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<title>Documentation: Clipboard and Primary Selection</title>
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<table border=0 cellpadding= cellspacing=2 width=100% ><tr><td><a href='' target=_top><img src='art/foxlogo_small.jpg' border=0></a></td><td width=100% valign=bottom id="HEADLINE"><b>
Documentation: Clipboard and Primary Selection <A href='clipboard.html' target="_top" align=left><font  size=-2>[Remove Frame]</font></a>
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
  <p>FOX supports three different ways of moving or copying data between applications:
  <li><b>Drag and drop</b>.  Drag and drop is used when you <em>grab</em> some
  object on the screen and <em>drag</em> it to another location, and then <em>drop</em> it there.
  It is the most visually intuitive way to move information from one place to another.
  The drag and drop mechanism is described in the section on <a href='draganddrop.html'>drag and drop</a>.
  <li><b>Clipboard</b>.  The clipboard is used by typically selecting some object
  or text and <em>copying</em> it to the clipboard using <b>Ctrl-C</b>, or <em>cutting</em>
  it to the clipboard using <b>Ctrl-X</b>. 
  Next you can move to another application and <em>pasted</em> the object or text
  into it by using <b>Ctrl-V</b>.<br>
  Conceptually, the clipboard is a memory region which holds on to a copy of the object
  or text that was copied or cut.  This memory region will continue to exist until
  it is replaced by another clipboard copy or cut operation, either in the same
  application or in another application; there is conceptually only one single
  memory region serving all applications on the desktop.
  <li><b>Primary Selection</b>.  The primary selection is silently established by 
  selecting some text in a text field.  It can be <em>pasted</em> into another text
  field simply by using the middle mouse button.  Unlike the clipboard, there is
  no memory region to remember the primary selection other than the selection
  on the screen itself.  Thus, changing the selection immediately overwrites the
  old one. <br>
  Analoguous to the clipboard, there is only one primary selection active among
  all applications on the desktop; selecting text in another application will
  deselect the text in the current one.
  All three methods can exchange essentially arbitrary amounts of data, or arbitrary
  types.  Exchanges may take place between different controls in the same application,
  or different controls in different applications.  Under X-Windows, the different
  applications may even be running on different machines of different types.
  Whether using the clipboard, drag and drop, or primary selection, applications
  must first agree on the <em>types</em> of data being exchanged.  A single piece
  of data, for example, an image, may be exchanged using different representations.  
  For an image, for instance, the transfer may take place as GIF or BMP formats.
  To increase the odds that both the originating application and the receiving one
  support the same data representations, the originating application can furnish
  its list of supported representations for the data.  The receiving application,
  after inspecting this list, can then ask for the one format of the supplied list 
  it also supports.

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<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Registering Clipboard Types
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
  <p>In order to communicate a particular data structure across applications,
  both partners need to first register a <B>Drag Type</B>.  Registering a
  drag type yields a unique number which is guaranteed to be the same for
  all applications on the desktop.<br>
  The Drag Type is created by calling the function:
FXDragType FXApp::<B>registerDragType</B>(const FXString&amp; name) const;

  The registerDragType() function registers a new Drag Type <em>name</em> on the
  application's desktop, and returns an abstract handle to the Drag Type.
  The returned handle is used in all subsequent clipboard, drag and drop, or
  primary selection operations to signify the data type being exchanged.
  Chosing one of the standard <A HREF="">MIME types.</a>
  for commonly available data streams will ensure that data can be exchanged between
  FOX programs and programs written using other toolkits.
  The function:

FXString FXApp::<B>getDragTypeName</B>(FXDragType type) const;

  <p>will return the Drag Type Name, given the Drag Type <em>type</em>. You may need
  to use this in case your application receives a drop of an unknown type,
  and you need to decide what to do with it.</p>


<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Clipboard Exchange
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
  The clipboard is a single facility on the desktop which can be interrogated about the
  <b>types</b> of objects currently retained, and the <b>contents</b> of these objects.
  The clipboard is said to be <b>owned</b> by a <b>window</b>, meaning that whenever
  such a query must be asnwered, that particular window is the one which will be
  The advantage of this model is that it permits an easy-going decentralized
  scheme where 3rd-party widgets can implement any number of clipboard data types
  without any need for central coordination.
  Moreover, the originator can furnish a large number of potential formats for
  the clipboard selection, yet will only be called upon to actually supply one
  of these formats during the transaction.
  Upon performing a Cut or Copy to clipboard operation, the originating widget 
  will claim ownership of the clipboard by calling:

FXbool FXWindow::<B>acquireClipboard</B>(const FXDragType *types,FXuint numtypes);

where <em>types</em> is a list of Drag Types previously registered (see above), and
<em>numtypes</em> is the number of such types.
When one widget acquires the clipboard, the previous widget which owned the clipboard
will receive a message of type <b>SEL_CLIPBOARD_LOST</b>, which should cause that
widget to release all data previously retained regarding the clipboard operation.
If the caller has successfully invoked acquireClipboard(), it can allocate storage
to remember the clipboard selection in.  As it may be requested to furnish the
selection in any of the previously stated data types, it may have to remember
multiple representations of the clipboard selection.
The widget calling acquireClipboard() will receive a message of type <b>SEL_CLIPBOARD_GAINED</b>.

To voluntarily release the clipboard, a widget may call:

virtual void FXWindow::<B>releaseClipboard</B>();

This will cause the calling widget to receive a message of type <b>SEL_CLIPBOARD_LOST</b>,
just as if some other widget had called acquireClipboard().

