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// future2.cpp,v 4.24 2004/01/05 22:57:06 shuston Exp

// ============================================================================
//    tests
//    Test_Future.cpp
//    This example tests the ACE Future.
//    Andres Kruse <> and Douglas C. Schmidt
//    <>
// Modification History
// Aug. 96; A.Kruse; dev.
// Aug. 96; D.Schmidt; complete workover
// 08/27/96; A.Kruse; - the friends of Scheduler are "Method_Request_name"
//                      and "Method_Request_work".
//                    - make the methods "work_i" and "name_i" private
// 09/2/96; D.Schmidt; Integrate with new ACE_Future API and rearrange
//                     the tests so they are more modular.
// ============================================================================

#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
#include "ace/OS_NS_sys_time.h"
#include "ace/OS_main.h"
#include "ace/ACE.h"
#include "ace/Task.h"
#include "ace/Message_Queue.h"
#include "ace/Future.h"
#include "ace/Method_Request.h"
#include "ace/Activation_Queue.h"
#include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h"
#include "ace/Atomic_Op.h"

ACE_RCSID(Threads, future2, "future2.cpp,v 4.24 2004/01/05 22:57:06 shuston Exp")
#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)

typedef ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, int> ATOMIC_INT;

// a counter for the tasks..
static ATOMIC_INT scheduler_open_count (0);

// forward declarations
class Method_Request_work;
class Method_Request_name;

class Scheduler : public ACE_Task_Base
  // = TITLE
  //     Active Object Scheduler.
  // Every method object has to be able to access the private methods.

  friend class Method_Request_work;
  friend class Method_Request_name;
  friend class Method_Request_end;

  Scheduler (const char *, Scheduler * = 0);
  virtual ~Scheduler (void);

  virtual int open (void *args = 0);
  // The method that is used to start the active object.

  // = Here are the methods exported by the class. They return an
  // <ACE_Future>.
  ACE_Future<u_long> work (u_long param, int count = 1);
  ACE_Future<char*> name (void);
  void end (void);

  virtual int close (u_long flags = 0);
  // Should not be accessible from outside...  (use end () instead).

  virtual int svc (void);
  // Here the actual servicing of all requests is happening..

  // = Implementation methods.
  u_long work_i (u_long, int);
  char *name_i (void);

  char *name_;
  ACE_Activation_Queue activation_queue_;
  Scheduler *scheduler_;

class Method_Request_work : public ACE_Method_Request
  // = TITLE
  //     Reification of the <work> method.
  Method_Request_work (Scheduler *, u_long, int, ACE_Future<u_long> &);
  virtual ~Method_Request_work (void);
  virtual int call (void);

  Scheduler *scheduler_;
  u_long param_;
  int count_;
  ACE_Future<u_long> future_result_;

Method_Request_work::Method_Request_work (Scheduler* new_Scheduler,
                                        u_long new_param,
                                        int new_count,
                                        ACE_Future<u_long> &new_result)
  : scheduler_ (new_Scheduler),
    param_ (new_param),
    count_ (new_count),
    future_result_ (new_result)

Method_Request_work::~Method_Request_work (void)

Method_Request_work::call (void)
  return this->future_result_.set (this->scheduler_->work_i (this->param_, this->count_));

class Method_Request_name : public ACE_Method_Request
  // = TITLE
  //     Reification of the <name> method.
  Method_Request_name (Scheduler *, ACE_Future<char*> &);
  virtual ~Method_Request_name (void);
  virtual int call (void);

  Scheduler *scheduler_;
  ACE_Future<char*> future_result_;

Method_Request_name::Method_Request_name (Scheduler *new_scheduler,
                                        ACE_Future<char*> &new_result)
  : scheduler_ (new_scheduler),
    future_result_ (new_result)
              " (%t) Method_Request_name created\n"));

Method_Request_name::~Method_Request_name (void)
              " (%t) Method_Request_name will be deleted.\n"));

Method_Request_name::call (void)
  return future_result_.set (scheduler_->name_i ());

class Method_Request_end : public ACE_Method_Request
  // = TITLE
  //     Reification of the <end> method.
  Method_Request_end (Scheduler *new_Scheduler): scheduler_ (new_Scheduler) {}
  virtual ~Method_Request_end (void) {}
  virtual int call (void) { return -1; }

  Scheduler *scheduler_;
  // Keep track of our scheduler.

