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<h1>FXFile.h</h1><div class="fragment"><pre>00001 <span class="comment">/********************************************************************************</span>
00002 <span class="comment">*                                                                               *</span>
00003 <span class="comment">*      F i l e   I n f o r m a t i o n   a n d   M a n i p u l a t i o n        *</span>
00004 <span class="comment">*                                                                               *</span>
00005 <span class="comment">*********************************************************************************</span>
00006 <span class="comment">* Copyright (C) 2000,2004 by Jeroen van der Zijp.   All Rights Reserved.        *</span>
00007 <span class="comment">*********************************************************************************</span>
00008 <span class="comment">* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                 *</span>
00009 <span class="comment">* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public                    *</span>
00010 <span class="comment">* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either                  *</span>
00011 <span class="comment">* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.            *</span>
00012 <span class="comment">*                                                                               *</span>
00013 <span class="comment">* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               *</span>
00014 <span class="comment">* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                *</span>
00015 <span class="comment">* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU             *</span>
00016 <span class="comment">* Lesser General Public License for more details.                               *</span>
00017 <span class="comment">*                                                                               *</span>
00018 <span class="comment">* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public              *</span>
00019 <span class="comment">* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software           *</span>
00020 <span class="comment">* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.    *</span>
00021 <span class="comment">*********************************************************************************</span>
00022 <span class="comment">* $Id: FXFile.h,v 1.65 2004/02/08 17:17:33 fox Exp $                            *</span>
00023 <span class="comment">********************************************************************************/</span>
00024 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef FXFILE_H</span>
00025 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define FXFILE_H</span>
00026 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
00027 <span class="comment"></span>
00028 <span class="comment">/// Declared as "C" so as to not clash tag-names</span>
00029 <span class="comment"></span><span class="keyword">extern</span> <span class="stringliteral">"C"</span> { <span class="keyword">struct </span>stat; }
00031 <span class="keyword">namespace </span>FX {
00033 <span class="comment"></span>
00034 <span class="comment">/// Options for listing files</span>
00035 <span class="comment"></span><span class="keyword">enum</span> {
00036   <a class="code" href="group__FXFile__0.html#a0a318">LIST_MATCH_ALL</a>      = 0,              <span class="comment">/// Matching files and directories</span>
00037 <span class="comment"></span>  <a class="code" href="group__FXFile__0.html#a0a319">LIST_NO_FILES</a>       = 1,              <span class="comment">/// Don't list any files</span>
00038 <span class="comment"></span>  <a class="code" href="group__FXFile__0.html#a0a320">LIST_NO_DIRS</a>        = 2,              <span class="comment">/// Don't list any directories</span>
00039 <span class="comment"></span>  <a class="code" href="group__FXFile__0.html#a0a321">LIST_ALL_FILES</a>      = 4,              <span class="comment">/// List all files</span>
00040 <span class="comment"></span>  <a class="code" href="group__FXFile__0.html#a0a322">LIST_ALL_DIRS</a>       = 8,              <span class="comment">/// List all directories</span>
00041 <span class="comment"></span>  <a class="code" href="group__FXFile__0.html#a0a323">LIST_HIDDEN_FILES</a>   = 16,             <span class="comment">/// List hidden files also</span>
00042 <span class="comment"></span>  <a class="code" href="group__FXFile__0.html#a0a324">LIST_HIDDEN_DIRS</a>    = 32,             <span class="comment">/// List hidden directories also</span>
00043 <span class="comment"></span>  <a class="code" href="group__FXFile__0.html#a0a325">LIST_NO_PARENT</a>      = 64,             <span class="comment">/// Don't include '..' in the listing</span>
00044 <span class="comment"></span>  <a class="code" href="group__FXFile__0.html#a0a326">LIST_CASEFOLD</a>       = 128             <span class="comment">/// Matching is case-insensitive</span>
00045 <span class="comment"></span>  };
00048 <span class="keyword">namespace </span>FXFile {      <span class="comment">// FIXME do we still need FXFile namespace at all?</span>
00050 <span class="comment"></span>
00051 <span class="comment">/// Return value of environment variable name</span>
00052 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI getEnvironment(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; name);
00053 <span class="comment"></span>
00054 <span class="comment">/// Return the home directory for the current user.</span>
00055 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI getHomeDirectory();
00056 <span class="comment"></span>
00057 <span class="comment">/// Return the home directory for a given user.</span>
00058 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI getUserDirectory(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; user);
