

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0-com > i586 > by-pkgid > 06719cf03808e17ae6f0852ca1052dc2 > files > 3662


# -*-perl-*-
# File: texi2html.init
# Sets default values for command-line arguments and for various customizable
# procedures
# A copy of this file is pasted into the beginning of texi2html by
# 'make texi2html'
# Copy this file and make changes to it, if you like.
# Afterwards, either, load it with command-line option -init_file <your_init_file>
# $Id: ogretexi2html.init,v 1.2 2003/09/14 23:48:52 sinbad Exp $

# stuff which can also be set by command-line options
# Note: values set here, overwrite values set by the command-line
# options before -init_file and might still be overwritten by
# command-line arguments following the -init_file option

# T2H_OPTIONS is a hash whose keys are the (long) names of valid
# command-line options and whose values are a hash with the following keys:
# type    ==> one of !|=i|:i|=s|:s (see GetOpt::Long for more info)
# linkage ==> ref to scalar, array, or subroutine (see GetOpt::Long for more info)
# verbose ==> short description of option (displayed by -h)
# noHelp  ==> if 1 -> for "not so important options": only print description on -h 1
#                2 -> for obsolete options: only print description on -h 2

$T2H_DEBUG = 0;
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {debug} =
 type => '=i',
 linkage => \$main::T2H_DEBUG,
 verbose => 'output HTML with debuging information',

$T2H_DOCTYPE = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">'; 
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {doctype} = 
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$main::T2H_DOCTYPE,
 verbose => 'document type which is output in header of HTML files',
 noHelp => 1

$T2H_CHECK = 0;
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {check} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$main::T2H_CHECK,
 verbose => 'if set, only check files and output all things that may be Texinfo commands',
 noHelp => 1

# -expand
# if set to "tex" (or, "info") expand @iftex and @tex (or, @ifinfo) sections
# else, neither expand @iftex, @tex, nor @ifinfo sections
$T2H_EXPAND = "info";
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {expand} = 
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$T2H_EXPAND,
 verbose => 'Expand info|tex|none section of texinfo source',

# - glossary
#if set, uses section named `Footnotes' for glossary
T2H_OPTIONS -> {glossary} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_USE_GLOSSARY,
 verbose => "if set, uses section named `Footnotes' for glossary",
 noHelp  => 1,

# -invisible
# $T2H_INVISIBLE_MARK is the text used to create invisible destination
# anchors for index links (you can for instance use the invisible.xbm
# file shipped with this program). This is a workaround for a known
# bug of many WWW browsers, including netscape.
# For me, it works fine without it -- on the contrary: if there, it
# inserts space between headers and start of text (obachman 3/99)
# $T2H_INVISIBLE_MARK = '&#160;';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {invisible} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$T2H_INVISIBLE_MARK,
 verbose => 'use text in invisble anchot',
 noHelp  => 1,

# -iso
# if set, ISO8879 characters are used for special symbols (like copyright, etc)
$T2H_USE_ISO = 0;
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {iso} =
 type => 'iso',
 linkage => \$T2H_USE_ISO,
 verbose => 'if set, ISO8879 characters are used for special symbols (like copyright, etc)',
 noHelp => 1,

# -I
# list directories where @include files are searched for (besides the
# directory of the doc file) additional '-I' args add to this list
@T2H_INCLUDE_DIRS = (".");
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {I} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \@T2H_INCLUDE_DIRS,
 verbose => 'append $s to the @include search path',

# -top_file
# uses file of this name for top-level file
# extension is manipulated appropriately, if necessary.
# If empty, <basename of document>.html is used
# Typically, you would set this to "index.html".
$T2H_TOP_FILE = 'index.html';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {top_file} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$T2H_TOP_FILE,
 verbose => 'use $s as top file, instead of <docname>.html',

# -toc_file
# uses file of this name for table of contents file
# extension is manipulated appropriately, if necessary.
# If empty, <basename of document>_toc.html is used
$T2H_TOC_FILE = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {toc_file} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$T2H_TOC_FILE,
 verbose => 'use $s as ToC file, instead of <docname>_toc.html',

# -frames
# if set, output two additional files which use HTML 4.0 "frames".
$T2H_FRAMES = 0;
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {frames} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_FRAMES,
 verbose => 'output files which use HTML 4.0 frames (experimental)',
 noHelp => 1,

# -menu | -nomenu
# if set, show the Texinfo menus
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {menu} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_SHOW_MENU,
 verbose => 'ouput Texinfo menus',

# -number | -nonumber
# if set, number sections and show section names and numbers in references 
# and menus
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {number} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_NUMBER_SECTIONS,
 verbose => 'use numbered sections'

# if set, and T2H_NUMBER_SECTIONS is set, then use node names in menu
# entries, instead of section names

# if set and menu entry equals menu descr, then do not print menu descr.
# Likewise, if node name equals entry name, do not print entry name.

