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                   FVWM Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated July 3, 2001 for official release 2.4.0.


0. *The* most frequently asked question :)

     0.1  A few minutes after fvwm is started my keyboard and mouse
          bindings stop working.  What can I do?

1. About Fvwm

     1.1  What does FVWM stand for?
     1.2  Where do I find the current versions of fvwm?
     1.3  Any WWW Sites about FVWM?
     1.4  Where do I ask questions about FVWM?
     1.5  What are the differences between FVWM 1.xx and 2.xx?
     1.6  What's the relative memory usage for the various window managers
          out there?
     1.7  Why the rename of the various files (fvwm2, .fvwm2rc,

     1.8  When will fvwm release X.Y.Z be ready?

2. Installation

     2.1  I want to use FVWM, but I don't have root access on my
          machine.  Can I still install and run it?
     2.2  I'm trying to use fvwm under CDE/COSE, but encountering
          difficulties.  Any suggestions?
     2.3  I'm trying to compile FVWM under SunOS using cc, but the compiler
          is having lots of problems.  What gives?
     2.4  I want colored icons, but they won't work.  Why not?
          When I run configure, it reports "no" to "Have XPM support?"  How
          can I get XPM support?
     2.5  I'm a sysadmin, and if I wanted to force fvwm to read a
          system rc file and then the user's rc file, how would I do
     2.6  I'm a sysadmin, and if I wanted fvwm to look for all of
          its rc files in a hidden directory, say ~/.fvwm, much like
          CDE does, how could I do that?
     2.7  How can I use FVWM with GNOME?

3. Features, Configuration, Functions & Commands

     3.1  I use FVWM on a RedHat Linux system and can't figure out how to
          change my FVWM configuration.  I've read the FVWM man page but when
          I edit my .fvwm2rc nothing seems to happen.  What's going on ?
     3.2  Is it possible to raise a window when I click into the
          window itself, not just the border?
     3.3  How do I get Alt-Tab behavior like another GUI?
     3.4  What's the difference between the Focus and FlipFocus commands?
     3.5  You can bind mouse movements to keystrokes, how about mouse
     3.6  I'd like to bind a key to paste/use the current selection,
          how can I do that?
     3.7  Will FVWM ever support a separate colormap for each desktop?
     3.8  I really like the horizontal bars that appear on the title bars of
          sticky windows.  Can I get those on other windows as well?
     3.9  How do I set the Sun keyboard key xxxx to an FVWM command?
          Or more generally, I'm having problems defining key
          bindings for FVWM - what can I do?
    3.10  My .fvwmrc from version 1.xx no longer works.  What do I do?
    3.11  What happened to the FVWM 1.xx 'include' command?
    3.12  How do I get window titles on sub windows of ...
    3.13  I just upgraded to version >= 2.3.2, and my configuration settings
	  disappeared!  How do I get them back?
    3.14  Some applications (e.g. Eterm) don't use the icon I defined for them.
    3.15  I don't like the gaps in my icon box when I de-iconify an
          application.  Is there some kind of auto arrange function?
    3.16  How do I set up a fvwm menu item that shuts down my Linux machine?
    3.17  Although the Recapture command is obsolete, do I still need it to
          apply certain style changes?
    3.18  When my specific window (or all windows) pops up, I want it to
          get focus/be moved/be resized/be closed/be shaded...  How?
    3.19  When my specific window (or all windows) is closed, I want to
          switch desks/wrap to my app X/popup a menu/start app X...  How?
    3.20  I have a multi head setup (multiple screens used under X).  How
          can I tell fvwm to use different configurations for the screens?

4. Modules

     4.1  I'm using FvwmButtons (or GoodStuff in 1.xx), and sometimes the
          buttons stay depressed, and other times they don't.  Why is that?
     4.2  When having FvwmButtons swallow an app, is it possible to
          have button presses assigned to actions as well?  For
          instance, I'd like to swallow xload and have a button press
          pop up an xterm, or swallow xbiff and have a button press
          bring up the list of messages.
     4.3  I'm seeing odd things when trying to preprocess files with
          the FvwmM4/Cpp module...
     4.4  I heard about this FvwmFileMgr module.  Where can I find it?
     4.5  I used to use GoodStuff in FVWM 1.xx, but it's not in the 2.xx
          distribution.  What do I use now?
     4.6  I want to have the sub panels in FvwmButtons not at their default
          position near the button but somewhere else on the screen.  Is this

5. Development, Known Problems & Bug Reports

     5.1  I'd really like to see neat feature XYZ in FVWM.
          Wouldn't that be cool?  I even have a patch.  When can it
          be added?
     5.2  How do I create/submit/apply patches?
     5.3  How do I submit a bug report?
     5.4  I have a window that is behaving unexpectedly under FVWM, but just
          fine under (whatever other window manager), or I have just some
          random bug.  What do I do?
     5.5  Why do NumLock, CapsLock and ScrollLock interfere with
          ClickToFocus and/or my mouse bindings?
     5.6  Menus with gradient backgrounds flicker or are very slow.
     5.7  Why won't the StartIconic style work with {Netscape, etc.}?
     5.8  How do I capture the output (e.g. errors) of fvwm?
     5.9  I try to run some program under FVWM, but it dies with an
          X11 error like BadAccess.  The same program works just fine
          under MWM or OLWM.  What's going on?
    5.10  Every time I update my install, my currently running fvwm
          session dies.  Why is that?
    5.11  After I restart fvwm certain windows or icons raise above
          all other windows and cannot be lowered by any means.  One
          example are the shortcuts of KFM (the KDE file manager).
          What can I do about that?
    5.12  The StartsOnPage style does not work for me.  Why?
    5.13  Some modules can not be started when I restart fvwm.
    5.14  I'm running Rational Rose and fvwm ignores its windows.
    5.15  Although I use the WindowListSkip style for my modules they
          still show up in FvwmIconMan, FvwmWinList etc.

6. Miscellaneous

     6.1  What exactly is the difference between a DESK, a PAGE, and
          the SCREEN?
     6.2  I'd really like {NeXT, Win95, etc} look and feel.  Are you
          going to support that?
     6.3  Where can I get more XPMs for icons?
     6.4  Linux XF86 virtual screen size & fvwm interaction...
     6.5  I know this question doesn't have to do with FVWM, but what
          happened to to rxvt and rclock which Rob Nation used to
          support?  Where can I find them now?
     6.6  How do I set the background with fvwm?
     6.7  When I use Fvwm --- isn't the right color.  Whats wrong?

7. Hints and Examples from the Developers

     7.1  An easy way to test new configurations.
     7.2  Using shell commands for configuration.
     7.3  How to start applications on a page or desk other than the
     7.4  How to start applications on a page or desk other than the
          current without moving the viewport to the new page or desk.
     7.5  A more efficient MWM menu style.
     7.6  Placing menus on the screen.
     7.7  Are you flipping pages by accident when moving the mouse
          close to the border of the screen?
     7.8  Lining up your windows and icons.
     7.9  Moving the mouse/focus/page with the keyboard.
    7.10  The cat safe desktop :-)
    7.11  Lowering and moving windows.
    7.12  Toggling windows on and off.
    7.13  How do I start applications by clicking on an icon.

                0 - The most frequently asked question

0.1  A few minutes after fvwm is started my keyboard and mouse
     bindings stop working.  What can I do?

A: Probably your NumLock, CapsLock or ScrollLock key is pressed.  See
   Q 5.5 for more details.

Trivia: In all my years as an fvwm developer this has been by far the
   most frequently asked question.  Whoever can solve this problem so
   that this question is never asked will me mentioned in big letters
   on the fvwm home page :-)

                            1 - About Fvwm

1.1  What does FVWM stand for?

A: "Fill_in_the_blank_with_whatever_f_word_you_like_at_the_time
   Virtual Window Manager".  Rob Nation (the original Author of FVWM)
   doesn't really remember what the F stood for originally, so we
   have several potential answers:

     Feeble, Fabulous, Famous, Fast, Foobar, Fantastic, Flexible,
     F!@#$%, Flashy, FVWM (the GNU recursive approach), Free, Final,
     Funky, Fred's (who the heck is Fred?), Freakin', Flawed,
     Father-of-all, Feivel (the mouse from "An American Tail"), etc.

   Just pick your Favorite (hey, there's another one!), which will of
   course change depending on your mood and whether or not you've run
   across any bugs recently.  I prefer Fabulous or Fantastic myself,
   although I often use F!@#$% or Freakin' while debugging...

   Recently 'Feline' is becoming popular.  Perhaps this has something
   to do with the discovery that four of the six core developers have
   cats (averaging 1.17 cats)?  Miaow.

   Know what? I found another one while stroking my cats: FOOD :-)

   Check this link:
   _+_A HREF=""_-_fvwm-cats_+_/A_-_


1.2  Where do I find the current versions of fvwm?

A: New main distribution site (official + beta code):


   Alternate sites:



   BTW, 1.24r was the last released version of the 1.xx series and the
   first official release of 2.xx is 2.2.  As of 2.2, an odd second
   digit denotes development releases and even numbers denote stable


1.3  Any WWW Sites about FVWM?

A: Yup.  The official site is:

   There are links on the official site to other related fvwm sites.


1.4  Where do I ask questions about FVWM?

A: If your local FVWM maintainer can't help you, then the newsgroup is a good place, but the fvwm mailing list is
   usually better.  The new FVWM discussion mailing list address is:


   And there is an announce mailing list as well:


   They are maintained by Jason Tibbitts, and are Majordomo based
   mailing lists.  To subscribe to the list, send "subscribe fvwm" in
   the body of a message to <list>  For example, to
   subscribe to the fvwm mailing list, send a request to

   To unsubscribe from a list, send "unsubscribe fvwm" in the body of a
   message to <list>  To report problems, send mail to

   Here's the list descriptions and instructions directly from Jason:



   This list is for discussion relating to the FVWM window manager,
   which is intended to have a small memory footprint and a rich
   feature set, be extremely customizable and extendable and have a
   high degree of Motif MWM compatibility.  All relevant discussion is
   encouraged.  Posting of binaries or irrelevant discussion is
   strongly frowned upon.  Posting of short patches (less than 200
   lines) is acceptable, but all patches should also be sent to the
   fvwm-workers list (see Q5.2, below) for inspection and possible
   inclusion in the distribution.


