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<H1>Welcome to the FOX Home Page</h1>
Last Update: 2/3/98

<h3><b>What is FOX?</B></h3>
<b>FOX</b> stands for <b>F</b>ree <b>O</b>bjects for <b>X</b>.  FOX is a C++ Class Library for building GUI's under X.  However, it is one of the design goals to make FOX-based applications themselves
independent of X, so that they may be ported to other platforms simply by porting FOX itself.
FOX intends to provide a rich, easily extensible and customizable, collection of user-interface 
widgets with the visual characteristics of Windows. 

I have been terribly unhappy with existing GUI toolkits (XForms, Motif, Xt, etc.), especially
when working with C++.  As a consequence, I have built <em>C++ wrapper</em> libraries for
Motif (now part of CFDRC's VCE), and Windows (my own toil and trouble at home). 
All of those C++ wrapper libraries suffer from the fundamental problem that, as the 
basic widgets in their original implementation are not implemented using C++, 
none of the widget behaviour and drawing characteristics can be changed by 
<em>subclassing</em> and <em>overloading</em>.
As subclassing and overloading are natural things to do in C++, what's needed is a GUI
toolkit that is designed with such things in mind from the very beginning.  In addition,
we would like to be <em>closer to the metal</em>, i.e. have fewer layers of software between
the application and the hardware.  The more layers are involved, the more buggy, bloated, and
slow a piece of software gets.
Hence, FOX is written directly on top of Xlib.  All widgets in FOX are completely defined
from C++ objects, and all important functions (such as drawing, etc) can be overloaded
to customize behaviour. 

<h3>Why write this?</h3>
Most existing GUI toolkits have been written in C. While it is possible to create C++
wrapper libraries to give these toolkits a new leash on life and make them look like C++,
the fact is that such wrappers are missing some fundamental benefits provided with C++.
In addition, in the course of my work on VCE and CFD-VIEW, some novel GUI concepts 
(persistence, gui-updating, tooltips, object-orientation, messaging, drag-and-drop, etc.) 
have been explored which may offer significant benefits for GUI programming.  
None of the existing toolkits offer these things in a natural manner. 

<h3>FOX Features</h3>
Here's a summary of the ideas that are being implemented in the FOX library.
<li><b>Easy to use</b>.  If you're familiar with Motif, you will know what I mean.  The
goal of FOX is to use about one line of C++ code for each widget. Here's an example of
how to place a button:
	new FXButton(dialogbox,"Hello",NULL,dialogbox,CMD_HELLO);
As you see, you pass in the parent object as the first argument; the new item will
get added automatically as a child of its parent.  
When pressed, this will send a message of type <em>SEL_COMMAND</em>, and selector 
<em>CMD_HELLO</em>, to the object <em>dialogbox</em>,
which is also the FXButton's parent widget.  Buttons have a whole bunch of additional
parameters, but all of those are set to sensible defaults and do not have to
be specified.

<li><b>No direct X dependencies.</B>  While FOX itself is written on top of X Windows,
the applications using FOX will not depend on X.  Consequently, when FOX will be
ported to other platforms, the applications get a <em>free</em> ride and will be
ported as well.
The way FOX does this is by hiding all X Windows dependent behaviour in its base classes.
This makes most of FOX itself independent as well.
Finally, as the underlying window system is hidden from applications, the <em>only thing
the application programmer needs to learn is C++ and FOX</em>!

<li><b>Not a wrapper</b>.  As FOX is designed right on top of Xlib, most interesting
behaviour, such as drawing methods, can be overloaded.  Here's how you would make
your own button:
	// In the header file...
	class FXMyButton : public FXButton {
          long onPaint(FXObject* sender,FXSelector sel,void* ptr);
	  FXMyButton(FXBaseComposite *parent,...);
Where you implement a handler for the <em>onPaint</em>, it will be found in preference
to the one in the base class; thus FXMyButtons will be rendered using
this function, but behave normally in all other respects, as only drawing has
been overloaded.
As you see, this is more or less as you expect using C++.  Yet C++ wrappers will
be unable to deliver such customizability except in the most simple cases.
The only difference is the FXDECLARE macro.  This is used for declaring proper meta-class 
and message mapping of this object, and is mandatory boilerplate for FXObject derived classes.