# -split section|chapter|none 
# if set to 'section' (resp. 'chapter') create one html file per (sub)section
# (resp. chapter) and separate pages for Top, ToC, Overview, Index,
# Glossary, About.
# otherwise, create monolithic html file which contains whole document
$T2H_SPLIT = 'section';
$T2H_SPLIT = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {split} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$T2H_SPLIT,
 verbose => 'split document on section|chapter else no splitting',

# -section_navigation|-no-section_navigation
# if set, then navigation panels are printed at the beginning of each section
# and, possibly at the end (depending on whether or not there were more than 
# $T2H_WORDS_IN_PAGE  words on page
# This is most useful if you do not want to have section navigation 
# on -split chapter
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {sec_nav} =
 type => '!',
 verbose => 'output navigation panels for each section',

# -subdir
# if set put result files in this directory
# if not set result files are put into current directory
#$T2H_SUBDIR = 'html';
$T2H_SUBDIR = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {subdir} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$T2H_SUBDIR,
 verbose => 'put HTML files in directory $s, instead of $cwd',

# -short_extn
# If this is set all HTML file will have extension ".htm" instead of
# ".html". This is helpful when shipping the document to PC systems.
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {short_ext} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_SHORTEXTN,
 verbose => 'use "htm" extension for output HTML files',

# -prefix
# Set the output file prefix, prepended to all .html, .gif and .pl files.
# By default, this is the basename of the document
$T2H_PREFIX = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {prefix} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$T2H_PREFIX,
 verbose => 'use as prefix for output files, instead of <docname>',

# -o filename
# If set, generate monolithic document output html into $filename
$T2H_OUT = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {out_file} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => sub {$main::T2H_OUT = @_[1]; $T2H_SPLIT = '';},
 verbose => 'if set, all HTML output goes into file $s',

# -short_ref
#if set cross-references are given without section numbers
$T2H_SHORT_REF = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {short_ref} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_SHORT_REF,
 verbose => 'if set, references are without section numbers',

# -idx_sum
# if value is set, then for each @prinindex $what
# $docu_name_$what.idx is created which contains lines of the form
# $key\t$ref sorted alphabetically (case matters)
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {idx_sum} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_IDX_SUMMARY,
 verbose => 'if set, also output index summary',
 noHelp  => 1,

# -verbose
# if set, chatter about what we are doing
$T2H_VERBOSE = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {Verbose} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_VERBOSE,
 verbose => 'print progress info to stdout',

# -lang
# For page titles use $T2H_WORDS->{$T2H_LANG}->{...} as title.
# To add a new language, supply list of titles (see $T2H_WORDS below).
# and use ISO 639 language codes (see e.g. perl module Locale-Codes-1.02 
# for  definitions)
# Default's to 'en' if not set or no @documentlanguage is specified
$T2H_LANG = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {lang} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => sub {SetDocumentLanguage($_[1])},
 verbose => 'use $s as document language (ISO 639 encoding)',

# -l2h
# if set, uses latex2html for generation of math content 
$T2H_L2H = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {l2h} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_L2H,
 verbose => 'if set, uses latex2html for @math and @tex',

# The following options are only relevant if $T2H_L2H is set
# -l2h_l2h
# name/location of latex2html progam
$T2H_L2H_L2H = "latex2html";
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {l2h_l2h} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$T2H_L2H_L2H,
 verbose => 'program to use for latex2html translation',
 noHelp => 1,

# -l2h_skip
# if set, skips actual call to latex2html tries to reuse previously generated 
# content, instead
$T2H_L2H_SKIP = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {l2h_skip} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_L2H_SKIP,
 verbose => 'if set, tries to reuse previously latex2html output',
 noHelp => 1,

