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<h1>The callback example</h1>
  <img src="../images/callback.jpg" width="300" height="200" alt="callback"/>

 Using the Qt signal-slot mechanism to connect a QGLViewer and your scene.
 This very simple application uses the Qt signal-slot callback mechanism to link the QGLViewer and
 your Scene. The two class hence remain totally independent. The <code>drawNeeded()</code>
 QGLViewer signal is connected to the Scene <code>drawScene()</code> slot.


<span class="dir">#include &lt;qobject.h&gt;
<span class="key">class </span>QGLViewer;

<span class="com">// The Scene class must derive from QObject in order to allow a
</span><span class="com">// signal slot mechanism.
</span><span class="key">class </span>Scene : <span class="key">public </span>QObject
  Q_OBJECT        <span class="com">// must include this in order to use Qt signals/slots
<span class="key">public </span>:
  Scene(<span class="typ">const </span>QGLViewer* <span class="typ">const </span>v);

<span class="key">public </span>slots:
  <span class="typ">void </span>drawScene();


<span class="dir">#include &lt;QGLViewer/qglviewer.h&gt;
</span><span class="dir">#include </span><span class="dstr">&quot;callback.h&quot;</span><span class="dir">
</span><span class="dir">#include &lt;math.h&gt;
Scene::Scene(<span class="typ">const </span>QGLViewer* <span class="typ">const </span>v)
  <span class="com">// Connect the viewer signal to our draw function slot
</span>  connect(v, SIGNAL(drawNeeded()), <span class="key">this</span>, SLOT(drawScene()));

<span class="com">// Draws a spiral
</span><span class="typ">void </span>Scene::drawScene()
  <span class="typ">const float </span>nbSteps = <span class="num">500.0</span>;
  <span class="key">for </span>(<span class="typ">float </span>i=<span class="num">0</span>; i&lt;nbSteps; ++i)
      <span class="typ">float </span>ratio = i/nbSteps;
      <span class="typ">float </span>angle = <span class="num">21.0</span>*ratio;
      <span class="typ">float </span>c = cos(angle);
      <span class="typ">float </span>s = sin(angle);
      <span class="typ">float </span>r1 = <span class="num">1.0 </span>- <span class="num">0.8</span>*ratio;
      <span class="typ">float </span>r2 = <span class="num">0.8 </span>- <span class="num">0.8</span>*ratio;
      <span class="typ">float </span>alt = ratio <span class="num">- 0.5</span>;
      <span class="typ">const float </span>nor = .<span class="num">5</span>;
      <span class="typ">const float </span>up = sqrt(<span class="num">1.0</span>-nor*nor);
      glColor3f(<span class="num">1</span>-ratio, .<span class="num">2 </span>, ratio);
      glNormal3f(nor*c, up, nor*s);
      glVertex3f(r1*c, alt, r1*s);
      glVertex3f(r2*c, alt+<span class="num">0.05</span>, r2*s);


<span class="dir">#include &lt;QGLViewer/qglviewer.h&gt;
</span><span class="dir">#include &lt;qapplication.h&gt;
</span><span class="dir">#include &lt;qmessagebox.h&gt;
</span><span class="dir">#include </span><span class="dstr">&quot;callback.h&quot;</span><span class="dir">
<span class="key">using namespace </span>std;

<span class="typ">void </span>help()
  QString text(<span class="str">&quot;&lt;h2&gt;C a l l b a c k&lt;/h2&gt;&quot;</span>);
  text += <span class="str">&quot;This example is conceptually the same as simpleViewer.&quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;The difference is that it uses the Qt signal/slot mechanism &quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;instead of deriving the QGLViewer class. &quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;A Scene::draw() function is connected to the QGLViewer::drawNeeded() &quot;</span>;
  text += <span class="str">&quot;signal. The two classes are otherwise completely independant.&quot;</span>;

  QMessageBox::information(NULL, <span class="str">&quot;Callback exemple&quot;</span>, text);

<span class="typ">int </span>main(<span class="typ">int </span>argc, <span class="typ">char</span>** argv)
  <span class="com">// Read command lines arguments.
</span>  QApplication application(argc,argv);

  <span class="com">// Instantiate the viewer.
</span>  QGLViewer v;

  <span class="com">// Make the viewer window visible on screen.

  <span class="com">// Restore the previous viewer state.
</span>  v.restoreFromFile();

  <span class="com">// Create a scene, giving a pointer to the associated viewer.
</span>  Scene s(&amp;v);

  <span class="com">// Set the viewer as the application main widget.
</span>  application.setMainWidget(&amp;v);


  <span class="com">// Run main loop.
</span>  <span class="key">return </span>application.exec();

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<i>Last modified on Thursday, February 5, 2004.</i>
