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     <h1>fly: contributors and release notes</h1>
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    <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
    <li><a href="#contrib">Contributors.</a></li>
    <li><a href="#notes">Release notes.</a></li>
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<hr class="divider" />
<h2><a name="contrib">Contributors</a>
<p>Claus Hofmann &lt;; - see
   release notes for v0.95b.
<p>John Bowe &lt;; - better Makefile, argument parsing, quiet
   mode, comment lines, and other suggestions.
<p>Jean-Louis Damez &lt;; - Compilation of the
   Windows NT/95 version.
<p>Laurent Domisse &lt;; - Compilation of the
   RPC-SA version and hosting the European mirror.
<p>Tam Siu Lung &lt;; - see release notes for
<p>Jukka Manner &lt;; - Code improvements and
   bug fixes - see release notes for v1.5.0.
<p>Alex Ibrado &lt;; - Compilation of the BSDI version
   and hosting the US mirror.
<p>Eric Turenne &lt;; - Compilation of the Solaris
   2.5.1 version.
<p>Peter Fosseus &lt;; - Compilation of the SCO
<p>John Mitchell &lt;; - Bug fix for get_image routine.
<p>Henrik S. Christensen &lt;; - Bug fix for argument type to
   gdImageString and gdImageStringUp;
<p>Igor Bilyi &lt;; - Compilation of the OS/2 version.
<p>Ariel Faigon &lt;; - Makefile correction.
<p>Shoji Mori &lt;; - Fix for Win32 binmode problem.
<p>Geraint Edwards &lt;; - Compilation of the
   FreeBSD version.
<p>Anatoly A. Orehovsky &lt;; - Bug fix for garbage
   input file or empty input file.
<p>Daniel Alabaster &lt;; - Compilation of
   the OS/2 Warp version.
<p>roro (K. Akiyama) &lt;; - Japanese translation
    of the documentation and Japanese mirror site.
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<hr class="divider" />
<h2><a name="notes">Release notes</a>
<dt> Version: <b>2.0.0 25th November 2001</b></dt>
    <p>Fly now uses gd version 1.8.4, providing support for PNG and JPEG
       images. GIF support is still available if you use Philip Warner's
       <a href="">patched version of gd 1.8.4</a>.
       Please note: depending on where you live, this may infringe patents.
    <p>I will no longer be able to compile a large range of binaries for fly.
       I no longer have direct access to the range of platforms I once did
       and more importantly, I have two young children who (gladly) consume
       most of my spare time.
<dt> Version: <b>1.6.5 15th January 1999</b></dt>
    <p>Bug fix. Seg fault on garbage input file or empty input file.
       Thanks to Anatoly A. Orehovsky &lt;; for
       the report and code fix.
<dt> Version: <b>1.6.4 24th November 1998</b></dt>
    <p>Minor bug fixes. Removing warnings and fixing minor errors in some
       print statements. Thanks to Bernie Kirby &lt;;
       for reporting the warnings.
<dt> Version: <b>1.6.3 22nd October 1998</b></dt>
    <p>Minor additional feature: any pair of diametrically opposite vertices
       in any order will now be accepted for <tt>rect</tt> and <tt>frect</tt>.
<dt> Version: <b>1.6.2 25th September 1998</b></dt>
    <p>Minor bug fix - some return codes in case of fatal errors were 0
     when they should have been 1.<br /> Addition of code for win32 binmode
     problem. (thanks to Shoji Mori &lt;;)
<dt> Version: <b>1.6.1 9th June 1998</b></dt>
    <p>Minor bug fixes - get_image routine (thanks to John Mitchell
     &lt;;) and argument type to gdImageString and
     gdImageStringUp (thanks to Henrik S. Christensen &lt;;)
<dt> Version: <b>1.6.0 25th March 1998</b></dt>
     <p>New Commands:<br />
        <tt>ellipse</tt> - draw an ellipse, specifying origin, width and
                           height.<br />
        <tt>colourchange</tt> - change a colour in the GIF to another
                           colour.<br />
        <tt>rotate</tt> - rotate the GIF 90, 180 or 270 degrees.<br />
     <p>Change: Now uses GD version 1.3. This fixes the long-standing
        filled polygon bug. GD 1.3 also includes a change to the method
        of GIF encoding (from LZW to Run Length Encoding) to avoid copyright
        problems with the LZW algorithm. The effect of this is that images
        produced by fly will be larger than they used to be. GD 1.3 also
        includes a number of other changes that won't affect fly users.
<dt> Version: <b>1.5.4 3rd February 1998</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Bug fix: Wouldn't terminate if there was an 'end' directive at
        the very end of the input file (i.e. not followed by a 'new' or
        'existing' directive). Thanks to Harold Kloosterhof
        &lt;; and Chris (PGP key ID 0xC0DED00D) for
        reporting this bug.
     <p>Bug fix: The 'copy' and 'copyresized' bug fix of version 1.5.0
        had caused another bug - 'copy' was leaving a one-pixel-wide
        line along the left and bottom edges of the destination region.
     <p>Bug fix: Fly would hang if there was one space after a 'new'
        directive. Thanks to Mark Heath &lt;;
        for reporting this bug.
<dt> Version: <b>1.5.3 17th December 1997</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Bug fix: Problems with string commands on some platforms. Thanks to
        Rende Luitjes &lt;; for reporting this bug.
     <p>Minor code changes: move some #defines to beginning of lines, some
        pointer naming changes, moving code to make verbose output more
        meaningful for string directives. Thanks to Rende Luitjes
        &lt;; for suggesting the changes.