// constructor
Scheduler::Scheduler (const char *newname, Scheduler *new_Scheduler)
  ACE_NEW (this->name_, char[ACE_OS::strlen (newname) + 1]);
  ACE_OS::strcpy ((char *) this->name_, newname);
  this->scheduler_ = new_Scheduler;
  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) Scheduler %s created\n", this->name_));

// Destructor
Scheduler::~Scheduler (void)
  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) Scheduler %s will be destroyed\n", this->name_));

Scheduler::open (void *)
  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) Scheduler %s open\n", this->name_));
  return this->activate (THR_BOUND);

Scheduler::close (u_long)
  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) Scheduler %s close\n", this->name_));
  return 0;

Scheduler::svc (void)
  // Main event loop for this active object.
  for (;;)
      // Dequeue the next method object (we use an auto pointer in
      // case an exception is thrown in the <call>).
      auto_ptr<ACE_Method_Request> mo (this->activation_queue_.dequeue ());

      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) calling method object\n"));
      // Call it.
      if (mo->call () == -1)
      // Smart pointer destructor automatically deletes mo.

  return 0;

Scheduler::end (void)
  this->activation_queue_.enqueue (new Method_Request_end (this));

// Here's where the Work takes place.
Scheduler::work_i (u_long param,
                   int count)
  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (count);

  return ACE::is_prime (param, 2, param / 2);

char *
Scheduler::name_i (void)
  char *the_name;

  ACE_NEW_RETURN (the_name, char[ACE_OS::strlen (this->name_) + 1], 0);
  ACE_OS::strcpy (the_name, this->name_);

  return the_name;

ACE_Future<char *>
Scheduler::name (void)
  if (this->scheduler_)
    // Delegate to the other scheduler
    return this->scheduler_->name ();
      ACE_Future<char*> new_future;

      if (this->thr_count () == 0)
          // This scheduler is inactive... so we execute the user
          // request right away...

          auto_ptr<ACE_Method_Request> mo (new Method_Request_name (this, new_future));

          mo->call ();
          // Smart pointer destructor automatically deletes mo.
        // @@ What happens if new fails here?
          (new Method_Request_name (this, new_future));

      return new_future;

Scheduler::work (u_long newparam, int newcount)
  if (this->scheduler_)
    return this->scheduler_->work (newparam, newcount);
      ACE_Future<u_long> new_future;

      if (this->thr_count () == 0)
          auto_ptr<ACE_Method_Request> mo
            (new Method_Request_work (this, newparam, newcount, new_future));
          mo->call ();
          // Smart pointer destructor automatically deletes it.
          (new Method_Request_work (this, newparam, newcount, new_future));

      return new_future;

static int
determine_iterations (void)
  int n_iterations;

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) determining the number of iterations...\n"));
  Scheduler *worker_a;

  ACE_NEW_RETURN (worker_a, Scheduler ("worker A"), -1);

  ACE_Time_Value tstart (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ());
  ACE_Time_Value tend (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ());

  // Determine the number of iterations... we want so many that the
  // work () takes about 1 second...

  for (n_iterations = 1;
       (tend.sec () - tstart.sec ()) < 1;
       n_iterations *= 2)
      tstart = ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();

      worker_a->work (9013, n_iterations);

      tend = ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) n_iterations %d\n",
              (int) n_iterations));

  worker_a->end ();
  // @@ Can we safely delete worker_a here?
  return n_iterations;

static void
test_active_object (int n_iterations)
  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (n_iterations);

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) testing active object pattern...\n"));
  // A simple example for the use of the active object pattern and
  // futures to return values from an active object.

  Scheduler *worker_a;
  Scheduler *worker_b;
  Scheduler *worker_c;

  ACE_NEW (worker_a, Scheduler ("worker A"));
  ACE_NEW (worker_b, Scheduler ("worker B"));
  // Have worker_c delegate his work to worker_a.
  ACE_NEW (worker_c, Scheduler ("worker C", worker_a));

  // loop 0:
  // test the Schedulers when they are not active.
  // now the method objects will be created but since
  // there is no active thread they will also be
  // immediately executed, in the "main" thread.
  // loop 1:
  // do the same test but with the schedulers
  // activated
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      if (i == 1)
          worker_a->open ();
          worker_b->open ();
          worker_c->open ();

      ACE_Future<u_long> fresulta = worker_a->work (9013);
      ACE_Future<u_long> fresultb = worker_b->work (9013);
      ACE_Future<u_long> fresultc = worker_c->work (9013);

      if (i == 0)
          if (!fresulta.ready ())
            ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: worker A is should be ready!!!\n"));
          if (!fresultb.ready ())
            ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: worker B is should be ready!!!\n"));
          if (!fresultc.ready ())
            ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: worker C is should be ready!!!\n"));