   To send a message to the list, mail to  For help on
   dealing with the mailing list software (for getting the archives or
   other files which may be made available) send the message "help" to  If you have problems with the mailing list
   itself and need to talk to a human, send mail to
   This address is for mailing list issues only; reports on the FVWM
   software will be sent to /dev/null.

   Archives of previous messages are available; to get them send the
   above mentioned help message and investigate the "index" and "get"
   commands or ftp them from


   This list is for announcements relating to the FVWM window manager,
   which is intended to have a small memory footprint and a rich
   feature set, be extremely customizable and extendable and have a
   high degree of Motif MWM compatibility.

   Replies to messages from this list are set by default to go the
   FVWM discussion list,

   The current FVWM distribution is available for ftp at


1.5  What are the differences between FVWM 1.xx and 2.xx?

A: A lot.  To name a few general ones:
        - Bug fixes.  1.xx is not worked on at all any more.
        - Better rc file format.  No longer order dependent.
        - More flexible and powerful.  For example, many previously
          global options now operate on a per window group level
        - More and better modules.
        - M4 preprocessing is no longer part of the fvwm exec, but
          rather has been moved to a module.  There is also a module
          to use cpp too.  See the FvwmM4 and FvwmCpp man pages.

   Be sure to check the NEWS file for new or changed features too.


1.6  What's the relative memory usage for the various window managers
     out there?

A: Here's a little table comparing some of them.  It was done on an
   AIX based IBM RS6000 model 355 using the same number of windows (3)
   and XSession to switch between the window managers, and I used
   'top' to show the values:

      SIZE   RES
      545K  652K fvwm2 (fvwm 2.0.35)
      457K  528K fvwm  (fvwm 1.24rb)
      856K  960K ctwm  (ctwm 3.2p1)
     1004K 1156K mwm   (mwm 1.2)
      543K  632K twm   (???)
      263K  328K aixwm (a simple ugly window manager included w/ aix)


1.7  Why the rename of the various files (fvwm2, .fvwm2rc,

A: Some people find this annoying, but let me say that I did that for
   several reasons:

        - so both 1.xx and 2.xx can be installed for use, in case some
          people at the same site would rather stay at 1.xx
        - the syntax of the rc files is pretty different and
          completely incompatible
        - when people ask questions, if they explicitly mention their
          .fvwm2rc file I know that they are running one of the 2.xx
          versions, since they rarely mention exactly what version
          they are running.


1.8  When will fvwm release X.Y.Z be ready?

A: This is always a difficult question to answer.  We work on fvwm on
   a volunteer basis.  Things get done when we have the time.

   Joining the fvwm-workers mailing list might prove instructive.

                           2 - Installation

2.1  I want to use FVWM, but I don't have root access on my machine.
     Can I still install and run it?

A: Very easily, using the '--prefix' flag at configure time.

   Suppose your home directory is /home/sam.  After unpacking the
   fvwm sources, do "./configure --prefix=/home/sam [other options as
   needed]'.  Now, after building ("make") and installing ("make
   install"), you will find the binaries in /home/sam/bin, the
   man pages in /home/sam/man, etc.  The modules will be in
   /home/sam/libexec, and fvwm2 binary will have this module path
   built in.


2.2  I'm trying to use fvwm under CDE/COSE, but encountering
     difficulties.  Any suggestions?

A: Sure - here's one from Graeme McCaffery:

     Finally I have found out how to run fvwm properly from CDE 8-))
     (thanks to Lars Sodergren).

     First set your home session in Dtwm.  That usually is an empty
     session, though you could have the CDE session manager remember
     what your desktop was like instead of FvwmSaveDesk etc..

     Then you have to set two resources in .Xdefaults:

       Dtsession*wmStartupCommand: /home/orion/spxgm/bin/Fvwm
       Dtsession*waitWmTimeout: 1

     In this case I run fvwm from a shell script so that library
     variables etc are set properly for everyone.  The waitWmTimeout
     tells the session manager how long to wait until it starts the
     window manager.  I've set it to 1 second.  By default it's 60 seconds.

     Finally you have to quit with

       /usr/dt/bin/dtaction ExitSession (or whatever your path is for dtaction)

     Now you can happily use CDE programs and fvwm.

     On the other hand, here is a link to a web page that describes how to
     add multiple window managers to the CDE login menu:

       _+_A HREF=""_-_CDE login Link_+_/A_-_


2.3  I'm trying to compile FVWM under SunOS using cc, but the compiler
     is having lots of problems.  What gives?

A: cc under SunOS is not an ANSI C compiler.  Try using acc or gcc


2.4  I want colored icons, but they won't work.  Why not?
     When I run configure, it reports "no" to "Have XPM support?"  How
     can I get XPM support?

A: FVWM uses the XPM (X PixMap) library to provide support for colored
   and shaped icons.  XPM doesn't ship with the basic X distribution as
   provided by The Open Group or XFree86.  However, many vendors will
   bundle it as a standard component anyway.  If not, you can get a copy
   of the source from and build it

   If you have XPM on your system, there are a number of ways configure
   could still decide not to use it.

   First, if you've installed XPM in a non-standard place (not in the
   normal system or X11 directories--say in /opt/xpm or /usr/local or
   similar) then you need to tell configure where to look.  Use the
   --with-xpm-library and --with-xpm-includes options (see
   INSTALL.fvwm).  Typically configure will say "Xpm library or header
   not found" if this is the problem.

   Second, your version of XPM may be too old.  FVWM requires XPM 3.4g
   or better.  Typically configure will say "Xpm library version is too
   old!" if this is the problem.  In that case, you'll need to install a
   newer version.

   Third, XPM may be mis-installed on your system.  If configure says "
   Xpm library version and header file version don't match!" then this
   may be the problem.  Either use the --with-xpm-library and
   --with-xpm-includes options to specify more precisely what you want,
   or try re-installing XPM.

   Last, there could be a linker error.  This is especially common on
   systems where XPM may be built as a shared library and installed in a
   non-standard directory (Solaris is a good example).  There are some
   notes about building using shared libraries in the INSTALL.fvwm

   If you can't figure it out, contact the FVWM mailing list.  Please be
   sure to provide the type of hardware and operating system you're
   using, how you invoked configure, and extract the lines dealing with
   XPM from the config.log file and include that.


2.5  I'm a sysadmin, and if I wanted to force fvwm to read a system rc
     file and then the user's rc file, how would I do that?

A: Well, you could probably do something like this:

        - have the first line of everyone's .fvwm2rc be 'Read
          global.fvwm2rc' and have global.fvwm2rc reside in your
          defined "datadir"/fvwm (from the ./configure step).


2.6  I'm a sysadmin, and if I wanted fvwm to look for all of its rc
     files in a hidden directory, say ~/.fvwm, much like CDE does, how
     could I do that?

A: FVWM now supports ~/.fvwm search directory by default.

   This could be probably done similarly to Q2.5 above.  The system rc
   file "sysconfdir"/system.fvwm2rc (or "datadir"/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc)
   could do something like:

        Read Init      quiet
        Read Decors    quiet
        Read Styles    quiet
        Read Functions quiet
        Read Menus     quiet
        Read Keys      quiet
        Read Modules   quiet

   or whatever breakdown you deemed appropriate, and you would have
   default versions of these in {"datadir"}/fvwm/ that it could find in
   case the user was missing one of them and you wanted to supply defaults.


2.7  How can I use FVWM with GNOME?

A: Since the latest fvwm versions are mostly GNOME compliant, you may
   simply run GNOME applications, like panel, gmc, gnome-terminal and
   all others on top of the pure FVWM.

   The included fvwm-menu-desktop script with a massive man page may
   help you build a list of gnome applications in fvwm menus.

   To ensure you will run FVWM and not gnome-session, create .Xclients
   file in your home directory and put a call to fvwm2 in it.
   The file ~/.xinitrc can be used for the similar purposes if you want
   to bypass any system-wide logic put by your distributor or sysadmin.

   An alternative solution is to run FVWM inside of /usr/bin/gnome-session.
   After you start gnome-session (don't start FVWM yourself), go to the
   foot menu in the GNOME panel, then choose

     System menus / Settings / Desktop / Window Manager

   and create an entry for FVWM.  FVWM supports session management.

   If you run gnome-session, SessionInitFunction and SessionRestartFunction
   are called instead of InitFunction and RestartFunction, see the man page.
   StartFunction, where we suggest to run modules, is called as usual.

   Here are examples of the GNOME Window Manager hints support in FVWM:

   o If you run gnome panel inside fvwm without GNOME support, you can't
     fully use GNOME pager applets (if at all); with such support you can
     see right pages/desks and move windows between them inside applets.
     You can also use Tasklist applet and manage your windows using it.

   o If you run gmc and bind GnomeButton (see the man page), you can pass
     root clicks to a gnome application (i.e. to gmc in this case).

          3 - Features, Configuration, Functions & Commands

3.1  I use FVWM on a RedHat Linux system and can't figure out how to
     change my FVWM configuration.  I've read the FVWM man page but when
     I edit my .fvwm2rc nothing seems to happen.  What's going on?

A: RedHat Linux installs the X server accompanied (by default) by a
   configuration management system.  In earlier releases it was called
   TheNextLevel and in more recent releases it's called AnotherLevel.
   For further information about TheNextLevel, consult RedHat's
   documentation in /usr/doc/TheNextLevel/.  For information about
   AnotherLevel, do a 'man AnotherLevel'.


