenceAppLayer is an example 
of how to tie other libraries into your applications alongside OGRE for the graphics.</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">CubeMapping</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Shows 
the effect created when using a cubic reflection map to simulate reflections. 
May not work on older cards.</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">Dot3Bump</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Demonstrates 
per-pixel bump mapping by using the DOT3 extenstion. May not work on older cards. 
</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">EnvMapping</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Demonstrates the 
environment mapping effect which can be applied to texture layers, together with 
the blending that can be used to combine multiple texture layers. Also now includes 
a few billboards as flare effects</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">Lighting</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Demonstrates 
the use of dynamic coloured lights. </TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">ParticleFX</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Demonstrates 
particle system effects, using predefined particle scripts.</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">SkeletalAnimation</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Demonstrates 
skeletal animation where a series of bones are used to animate a mesh (in this 
case a walking robot)</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">SkyPlane</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Shows 
how a skyplane can be used, i.e. a fixed camera-relative plane which can be used 
to create a flat sky.</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">SkyBox</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Shows 
how a skybox is used, creating a complete wrap-around sky</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">SkyDome</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Demonstrates 
the skydome feature, an illusion of a curved dome above the camera displaying 
the sky.</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">Transparency</TD><TD WIDTH="994">Shows what 
happens when you apply scene-level transparency to an object, i.e. not just blending 
between texture layers onthe same object by blending new objects with those already 
in the scene.</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">TextureFX</TD><TD WIDTH="994">A demo 
of a few texture effects (scrolling, scaling, rotating) that can be done with 
Ogre's 'Controller' architecture, a way of using input values from one object 
(in this case time) to affect another (in this case texture coordinates) by translating 
them through a function. This could be as simple as a scale factor, or be a little 
more complex such as a wave function.</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="114">Water</TD><TD WIDTH="994">An 
example of using a custom Renderable to create a special effect; in this case 
rippling water.</TD></TR> </TABLE><P>All the examples are controlled as follows:</P><TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="1" CLASS="MainContent" CELLSPACING="0"> 
<TR> <TD WIDTH="139">Mouse</TD><TD WIDTH="969">Freelook</TD></TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="139"> 
<P>W or Up Arrow</P></TD><TD WIDTH="969"><P>Camera forward</P></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="139">S 
or Down Arrow</TD><TD WIDTH="969">Camera backwards</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="139">A</TD><TD WIDTH="969">Camera 
strafe left</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="139">D</TD><TD WIDTH="969">Camera strafe right</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="139">PageUp</TD><TD WIDTH="969">Camera 
ascend </TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="139">PageDown</TD><TD WIDTH="969">Camera descend</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="139">O 
&amp; P</TD><TD WIDTH="969">Yaw the root scene node (and thus all the movable 
objects in the scene)</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="139">I &amp; K</TD><TD WIDTH="969">Pitch 
the root scene node (and thus all the movable objects in the scene)</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="139">F</TD><TD WIDTH="969">Toggle 
frame rate stats on/off</TD></TR> </TABLE><P CLASS="MainHeader">Making your own 
applications</P><P>Take a look at the <A HREF="../Tutorials/index.html">tutorials</A>, 
this is the best place to start to learn OGRE. Note that you must include the 
Ogre.material, Ogre.overlay and sample.fontdef in one of your application's resource 
locations (see the tutorials for more info about resource locations) since these 
provide core scripts for the system.</P><P CLASS="MainHeader">&nbsp;</P><P CLASS="MainContent" ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF="../ReadMe.html">Back 
to Readme.html</A></P><P CLASS="MainContent" ALIGN="LEFT">Copyright &copy; 2002 
by The OGRE Team<BR /> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
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