

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0-com > i586 > by-pkgid > 69d2b3bbfb3b956acd2c6822ceaab6d4 > files > 7


Gyach is a Yahoo! chat program with a GTK+ interface.  It was originally
based upon the yahmini program (see AUTHORS file).  All yahmini code
has since been replaced.  Gyach was written for a few reasons:

    1 - I run Linux at home and I couldn't stand the yahoo java interface.
    2 - I didn't want to run qt unless absolutely necessary.
    3 - I wanted to occasionally have something a little more fancy than
	the text-based interface that a few others are working on.
    4 - I'm impatient and didn't want to wait for someone else to write a
	simple GTK-based interface.

So, I got the source to yahmini and created a GTK+ interface for it using
Glade.  Functionality was limited in the early stages, but I continue to
add new features.  Yahmini code has now been totally replaced as well as
conversion from Yahoo's older YCHT protocol to their newer YMSG protocol.

Current features:

    * Auto-updated userlist of chatters in the current room.
    * The following commands are supported:
	/away   /follow     /alias     /invite     /mute
	/goto   /ignore     /unalias   /tell       /unmute
	/join   /unignore   /cls       /roll       /history
	/quit   /think      /clear     /autoaway   /exec
	/tell   /invite     /profile   /regex      /friends
	/friend /execlocal
    * Supports Aliases (with different emote/alias for everyone or individual).
    * Send/receive PMs.
    * PM chat in separate windows.
    * Editable list of favorite rooms.
    * Supports list of usernames to use to login.
	* Supports connect/disconnect/auto-reconnect.

A sample gyachrc file is included in this directory.  You can copy that
to ~/.gyach/gyachrc. A generic aliases.dat file will be created for you
when you first run Gyach.

Also included are sample ignore lists and regex files (sample.ignore.list
and sample.ignore.regex respectively).

To see a list of items planned or currently being worked on, look at the
TODO file in this directory.

Graphical "Emoticons" aka Smileys

As of version 0.9.0, Gyach supports graphical emoticons (aka smileys) if you
compile Gyach with Gtk v2.x support.  Gyach v0.9.0 and up supports
Gtk v2 and uses the GtkTextView widget instead of the older GtkText widget.
GtkTextView supports inline images so smileys and avatars can be displayed
right along with the text.

As of version 0.9.1, png emoticon/smileys are included with Gyach and are
installed by default in /usr/local/share/gyach/smileys.  You can override
the built-in smileys by putting your own files in ~/.yahoorc/gyach/smileys.

The emoticon/smiley files should be located in ~/.yahoorc/gyach/smileys (or
./smileys/ for cygwin users) and should be named as indicated above (01.png,
02.png, etc.).  Once you place the files in Gyach and turn on the
"Show Emoticons" option in the setup screen, you should start seeing graphical
smileys displayed instead of the :) characters.  Gyach also has
a window to make sending graphical smileys easier.  You can get to it by
clicking on the "colored" button on the toolbar.

Gyach has been tested on:

	RedHat v5.x, v6.x, v7.x, v8.x, v9.x
	SuSE v6.4 & v7.0
	Mandrake v7.x, v8.x, v9.x
	DragonLinux v2.1
	Debian 2.x, 3.x
	Gentoo Linux 1.2, 1.4
	FreeBSD 4.1.1, 5.0   (see README.FreeBSD)
	NetBSD v?   (see README.NetBSD)
	OpenBSD v?
	Solaris 8 for Intel/x86 (gcc & gtk v1.2.8)
	Solaris 9 for SPARC w/ (gcc, gtk v1.2.10, & make installed)
	Mac OS X   (see README.MacOSX)
	Windows 98, NT, 2000 under CygWin (see README.Win32 for requirements)