3.2  Is it possible to raise a window when I click into the window
     itself, not just the border?

A: Any version later than 2.0.46 (i.e. 2.1.0 or later) has this
   feature.  In the 2.2.x series, use:

     GlobalOpts MouseFocusClickRaises

With the latter 2.3.x betas and after use:

     Style * MouseFocusClickRaises


3.3  How do I get Alt-Tab behavior like another GUI?

A: The built in command WindowList provides a very close approximation
   to the Alt-Tab feature found in another GUI.  It doesn't look the
   same but the following .fvwm2rc sample will provide a similar

      Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort

   Starting with release 2.3.2, the above key binding is built-in.

   Starting with release 2.3.15 you can hold the alt key down and
   keep hitting tab.  A single alt-tab selects the previous window.
   The remainder of this FAQ entry describes releases prior to 2.3.2.

   Hitting Alt-Tab will pop up the WindowList menu.  Unlike another GUI
   you should not keep the Alt key held down, the menu will stay up
   until you hit Return/Enter/Space or Escape.  You can change focus to
   a window on the menu by using the up and down arrow keys to move the
   menu selection and then hitting Return or Enter.  Hitting Escape will
   close the menu without doing anything.  The WindowList menu has hot
   keys assigned for the first 26 windows and you can use the hot key to
   go directly to the window.

   The menu invoked with the above line will show all windows in
   most recently focused order unless you have used the Focus
   command (see Q3.4).  It shows each windows name and geometry
   with some extra flags to indicate Sticky, OnTop and iconified

   A simpler style can be used with the following:

      Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c CurrentDesk NoGeometry

   This will just list the windows on the current desk (titles only).

   The other GUI has the feature of selecting the previous window if
   Alt-TAB is hit and released quickly.  This behavior cannot be exactly
   duplicated but similar functionality can be assigned to hitting
   Alt-TAB twice in quick succession (like a double click for keys):

      DestroyFunc my_dbltab2
      AddToFunc my_dbltab2 "I" WindowListFunc $w
      DestroyFunc my_dbltab
      AddToFunc my_dbltab "I" Prev (CurrentDesk) my_dbltab2
      Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c CurrentDesk NoGeometry my_dbltab

   There are a lot of options to the WindowList command to control which
   windows are listed in which order and it may not be possible to set
   conditions for the Prev command to reliably select the second item
   when double keying.  The WindowList command has no parallel for
   CurrentPage, Transient, Visible, Maximized, Raised, and pattern
   matching.  The Prev conditions have no parallel for OnTop, Alphabetic
   and desk sorting.  The WindowList menu respects the WindowListSkip
   style attribute whereas Prev respects the CirculateSkip and
   CirculateSkipIcon style attributes.


3.4  What's the difference between the Focus and FlipFocus commands?

A: Both of these commands change the keyboard focus to the target
   window.  They differ only in the way they affect the internally held
   list of windows.  This list is used by the Next, Prev and WindowList
   commands.  The list is normally sorted in most recently focused order
   with new windows being added to the end.  The FlipFocus command plucks
   the target window from the list and inserts it at the beginning, The
   Focus command rotates the list around until the target window is at
   the beginning.  The behavior of FlipFocus is also used when changing
   focus with the mouse and the automatic focus changing when using
   ClickToFocus style.

   If you never use the Focus command the list will remain in most
   recently focused order.  If you do use the Focus command the list will
   gradually get back to most recently focused order as you use

   The Focus command is very useful in conjunction with the Next and
   Prev commands.  e.g.

      Key KP_Add A M Next (AcceptsFocus CurrentDesk !Iconic) Focus
      Key KP_Subtract A M Prev (AcceptsFocus CurrentDesk !Iconic) Focus

   Or for fvwm versions earlier than 2.4.1:

      Key KP_Add A M Next [CurrentDesk !Iconic] Focus
      Key KP_Subtract A M Prev [CurrentDesk !Iconic] Focus

   These bindings allow you to circulate the focus around the windows on
   the current desk in both directions.  If Prev FlipFocus were used the
   focus would toggle between the top two windows on the window list.

   If you have several windows on a desk and you want to set the
   circulation order for the Next and Prev commands you should focus on
   the windows using the mouse or FlipFocus in the order you want.  Fvwm
   will learn the order and use it for the Next and Prev commands.  If
   you subsequently use the mouse to focus or FlipFocus the order will
   be lost.


3.5  You can bind mouse movements to keystrokes, how about mouse

A: Although fvwm has commands for binding movements to keystrokes,
   controlling the pointer with the keyboard should really be handled by
   the X server.  The following is an excerpt of the X FAQ on this topic:

      If you have the X Keyboard (XKB) Extension, you can enable mouse keys,
      which makes it possible to generate mouse motion and button events
      using the keyboard.  Events generated by MouseKeys are completely
      transparent -- they will work with any application that connects to a
      server that has the X Keyboard Extension, regardless of whether the
      application itself uses XKB.

      XKB is enabled by default in X11R6.1.

      First, set up the Num Lock key so that Shift+Num_Lock toggles mouse keys:

       xmodmap -e "keysym Num_Lock = Num_Lock Pointer_EnableKeys"

      (XFree86 3.1.2E is based on R6.1 and has the X Keyboard Extension;
      it also has a binding to Pointer_EnableKeys in its default keymap.
      You use Alt+Shift+Num_Lock to toggle MouseKeys on and off.  If you
      are using an earlier release of X or XFree86, you won't have XKB and
      the instructions will not work.  See for
      more information.)

      You might also have to turn off server num lock for this to work.
      Now press "Shift+Num_Lock" to enable MouseKeys.  When MouseKeys are on:

      o)   The keypad arrow keys move the pointer
      o)   The keypad '5' key behaves like the 'default' pointer button
      o)   The keypad '0' key locks the default pointer button (for easy
      o)   The keypad '.' key unlock the default pointer button (to release
           a drag)
      o)   The keypad '+' key double-clicks the default pointer button.
      o)   The keypad '/' key sets the 'default' button to Button1
      o)   The keypad '*' key sets the default button to Button2
      o)   The keypad '-' key sets the default button to Button3

      This is the default configuration, but the mechanism allows for nearly
      infinite configurability.

      [thanks to Erik Fortune (, 6/96]


3.6  I'd like to bind a key to paste/use the current selection, how can
     I do that?

A: You can't directly with fvwm, but there may be a solution that is
   more generally applicable - use the program 'xcb' available at or from your favorite mirror.  It
   could probably be used to get the desired effect or close to it.
   This is most useful for running programs and passing the selection to
   them (e.g. - invoke your favorite browser with the current selection as
   the URL).  To get a semi-generic paste facility to work, you'll
   probably need to use 'xse' (see Q3.5).  If anyone comes up with a
   good example of this, please send it to the fvwm mailing list for
   inclusion here.


3.7  Will FVWM ever support a separate colormap for each desktop?

A: Doubtful, although I'd like to see it too.  I believe that it'd be
   possible to change the default colormap whenever you switch desks,
   which would give programs started when that desk is active that
   colormap, how would you deal with windows being moved across desks?

   Plus fvwm itself needs certain colormap entries for all of its
   drawing (borders, menus, etc), so these colors would have to be
   pre-allocated in all of the colormaps, or something like that.

   While this all *might* be technically possible, I don't feel that
   it's really feasible right now (too much code bloat and
   complexity), especially since most color hog programs (i.e. Netscape)
   allow you to have them install private colormaps.

   I may explore this a little at some point in the future though.


3.8  I really like the horizontal bars that appear on the title bars of
     sticky windows.  Can I get those on other windows as well?

A: Yes.  For release 2.3.14 and after,
   put the line

     Style * StippledTitle

   in your .fvwm2rc.  For earlier releases use

     GlobalOpts StipledTitles

   (Yes the spelling was inconsistent.)


3.9  How do I set the Sun keyboard key xxxx to an FVWM command?  Or
     more generally, I'm having problems defining key bindings for FVWM
     - what can I do?

A: From Jon Mountjoy, one of FVWM's users:
     - Function keys on Sun Keyboard on Top Row are F1 - F8
     - Keys on the function keypad on the Left of the Sun Keyboard
       are F11 == Stop, F12 == Again, ..., F20 == Cut

     His Example:

     # Function keys on Sun Keyboard on Top Row
     Key F1     A     N       Exec me(netscape) &
     Key F2     A     N       Exec me(netscape -install) &
     Key F5     A     N       Exec makex(Adder)
     Key F6     A     N       Exec makex(Lambda)
     Key F7     A     N       Exec makex(Castor)
     Key F8     A     N       Exec xterm -T Local &

     # Keys on the function keypad on the Left of the Sun Keyboard:
     # F11 = Stop, F12 = Again, ..., F20 = Cut
     Key F11    AWF   N       Next (!iconic CurrentPage) Focus
     Key F12    AWF   N       Prev (!iconic CurrentPage) Focus
     Key F13    WF    N       Maximize     100 100
     Key F15    WF    N       RaiseLower ""
     Key F17    WIF   N       Iconify ""
     Key F18    WF    N       Stick ""
     Key F20    WIF   N       Delete ""
     Key Help   AWF   N       Iconify ""

   A more general solution is to use xev (usually distributed w/ X11)
   or xkeycaps (an X11 interface to xmodmap written by Jamie Zawinski,
   available from to find out what the keysym for whatever
   key you want REALLY is, and use that for binding fvwm commands.


3.10  My .fvwmrc from version 1.xx no longer works.  What do I do?

A: Start with a new one or convert your old one.  This can be done by
   hand or with a little help from the 'fvwmrc_convert' in the
   utils directory.

   And here is a list of rc file command changes compiled by Makoto
   'MAR_kun' MATSUSHITA <>.  It may or
   may not be 100% accurate or complete, especially as changes evolve,
   but it's a good start.

