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<h1>The frameTransform example</h1>
  <img src="../images/frameTransform.jpg" width="300" height="200" alt="frameTransform"/>

 Coordinate transformation between different Frames. 
 This example illustrates the camera and world coordinate systems
 relationship. The position of the camera in the world coordinate
 system is printed from Camera::position(). Symetrically, the
 position of the world origin is given in the camera coordinate
 system by camera()->cameraCoordinatesOf(0,0,0).
 Three sets of lines (red, green, blue) are drawned. They have different starting points, but
 common end points, located on a circle in the XY plane.
 All the red lines start from the camera position, and will hence always be aligned with the
 viewing direction, making them invisible.
 The green lines starting points' positions are determined from the camera coordinate system, using
 <code>camera()->worldCoordinatesOf()</code>. As a result, these points will seem to be fixed on
 the screen, even when the camera is moved
 Finally, the blue lines are classically defined in the world coordinate system, and will move with
 the camera.
 Beautiful Moire pattern can be obtained with a proper rotation.


<span class="dir">#include &lt;QGLViewer/qglviewer.h&gt;
<span class="key">class </span>Viewer : <span class="key">public </span>QGLViewer
<span class="key">protected </span>:
  <span class="key">virtual </span><span class="typ">void </span>draw();
  <span class="key">virtual </span><span class="typ">void </span>init();
  <span class="key">virtual </span>QString helpString() <span class="typ">const</span>;


<span class="dir">#include </span><span class="dstr">&quot;frameTransform.h&quot;</span><span class="dir">
<span class="key">using namespace </span>std;
<span class="key">using namespace </span>qglviewer; <span class="com">// Vec
<span class="typ">void </span>Viewer::init()

  setSceneRadius(<span class="num">1.5</span>);


<span class="typ">void </span>Viewer::draw()
  <span class="com">// Draws line sets (red, green, blue) with different origins, but with a common
</span>  <span class="com">// end point, located on a circle in the XY plane.
</span>  <span class="typ">const float </span>nbLines = <span class="num">50.0</span>;


  <span class="key">for </span>(<span class="typ">float </span>i=<span class="num">0</span>; i&lt;nbLines; ++i)
      <span class="typ">float </span>angle = <span class="num">2.0</span>*M_PI*i/nbLines;

      glColor3f(.<span class="num">8</span>,.<span class="num">2</span>,.<span class="num">2</span>);
      <span class="com">// These lines will never be seen as they are always aligned with the viewing direction.
</span>      glVertex3fv(camera()-&gt;position().address());
      glVertex3f (cos(angle), sin(angle), <span class="num">0.0</span>);

      glColor3f(.<span class="num">2</span>,.<span class="num">8</span>,.<span class="num">2</span>);
      <span class="com">// World Coordinates are infered from the camera, and seem to be immobile in the screen.
</span>      glVertex3fv(camera()-&gt;worldCoordinatesOf(Vec(.<span class="num">3</span>*cos(angle), .<span class="num">3</span>*sin(angle), <span class="num">-2.0</span>)).address());
      glVertex3f (cos(angle), sin(angle), <span class="num">0.0</span>);

      glColor3f(.<span class="num">2</span>,.<span class="num">2</span>,.<span class="num">8</span>);
      <span class="com">// These lines are defined in the world coordinate system and will move with the camera.
</span>      glVertex3f(<span class="num">1.5</span>*cos(angle), <span class="num">1.5</span>*sin(angle), <span class="num">-1.0</span>);
      glVertex3f(cos(angle), sin(angle), <span class="num">0.0</span>);

  Vec origin = camera()-&gt;cameraCoordinatesOf(Vec(<span class="num">0.0</span>, <span class="num">0.0</span>, <span class="num">0.0</span>));
  cout &lt;&lt; <span class="str">&quot;Camera position in world coord. system  = &quot;</span> &lt;&lt; camera()-&gt;position() &lt;&lt; endl;
  cout &lt;&lt; <span class="str">&quot;World origin position in camera frame   = &quot;</span> &lt;&lt; origin &lt;&lt; endl;
  cout &lt;&lt; endl;

QString Viewer::helpString() <span class="typ">const
  QString text(<span class="str">&quot;&lt;h2&gt;F r a m e T r a n s f o r m&lt;/h2&gt;&quot;</span>);
  text += <span class="str">&quot;This example illustrates how easy it is to switch between the camera and &quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;the world coordinate systems : using the &lt;i&gt;camera()-&gt;cameraCoordinatesOf()&lt;/i&gt; &quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;and &lt;i&gt;camera::worldCoordinatesOf()&lt;/i&gt; functions.&lt;br&gt;&quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;You can create your own hierarchy of local coordinates systems and each of &quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;them can be manipulated with the mouse (see the &lt;i&gt;manipulatedFrame&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;luxo&lt;/i&gt; examples). &quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;Standard functions allow you to convert from any local frame to an other, &quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;the world/camera relation presented here simply being one of its illustration.&lt;br&gt;&quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;See &lt;i&gt;examples/frameTransform.html&lt;/i&gt; for an explanation of the meaning of these weird lines.&quot;</span>;
  <span class="key">return </span>text;


<span class="dir">#include </span><span class="dstr">&quot;frameTransform.h&quot;</span><span class="dir">
</span><span class="dir">#include &lt;qapplication.h&gt;
<span class="typ">int </span>main(<span class="typ">int </span>argc, <span class="typ">char</span>** argv)
  <span class="com">// Read command lines arguments.
</span>  QApplication application(argc,argv);

  <span class="com">// Instantiate the viewer.
</span>  Viewer v;

  <span class="com">// Make the viewer window visible on screen.

  <span class="com">// Set the viewer as the application main widget.
</span>  application.setMainWidget(&amp;v);

  <span class="com">// Run main loop.
</span>  <span class="key">return </span>application.exec();

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<i>Last modified on Thursday, February 5, 2004.</i>