<li><b>Object Oriented</b>.  Written entirely in C++, all GUI widgets in FOX are C++
objects.  FOX uses strongly typed widgets, so that you will be able to take advantage
of C++ type checking most of the time. For example, in Motif, all widgets are of
type Widget, but not all widgets allow the same functions to be invoked upon them;
consequently, this can lead to trouble.  As FOX has strongly typed widgets, this
is much less likely to happen in FOX.

<li><b>Target/Message</b> instead of callbacks.  All objects in FOX derive from FXObject.
In order to get a notification from a GUI widget, a FOX object registers itself as the
target of a certain widget.  A message is also associated with the widget, so that the
target may know from which widget the notification originated.
A message is comprised of a type (high 16 bits), as well as a selector (low 16 bits).  
The association between a message and a particular member function of the target object
is defined in a function map or message map.
The special type 0 is reserved from messages directly originated from the user.
Note that FOX does <em>not</em> use the signal/slot system; even though I consider this
a very elegant method, the signal/slot system relies on compile-time knowledge of the
sender/receiver combination to instantiate the proper template classes.  I consider this
a serious drawback for FOX.  In FOX, it will be possible to serialize/deserialize GUI
objects, just like any other regular C++ object.  One can therefore implement applications
such as <em>Interface Designers</em> which create and modify GUI objects, then save
the results to a stream for later perusal be applications.  
Thus, we clearly to be able to set up connections between objects at run time.  FOX's
approach with the Target/Message system clearly provides this.

<li><b>Event Translation</b>.  All events from X are translated before being passed into
the system.  This is to isolate as much as possible the application program from X, as
mentioned before.

<li><b>Archivability</b>.  One of the goals of FOX is to allow all objects derived from
FXObject to be archivable, or <em>streamable</em>.  Application of this concept to GUI widgets has
some interesting implications:

<li>Need for a two-step widget creation process.  
<p><li>In the first phase, C++ objects are de-archived from
the stream, and their member variables reconstructed from the stream data.  No X server
side data exist yet at this point.  

<p><li>In the second phase, the X server side windows are created.  As all widgets are
ultimately linked into a list hanging of FXApp, a single call to FXApp::create will
do the job.  At this point, the application is fully functional.

<li>A GUI builder built with FOX will be able to create and manipulate the <em>true</em> FOX
widget objects; no GUI mock-ups are needed; as long as the GUI builder has linked in
(statically or dynamically) all the code implementing the objects, the objects under 
the GUI builder will be working with <em>fully functional</em> instances.

At the end of the GUI building process, the widgets will be streamed out to file, and
either compiled into the code (as a static data array), or as an external file, to be
read in when the application is started.

<li>End-users could read an application's GUI stream and customize it if they so
desire, perhaps change to another language; no recompilation is needed.

<li><b>GUI Updating</b>. As mentioned before, FOX translates all X events into FOX events.
However, it also synthesizes some special events.  A special type of synthesized event is
the GUI update pseudo-event.  These events are activated during idle-processing, i.e.
just before blocking to get new events.  GUI update events solve in a convenient way
some common problems in GUI software development.

<li>Various buttons and menu-options should not be available to the user in all
situations.  To solve this problem, most toolkits allow the programmer to enable, 
(sensitize), or disable (desensitize) buttons.  To the user, this provides nice cues to the state of 
the program.  However, to the programmer of a large application, this may become a
nightmare.  Each and every button or control pressed in the GUI may change the state
of the application, and may cause many buttons and menus need to be updated.  

If one has <em>M</em> buttons, and <em>N</em> widgets to be updated, this can lead to
a lot of (boring) programming, implementing <em>M</em>*<em>N</em> combinations.