   Note that there have been some changes in 2.1.x and up that are
   not reflected in the conversion script yet.

   ** Fvwm-1.xx commands **                   ** Fvwm-2.0.x equivalent **

   AppsBackingStore                           (obsoleted)
   AutoRaise delay                            (obsoleted, use FvwmAuto)
   BackingStore                               (obsoleted)
   BoundaryWidth Width                        Style (BorderWidth width)
   ButtonStyle button# WidthxHeight           <-
   CenterOnCirculate                          (obsoleted)
   CirculateSkip windowname                   Style (CirculateSkip)
   CirculateSkipIcons                         Style (CirculateSkipIcon)
   ClickTime delay                            <-
   ClickToFocus                               Style (ClickToFocus)
   Cursor  cursor_num cursor_type             CursorStyle context cursornum
   DecorateTransients                         Style (DecorateTransient)
   DeskTopScale Scale                         (obsoleted, use FvwmPager)
   DeskTopSize HorizontalxVertical            <-
   DontMoveOff                                (obsoleted)
   EdgeResistance scrolling moving            <-
   EdgeScroll horizontal vertical             <-
   Font fontname                              MenuStyle (arg4)
   Function FunctionName                      AddToFunc (not compatible)
   HiBackColor colorname                      Style (HilightFore color)
   HiForeColor colorname                      Style (HilightFore color)
   Icon windowname bitmap-file                Style (Icon iconname-file)
   IconBox left top right bottom              Style (IconBox l t r b)
   IconFont fontname                          Style (IconFont fontname)
   IconPath path                              ImagePath path
   Key keyname Context Modifiers Function     <-
   Lenience                                   Style (Lenience)
   MenuBackColor colorname                    MenuStyle (arg2)
   MenuForeColor colorname                    MenuStyle (arg1)
   MenuStippleColor colorname                 MenuStyle (arg3)
   Module ModuleName                          <-
   ModulePath path                            <-
   Mouse Button Context Modifiers Function    <-
   MWMBorders                                 Style (MWMBorder)
   MWMButtons                                 Style (MWMButtons)
   MWMDecorHints                              Style (MWMDecor)
   MWMFunctionHints                           Style (MWMFunctions)
   MWMHintOverride                            Style (HintOverride)
   MWMMenus                                   MenuStyle (arg5)
   NoBorder windowname                        Style (NoBorder)
   NoBoundaryWidth Width                      Style (HandleWidth width)
   NoPPosition                                Style (NoPPosition)
   NoTitle windowname                         Style (NoTitle)
   OpaqueMove percentage                      OpaqueMoveSize percentage
   OpaqueResize                               (obsoleted)
   Pager  X_Location Y_Location               (obsoleted, use FvwmPager)
   PagerForeColor colorname                   (obsoleted, use FvwmPager)
   PagerBackColor colorname                   (obsoleted, use FvwmPager)
   PagerFont fontname                         (obsoleted, use FvwmPager)
   PagingDefault pagingdefaultvalue           (obsoleted)
   PixmapPath				      ImagePath path
   Popup PopupName                            AddToMenu (not compatible)
   RandomPlacement                            Style (RandomPlacement)
   SaveUnders                                 (obsoleted)
   SloppyFocus                                Style (SloppyFocus)
   SmartPlacement                             Style (SmartPlacement)
   StartsOnDesk windowname desk-number        Style (StartsOnDesk desk-number)
   StaysOnTop windowname                      Style (StaysOnTop)
   StdBackColor colorname                     Style (BackColor color)
   StdForeColor colorname                     Style (ForeColor color)
   StickyBackColor colorname                  (obsoleted)
   StickyForeColor colorname                  (obsoleted)
   Sticky windowname                          Style (Sticky)
   StickyIcons                                Style (StickyIcon)
   StubbornIcons                              (obsoleted)
   StubbornIconPlacement                      (obsoleted)
   StubbornPlacement                          (obsoleted)
   Style windowname options                   <-
   SuppressIcons                              Style (NoIcon)
   WindowFont fontname                        Style (Font fontname)
   WindowListSkip windowname                  Style (WindowListSkip)
   XORvalue number                            <-

   ** fvwm-1 built-in functions ***

   Beep                                       <-
   CirculateDown [ name window_name ]         Next (not compatible)
   CirculateUp [ name window_name ]           Prev (not compatible)
   Close                                      <-
   CursorMove horizonal vertical              <-
   Delete                                     <-
   Desk arg1 arg2                             <-
   Destroy                                    <-
   Exec name command                          <-
   Focus                                      <-
   Function                                   <-
   GotoPage  x y                              <-
   Iconify [ value ]                          <-
   Lower                                      <-
   Maximize [  horizontal vertical ]          <-
   Module name ModuleName                     Module ModuleName
   Move [ x y ]                               <-
   Nop                                        <-
   Popup                                      <-
   Quit                                       <-
   Raise                                      <-
   RaiseLower                                 <-
   Refresh                                    <-
   Resize [ x y ]                             <-
   Restart  name WindowManagerName            <-
   Stick                                      <-
   Scroll horizonal vertical                  <-
   Title                                      <-
   TogglePage                                 (obsoleted)
   Wait name                                  <-
   Warp [ name window_name ]                  Next or Prev (not compatible)
   WindowsDesk new_desk                       (obsoleted, use MoveToDesk)
   WindowList arg1 arg2                       <-

   *** New in fvwm-2 **

   Menu menu-name double-click-action
   Next (conditions) command
   None (arguments) command
   Prev (conditions) command
   Read filename
   (more functions are being added from time to time, so please check
    the man page and the NEWS file too).


3.11  What happened to the FVWM 1.xx 'include' command?

A: It was actually part of the M4 preprocessing.  You can use the 'Read'
   builtin to get the same effect, or use the FvwmM4 module.


3.12  How do I get window titles on sub windows of ... (e.g. Netscape)?

A: These windows are known as 'transient' windows because of their
   short lived nature.  To get the window decorations for transient
   windows you can use the Style command:

     Style * DecorateTransient

   or to switch it off:

     Style * NakedTransient


3.13  I just upgraded to version >= 2.3.2, and my configuration settings
      disappeared!  How do I get them back?

A: The directory for system-wide configuration files changed from
   ${sysconfdir} (/usr/local/etc, unless set otherwise at configure time)
   to a subdirectory, ${sysconfdir}/fvwm.  Move your config files by hand
   and restart FVWM.

   This change was made because FVWM now installs several files into this


3.14  Some applications (e.g. Eterm) don't use the icon I defined for them.

A: Eterm provides its own icon and fvwm does not know if it is a plain
   icon or if Eterm wants to draw into it (like xbiff does when you get
   new mail).  You can explicitly override the application provided
   icon with a style command:

     Style <application-name> IconOverride


3.15  I don't like the gaps in my icon box when I de-iconify an
      application.  Is there some kind of auto arrange function?

A: Assuming you are using the IconBox option of the Style command this
   can be done with a tricky fvwm function.  Put the DeiconifyAndRearrange
   function below in your configuration file:

     AddToFunc DeiconifyAndRearrange
      + C Iconify off
      + C All (CurrentPage Iconic) RecaptureWindow

   And then replace all places where you call the Iconify builtin
   function to de-iconify an icon with a call to the new function.  For
   example replace

     AddToFunc IconFunc
      + C Iconify off
      + M Raise
      + M Move
      + D Iconify off


     AddToFunc IconFunc
      + C DeiconifyAndRearrange
      + M Raise
      + M Move
      + D DeiconifyAndRearrange


     Mouse 1 I A Iconify off


     Mouse 1 I A DeiconifyAndRearrange


3.16  How do I set up a fvwm menu item that shuts down my Linux machine?

A: Write a little shell script to run the shutdown command.

   Install sudo on your system (see the man page, etc.)

   Set up the sudoers config file to allow you, your wife, etc.  to run
   that script with root permissions.

   Add a menu item to your FVWM root menu (or wherever) that invokes
   "sudo /my/script/name".


3.17  Although the Recapture command is obsolete, do I still need it to
      apply certain style changes?

A: Excerpt from the man page:

   There are many commands that affect look and feel of specific,
   some or all windows, like Style, Mouse, the FvwmTheme module and
   many others.  For performance reasons such changes are not applied
   immediately but only when fvwm is idle, i.e. no user interaction
   or module input is pending.  Specifically, new Style options that
   are set in a function are not applied until after the function has
   completed.  This can sometimes lead to unwanted effects.  To force
   that all pending changes are applied immediately, use the UpdateStyles,
   Refresh or RefreshWindow commands.


3.18  When my specific window (or all windows) pops up, I want it to
      get focus/be moved/be resized/be closed/be shaded...  How?

A: The following discusses a general solution, you should substitute
   application names used in examples as well as fvwm commands (Move,
   Iconify, Close) with the ones you need.  To get resource names of
   an application you want to catch, use FvwmIdent module.

   The first possible approach to achieve what you want is to have a
   separate function to start your application, like:

     DestroyFunc StartKedit
     AddToFunc   StartKedit
     + I Exec kedit
     + I Wait kedit
     + I Next (kedit) Resize 100p 200p

   This approach has 3 problems:
     1) You need to use StartKedit function to start your application,
        this will not work if you start it from the command line.
     2) If for some reason the application is not started, FVWM will
        wait for it in Wait, you will need to press Ctrl-Alt-Esc.
     3) If you have more than one kedit window, it is not guaranteed
        that the right one will be used.

   But this approach has one plus - it also enables any fvwm commands
   that you may want to issue before executing your command.  For example,
   to start kedit window iconic, but not affect its subwindows, you can use:

     DestroyFunc StartAppIconic
     AddToFunc   StartAppIconic
     + I Style $0 StartIconic
     + I Exec exec $0 $1
     + I Wait $0
     + I Style $0 StartNormal

     StartAppIconic kedit /tmp/my.txt

   The second approach is to use FvwmEvent, this solves the first two
   problems (in 2.2) or all three problems (in 2.3 and 2.4).

