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README,v 1.1 2001/04/10 05:26:59 yamuna Exp

A Regression test for ACE QoS features. 

This test implements a simple Receiver-Sender program that ensures
Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees on the underlying network before
transmitting data. The program tests the ACE QoS APIs/features. The
test works for Winsock2 APIs on Win2K as well as RAPI on Solaris.

In addition it dynamically changes the sender TSpec which in turn 
changes the PATH messages.


Build Requirements :
1. Two Win2K machines.
2. June98 Platform SDK or later.
3. Link with ws2_32.lib 

The test consists of a server (which is the receiver) and a client
 (which is the sender). 
 The receiver is started first (though it is not mandatory) as :

 server -m

 -m: specifies the multicast session address that both client and
     server subscribe to for QoS events.

 -p: Protocol to be used. Could be udp or tcp. Default is udp.

 -P: Sender source port. If not specified, DEFAULT_SOURCE_SENDER_PORT
     (10001) will be used.

 -h: Displays the help on various options.

The sample Sender is started next as :

  client -m -P 10004

 -m: specifies the multicast session address that both client and
     server subscribe to for QoS events.

 -n: Option to be used by senders only to specify the destination
     address. This option is overriden if a multicast address is also
     specified through the -m option.

 -p: Protocol to be used. Could be udp or tcp. Default is udp.

 -P: Sender source port. If not specified, DEFAULT_SOURCE_SENDER_PORT
     (10001) will be used.

 -h: Displays the help on various options.

On Win2K the user must have administrative access to the machine to
run this program.  It seems to be a pre-requisite to opening QoS

The sender and receiver should be run on different Win2K machines. 

The test demonstrates how to GQOS enable an application using the ACE QoS APIs.
It concentrates on the use of various ACE QoS APIs and their correctness.



0. The $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU should be the
following :

include /project/doc/vishal/ACE_wrappers/include/makeinclude/platform_sunos5_sunc++.GNU
PLATFORM_RAPI_CPPFLAGS += -I/project/doc/vishal/rapi/rel4.2a4/rsvpd/
PLATFORM_RAPI_LDFLAGS += -L/project/doc/vishal/rapi/rel4.2a4/rsvpd/

assuming that RAPI library is installed in /project/doc/vishal/rapi/rel4.2a4/

1. Compile ACE with 
   make rapi=1 static_libs_only=1

   Static library option is used because the RAPI library that we have
   does not compile as a shared object.

2. Run the RSVP Daemon on two machines: (merengue.cs and macarena.cs)

   /project/doc/vishal/rapi/rel4.2a4/rsvpd/rsvpd -D

   The current version of the daemon comes with an inbuilt rtap
   application to test the various reservation commands and RAPI APIs.

   Typical values for rtap would be :

   sender merengue/5000 [ t 2000000 100000 2000000 512 1024 ]
   reserve wf [ cl 4000000 200000 4000000 256 2024 ]

   From ACE:
       dest udp macarena/5000
       sender ace/5000 [ t 2000000 100000 2000000 512 1024 ]
       sender macarena/5022 [ t 2000000 100000 2000000 512 1024 ]
       sender beguine/6000 [ t 2000000 100000 2000000 512 1024 ]

   From Macarena:
       wait until done with ACE 
       dest udp macarena/5000          <session name>
       reserve wf [ cl 2000000 100000 2000000 512 1024 ]

3. If RTAP runs fine and the daemons show the debug messages about
   RESV, PATH and other RSVP messages, run the QoS example, making sure
   that rtap session is released on both machines.

If you run into any problems with this test please contact Vishal
Kachroo <>.

This README last updated on 20th July, 2000.
