

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0-com > i586 > by-pkgid > 21280410b6ea906d791d7a12afae2579 > files > 442


eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
    if 0;

# combine,v 1.8 2000/03/19 20:09:19 jcej Exp

# This perl script will combine a set of files into one or more HTML pages.
# The file fooNN.html will be created by combining the files:
#    fooNN.hdr
#    fooNN.pre
#    fooNN.bdy
#    fooNN.pst
# Where NN is a 2-digit number.  If fooNN.hdr does not exist, the file 'hdr'
# will be used.  If any of the other file-parts don't exist, they will be
# ignored.
# Usage:
#    combine *.html
#    combine *.pre
# Input files:
#     hdr
#      If no *.hdr exists for the current page, this is used.  You will typically
#      use this to add <TITLE> and such to each page created.
#     *.hdr
#      You can override the generic hdr you create by creating one for
#      a specific page.
#    *.pre
#      Prefix files.  Their content is included after the hdr.
#    *.bdy
#      Body files follow prefix.  You generally use the links file to create
#      links between source-code and a bdy filename.  The bdy files are
#      examined and "fontified" (think emacs).
#     bodies
#      The list of files to use for the body of the HTML pages generated
#    *.pst
#      Post files.  This content follows the bdy content.
#    *.html    
#      These are the output.  If they exist before you run combine, they
#      will be overwritten.
use File::Copy;

%format = ();


open(LINKS,"<bodies") || die("No 'bodies' file found!");
while( ($file = <LINKS>) ) {


        next if( $file =~ /^#/ || $file eq '' );

	if( $file =~ /^.*=/ ) {
		($var,$value) = split(/=/,$file);
		if( $var =~ /PAGE/ ) {
			$PAGE = $value + 0;

  $body{$PAGE++} = "$file";

foreach $file (@ARGV) {
  ($base = $file) =~ s/.html$//;
   $base =~ s/.pre$//;

  open(FILE,">$base.html") || die;
  $| = 1;

  print FILE '<!-- combine,v 1.8 2000/03/19 20:09:19 jcej Exp -->' . "\n";

  # .hdr has the HTML header, title, etc...
  if( -f "$base.hdr" ) {
  elsif( -f "hdr" ) {
  # .pre has the discussion of what you'll see on this page
  if( -f "$base.pre" ) {
  # .bdy is the body of the page
  if( -f "$base.bdy" ) {

  ($num = $base) =~ s/[A-z]//g;
   $num += 0;

  if( -f "$body{$num}" || "$body{$num}" =~ /\s/ ) {
  # .pst summarizes what was seen
  if( -f "$base.pst" ) {
  # .ftr follows the footer to show "continue to next page" stuff
  if( -f "$" ) {
  else {
	$base =~ s/[0-9]//g;
	$next = sprintf("$base%02.2d",$num);
	print FILE "<P><HR WIDTH=\"100%\">\n";
	print FILE "<CENTER>[<A HREF=\"../online-tutorials.html\">Tutorial Index</A>] ";
	if( $file ne $ARGV[$#ARGV] ) {
	  print FILE "[<A HREF=\"$next.html\">Continue This Tutorial</A>]";
	print FILE "</CENTER>\n";
  print FILE "\n";

sub addFile {
	local($file) = @_;

        local(@file) = split(/\s+/,$file);

        foreach $file (@file)
               if( $#file > 0 )
                   print FILE "<HR width=50%><P><center>$file</center><HR width=50%>\n";
               print FILE "<PRE>\n" ;
               open(INPUT,"<$file") || die "Cannot open $file for read\n";
               # Do some substitutes on each line to try and get the output to
               # look like it does in fontified emacs.
               while( <INPUT> )
                  if( m,include\s+"ace/.*\.h", ) {
                    s,(ace/.*\.h),<A HREF="../../../$1">$1</A>,;
                    s,\#\s*include,<font color=blue>$&</font>,;
                    s,\#(\s*)(e?l?if !?defined|pragma|ifn?def|define)(\W*)([\w\.]+),<font color=blue>\#$1$2</font>$3<font color=purple>$4</font>,;
                    s,\#\s*(include|endif),<font color=blue>$&</font>,;
                    s,"([^"]+)","<font color=green>$1</font>",g;
                    s,//.*$,<font color=red>$&</font>,;
                    s,/\*,<font color=red>$&,;
                    s,\w+::\~?\w+,<font color=\#008888>$&</font>,;
                  s/[ \t]+$//;
                  s/\t/  /g;
                  print FILE $_;
               print FILE "</PRE>\n";