   The sample to use with fvwm 2.2.3+ versions (this resizes the newly
   created window "My Window", supposing you have only one such window):

     DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent*
     *FvwmEvent add_window SetGeometryForMyWindow

     DestroyFunc SetGeometryForMyWindow
     AddToFunc   SetGeometryForMyWindow
     + I Next ("My Window") Move +10p +10p
     + I Next ("My Window") Resize 100p 200p

     AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent

   The sample to use with fvwm 2.3.21+ versions (this moves a newly
   created window "My Window" only, and switches to all new windows):

     *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: Cmd
     *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: PassId
     *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: StartDelay 4
     *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: add_window FuncFocusWindow

     DestroyFunc FuncFocusWindow
     AddToFunc   FuncFocusWindow
     + I WindowId $0 ("My Window") Move 200p 100p
     + I WindowId $0 Focus
     + I WindowId $0 WarpToWindow

     AddToFunc StartFunction I FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-NewWindow


3.19  When my specific window (or all windows) is closed, I want to
      switch desks/wrap to my app X/popup a menu/start app X...  How?

A: Please read the answer to the previous question to understand better.

   Again, there are two approaches.  The first is good in one kind of
   situations, bad in others:

     DestroyFunc StartKedit
     AddToFunc   StartKedit
     + I Exec kedit; xmessage -name DummyWindow -g +10000+10000 "dummy"
     + I Wait DummyWindow
     + I Exec xmessage -timeout 10 "Sorry, you can't close kedit"
     + I StartKedit

   The second approach is to use FvwmEvent:

     *FvwmEvent-OldWindow: Cmd
     *FvwmEvent-OldWindow: PassId
     *FvwmEvent-OldWindow: destroy_window FuncPopupMyMenu

     DestroyFunc FuncPopupMyMenu
     AddToFunc   FuncPopupMyMenu
     # go to the desk 0 when any window is closed
     + I GotoDesk 0
     # popup my menu when "panel" is closed
     + I WindowId $0 ("panel") Popup MenuFvwmRoot

     AddToFunc StartFunction I FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-OldWindow


3.20  I have a multi head setup (multiple screens used under X).  How
      can I tell fvwm to use different configurations for the screens?

A: FVWM spawns itself into all found screens unless -s command line
   parameter is specified, as explained in the man page.  All spawned
   fvwm2 processes by default use the same configuration on each screen.
   There are several ways to change the default behavior.

   Write your configuration file as you would if you had only one
   screen.  Then move the screen specific lines into separate
   configuration files and call them for example .fvwm2rc.<screen>
   where <screen> is the screen number.  Usually this will be 0 for
   the main screen and 1 for the secondary screen.  Place the screen
   specific files in the $HOME/.fvwm directory or whatever you set
   $FVWM_USERDIR to.  Now add this line to your .fvwm2rc:

     Read .fvwm2rc.$[screen]

   The $[screen] will be replaced with the number of the screen each
   instance of fvwm is started on.

   Another method, which should work for older fvwm versions as well,
   is to specify a separate file for each screen explicitly.  For this,
   start a separate fvwm for each screen in your .xinitrc (or .Xclients):

     fvwm2 -s -d :0.0 -f .fvwm2rc-0 &
     fvwm2 -s -d :0.1 -f .fvwm2rc-1 &
     fvwm2 -s -d :0.2 -f .fvwm2rc-2

   Note that only the last command is without a trailing ampersand.
   If you wish, .fvwm2rc-* files may all include line "Read .fvwm2rc-common".

                             4 - Modules

4.1  I'm using FvwmButtons (or GoodStuff in 1.xx), and sometimes the
     buttons stay depressed, and other times they don't.  Why is that?

A: From the FvwmButtons man page:

       If command is an fvwm Exec command, then the button
       will remain pushed in until a window whose name or
       class matches the quoted portion of the command is
       encountered.  This is intended to provide visual
       feedback to the user that the action he has requested
       will be performed.  If the quoted portion contains no
       characters, then the button will pop out immediately.
       Note that users can continue pressing the button, and
       re-executing the command, even when it looks "pressed


4.2  When having FvwmButtons swallow an app, is it possible to have
     button presses assigned to actions as well?  For instance, I'd
     like to swallow xload and have a button press pop up an xterm, or
     swallow xbiff and have a button press bring up the list of

A: You can do this, but it's not obvious how.  The button presses
   normally get passed through to the swallowed application, but if
   you put a title on the button, you can assign actions to that.
   Here's an example that someone sent to the mailing list once:

   *FvwmButtons(1x4,       \
     Title           'System Info', \
     Swallow         "xload" 'Exec xload', \
     Action(Mouse 1) 'Exec xosview -cua0 -net 200 -ul -l -geometry 325x325', \
     Action(Mouse 2) 'Exec xcpustate -interval 1 -bg "#a4978e" -fg black', \
     Action(Mouse 3) 'Exec rxvt -fg "khaki" -bg "dark olive green" \
                           -fat -n top -T Top -7 -e top' )

   And you could come up with something similar for xbiff (untested):

   *FvwmButtons(1x2, \
     Title 'Check Mail' Swallow "xbiff" 'Exec xbiff', \
     Action(Mouse 1) 'Exec from | xmessage -file -' )

   plus you could bind another button (say Mouse 3) to run your
   mail program.

   Sometime in the future I'll probably try and fix it so that you can
   actually assign a button press over the application itself...


4.3  I'm seeing odd things when trying to preprocess files with the
     FvwmM4/Cpp module...

(A: This is partly fixed in version 2.2, and virtually fixed in 2.4)

A: Yup, I imagine that you might be.  Things like the InitFunction not
   being called or windows that were running before FVWM started not
   getting their Borders & Style options set, etc.

   The reason for all this is because of the fact that FvwmM4 is a
   module.  Fvwm won't be looking at the commands coming back from
   the module until after it hits the main loop of the code, AFTER the
   startup is all done and it has already tried to execute the

   There are two possible solutions:

        - Start all your applications inside an InitFunction, or
        - Put a Recapture in the end of your .fvwm2rc

   Version 2.2 has a partial fix that makes FvwmCpp/FvwmM4 work if it is
   the only -cmd or -f command line argument specified.

     fvwm -cmd "FvwmCpp .fvwmrc.cpp"

   will work but the following is unreliable

     fvwm -f /usr/local/X11/etc/system.fvwm2rc -cmd "FvwmCpp .fvwmrc.cpp"

   Version 2.4 has a more compete fix that makes the above line work
   reliably: any module started by command line arguments is assumed to be
   a module that sends back config commands.  All command line modules
   have to quit before fvwm will proceed on to the InitFunction and
   setting border decorations and styles.  There is a potential deadlock
   if you start a module other than FvwmCpp/FvwmM4 but there is a timeout
   so fvwm will eventually get going.


4.4  I heard about this FvwmFileMgr module.  Where can I find it?

A: The FvwmFileMgr module disappeared because a file manager doesn't
   need to be integrated with a window manager and something like xfm
   does a much better job.  I recommend you pick that up instead (from or your favorite mirror).


4.5  I used to use GoodStuff in FVWM 1.xx, but it's not in the 2.xx
     distribution.  What do I use now?

A: GoodStuff was renamed to FvwmButtons.  Same module, new name (that
   fits in with the other modules naming convention).


4.6  I want to have the sub panels in FvwmButtons not at their default
     position near the button but somewhere else on the screen.  Is this

A: Yes, but not with the current implementation of the panels.  Please
   read question 7.12 for instructions.

            5 - Development, Known Problems & Bug Reports

5.1  I'd really like to see neat feature XYZ in FVWM.  Wouldn't
     that be cool?  I even have a patch.  When can it be added?

A: If you plan to write a patch, *please*, first of all fetch the
   latest development release from our web site or better yet use CVS
   as described in  It is also a good
   idea to contact the fvwm-workers list.  At times, patches for
   older releases may prove completely worthless, e.g. because the
   fix has already been integrated, a feature already added or
   removed or simply because the code is very different to the code
   you patches.  You will do yourself and us a great favour.
   Otherwise all your hard work may be wasted.

   People are always requesting or suggesting new features (many of
   which are great ideas and where a lot of the current features came
   from).  One of the more common ones for example is Windows 95 look
   and feel (although since this was first written, that particular
   feature has actually been indirectly implemented via several
   appearance-affecting features).

   I'd like to make a statement about this.  FVWM is supposed to be
   small, fast, powerful, and flexible, and sometimes tradeoffs have
   to be made here.  The module interface helps here, as a lot of
   features that not everyone wants or needs don't have to be in the
   main module consuming resources for those people that don't want or
   need them.

   So if you have a suggestion (or a patch), please think of a way to
   make it as small and generic as possible if you feel it belongs in
   the main module.  Please have a look at the enhancements that are
   listed in our bug tracking system (see Q5.3).

   If you plan to make a patch, please contact the fvwm-workers mailing
   list first.  From time to time we are changing the code in a very
   disruptive way and if you create a patch to a version before such
   changes were made we will all have a hard time to integrate the
   patch.  Most of the time we will ask you to update the patch for the
   current code anyway.

   Bear in mind that we make no guarantees that we'll add any requested
   feature or apply any submitted patches to the official version, but
   please don't let this dissuade you from submitting them.  We like to
   get new ideas and we're always curious to see how someone would
   implement a given feature, even if we never plan to put it in fvwm.
   Also, we may choose to re-implement any patches submitted, which may
   change the syntax, functionality, etc.  Please don't take offense
   from that, as we mean no offense and we generally have a good reason
   (at least by our way of thinking) for our actions...


5.2  How do I create/submit/apply patches?

A: First of all, please read the first section of the answer to Q5.1!

