

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0-com > i586 > by-pkgid > 96446e1d4700c9b725717a3531e0ff36 > files > 11


        OpenCDK - Open Crypto Development Kit v0.5

This library provides basic parts of the OpenPGP message format.
For reference, please read the rfc2440.txt in the doc/ directory.
Due to some possible security problems, the library also implements
parts of draft-ietf-openpgp-rfc2440bis-08.txt. If you want to exchange
messages with earlier PGP version < 7, you should use the compat mode.

The aim of the library is *not* to replace any available OpenPGP version.
There will be no real support for key management (sign, revoke,
alter preferences, ...) and some other parts are only rudimentary
available. The main purpose is to handle and understand OpenPGP
packets and to use basic operations. For example to encrypt/decrypt
or to sign/verify and packet routines.

Hint: Due to the fact that Libgcrypt is an excellent library but too
      bloated for our use, we do not need CBC, counter mode, OID, etc., 
      OpenCDK now includes optimized libs for symmetrical cryptography
      and message digest routines. These code is copied from Libgcrypt
      and thus it should be stable and secure.

In the doc/ directory, you can find a HTML-API overview. In the tests/
directory, you can find some regression tests and the MinPG example.
MinPG is a detailed example how to use the lib and the various functions.

Libraries you'll also need for using all parts:
libzlib   -
libgcrypt -

Precompiled packages:
You can find a bundled version of OpenCDK in the unstable section of Debian.

Overview of the code structure:

mdlib/          internal message digest library
md5.c           - message digest 5 algorithm
rmd160.c        - RIPE-MD 160 algorithm
sha1.c          - Secure Hash Algorithm v1

cipherlib/      internal cipher library
blowfish.c      - Blowfish
cast5.c         - CAST5 (CAST-128)
des.c           - Data Encryption Standard (3DES)
rijndael.c      - Rijndael AES
twofish.c       - Twofish


cipher.c        - cipher filter (Tag 9, Tag 18)
compress.c      - compress filter (Tag 8)
armor.c         - armor filter for OpenPGP armor
plaintext.c     - literal filter (Tag 10)

keydb.c         - key database routines
pubkey.c        - general public key interface
keylist.c       - linked lists for encryption, signing (Tag 1, Tag 2)
keyserver.c     - high-level keyserver handling
keygen.c        - key generation routines

encrypt.c       - encryption and decryption routines
seskey.c        - session key handling and pkcs#1 support
sign.c          - signature routines
verify.c        - verify routines
sig-check.c     - low-level signature handling

new-packet.c    - allocate and free packets
read-packet.c   - read OpenPGP packets
write-packet.c  - write OpenPGP packets

main.c          - memory handling and global stuff
misc.c          - various code parts which do not fit in any section
trustdb.c       - high-level trust database handling
stream.c        - provides an abstraction of a data type, called stream