# -l2h_tmp
# if set, l2h uses this directory for temporarary files. The path
# leading to this directory may not contain a dot (i.e., a "."),
# otherwise, l2h will fail
$T2H_L2H_TMP = '';
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {l2h_tmp} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \$T2H_L2H_TMP,
 verbose => 'if set, uses $s as temporary latex2html directory',
 noHelp => 1,

# if set, cleans intermediate files (they all have the prefix $doc_l2h_) 
# of l2h 
$T2H_L2H_CLEAN = 1;
$T2H_OPTIONS -> {l2h_clean} =
 type => '!',
 linkage => \$T2H_L2H_CLEAN,
 verbose => 'if set, do not keep intermediate latex2html files for later reuse',
 noHelp => 1,

$T2H_OPTIONS -> {D} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => sub {$main::value{@_[1]} = 1;},
 verbose => 'equivalent to Texinfo "@set $s 1"',
 noHelp => 1,

$T2H_OPTIONS -> {init_file} =
 type => '=s',
 linkage => \&LoadInitFile,
 verbose => 'load init file $s'

# The following can only be set in the init file

# if set, center @image by default
# otherwise, do not center by default

# used as identation for block enclosing command @example, etc
# If not empty, must be enclosed in <td></td>
$T2H_EXAMPLE_INDENT_CELL = '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
# same as above, only for @small
$T2H_SMALL_EXAMPLE_INDENT_CELL = '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
# font size for @small

# if non-empty, and no @..heading appeared in Top node, then
# use this as header for top node/section, otherwise use value of 
# @settitle or @shorttitle (in that order)

# if set, use this chapter for 'Index' button, else
# use first chapter whose name matches 'index' (case insensitive)

# if set and $T2H_SPLIT is set, then split index pages at the next letter
# after they have more than that many entries

# if set (e.g., to index.html) replace hrefs to this file 
# (i.e., to index.html) by ./

# Language dependencies: 
# To add a new language extend T2H_WORDS hash and create $T2H_<...>_WORDS hash
# To redefine one word, simply do:
# $T2H_WORDS->{<language>}->{<word>} = 'whatever' in your personal init file.
 # titles  of pages
 'ToC_Title' => 'Table of Contents',
 'Overview_Title' => 'Short Table of Contents',
 'Index_Title' => 'Index',
 'About_Title' => 'About this document',
 'Footnotes_Title' => 'Footnotes',
 'See' => 'See',
 'see' => 'see',
 'section' => 'section',
# If necessary, we could extend this as follows: 
#  # text for buttons
  'Top_Button' => 'Top',
  'ToC_Button' => 'Contents',
  'Overview_Button' => 'Overview',
  'Index_button' => 'Index',
  'Back_Button' => 'Back',
  'FastBack_Button' => 'FastBack',
  'Prev_Button' => 'Prev',
  'Up_Button' => 'Up',
  'Next_Button' => 'Next',
  'Forward_Button' =>'Forward',
  'FastWorward_Button' => 'FastForward',
  'First_Button' => 'First',
  'Last_Button' => 'Last',
  'About_Button' => 'About'

 'ToC_Title' => 'Inhaltsverzeichniss',
 'Overview_Title' => 'Kurzes Inhaltsverzeichniss',
 'Index_Title' => 'Index',
 'About_Title' => '&Uuml;ber dieses Dokument',
 'Footnotes_Title' => 'Fu&szlig;noten',
 'See' => 'Siehe',
 'see' => 'siehe',
 'section' => 'Abschnitt',

 'ToC_Title' => 'Inhoudsopgave',
 'Overview_Title' => 'Korte inhoudsopgave',
 'Index_Title' => 'Index', #Not sure ;-)
 'About_Title' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available!
 'Footnotes_Title' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available!
 'See' => 'Zie',
 'see' => 'zie',
 'section' => 'sectie',

 'ToC_Title' => '&iacute;ndice General',
 'Overview_Title' => 'Resumen del Contenido',
 'Index_Title' => 'Index', #Not sure ;-)
 'About_Title' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available!
 'Footnotes_Title' => 'Fu&szlig;noten',
 'See' => 'V&eacute;ase',
 'see' => 'v&eacute;ase',
 'section' => 'secci&oacute;n',

 'ToC_Title' => 'Innholdsfortegnelse',
 'Overview_Title' => 'Kort innholdsfortegnelse',
 'Index_Title' => 'Indeks', #Not sure ;-)
 'About_Title' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available!
 'Footnotes_Title' => 'No translation available!',
 'See' => 'Se',
 'see' => 'se',
 'section' => 'avsnitt',