<dt> Version: <b>1.5.2 16th December 1997</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Bug fix: a line of code had gone MIA! Only affected the <tt>copy</tt>
        and <tt>copyresized</tt> functions.
<dt> Version: <b>1.5.1 15th December 1997</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Removed modification of opening stdout in binary mode as it
        didn't work on most operating systems.
<dt> Version: <b>1.5.0 9th December 1997</b></dt>
<dd> <p>New Feature:<br />
        With the <kbd>copy</kbd> and <kbd>copyresized</kbd> directives,
        you can now use the output of a command instead of a filename
        to import a GIF. For example:<br />
        <kbd>copy 10,20,-1,-1,-1,-1,`ppmtogif image.ppm`</kbd><br />
        This feature kindly provided by Ian Reid &lt;;
     <p>Modification: Open <tt>stdout</tt> in explicit binary mode when
        writing gif to stdout (for Windows NT/95 which stupidly defaults
        to ascii for stdout). Thanks to Andrew Rivett
     <p>Bug fix: when using copy and copyresized, area would be one pixel
        short on right and bottom sides if not using the -1,-1,-1,-1
        coordinates. Thanks to Tam Siu Lung &lt;;
        for reporting this bug.
     <p>Bug fix: was erroneously allowing filltoborder to be used with
        settile. Thanks to Jukka Manner &lt;;
        for reporting this bug.
<dt> Version: <b>1.4.2 26th June 1997</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Bug fix: error when using copyresized with -1,-1,-1,-1 coordinates.
<dt> Version: <b>1.4.1 29th January 1997</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Bug fix: fixed fatal error on Solaris when sending output to stdout.
<dt> Version: <b>1.4 23rd January 1997</b></dt>
<dd> <p>- Multiple GIFs from the one command file - use the new <b>end</b>
          command<br />
        - New commands: <b>getpixel</b> returns the colour index of a pixel;
                      <b>square</b> and <b>fsquare</b> draw a square or filled square;
                      <b>fcircle</b> draws a filled circle;<br />
        - Some extra examples in the file examples/
<dt> Version: <b>1.3.1 13th February 1996</b></dt>
<dd> <p>- verbose output now goes to stderr rather than stdout <strong>only
        </strong>when gif output goes to stdout.<br />
        Bug fix: <kbd>fly -h</kbd> wouldn't work due to uninitialised filehandle.
<dt> Version: <b>1.3 23rd January 1996</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Addition of comment lines and bug fixes, both contributed by John Bowe
        &lt;;:<br />
        - verbose output now goes to stderr rather than stdout.<br />
        - bad first line caused core dump.
<dt> Version: <b>1.2 22nd January 1996</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Addition of <kbd>circle</kbd> directive, and more examples (incl. CGI).
<dt> Version: <b>1.1.3 4th January 1996</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Bug fix: first <kbd>string</kbd> directive interpreted as
        <kbd>stringup</kbd> directive on some platforms.
<dt> Version: <b>1.1.2 2nd January 1996</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Various bug fixes for platform-specific peculiarities (BSDI, SunOS,
<dt> Version: <b>1.1.1 21st December 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Bugfix for quiet mode: <kbd>copy</kbd> and <kbd>copyresized</kbd>
        were talking when they shouldn't.
<dt> Version: <b>1.1 19th December 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p></p>
        <li>New command line options:<br />
               <kbd>fly [-h] [-q] [-i inputfile] [-o outputfile]</kbd><br />
               if inputfile and/or outputfile omitted, directives and output
               go to stdin and/or stdout.</li>
        <li>New directives: <kbd>stringup</kbd>, <kbd>setstyle</kbd>,
               <kbd>settile</kbd>, <kbd>fpoly</kbd>.</li>
        <li>Better argument parsing and quiet mode, thanks to John Bowe.</li>
<dt> Version: <b>1.0 24th November 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Release version, including support for 5 font sizes in
<dt> Version: <b>0.99b 20th November 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Better Makefile (thanks to John Bowe), takes into account if you
        already have gd installed.
<dt> Version: <b>0.98b 8th November 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Changed a calloc to a malloc due to BSDI problem.
<dt> Version: <b>0.97b 5th November 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Miscellaneous bug fixes.
<dt> Version: <b>0.96b 1st November 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Fixed major bug in polygon code.
<dt> Version: <b>0.95b 18th October 1995</b></dt>
<dd><p>Additions contributed by Claus Hofmann
      <li>addition of <kbd>transparent</kbd> directive.</li>
      <li>addition of code to check if colour already allocated before
          allocating it.</li>
      <li>addition of feature to copy whole image if all coords are -1</li>
<dt> Version: <b>0.94b 11th October 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>1. Added support for gdImageSX, gdImageSY. 
        2. Added support for gdSetBrush.
<dt> Version: <b>0.93b 10th October 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Added support for gdCopyResized, for copying and scaling. 
<dt> Version: <b>0.92b 6th October 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>1. Added support for gdImageString, to enable writing of strings, in
        small or large fonts, onto GIFs created by fly.<br />
        2. Changed write out command to support OS/2<br />
        Thanks to Andreas Rudolf &lt;;<br />
<dt> Version: <b>0.91b 16th August 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>Fixed problem reading from stdin<br />
     Thanks to Nick Kennedy &lt;;
<dt> Version: <b>0.9b 12 August 1995</b></dt>
<dd> <p>First public release.</p>

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   <p class="pagedetails"><tt>Created: 21 June 1995<br />
    Last modified: 24 November 2001<br />
    Copyright &#169; 1995-2001 <a href=""
    class="writtenurl">Martin Gleeson.</a></tt><br />
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