<li>To solve this, FOX simply sends synthesized update messages to each widget whenever
nothing else is being done.  The messages consist of the same selector, but the type
is set to SEL_UPDATE, instead of SEL_COMMAND.  This way, all an application programmer
needs to do is catch those messages, and change the state of the control.  Clearly,
decoupling command handling from update handling reduces the aforementioned problem
to a mere <em>M</em>+<em>N</em> combinations.

Moreover, if the state of a program may change asynchronously (e.g. with multi-threaded
programming), the GUI will keep track.

<li><b>Drag and Drop</b>. FOX will have support for 
<a href="">XDND</a> built in.  The X DND protocol
will be able to support transport of a very wide variety of data types, by using MIME.
It will also be able to transport serialized (archived) FOX objects.
Thus, applications build with FOX will be capable of drag-and drop behaviour with minimal effort.

FTP FOX from <a href="">here</a>.  You may want to check
here often, as it is upgraded almost daily.

Some late breaking news:
We now have the X selection mechanism working: so you can paste text into text fields
with the familiar middle mouse button.  It will be extended toward other types in the 

The OffiX DnD will be replaced with <a href="">XDND</a>.
XDND will provide feedback from the target to the source, so that the source can,
for example, change its icon.  It also offers a more open-ended list of data types.
Stay tuned for this new facility.

The GUI update mechanism works!!  During idle processing, the system will automatically
cycle through all widgets, and send them a SEL_UPDATE message.
The return value of a message-handler is now used to indicate that the message has
been handled; if it has, it is assumed that the applications state has been changed, and
that refresh is needed.

The event input functionality has been improved, and should now be much more
responsive:- basically, the system now only falls into idle processing when both local
client-side as well as server-side events for the application are exhausted.

The focus management has been started, but is not yet complete.


<h3>Example GUI's</h3>
Here's an example, a DTF File Viewer written by CFDRC. 
<img align=center border=2 src="zonedata.png">


<h3>Drag and Drop Topics</h3>
There is still heated debate over a good X Drag and Drop protocol.  Hence, I
will summarize a few basic requirememts which a DND protocol should provide.

<li><b>Open-Ended drop types</b>.  We can not pin down what type of stuff should
be dragged and dropped between applications.  However, it is up to a good DND 
protocol to package the drop data with sufficient meta-data that some sense can
be made out of it.
In particular:
  <li>The receiver should be able to manipulate the drop data as uninterpreted
       stream of bytes, at the very least. 
  <li>Preferably, some indication of the type of data, e.g. MIME content-type.
      This would allow the drop target to delegate handling of this type to
      some other library or application.
<li><b>Drop Actions</b>.  We do not always just want to copy data.  For example,
an application may wish to perform different actions upon the drop data dependent
on the type of drop being performed.  We discern at the very least:
<li>Move. If the drop has been accepted by the target, the original copy at the
drag source will be removed.
<li>Copy. The target will have a copy of the same data.
<li>Link. The target will have a reference to the same data as the source.
<li><b>Pre-Drop Feedback</b>.  Feedback from the drop target is needed. I can think
of several reasons:
<li>Simple visual feedback from the drop-target to the user, indicating that the
drop will or will not be accepted.  This can be accomplised by the drop-target receiving
a message from the drag-source indicating the type of the data about to be dropped.
<li>Feedback to the drag-source.  A mesage back from the drop-target to the drag-source
that indicates a drop of the given data type will or will not be accepted.  The
drag-source could use this for example to change the drag cursor.  A more advanced
message may indicate to the drag-source a subset of the drag data type which the
drop-target understands.

<li><b>Post-Drop Feedback</b>.  Further feedback from the drop target after the
drop has been processed successfully.  This is useful:
<li>The drag-source should NOT assume a drop was successfull until a feedback
message has been received.  Assuming drops are successful 
w/o having received such a confirmation message may lead to loss of data, and this
will most likely not be appreciated.


<img align=left border=0 src="owl-anim.png">
Copyright &copy 1997 Jeroen van der Zijp, all rights reserved.
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