 'ToC_Title' => 'Sum&aacute;rio',
 'Overview_Title' => 'Breve Sum&aacute;rio',
 'Index_Title' => '&Iacute;ndice', #Not sure ;-)
 'About_Title' => 'No translation available!', #No translation available!
 'Footnotes_Title' => 'No translation available!',
 'See' => 'Veja',
 'see' => 'veja',
 'section' => 'Se&ccedil;&atilde;o',

 'en' => $T2H_WORDS_EN,
 'de' => $T2H_WORDS_DE,
 'nl' => $T2H_WORDS_NL,
 'es' => $T2H_WORDS_ES,
 'no' => $T2H_WORDS_NO,
 'pt' => $T2H_WORDS_PT

 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
 'November', 'December'

 'Januar', 'Februar', 'M&auml;rz', 'April', 'Mai',
 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober',
 'November', 'Dezember'

 'Januari', 'Februari', 'Maart', 'April', 'Mei',
 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Augustus', 'September', 'Oktober',
 'November', 'December'

 'enero', 'febrero', 'marzo', 'abril', 'mayo',
 'junio', 'julio', 'agosto', 'septiembre', 'octubre',
 'noviembre', 'diciembre'


 'januar', 'februar', 'mars', 'april', 'mai',
 'juni', 'juli', 'august', 'september', 'oktober',
 'november', 'desember'

 'Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Mar&ccedil;o', 'Abril', 'Maio',
 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro',
 'Novembro', 'Dezembro'

    'en' => \@MONTH_NAMES_EN,
    'de' => \@MONTH_NAMES_DE,
    'es' => \@MONTH_NAMES_ES,
    'nl' => \@MONTH_NAMES_NL,
    'no' => \@MONTH_NAMES_NO,
    'pt' => \@MONTH_NAMES_PT
# Control of Page layout:
# You can make changes of the Page layout at two levels:
# 1.) For small changes, it is often enough to change the value of
#     some global string/hash/array variables
# 2.) For larger changes, reimplement one of the T2H_DEFAULT_<fnc>* routines,
#     give them another name, and assign them to the respective
#     $T2H_<fnc> variable.

# As a general interface, the hashes T2H_HREF, T2H_NAME, T2H_NODE hold 
# href, html-name, node-name of
# This     -- current section (resp. html page)
# Top      -- top page ($T2H_TOP_FILE)
# Contents -- Table of contents
# Overview -- Short table of contents
# Index    -- Index page
# About    -- page which explain "navigation buttons"
# First    -- first node 
# Last     -- last node
# Whether or not the following hash values are set, depends on the context 
# (all values are w.r.t. 'This' section)
# Next        -- next node of texinfo
# Prev        -- previous node of texinfo
# Up          -- up node of texinfo
# Forward     -- next node in reading order
# Back        -- previous node in reading order
# FastForward -- if leave node, up and next, else next node
# FastBackward-- if leave node, up and prev, else prev node
# Furthermore, the following global variabels are set:
# $T2H_THISDOC{title}     -- title as set by @setttile
# $T2H_THISDOC{fulltitle} -- full title as set by @title...
# $T2H_THISDOC{subtitle}  -- subtitle as set by @subtitle
# $T2H_THISDOC{author}    -- author as set by @author
# and pointer to arrays of lines which need to be printed by t2h_print_lines 
# $T2H_OVERVIEW      -- lines of short table of contents
# $T2H_TOC           -- lines of table of contents
# $T2H_TOP           -- lines of Top texinfo node 
# $T2H_THIS_SECTION  -- lines of 'This' section

# There are the following subs which control the layout:
$T2H_print_section            = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_section;
$T2H_print_Top_header         = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_Top_header;       
$T2H_print_Top_footer	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_Top_footer;       
$T2H_print_Top		      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_Top;              
$T2H_print_Toc		      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_Toc;              
$T2H_print_Overview	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_Overview;         
$T2H_print_Footnotes	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_Footnotes;        
$T2H_print_About	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_About;            
$T2H_print_misc_header	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_misc_header;      
$T2H_print_misc_footer	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_misc_footer;      
$T2H_print_misc		      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_misc;
$T2H_print_chapter_header     = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_chapter_header;      
$T2H_print_chapter_footer     = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_chapter_footer;      
$T2H_print_page_head	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_page_head;        
$T2H_print_page_foot	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_page_foot;        
$T2H_print_head_navigation    = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_head_navigation;  
$T2H_print_foot_navigation    = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_foot_navigation;  
$T2H_button_icon_img	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_button_icon_img;        
$T2H_print_navigation	      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_navigation;       
$T2H_about_body		      = \&T2H_DEFAULT_about_body;            
$T2H_print_frame              = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_frame;
$T2H_print_toc_frame          = \&T2H_DEFAULT_print_toc_frame;

# Layout for html for every sections
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_section
  my $fh = shift;
  &$T2H_print_head_navigation($fh) if $T2H_SECTION_NAVIGATION;
  my $nw = t2h_print_lines($fh);
  if ($T2H_SPLIT eq 'section' && $T2H_SECTION_NAVIGATION)
    &$T2H_print_foot_navigation($fh, $nw);
    print $fh '<HR SIZE="6">' . "\n";

# Layout of top-page I recommend that you use @ifnothtml, @ifhtml,
# @html within the Top texinfo node to specify content of top-level
# page. 
# If you enclose everything in @ifnothtml, then title, subtitle,
# author and overview is printed
# T2H_HREF of Next, Prev, Up, Forward, Back are not defined
# if $T2H_SPLIT then Top page is in its own html file
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_Top_header
  &$T2H_print_page_head(@_) if $T2H_SPLIT;
  t2h_print_label(@_); # this needs to be called, otherwise no label set
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_Top_footer
  &$T2H_print_page_foot(@_) if $T2H_SPLIT; 
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_Top
  my $fh = shift;

  # for redefining navigation buttons use:
  # local $T2H_BUTTONS = [...];
  # as it is, 'Top', 'Contents', 'Index', 'About' are printed
    # if top-level node has content, then print it with extra header
    print $fh "<H1>$T2H_NAME{Top}</H1>"
      unless ($T2H_HAS_TOP_HEADING);
    t2h_print_lines($fh, $T2H_THIS_SECTION)
    # top-level node is fully enclosed in @ifnothtml
    # print fulltitle, subtitle, author, Overview
    print $fh 
      "<CENTER>\n<H1>" .
      join("</H1>\n<H1>", split(/\n/,  $T2H_THISDOC{fulltitle})) .
    print $fh "<H2>$T2H_THISDOC{subtitle}</H2>\n" if $T2H_THISDOC{subtitle};
    print $fh "$T2H_THISDOC{author}\n" if $T2H_THISDOC{author};
    print $fh <<EOT;
<H2> Overview: </H2>
    t2h_print_lines($fh, $T2H_OVERVIEW);
    print $fh "</BLOCKQUOTE>\n";

# Layout of Toc, Overview, and Footnotes pages
# By default, we use "normal" layout 
# T2H_HREF of Next, Prev, Up, Forward, Back, etc are not defined
# use: local $T2H_BUTTONS = [...] to redefine navigation buttons
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_Toc
  return &$T2H_print_misc(@_);
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_Overview
  return &$T2H_print_misc(@_);
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_Footnotes
  return &$T2H_print_misc(@_);
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_About
  return &$T2H_print_misc(@_);

sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_misc_header
  &$T2H_print_page_head(@_) if $T2H_SPLIT;
  # this needs to be called, otherwise, no labels are set
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_misc_footer
  &$T2H_print_page_foot(@_) if $T2H_SPLIT; 
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_misc
  my $fh = shift;
  print $fh "<H1>$T2H_NAME{This}</H1>\n";

# chapter_header and chapter_footer are only called if
# T2H_SPLIT eq 'chapter'
# chapter_header: after print_page_header, before print_section
# chapter_footer: after print_section of last section, before print_page_footer
# If you want to get rid of navigation stuff after each section,
# redefine print_section such that it does not call print_navigation,
# and put print_navigation into print_chapter_header
   'FastBack', 'FastForward', ' ', 
   ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
   'Top', 'Contents', 'Index', 'About', 

sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_chapter_header
  # nothing to do there, by default
    my $fh = shift;
    print $fh "\n<HR SIZE=2>\n";

sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_chapter_footer
$T2H_TODAY = &pretty_date;		# like "20 September 1993"

sub pretty_date {
    local($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);

    ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
    $year += ($year < 70) ? 2000 : 1900;
    # obachman: Let's do it as the Americans do
    return($MONTH_NAMES->{$T2H_LANG}[$mon] . ", " . $mday . " " . $year);

# Layout of standard header and footer

# Set the default body text, inserted between <BODY ... > 
###$T2H_BODYTEXT = 'LANG="EN" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#800080" ALINK="#FF0000"';
$T2H_BODYTEXT = 'LANG="' . $T2H_LANG . '" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#800080" ALINK="#FF0000"';
# text inserted after <BODY ...>
#text inserted before </BODY>
# this is used in footer
$T2H_ADDRESS = "by <I>$T2H_USER</I> " if $T2H_USER;
$T2H_ADDRESS .= "on <I>$T2H_TODAY</I>";
# this is added inside <HEAD></HEAD> after <TITLE> and some META NAME stuff
# can be used for <style> <script>, <meta> tags
$T2H_EXTRA_HEAD = '<LINK TYPE="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../style.css"> ';

sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_page_head
  my $fh = shift; 
  my $longtitle = "$T2H_THISDOC{title}: $T2H_NAME{This}";
  print $fh <<EOT;
<!-- Created on $T2H_TODAY by $THISPROG -->

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="$longtitle">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="$longtitle">
<META NAME="resource-type" CONTENT="document">
<META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="global">


sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_page_foot
  my $fh = shift;
  print $fh <<EOT;
<FONT SIZE="-1">
This document was generated
using <A HREF="$T2H_HOMEPAGE"><I>texi2html</I></A>

# Layout of navigation panel

# if this is set, then a vertical navigation panel is used
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_head_navigation
  my $fh = shift;
    print $fh <<EOT;
  &$T2H_print_navigation($fh, $T2H_VERTICAL_HEAD_NAVIGATION);
    print $fh <<EOT;
  elsif ($T2H_SPLIT eq 'section')
    print $fh "<HR SIZE=1>\n";

# Specifies the minimum page length required before a navigation panel
# is placed at the bottom of a page (the default is that of latex2html)
# T2H_THIS_WORDS_IN_PAGE holds number of words of current page
sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_foot_navigation
  my $fh = shift;
  my $nwords = shift;
    print $fh <<EOT;
  print $fh "<HR SIZE=1>\n";
  &$T2H_print_navigation($fh) if ($nwords >= $T2H_WORDS_IN_PAGE)

# navigation panel
# specify in this array which "buttons" should appear in which order
# in the navigation panel for sections; use ' ' for empty buttons (space)
   'Back', 'Up', 'Forward', ' ', ' ', ' ',  
   ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
   'Top', 'Contents', 'Index', 'About', 

# buttons for misc stuff
@T2H_MISC_BUTTONS = ('Top', 'Contents', 'Index', 'About');

# insert here name of icon images for buttons 
# Icons are used, if $T2H_ICONS and resp. value are set
   'Top',      '',
   'Contents', '',
   'Overview', '',
   'Index',    '',
   'Back',     '',
   'FastBack', '',
   'Prev',     '',
   'Up',       '',
   'Next',     '',
   'Forward',  '',
   'FastForward', '',
   'About' ,    '',
   'First',    '',
   'Last',     '',
   ' ',        ''

# insert here name of icon images for these, if button is inactive
   'Top',      '',
   'Contents', '',
   'Overview', '',
   'Index',    '',
   'Back',     '',
   'FastBack', '',
   'Prev',     '',
   'Up',       '',
   'Next',     '',
   'Forward',  '',
   'FastForward', '',
   'About',     '',
   'First',    '',
   'Last',     '',

# how to create IMG tag
sub T2H_DEFAULT_button_icon_img
  my $button = shift;
  my $icon = shift;
  my $name = shift;
  return qq{<IMG SRC="$icon" BORDER="0" ALT="$button: $name" ALIGN="MIDDLE">};

# Names of text as alternative for icons
   'Top',      'Top',
   'Contents', 'Contents',
   'Overview', 'Overview',
   'Index',    'Index',
   ' ',        ' &nbsp; ',
   'Back',     ' &lt; ',
   'FastBack', ' &lt;&lt; ',
   'Prev',     'Prev',
   'Up',       ' Up ',
   'Next',     'Next',
   'Forward',  ' &gt; ',
   'FastForward',  ' &gt;&gt; ',
   'About',     ' ? ',
   'First',    ' |&lt; ',
   'Last',     ' &gt;| '

sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_navigation
  my $fh = shift;
  my $vertical = shift;
  my $spacing = 1;
  print $fh "<TABLE CELLPADDING=$spacing CELLSPACING=$spacing BORDER=0>\n";

  print $fh "<TR>" unless $vertical;
  for $button (@$T2H_BUTTONS)
    print $fh qq{<TR VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT">\n} if $vertical;
    print $fh qq{<TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" ALIGN="LEFT">};

    if (ref($button) eq 'CODE')
      &$button($fh, $vertical);
    elsif ($button eq ' ')
    { # handle space button
      print $fh 
	$T2H_ICONS && $T2H_ACTIVE_ICONS{' '} ? 
	 &$T2H_button_icon_img($button, $T2H_ACTIVE_ICONS{' '}) :
    elsif ($T2H_HREF{$button})
    { # button is active
      print $fh   
	 $T2H_ICONS && $T2H_ACTIVE_ICONS{$button} ? # use icon ? 
	   t2h_anchor('', $T2H_HREF{$button},  # yes
	 : # use text
	 "[" . 
	 t2h_anchor('', $T2H_HREF{$button}, $T2H_NAVIGATION_TEXT{$button}) .
    { # button is passive 
      print $fh 
	$T2H_ICONS && $T2H_PASSIVE_ICONS{$button} ?
			       $T2H_NAME{$button}) :
	 "[" . $T2H_NAVIGATION_TEXT{$button} . "]";
    print $fh "</TD>\n";
    print $fh "</TR>\n" if $vertical;
  print $fh "</TR>" unless $vertical;
  print $fh "</TABLE>\n";

# Frames: this is from "Richard Y. Kim" <>
# Should be improved to be more conforming to other _print* functions

sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_frame
  my $fh = shift;
  print $fh <<EOT;
<FRAMESET cols="140,*"> 
  <FRAME name=toc  src="$docu_toc_frame_file">
  <FRAME name=main src="$docu_doc">

sub T2H_DEFAULT_print_toc_frame
  my $fh = shift;
  print $fh <<EOT;
  print $fh map {s/HREF=/target=\"main\" HREF=/; $_;} @stoc_lines;
  print $fh "</BODY></HTML>\n";

# About page

# T2H_PRE_ABOUT might be a function
This document was generated $T2H_ADDRESS
using <A HREF="$T2H_HOMEPAGE"><I>texi2html</I></A>

sub T2H_DEFAULT_about_body
  my $about;
  if (ref($T2H_PRE_ABOUT) eq 'CODE')
    $about = &$T2H_PRE_ABOUT();
    $about = $T2H_PRE_ABOUT;
  $about .= <<EOT;
The buttons in the navigation panels have the following meaning:
<table border = "1">
<TH> Button </TH>
<TH> Name </TH>
<TH> Go to </TH>
<TH> From 1.2.3 go to</TH>
  for $button (@T2H_SECTION_BUTTONS)
    next if $button eq ' ' || ref($button) eq 'CODE';
    $about .= <<EOT;
    $about .= 	
      ($T2H_ICONS && $T2H_ACTIVE_ICONS{$button} ?
       &$T2H_button_icon_img($button, $T2H_ACTIVE_ICONS{$button}) :
       " [" . $T2H_NAVIGATION_TEXT{$button} . "] ");
    $about .= <<EOT;

  $about .= <<EOT;
where the <STRONG> Example </STRONG> assumes that the current position 
is at <STRONG> Subsubsection One-Two-Three </STRONG> of a document of 
the following structure:
<LI> 1. Section One  </LI>
<LI>1.1 Subsection One-One</LI>
<LI> ... </LI>
<LI>1.2 Subsection One-Two</LI>
<LI>1.2.1 Subsubsection One-Two-One
</LI><LI>1.2.2 Subsubsection One-Two-Two
</LI><LI>1.2.3 Subsubsection One-Two-Three &nbsp; &nbsp; <STRONG>
&lt;== Current Position </STRONG>
</LI><LI>1.2.4 Subsubsection One-Two-Four
<LI>1.3 Subsection One-Three</LI>
<LI> ... </LI>
<LI>1.4 Subsection One-Four</LI>
  return $about;  