The proper response to receiving a SEL_CLIPBOARD_LOST message is to release
the clipboard selection data:
long MyWidget::onClipboardLost(FXObject* sender,FXSelector sel,void* ptr){
  free the data
  return 1;

A widget which wants to obtain the clipboard selection can ask for the entire 
list of clipboard types by calling:

FXbool inquireDNDTypes(FXDNDOrigin origin,FXDragType*& types,FXuint& numtypes) const;

Where the parameter <em>origin</em> should be set to <b>FROM_CLIPBOARD</b>.  The result
will be placed in an array of Drag Types <em>types</em> of length <em>numtypes</em>.

Often, the requesting widget can deal with only one single type of data; for such cases,
its more convenient to be able to ask if one particular Drag Type is supported by the

FXbool offeredDNDType(FXDNDOrigin origin,FXDragType type) const;

Where again, origin must be set to <b>FROM_CLIPBOARD</b>, and <em>type</em> is the
type which we want to know about.

In even simpler scenarios, the requesting widget may simply ask for the clipboard
data of a certain datatype.  This is appropriate if there is no special action
needed in preparation to receiving the data.

A widget can obtain the data using:

FXbool getDNDData(FXDNDOrigin origin,FXDragType type,FXuchar*& data,FXuint& size) const;

Once more, <em>origin</em> is set to <b>FROM_CLIPBOARD</b>.  The requested type is given
in <em>type</em>.  Upon successful return, <em>data</em> will refer to a byte array
containing the clipboard selection data, and <em>size</em> will contain the length
of this data array.  If the originating widget is unable to furnish the requested
data type, getDNDData() returns FALSE and the <em>data</em> and <em>size</em> will
be set to NULL and 0, respectively.
The requesting widget is now resposible for deleting the memory, which must be done
using FXFREE().

When a widget requests data using getDNDData(), a message of type <b>SEL_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST</b>
is issued to the widget owning the clipboard.  The originating widget must call:

FXbool setDNDData(FXDNDOrigin origin,FXDragType type,FXuchar* data,FXuint size) const;
With <em>origin</em> set to <b>FROM_CLIPBOARD</b>, <em>type</em> to the requested data
type. The originating widget must allocate (using FXMALLOC) and fill a data array with the clipboard
selection and pass a reference to <em>data</em>, and the size of the array in <em>size</em>.
After handing the array to setDNDData(), the originating widget <em>no longer owns</em> the
data array and should make NO attempts to free it!
To figure out which datatype was requested by the requesting widget, the originating
widget can inspect the <em>target</em> member of the FXEvent structure passed in the 
SEL_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST message pointer.
A typical widget implementation first lets its base class inspect the Drag Type,
and if it was not handled yet, inspects it itself:
long MyWidget::onClipboardRequest(FXObject* sender,FXSelector sel,void* ptr){

  // See if base class knows how to deal with the requested clipboard type
  if(BaseClassOfMyWidget::onClipboardRequest(sender,sel,ptr)) return 1;
  // See if we can deal with this type ourselves
    FXuchar *data;
    FXuint len;
    fill data
    // Give the array to the system!
    // Return 1 because it was handled here
    return 1;

  // Return 0 to signify we haven't dealt with it yet; a derived
  // class from MyWidget may yet give it another try ...
  return 0;
Thus, MyWidget itself can also be subclassed so as to add even more data types!



<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Clipboard Originator
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
The originator's responsibilities during a clipboard transaction are as follows:
<li>Register the desired clipboard data types; in most widgets, this is done once
only in the widget's create() routine.  Usually, all widgets of the same type
support the same set of clipboard types so it is appropriate to remember the
clipboard type in a static member variable.</li>
<li>When performing a Cut or Copy to clipboard operation, call acquireClipboard(), and
if successfully obtaining the clipboard, allocate the necessary memory for keeping a 
copy of the clipboard selection data.</li>
<li>Alternatively, allocate the memory and remember the clipboard selection when the 
SEL_CLIPBOARD_GAINED is received.</li>
<li>Sit there and wait for a SEL_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST message.  If a request is received,
try handle the request in the base class, and if still not handled, try handle it
in the widget.  
Return 1 only if it was handled.</li>
<li>If a SEL_CLIPBOARD_LOST is received, release the memory used to keep the clipboard
selection and forget anything has happened.</li>
<li>Typically, just in case the widget still owns the clipboard when it is destroyed,
release the memory for the clipboard selection in the destructor also.</li>

<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Clipboard Requestor
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
The requestor's responsibilities in a clipboard transaction are as follows:
<li>Upon performing a Paste command, determine the type of data using inquireDNDTypes()
or offeredDNDType().  Then ask for the data using getDNDData(), passing in the 
requested data type, which is typically one of the data types furnished by the
<li>If getDNDData() returned successfully, insert the data into the widget, and
release the data array obtained from getDNDData().</li>


<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Primary Selection Exchange
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
The primary selection data exchange mechanism is pretty much the same as that for
the clipboard.  
The key difference is that typically, no copy is made of the selection.  As soon as
some text is selected, the originating window acquires the primary selection.
If the selected text is changed, the widget typically releases and reacquires the
primary selection.
Also, upon receiving a SEL_SELECTION_LOST, typically all that happens is that the
text is deselected, instead of deleted.
When exchanging via primary selection, the <em>origin</em> parameter is normally set

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<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td width=100% valign=top id=HEADLINE align=right>
<img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1>
<font size=-1>Copyright &copy; 1997-2004 Jeroen van der Zijp</font>
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