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<TITLE>Source: hk_classes/hk_classes/hk_visible.h</TITLE>

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		<h1>Source: hk_classes/hk_classes/hk_visible.h</h1>
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// ****************************************************************************
// copyright (c) 2000-2002 Horst Knorr <>
// This file is part of the hk_classes library.
// This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
// GNU Library Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation and appearing in the file COPYING included in the
// packaging of this file.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
// ****************************************************************************
#ifndef HK_VISIBLE
#define HK_VISIBLE
#include "hk_definitions.h"
#include "hk_class.h"
#include "hk_colour.h"
#include "hk_font.h"

using namespace std;

class hk_presentation;
class hk_form;
class hk_report;
class hk_visiblemodeprivate;
class hk_visibleprivate;

 *@short base class for visible widgets
 *@version $Revision: 1.2 $
 *@author Horst Knorr (
 *base class for visible widgets.
class hk_visible:public hk_class

    friend class hk_presentation;
    friend class hk_form;
    friend class hk_reportdata;
        hk_visible(hk_presentation* p=NULL);
        virtual     ~hk_visible(void);
 * see @ref set_size
        void        set_x(unsigned int px, bool registerchange=true);
 * see @ref set_size
        void        set_y(unsigned int py, bool registerchange=true);
 * see @ref set_size
        void        set_width(unsigned int w, bool registerchange=true);
 * see @ref set_size
        void        set_height(unsigned int h, bool registerchange=true);
        unsigned int    x(void) const;
        unsigned int    y(void) const;
        unsigned int    width(void)const;
        unsigned int    height(void) const;
 *sets the size and the position of the object.  In forms the coordinates are in a range from 0 to 10000 (100.00%)
        void        set_size(unsigned int x, unsigned int y,unsigned int w, unsigned int h, bool registerchange=true);
        void        set_size(unsigned int x, unsigned int y,unsigned int w, unsigned int h, bool registerchange,bool force_setting);
        void        set_size(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool registerchange=true);
        void        set_position(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, bool registerchange=true);
 * Every visible object has a (static) label which will be displayed when necessary, i.e. a combobox usually needs
 * a label
        void        set_label(const hk_string& l, bool registerchange=true);
        void        set_label(const hk_string& l, bool registerchange,bool force_setting);
        hk_string       label(void);
*the identifier is a unique name within a presentation (either a form or a report) with which this object can be identified and
*thus located
	bool set_identifier(const hk_string&,bool registerchange=true,enum_interaction=interactive);
	hk_string identifier(void) const;

	enum enum_visibletype {textlabel,button,rowselector,boolean,lineedit,memo,combobox,grid,form,report,reportsection,reportdata,other};
        enum_visibletype  type(void) {return p_visibletype;}
 *sets the font name and size to be used of some reportgenerators
        void       set_font(const hk_string& font,int size,bool registerchange=true);
        void       set_font(const hk_string& font,int size,bool registerchange,bool force_setting);
        void       set_font(const hk_font& font,bool registerchange=false);
        void       set_font(const hk_font& font,bool registerchange,bool force_setting);

        virtual hk_font     font(void);
 *sets the foreground colour. This colour will be used for fonts, frames etc
        void   set_foregroundcolour(const hk_colour& colour,bool registerchange=true);
        void   set_foregroundcolour(const hk_colour& colour,bool registerchange,bool force_setting);
        hk_colour foregroundcolour(void);
 *sets the background colour. This colour will be used to fill the whole background
        void   set_backgroundcolour(const hk_colour& colour,bool registerchange=true);
        void   set_backgroundcolour(const hk_colour& colour,bool registerchange,bool force_setting);
        hk_colour backgroundcolour(void);

 * if a hk_visible object is part of a @ref hk_presentation (i.e. a form) and the size or the label
 * changes the presentation will be informed of this change (and will be stored when closed).
 * If you set n to true the presentation will not be informed
        void set_neverregisterchange(bool n);
        void set_neverregisterchange(bool n,bool force_setting);
        bool neverregisterchange(void);
        virtual void savedata(ostream& s );
        virtual void loaddata(const hk_string& definition);
* returns the unique identification number when this object is part of a form or a report
        long  presentationnumber(void);
        void set_datetimeformat(const hk_string& datetime,const hk_string& date, const hk_string&  time);
        void set_datetimeformat(const hk_string& datetime,const hk_string& date, const hk_string&  time,bool force_setting);
        hk_string datetimeformat(void);
        hk_string dateformat(void);
        hk_string timeformat(void);
        void set_counts_as(unsigned long int c);
        virtual void set_counts_as(unsigned long int c,bool force_setting);
        virtual unsigned long int counts_as(void);
        virtual hk_string replace(const hk_string& where);
        hk_presentation* presentation(void);