   'Top',      'cover (top) of document',
   'Contents', 'table of contents',
   'Overview', 'short table of contents',
   'Index',    'concept index',
   'Back',     'previous section in reading order',
   'FastBack', 'previous or up-and-previous section ',
   'Prev',     'previous section same level',
   'Up',       'up section',
   'Next',     'next section same level',
   'Forward',  'next section in reading order',
   'FastForward', 'next or up-and-next section',
   'About' ,    'this page',
   'First',    'first section in reading order',
   'Last',     'last section in reading order',

   'Top',      ' &nbsp; ',
   'Contents', ' &nbsp; ',
   'Overview', ' &nbsp; ',
   'Index',    ' &nbsp; ',
   'Back',     '1.2.2',
   'FastBack', '1.1',
   'Prev',     '1.2.2',
   'Up',       '1.2',
   'Next',     '1.2.4',
   'Forward',  '1.2.4',
   'FastForward', '1.3',
   'About',     ' &nbsp; ',
   'First',    '1.',
   'Last',     '1.2.4',

# from here on, its l2h init stuff 

## initialization for latex2html as for Singular manual generation
## obachman 3/99

# Options controlling Titles, File-Names, Tracing and Sectioning
$TITLE = '';



$DESTDIR = ''; # should be overwritten by cmd-line argument

$NO_SUBDIR = 0;# should be overwritten by cmd-line argument

$PREFIX = '';  # should be overwritten by cmd-line argument

$AUTO_PREFIX = 0; # this is needed, so that prefix settings are used

$AUTO_LINK = 0; 

$SPLIT = 0;


$TMP = ''; # should be overwritten by cmd-line argument

$DEBUG = 0;


# Options controlling Extensions and Special Features 
$HTML_VERSION = "3.2";

$TEXDEFS = 1; # we absolutely need that







$ADDRESS = '';

$INFO = '';

# Switches controlling Image Generation 






$REUSE = 2;



#Switches controlling Navigation Panels
$ADDRESS = '';
$INFO = 0;              # 0 = do not make a "About this document..." section 

#Switches for Linking to other documents 
# actuall -- we don't care

$MAX_SPLIT_DEPTH = 0;	# Stop making separate files at this depth

$MAX_LINK_DEPTH = 0;    # Stop showing child nodes at this depth   

$NOLATEX = 0;           # 1 = do not pass unknown environments to Latex

$EXTERNAL_IMAGES = 0;   # 1 = leave the images outside the document 

$ASCII_MODE = 0;        # 1 = do not use any icons or internal images

# 1 =  use links to external postscript images rather than inlined bitmap
# images.

### Other global variables ###############################################

# This is the line width measured in pixels and it is used to right justify
# equations and equation arrays; 
$LINE_WIDTH = 500;		

# Used in conjunction with AUTO_NAVIGATION
$WORDS_IN_PAGE = 300;	

# Affects ONLY the way accents are processed 
$default_language = 'english';	

# The value of this variable determines how many words to use in each 
# title that is added to the navigation panel (see below)

# This number will determine the size of the equations, special characters,
# and anything which will be converted into an inlined image
# *except* "image generating environments" such as "figure", "table" 
# or "minipage".
# Effective values are those greater than 0.
# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.

# This number will determine the size of 
# image generating environments such as "figure", "table" or "minipage".
# Effective values are those greater than 0.
# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.

#  If both of the following two variables are set then the "Up" button
#  of the navigation panel in the first node/page of a converted document
#  will point to $EXTERNAL_UP_LINK. $EXTERNAL_UP_TITLE should be set
#  to some text which describes this external link.
$EXTERNAL_UP_LINK = "../Readme.html";

# If this is set then the resulting HTML will look marginally better if viewed 
# with Netscape.

# Valid paper sizes are "letter", "legal", "a4","a3","a2" and "a0"
# Paper sizes has no effect other than in the time it takes to create inlined
# images and in whether large images can be created at all ie
#  - larger paper sizes *MAY* help with large image problems 
#  - smaller paper sizes are quicker to handle
$PAPERSIZE = "a4";

# Replace "english" with another language in order to tell LaTeX2HTML that you 
# want some generated section titles (eg "Table of Contents" or "References")
# to appear in a different language. Currently only "english" and "french"
# is supported but it is very easy to add your own. See the example in the
# file "latex2html.config" 
$TITLES_LANGUAGE = "english";

1;	# This must be the last non-comment line

# End File texi2html.init