   Creating a patch against CVS sources (preferrable) -

        1) Execute "cvs update -AdP" to ensure there are no conflicts
           with the most recent sources.
        2) Don't forget to update the ChangeLog file (see below) and
           all manual pages if needed.
        3) In the base cvs directory run: cvs diff -u >myfeature.patch

   Creating a patch against released sources -

        1) Copy the original file(s) to the same name with the
           additional extension of .orig (or something like that).
        2) Update the ChangeLog file.  If you use (x)emacs, move the
           cursor into the function you changed and hit <ctrl>-x 4 a.
           This will generate an empty ChangeLog entry in the right
           file (there are several ChangeLogs).  Add a description of
           what you did.  Do this each time you change a function or
           file (for changes outside of functions).  You should update
           the AUTHORS and NEWS files too if appropriate.
           Please take the time to add the ChangeLog entries, it makes
           our work a lot easier.
        3) Run diff with either the -c (context) or -u (unified)
           switch on the sets of files, with the .orig file FIRST.  I
           prefer unified diff's because they are smaller, but
           sometimes they aren't as readable (and some diff versions
           don't support unified diffs), so either context or unified
           diffs are fine (but please, no "plain" diffs).

        ex: cp fvwm.c fvwm.c.orig ; <edit> ; diff -u fvwm.c.orig fvwm.c

   Submitting a patch -

        Mail it to the fvwm-workers mailing list <>.

	If your patch is large you should compress it (preferably
        with gzip).  Should it still be larger than 25k you might want
        to to place it on a web page and email the URL to the mailing
        list or ask on the fvwm-workers list first.

	Be sure to read the answer to Q5.1.

	Don't forget the ChangeLog and the documentation.

   Applying a patch -

        Get a copy of the program 'patch' from your favorite source,
        such as, compile it, and then
        follow its directions (generally just cd into the appropriate
        directory and run 'patch < patchfile').


5.3  How do I submit a bug report?

A: Please do not report any 'bugs' related to XMMS in the fvwm bug
   tracking system or the fvwm mailing lists but send them to the XMMS
   developers instead.

   Please enter a DETAILED description of your problem in our web-based
   bug-tracking system.  You can find a link on our web page (see Q1.3).
   By detailed we mean more than just "my window isn't behaving right" or
   "I found a bug":

        - First of all: use our bug tracking system! You will find
          a link to it on our main web page (see Q1.3).  If for some
          reason the bug tracking system doesn't work for you, please
          use the shell script that comes with fvwm.
        - Describe the problem as best you can, preferably with
          suggestions on how to reproduce it easily
        - If applicable, include information from:
                xwininfo (preferably w/ the -all option)
                xdpyinfo (maybe)
        - What exact version of FVWM you are running.
        - What OS & version you are running under
        - What version of X11 are you running under, and is it an MIT
          server or a vendor specific server (e.g. the OpenWindow X
          server under SunOS)
        - How was FVWM compiled (compiler & version, options, etc)
        - What settings do you have in your .fvwm2rc that may be


5.4  I have a window that is behaving unexpectedly under FVWM, but just
     fine under (whatever other window manager), or I have just some
     random bug.  What do I do?

A: First, check your rc file and your .Xdefaults to make sure that
   something blatantly obvious in there isn't causing the problem.
   Second, *PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE* check the FAQ, BUGS, TODO, and man
   pages.  Finally, check the official WWW page and the mailing list
   archives (which have a search facility) stored there.

   If you still can't figure it out, report your problem to our bug
   tracking system (see Q5.3).


5.5  Why do NumLock, CapsLock and ScrollLock interfere with
     ClickToFocus and/or my mouse bindings?

A: Because they are treated as modifiers.  You can use the
   IgnoreModifiers command to turn individual modifiers off for
   bindings.  With XFree86 the right command is

     IgnoreModifiers L25

   If you changed your modifiers manually or are using a different
   X server use the 'xmodmap' command to find out which modifiers
   correspond to the keys you want to switch off.

   This command creates a lot of extra network traffic, depending
   on your CPU, network connection, the number of Key Mouse commands
   in your configuration file and the number of modifiers you want to
   ignore.  If you do not have a lightning fast machine or very few
   bindings you should not ignore more than two modifiers.  So do
   not ignore scroll-lock if you have no problem with it.

   A better way to solve this problem is to modify the keyboard
   mapping of your X server.  The commands

     xmodmap -e "clear Lock"
     xmodmap -e "clear Mod2"
     xmodmap -e "clear Mod5"

   remove the CapsLock, NumLock and ScrollLock from the keyboard map.
   Pressing these keys has no effect then.  To re-add them try this:

     xmodmap -e "add Lock = Caps_Lock"
     xmodmap -e "add Mod2 = Num_Lock"
     xmodmap -e "add Mod5 = Scroll_Lock"

   Fvwm has to be restarted to use the changes made by xmodmap.
   Please refer to the man page of the xmodmap command for further


5.6  Menus with gradient backgrounds flicker or are very slow.

A: The flickering is caused by fvwm constantly redrawing the menus
   when a sub menu pops up or down.  One way to help this is to use
   a X server with backing storage (XFree86 has backing storage
   support, I don't know about other servers but I guess that any
   decent X server has it).  If your Xserver is started with the
   -bs option, remove it.  If not try the -wm option, for example:

     startx -- -wm

   You may have to adapt this example to your system (e.g. if you
   use xinit to start X).

   If that doesn't help, either because your X server does not have
   backing storage or because system resources are limited, make
   sure sub menus do not overlap the parent menu:

     MenuStyle <stylename> PopupOffset 1 100

   Unfortunately this does not work properly with the fvwm
   menu style.

   For the speed problem both suggestions above might help too.
   Another thing to try is to turn hilighting of the active menu
   item other than by foreground color off.  Put these lines in your
   .fvwm2rc after the menu styles have been defined:

     MenuStyle <stylename> Hilight3DOff, HilightBackOff
     MenuStyle <Stylename> ActiveFore <preferred color>


5.7  Why won't the StartIconic style work with {Netscape, etc.}?

A: The application won't allow it.  This has only been observed with
   Netscape.  When Netscape starts up, FVWM starts the main window in
   the iconic state.  Netscape immediately issues another MapRequest,
   to which the window manager must respond by de-iconifying the
   window, according to the ICCCM rules.  (Netscape can be persuaded to
   start iconic, however, by invoking it with the -iconic command line


5.8  How do I capture the output (e.g. errors) of fvwm?

A: Errors are reported to the standard error file.  You can redirect
   standard error to a file when fvwm is started: "fvwm2 2>
   fvwm-errors".  X sessions started by xdm often redirect errors to a
   file named ".xsession-errors".

   Alternatively, FvwmConsole or "FvwmForm FvwmForm-Talk" modules
   will display error messages.


5.9  I try to run some program under FVWM, but it dies with an X11
     error like BadAccess.  The same program works just fine under MWM
     or OLWM.  What's going on?

A: The error message usually looks something like this:

        X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private
        resource denied)
         Major opcode of failed request:  28 (X_GrabButton)
         Serial number of failed request:  1595
         Current serial number in output stream:  1596

   Well, this is telling you that there is a conflict in key/button
   assignments.  In your .fvwm2rc you have bound some key/button that
   this program really wants to bind to an action, but it can't since
   FVWM has already done so (but you weren't doing it in the rc file
   for your previous window manager).  Figure out what the offending
   key binding is and remove it from your .fvwm2rc, or temporarily via
   "FvwmForm FvwmForm-Talk" by removing the FVWM binding (see the man
   page for the Key & Mouse commands).


5.10  Every time I update my install, my currently running fvwm session
      dies.  Why is that?

A: Many OSes swap the program from memory via the image on the disk,
   and if you overwrite it, and then the current one tries to swap
   something back into memory before you restart, it'll core dump.  To
   avoid this, rename your old executables or move them to some other
   directory.  The 'mv' command preserves the inode so it won't
   core dump, but then when you restart fvwm it'll pick up the new


5.11  After I restart fvwm certain windows or icons raise above
      all other windows and cannot be lowered by any means.  One
      example are the shortcuts of KFM (the KDE file manager).
      What can I do about that?

A: Some applications use so called 'override redirect' windows that
   are not (and cannot be) managed by the window manager.  By
   convention as defined in the ICCCM, such windows must only be
   displayed for a very short time.  KFM and possibly other
   applications ignore this convention and use permanent 'override
   redirect' windows, e.g. the KFM shortcuts.  Fvwm can not easily
   detect these windows when it restarts and places the windows
   managed by fvwm below them.

   However, since fvwm version 2.3.8 there is a command that will
   help you, although it might cause trouble with other applications
   using 'override redirect' windows.  We can't make any promises
   since KFM is violating the conventions and the applications may
   violate them in different ways.

   Now the command.  Put this anywhere in your .fvwm2rc file:

     BugOpts RaiseOverUnmanaged on


5.12  The StartsOnPage style does not work for me.  Why?

A: Many applications request a specific position where they want to
   appear (the so called 'program specified position').  Unless fvwm
   is told explicitly to ignore this, the program specified position
   overrides the StartsOnPage style.  Use this line in your
   configuration file:

     Style * NoPPosition


5.13  Some modules can not be started when I restart fvwm.

A: You may see the following error message on the console:

     [FVWM][PositiveWrite]: <<ERROR>> Failed to read descriptor:
     - data available=N
     - terminate signal=N

   It means that fvwm has given up waiting for one of its modules to
   reply, and so has killed it.  The length of the timeout is a
   configuration parameter - try adding

     ModuleTimeout 10

   to your .fvwm2rc file.  The units are in seconds and the default
   value is 5.

   This problem will only occur on slow machines or high system load
   (many open windows).