      // When the workers are active we will block here until the
      // results are available.

      u_long resulta = fresulta;
      u_long resultb = fresultb;
      u_long resultc = fresultc;

      ACE_Future<char *> fnamea = worker_a->name ();
      ACE_Future<char *> fnameb = worker_b->name ();
      ACE_Future<char *> fnamec = worker_c->name ();

      char *namea = fnamea;
      char *nameb = fnameb;
      char *namec = fnamec;

      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) result from %s %u\n",
                  namea, (u_int) resulta));
      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) result from %s %u\n",
                  nameb, (u_int) resultb));
      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) result from %s %u\n",
                  namec, (u_int) resultc));

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) scheduler_open_count %d before end ()\n",
              scheduler_open_count.value ()));

  worker_a->end ();
  worker_b->end ();
  worker_c->end ();

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) scheduler_open_count %d immediately after end ()\n",
              scheduler_open_count.value ()));

  ACE_OS::sleep (2);

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) scheduler_open_count %d after waiting\n",
              scheduler_open_count.value ()));
  // @@ Can we safely delete worker_a, worker_b, and worker_c?

static void
test_cancellation (int n_iterations)
  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) testing cancellation of a future...\n"));

  // Now test the cancelling a future.

  Scheduler *worker_a;
  ACE_NEW (worker_a, Scheduler ("worker A"));
  worker_a->open ();

  ACE_Future<u_long> fresulta = worker_a->work (9013, n_iterations);

  // save the result by copying the future
  ACE_Future<u_long> fresultb = fresulta;

  // now we cancel the first future.. but the
  // calculation will still go on...
  fresulta.cancel (10);

  if (!fresulta.ready ())
    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: future A is should be ready!!!\n"));

  u_long resulta = fresulta;

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) cancelled result %u\n", (u_int) resulta));

  if (resulta != 10)
    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) cancelled result should be 10!!\n", resulta));

  resulta = fresultb;

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) true result %u\n", (u_int) resulta));

  worker_a->end ();
  // @@ Can we safely delete worker_a here?

static void
test_timeout (int n_iterations)
  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) testing timeout on waiting for the result...\n"));
  Scheduler *worker_a;
  ACE_NEW (worker_a, Scheduler ("worker A"));
  worker_a->open ();

  ACE_Future<u_long> fresulta = worker_a->work (9013, 2 * n_iterations);

  // Should immediately return... and we should see an error...
  ACE_Time_Value *delay;
  ACE_NEW (delay, ACE_Time_Value (1));

  u_long resulta;
  fresulta.get (resulta, delay);

  if (fresulta.ready ())
    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) ERROR: future A is should not be ready!!!\n"));
    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) timed out on future A\n"));

  // now we wait until we are done...
  fresulta.get (resulta);
  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, " (%t) result %u\n", (u_int) resulta));

  worker_a->end ();
  // @@ Can we safely delete worker_a here?

  int n_iterations = determine_iterations ();

  test_active_object (n_iterations);
  test_cancellation (n_iterations);
  test_timeout (n_iterations);

  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG," (%t) that's all folks!\n"));

  ACE_OS::sleep (5);
  return 0;

template class ACE_Atomic_Op_Ex<ACE_Thread_Mutex, int>;
template class ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, int>;
template class ACE_Future<char *>;
template class ACE_Future<u_long>;
template class ACE_Future_Rep<char *>;
template class ACE_Future_Rep<u_long>;
template class auto_ptr<ACE_Method_Request>;
template class ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<ACE_Method_Request>;
template class ACE_Node<ACE_Future_Observer<char *> *>;
template class ACE_Node<ACE_Future_Observer<u_long> *>;
template class ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_Future_Observer<char *> *>;
template class ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_Future_Observer<u_long> *>;
template class ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<ACE_Future_Observer<char *> *>;
template class ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<ACE_Future_Observer<u_long> *>;
#pragma instantiate ACE_Atomic_Op_Ex<ACE_Thread_Mutex, int>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, int>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Atomic_Op_Ex<ACE_Thread_Mutex, int>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Future<char *>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Future<u_long>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Future_Rep<char *>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Future_Rep<u_long>
#pragma instantiate auto_ptr<ACE_Method_Request>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Auto_Basic_Ptr<ACE_Method_Request>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Node<ACE_Future_Observer<char *> *>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Node<ACE_Future_Observer<u_long> *>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_Future_Observer<char *> *>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_Future_Observer<u_long> *>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<ACE_Future_Observer<char *> *>
#pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator<ACE_Future_Observer<u_long> *>

  ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
  return 0;
#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */