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  <title>Setting up the compiler settings</title>
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<p align="center" class="header">OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics
Rendering Engine)</p>
<p align="center" class="header"> Setting up the compiler settings</p>
<p align="left" class="MainHeader">&nbsp;</p>
<p> You only need to perform this step for the Visual C++ build,
using gcc the values are derived for you from the makefile listed
previously. </p>
  <li> <a href="#vc6">Visual C++ 6</a> </li>
  <li> <a href="#vc7">Visual C++.Net</a>
    <p align="left" class="MainHeader"><a name="vc6">Microsoft Visual
C++ 6 (SP3+)</a></p>
    <p> If you are setting up you application the EASY WAY (i.e.
in a subdirectory of Samples), then here's how you set up the
compiler / linker settings from the Project | Settings menu
item. All of these are for the Debug configuration, to set up
the Release configuration just change the directories from '\Debug\' to
    <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1">
          <td>Debug : General : Executable</td>
          <td>Debug : General : Working Directory</td>
          <td>C++ : Preprocessor : Additional Include Directories</td>
          <td>..\Common\Include&nbsp; ..\..\OgreMain\include<br>
          <td>C++ : Code Generation : Use runtime library</td>
          <td>Debug Multithreaded DLL</td>
          <td>Link : General : Output File</td>
          <td>Link : Input: Additional Library Path</td>
          <td>Link : Input : Object/library Modules</td>
If you want to do it the ADVANCED way, you'll have to replace the
relative paths here with the actual path to the root OGRE
folder. </p>
    <p align="left" class="MainHeader"><a name="vc7">Microsoft Visual
If you are setting up you application the EASY WAY (i.e. in a
subdirectory of Samples), then here's how you set up the compiler
/ linker settings after right-clicking on the project and
selecting 'Properties'. All of these are for the Debug
configuration, to set up the Release configuration just change the
directories from '\Debug\' to '\Release\'.
    <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1">
          <td>Debug : Working Directory</td>
          <td>C/C++ : Additional Include Directories</td>
          <td>C/C++ : Code Generation : Use runtime library</td>
          <td>Debug Multithreaded DLL</td>
          <td>Linker : Output File</td>
          <td>Linker : Additional Library Directories</td>
          <td>Linker : Additional Dependencies</td>
If you want to do it the ADVANCED way, you'll have to replace the
relative paths here with the actual path to the root OGRE folder.
    <p align="left" class="MainHeader"><a name="gcc">Gnu Compiler
Collection (gcc) v3.x</a></p>
    <p> Before you start, make sure you are using gcc 3.x. Many
Linux distributions still come with gcc 2.95.x which does not
have as good support for the ISO C++ standard and will probably
cause you problems. Please install the latest stable version of
gcc 3.x. </p>
Create a file called 'Makefile' in your application folder, with
the contents:
    <pre>  include [ogre_location]/platform-settings<br><br>  all:<br>	  $(CXX) $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) -o [appname] [yourSampleApp].cpp $(INCDIRS) -I$(TOPDIR)/Samples/Common/include -L$(TOPDIR)/OgreMain/lib -lOgreMain<br><br>  clean:<br>	  rm -f [appname]<br></pre>
    <p> Obviously you need to replace [ogre_location], [appname]
and [yourSampleApp] with the appropriate values. </p>
    <p class="MainHeader">&nbsp;</p>
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          <td width="39%">&nbsp;</td>
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    <p class="MainHeader">&nbsp;</p>