5.14  I'm running Rational Rose and fvwm ignores its windows.

A: This problem might occur on other applications besides the one

   The symptoms as reported by Raymond Toy are:

     I've been using FVWM for ages and it's always worked for me just
     fine.  However, I've started using Rational Rose for Solaris.  FVWM
     seems to get completely confused.

     o FVWM doesn't draw any frames around the Rose window like it does for
       all other windows (except for those I explicit said not to).

     o The Rose window is always on top.  Nothing I do can bring another
       window above the Rose window.

     o Using FVWM's identify window module shows nothing.  No identify
       window pops up showing the window info.

     o Focus sometimes seems to be lost.  (I have focus follows mouse).  I
       have to move the mouse out of the window and back in to get focus.
       Sometimes I also have to click in the window to get focus.

     The annoying thing is that this all seems to work with CDE and dtwm.
     I don't want to have to switch to dtwm so any hints or pointers on
     where to look to get FVWM to understand this window would help me a

   Heres what we found out:

   Rational Rose uses software from Mainsoft that lets MS Windows
   applications be recompiled to run on UNIX.

   There are 2 Mainsoft Knowledgebase pages that relate to UNIX
   window managers:

   _+_A HREF=""
   _+_A HREF=""

   These pages suggest that you export MWWM=allwm or MWWM=MWM before
   starting the application.

   Raymond reports:

     This works just fine!   Setting MWWM=allwm, Rose  comes
     up like a normal X app where  the WM draws the borders.
     With MWWM=MWM, it works ok too except that for the main
     window,  no borders are drawn  by the WM and Rose draws
     it's own  borders (I  have  fvwm respecting   MWM decor
     hints).  (This   is     correct  as mentioned by    the
     Knowledgebase pages above.)   I don't  recall what Rose
     looks like with dtwm, but I suspect it's quite close to
     all MWWM=MWM.

   Next we had Klaus Zeitler report that the Rational Rose official
   startup script is explictly setting ALLWM to nothing.  This makes
   it more difficult for an individual user to set this variable.
   If you can, you can just modify the script, otherwise, your other
   alternative is to copy the script somewhere where you can modify it
   and run it from there.


5.15  Although I use the WIndowListSkip style for my modules they
      still show up in FvwmIconMan, FvwmWinList etc.

A: Make sure you have

     *FvwmIconMan*UseWinList true

   in you .fvwm2rc file.  If that does not help, the modules you are
   using may not match the fvwm executable.  Recompile and reinstall
   everything and the problem should go away.

                          6 - Miscellaneous

6.1  What exactly is the difference between a DESK, a PAGE, and the

A: Our naming convention is sometimes a source of confusion, and when
   discussing problems and the like it's good to maintain a consistent
   meaning.  To illustrate how features of fvwm should be referred to
   - fvwm has multiple disjoint DESKTOPS, each of which is comprised
   of M by N PAGES, which are each the size of the physical SCREEN.
   The physical SCREEN acts as a viewport over one of the PAGES of the
   current DESK.  Here's a picture to clarify (also, take a look at
   the FvwmPager module):

             Desk 0                     Desk 1
     +----------+----------+    +----------+----------+
     |          |          |    |          |          |
     | Page 0 0 | Page 1 0 |    |          |          |
     |          |          |    |          |          |
     |          |          |    |          |          |
     +----------+----------+    +----------+----------+
     |+--------+|          |    |          |          |
     ||Page 0 1|| Page 1 1 |    |          |          |
     ||        ||          |    |          |          |
     |+--------+|          |    |          |          |
     +----------+----------+    +----------+----------+

   It shows two 2 x 2 DESKTOPS.  If the current DESK were number 0,
   and the current PAGE were 0 1, the SCREEN would show only the
   windows located there, plus any sticky ones.

   Desktops are numbered consecutively, beginning with 0.  The user is
   not responsible for creating new desktops, those details are
   handled inside fvwm.  To display the different desktops, the user
   can configure key bindings that determine which desktop is
   displayed.  For example, to have the combinations Meta-1 to Meta-4
   display desktop numbers 0 to 3, one would add this to .fvwm2rc:

     Key 1 A M GotoDesk 0
     Key 2 A M GotoDesk 1
     Key 3 A M GotoDesk 2
     Key 4 A M GotoDesk 3

   The same can be done for pages.  For example, if each desktop has
   a size of 2 by to pages you could bind Meta-F1 to Meta-F4 to
   flip pages:

     DeskTopSize 2x2
     Key F1 A M GotoPage 0 0
     Key F2 A M GotoPage 1 0
     Key F3 A M GotoPage 0 1
     Key F4 A M GotoPage 1 1

   It is also a good idea to create a pager that displays several
   desktops, side by side.  This command displays the first 4 desktops:

     Module FvwmPager 0 3

   Or if you prefer to see only the current desktop in the pager:

     Module FvwmPager * *


6.2  I'd really like {OpenWindows, NeXT, Win95, Mac, etc} look and
     feel.  Are you going to support that?

A: This is not our primary mission, but we think fvwm does a pretty
   good job of producing these appearances.

   You may want to take a look at the
   _+_A HREF=""_-_fvwm-themes_+_/A_-_


6.3  Where can I get more XPMs for icons?

A: If you want more color icons, grab the ones out of the ctwm
   distribution (also at which has a lot of nice ones.  You
   can also find more in other distributions at, and at (which has a lot, I

   Icons used to be distributed along with fvwm.  Now there is a basic
   set of icons available at the fvwm web site.  You might find some
   links at the fvwm web site to other sources of icons.

   You may want to take a look at the
   _+_A HREF=""_-_wm-icons_+_/A_-_


6.4  Linux XF86 virtual screen size & fvwm interaction...

A: Turn off the Linux Virtual Screen stuff in your XF86Config file if
   you don't like it.  The XFree86 virtual screen feature and hardware
   panning support in certain video cards is a pretty useless kludge when
   you're using a window manager that implements virtual desktops.


6.5  I know this question doesn't have to do with FVWM, but what
     happened to to rxvt and rclock which Rob Nation used to support?
     Where can I find them now?

A: The official home for rxvt is:

   and rclock can be found in that rxvt distribution as well.


6.6  How do I set the background with fvwm?

A: Setting the background image is not really part of the window
   manager.  If you are using one of the Linux distributions,
   most likely, some part of the distribution is setting the background
   for you.

   There is a program that comes with fvwm (xpmroot) which you can use
   to set the background to a pixmap.  Other programs like "xv", "xli",
   "xloadimage", and "display" are more robust, they can put most common
   image types on the root display.

   If you just want a static image on your background, you might invoke
   one of these programs from your .xsession or .xinitrc file.  You can
   also invoke one of these programs from the InitFunction in your

   The fvwm module FvwmBacker can be used to change the background
   depending on the desk you are currently on.


6.7  When I use Fvwm --- isn't the right color.  Whats wrong?

A: Under this heading we've had questions about FvwmForm being all
   white, icons not displaying and messages about being unable to
   allocate colors.

   Older hardware uses something called 8 bit color.  You can also
   misconfigure newer hardware so that its only using 8 bit color.
   When you use 8 bit color, your display can only have 256 colors on
   it at once.

   This is explained in excruciating detail in the
   _+_A HREF=""_-_Frame Buffer FAQ_+_/A_-_

   If your display can support more than 256 colors, that's the way to
   go.  Look up the documentation for your X server.  You may want to
   start with "man X".

   If you are stuck with 8 bit color, fvwm can help.  In the 2.2.x
   releases, you can use the "ColorLimit" command to reduce the number
   of colors Fvwm uses in icons.  In the 2.3.x releases and later,
   ColorLimiting is automatic, but you still might want to use this
   command to further reduce color use.

   Other things you may want to do:

   - Always run Netscape with the "-install" argument.

   - If you use an image on your screen background, reduce the number
     of colors it uses.  For xv add the "-nc nn" argument.  For
     xli use the "-colors nn" argument.

   - Don't use color gradients.

   - Some applications are color hungry.  Beware of anything TK based,
     and FrameMaker in its default setting.

   If you still have problems after this, try the fvwm mailing list.

              7 - Hints and Examples from the Developers

7.1  An easy way to test new configurations.

   Did you know that you do not need to restart X or fvwm to see what
   most configuration commands do? There are several modules
   that allow you to issue fvwm commands at any time.  Among
   these are FvwmCommand, "FvwmForm FvwmForm-Talk" and FvwmConsole.
   Personally I use FvwmCommand and FvwmConsole.

   When you run FvwmConsole you get a shell like window where you can
   type configuration commands that are sent to fvwm.  Just add an
   entry to some menu that starts it:

     AddToMenu main_menu
      + "FvwmConsole" Module FvwmConsole

   Using FvwmCommand is a bit more tricky.  To use it you need to start
   a server in your .fvwm2rc by adding this line:

     Module FvwmCommandS

   Make sure FvwmCommand is in your search path.  Now you can enter
   commands on the command line of your favorite shell:

     FvwmCommand "MenuStyle * Font 6x9"

   Note that you have to quote the command.  The advantage of
   FvwmCommand over FvwmConsole is that you can use your shell with
   all its features to run commands (command completion and history
   for example).  The disadvantage is that it is a bit slow since a new
   FvwmCommand has to be started for each command.

   Other related modules and commands are FvwmScript and PipeRead.


7.2  Using shell commands for configuration.

   Sometimes you might want to use the output of a shell command or
   script in your .fvwm2rc.  For example you might need a menu that has
   all filenames in a certain directory as its entries.  You can use
   the PipeRead command and the FvwmCommand module.  I recommend using
   PipeRead since creating twenty menu items takes a considerable
   amount of time with FvwmCommand.

   Example from my .fvwm2rc:

     # make the background menu
     AddToFunc MakeBackgroundMenu
      + "I" DestroyMenu BackgroundMenu
      + "I" AddToMenu BackgroundMenu Backgrounds Title
      + "I" PipeRead 'for i in `/bin/ls $HOME/.fvwm2/backgrounds/*.bg.*`; \
            do echo -e AddToMenu BackgroundMenu `basename $i | sed -e \
            "s/\.bg\..*$//"` Function SetDefaultBackground $i; done'

     # set the default background
     AddToFunc SetDefaultBackground
      + "I" Exec echo -e $0 > $HOME/.fvwm2/background
      + "I" Function SetBackground

     # set a new background
     AddToFunc SetBackground
      + "I" Exec test -r $HOME/.fvwm2/background && xv -root -quit -viewonly \
            `cat $HOME/.fvwm2/background|tr -d "\n"`

     # activate setting from last session and build the menu
     AddToFunc InitFunction
      + "I" Function SetBackground
      + "I" Function MakeBackgroundMenu

   The MakeBackgroundMenu function builds a menu that contains an item
   for every file that matches the pattern "*.bg.*" in the directory
   $HOME/.fvwm2/backgrounds.  The suffix .bg.* is removed.  When I
   select an item the file is displayed in the background using xv.
   Furthermore the path and filename are stored in
   $HOME/.fvwm2/background.  When I start my next fvwm session the
   filename is fetched from there so I get the background from my last

   I have an even more complex setup for color palettes.


7.3  How to start applications on a page or desk other than the current.

   Use the 'StartsOnDesk' or 'StartsOnPage' style in your .fvwm2rc:

     Style Netscape* StartsOnPage 0 1


     Style Netscape* StartsOnDesk 1

   Any window with a title that begins with 'Netscape' will be placed
   on page 0 1 (desk 1).  You will probably want to use these options

     Style * RecaptureHonorsStartsOnPage, CaptureHonorsStartsOnPage

   If you want to start applications on a different page in the
   background without switching to this page, use the 'SkipMapping'

     Style Netscape* StartsOnPage 0 1, SkipMapping


7.4  How to start applications on a page or desk other than the current
     without moving the viewport to the new page or desk.

   Use the SkipMapping style:

     Style Netscape* StartsOnPage 0 1, SkipMapping


7.5  A more efficient MWM menu style.

   Perhaps you have noticed that with the MWM menu style your sub
   menus are shown as soon as the pointer enters their menu items, even
   if you just want to scroll down the list.  You can prevent this with
   the 'PopupDelay' and 'PopupDelayed' options of the MenuStyle

     MenuStyle mwm
     MenuStyle PopupDelayed, PopupDelay 80

   The sub menu will be shown 80 milliseconds after the pointer enters
   the menu item.  You will hardly notice the delay.  Note that 80 ms
   is just long enough to move through the menu with auto repeat on my
   cursor keys.  You may have to experiment with this number to get it


7.6  Placing menus on the screen.

   Do you have to close windows or move the pointer all over the
   screen to find some part of the background where you can bring up
   your main menu (or any other root menu)?

   Then you should use a keyboard shortcut.  For example

     Key  space A M   Menu root c c main_menu

   in your .fvwm2rc gives you the menu 'main_menu' in the center of
   the screen when you press Alt-space.  Or you might want a shortcut
   to the window menu:

     Key  space A SM  Menu root c c WindowMenu

   You can place menus anywhere you like, not just where the mouse
   pointer is.  Please read the section for the 'Menu' command in the
   man page.


7.7  Are you flipping pages by accident when moving the mouse close to
     the border of the screen?

   You can disable page flipping with the EdgeScroll command:

     EdgeScroll 0 0

   in your .fvwm2rc turns it off.


7.8  Lining up your windows and icons.

   The SnapAttraction and SnapGrid commands really help to keep your
   desktop tidy.  With SnapAttraction windows (or icons or both) are
   'attracted' to each other.  When you drag a window (icon) and it
   comes close to another window (icon) it clings to it without a gap
   between the borders.  Put this command in your .fvwm2rc:

     SnapAttraction 8 SameType

   This means windows cling to other windows if they get closer than
   8 pixels and icons cling to icons.  Or if you just want it for
   windows/icons use

     SnapAttraction 8 Windows


     SnapAttraction 8 Icons

   Or if you want icons to cling to windows and vice versa:

     SnapAttraction 8 All

   The SnapGrid command is a big help too:

     SnapGrid 8

   in your .fvwm2rc tells fvwm to use a grid of 8 pixels to place
   windows and icons.  Try it and see if you like it.

   Hint: It might be a good idea to use a divisor of your desktop
   width and height for SnapGrid.


7.9  Moving the mouse/focus/page with the keyboard.

   Try these key bindings for mouse movement:

     # shift-<direction> to move a few pixels
     Key   Left   A   S   CursorMove -1 0
     Key   Right  A   S   CursorMove +1 +0
     Key   Up     A   S   CursorMove +0 -1
     Key   Down   A   S   CursorMove +0 +1

     # shift-meta-<direction> to move 1/4 page
     Key   Left   A   SM  Scroll -25 +0
     Key   Right  A   SM  Scroll +25 +0
     Key   Up     A   SM  Scroll +0  -25
     Key   Down   A   SM  Scroll +0  +25

   or these to flip pages

     # shift-control-<direction> to move a full page
     Key   Left   A   SC  CursorMove -10 +0
     Key   Right  A   SC  CursorMove +10 +0
     Key   Up     A   SC  CursorMove +0  -10
     Key   Down   A   SC  CursorMove +0  +10

     # Alt-Fn to go to a specific page (like on the Linux console)
     Key F1 A M GotoPage 0 0
     Key F2 A M GotoPage 1 0
     Key F3 A M GotoPage 0 1
     Key F4 A M GotoPage 1 1

   or to change the focus to a window in a specific direction:

     # number keys on keypad to move the focus
     Key KP_1 A C Direction SouthWest Focus
     Key KP_2 A C Direction South Focus
     Key KP_3 A C Direction SouthEast Focus
     Key KP_4 A C Direction West Focus
     Key KP_6 A C Direction East Focus
     Key KP_7 A C Direction NorthWest Focus
     Key KP_8 A C Direction North Focus
     Key KP_9 A C Direction NorthEast Focus


7.10  The cat safe desktop ^_^

   If your cats keep stepping on your keyboard while you are brewing
   another cup of coffee, one of these hints may help:

     Use 'Style * MouseFocus' and move the mouse pointer over the
     background when you go away.

     If you can't do without your 'SloppyFocus' you can move the
     mouse pointer into a window that takes no keyboard input and
     give it the focus (e.g. FvwmButtons or a console message
     window).  A true fanatic creates a separate window with a picture
     of his cat for this ^_^


7.11  Lowering and moving windows.

   In some configurations moving a window with the middle mouse
   button lowers the window after moving it.  Lowering it before
   moving gives you a nice visual effect:

     Mouse  2 T A  Function MoveOrLower

     AddToFunc MoveOrLower
      + "Click"         Lower
      + "Motion"        Lower
      + "Motion"        Move
      + "DoubleClick"   Lower


7.12  Toggling windows on and off.

   It is often desirable to have a menu item or perhaps a button in
   FvwmButtons or FvwmWharf that launches an application when used
   the first time and closes it if used a second time.  Although it
   is not obvious how to do this, it is possible.  Let's assume you
   need a menu item that toggles a FvwmConsole window on and off.
   Then put the following lines in your .fvwm2rc:

     AddToFunc ToggleFvwmConsole
     + I None (FvwmConsole) Module FvwmConsole
     + I Next (CurrentPage Visible FvwmConsole) Close
     + I Next (FvwmConsole) MoveToDesk
     + I Next (FvwmConsole) MoveToPage
     + I Next (FvwmConsole) Raise

     AddToMenu <some menu>
     + "toggle FvwmConsole" Function ToggleFvwmConsole

   Or if you prefer a button in the button bar:

     *FvwmButtons(Action ToggleFvwmConsole)

   The lines with MoveToDesk, MoveToPage and Raise will bring the
   window to the top of the current page if it is not visible
   instead of closing it.

   If you want to toggle one specific window, e.g. an xterm, but
   still want to have other xterms that are not toggled, you must
   give the window an unique name:

     AddToFunc ToggleXMessages
     + I None (XMessages) Exec ( TERM -T XMessages -n XMessages \
         -e exec tail -f /var/adm/?* ~/.X.err )
     + I Next (XMessages) Close

   Or for a toggling Netscape button:

     AddToFunc ToggleNetscape
     + I None (Navigator) Exec exec netscape
     + I All (Navigator) Close

   Keep in mind that these functions simply check if a window with
   the specified name exists.  They will happily close manually
   opened windows or launch an application multiple times if the
   application is slow to start (e.g. like netscape).


7.13  How do I start applications by clicking on an icon.

   Normally an icon represents a minimized application.
   If you want to turn that around, and launch applications by clicking
   on icons we can't stop you.  Heres a way to do that using

     # FvwmButtons icon launcher:
     DestroyFunc Launcher
     AddToFunc Launcher
     + I DestroyModuleConfig $0Launch: *
     + I *$0Launch: Geometry 64x68
     + I *$0Launch: Columns 1
     + I *$0Launch: Rows    4
     + I *$0Launch: Frame   0
     + I *$0Launch: (1x3+0+0, Icon $1, Action (Mouse 1) `Exec $2`)
     + I *$0Launch: Pixmap none
     + I *$0Launch: (1x1+0+3, Font 9x15, Fore White, Back DarkBlue, \
                    Title $0, Action (Mouse 1) `Exec $2`)
     + I Style $0Launch HandleWidth 0, NoTitle
     + I Module FvwmButtons $3 $0Launch
     # Examples:
     Launcher RXVT xterm.xpm "rxvt -bg black" "-g +0+0"
     Launcher XV   xv.xpm    "xv"   "-g +0+100"

   Also, GNOME and KDE have desktop icon applications gmc and kfm, which
   enable this functionality.  These applications may be run under FVWM.