 * only interesting with @ref loaddata is used to copy a visible object in a form or a report.
 *@param l if true the presentationnumber will be loaded (default)
        void set_load_presentationnumber(bool l);
        void set_load_presentationnumber(bool l,bool force_setting);
        bool load_presentationnumber(void);
 *Defines whether the value should be aligned left, right or center.
        enum alignmenttype{alignleft,alignright,aligncenter,aligndefault};
*sets the text alignment
        void set_alignment(alignmenttype a,bool registerchange=true);
        void set_alignment(alignmenttype a,bool registerchange,bool force_setting);
        alignmenttype alignment(void);

 *Defines how text (text are all datatypes except the number types) should be aligned.
 *See also @ref set_defaultnumberalignment
        static void set_defaulttextalignment(alignmenttype a);
        static alignmenttype defaulttextalignment(void);
 *Defines how numbers should be aligned. See also @ref set_defaulttextalignment.
 *Numbers are als integer and realtypes and also auto_inc.
        static void set_defaultnumberalignment(alignmenttype a);
        static alignmenttype defaultnumberalignment(void);
 *defines whether stand alone windows should open maximized or in defined window size
        static void set_open_maximized_windows(bool m);
        static bool open_maximized_windows(void);

 * if the widget is part of a presentation this widget will be moved into the background
        virtual void lower_widget(bool registerchange=true);
 * if the widget is part of a presentation this widget will be moved into the front
        virtual void raise_widget(bool registerchange=true);

* sets the script for the on_click action
	void set_on_click_action(const hk_string&,bool registerchange=true);
* @return the script for the on_click action
	hk_string on_click_action(void);
* sets the script for the on_doubleclick action
	void set_on_doubleclick_action(const hk_string&,bool registerchange=true);
* @return the script for the on_doubleclick action
	hk_string on_doubleclick_action(void);
* sets the script for the on_open action
* The on_open action will be executed when the parent form or report will be set into viewmode

	void set_on_open_action(const hk_string&,bool registerchange=true);
* @return the script for the on_open action
	hk_string on_open_action(void);
* sets the script for the on_close action
* The on_close action will be executed when the parent form or report will be set into designmode
	void set_on_close_action(const hk_string&,bool registerchange=true);
* @return the script for the on_close action
	hk_string on_close_action(void);

        virtual void        widget_specific_form_resizes(void);
        virtual void        widget_specific_font_changed(void);
        virtual void        widget_specific_label_changed(void);
        virtual void        widget_specific_foregroundcolour_changed(const hk_colour& oldcolour);
        virtual void        widget_specific_backgroundcolour_changed(const hk_colour& oldcolour);
        virtual bool        widget_specific_coordinates(unsigned int px,unsigned int py,unsigned int pwidth,unsigned int pheight);
        virtual void        widget_specific_raise_widget(void);
        virtual void        widget_specific_lower_widget(void);
	virtual void	presentationmode_changed(void);
        virtual void widget_specific_alignment(void);
	virtual void sizetype_changed(void);
	virtual void        widget_specific_sizetype_changed(void);
// script action called when this visible object is clicked
virtual	bool action_on_click(void);
virtual	bool action_on_doubleclick(void);
virtual     bool  action_on_close(void);
virtual     bool  action_on_open(void);

        bool        allow_datachanging(bool force_setting);
        void        has_changed(bool registerchange);
        hk_presentation*    p_presentation;
        enum_visibletype p_visibletype;
        bool        p_setcoordinates;
        bool        p_setwidgetcoordinates;
        bool        while_init;

        static alignmenttype p_defaulttextalign;
        static alignmenttype p_defaultnumberalign;
        static  bool        p_open_maximized_windows;

	hk_visiblemodeprivate* p_designdata;
	hk_visiblemodeprivate* p_viewdata;
	hk_visibleprivate* p_private;
        long int    p_vupn;                       //visual unique presentation number

	<tr><td><small>Generated by: horst on horstnotebook on Wed Sep 24 10:38:50 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54.</small></td></tr>