00059 <span class="comment"></span>
00060 <span class="comment">/// Return temporary directory.</span>
00061 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI getTempDirectory();
00062 <span class="comment"></span>
00063 <span class="comment">/// Set the current working directory</span>
00064 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI setCurrentDirectory(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; path);
00065 <span class="comment"></span>
00066 <span class="comment">/// Get the current working directory</span>
00067 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI getCurrentDirectory();
00068 <span class="comment"></span>
00069 <span class="comment">/// Set the current drive (for Win32 systems)</span>
00070 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI setCurrentDrive(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; prefix);
00071 <span class="comment"></span>
00072 <span class="comment">/// Return the current drive (for Win32 systems)</span>
00073 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI getCurrentDrive();
00074 <span class="comment"></span>
00075 <span class="comment">/// Get executable path</span>
00076 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI getExecPath();
00077 <span class="comment"></span>
00078 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00079 <span class="comment">* Return the directory part of the path name.</span>
00080 <span class="comment">* Note that directory("/bla/bla/") is "/bla/bla" and NOT "/bla".</span>
00081 <span class="comment">* However, directory("/bla/bla") is "/bla" as we expect!</span>
00082 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00083 FXString FXAPI directory(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00084 <span class="comment"></span>
00085 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00086 <span class="comment">* Return name and extension part of the path name.</span>
00087 <span class="comment">* Note that name("/bla/bla/") is "" and NOT "bla".</span>
00088 <span class="comment">* However, name("/bla/bla") is "bla" as we expect!</span>
00089 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00090 FXString FXAPI name(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00091 <span class="comment"></span>
00092 <span class="comment">/// Return file title, i.e. document name only</span>
00093 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI title(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00094 <span class="comment"></span>
00095 <span class="comment">/// Return extension part of the file name</span>
00096 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI extension(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00097 <span class="comment"></span>
00098 <span class="comment">/// Return file name less the extension</span>
00099 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI stripExtension(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00100 <span class="comment"></span>
00101 <span class="comment">/// Return the drive letter prefixing this file name (if any).</span>
00102 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI drive(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00103 <span class="comment"></span>
00104 <span class="comment">/// Perform tilde or environment variable expansion</span>
00105 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI expand(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00106 <span class="comment"></span>
00107 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00108 <span class="comment">* Simplify a file path; the path will remain relative if it was relative,</span>
00109 <span class="comment">* or absolute if it was absolute.  Also, a trailing "/" will be preserved</span>
00110 <span class="comment">* as this is important in other functions.</span>
00111 <span class="comment">* For example, simplify("..//aaa/./bbb//../c/") becomes "../aaa/c/".</span>
00112 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00113 FXString FXAPI simplify(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00114 <span class="comment"></span>
00115 <span class="comment">/// Return absolute path from current directory and file name</span>
00116 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI absolute(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00117 <span class="comment"></span>
00118 <span class="comment">/// Return absolute path from base directory and file name</span>
00119 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI absolute(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; base,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00120 <span class="comment"></span>
00121 <span class="comment">/// Return relative path of file to the current directory</span>
00122 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI relative(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00123 <span class="comment"></span>
00124 <span class="comment">/// Return relative path of file to given base directory</span>
00125 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI relative(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; base,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00126 <span class="comment"></span>
00127 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00128 <span class="comment">* Return root of absolute path; on Unix, this is just "/". On</span>
00129 <span class="comment">* Windows, this is "\\" or "C:\".  Returns the empty string</span>
00130 <span class="comment">* if the given path is not absolute.</span>
00131 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00132 FXString FXAPI root(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00133 <span class="comment"></span>
00134 <span class="comment">/// Enquote filename to make safe for shell</span>
00135 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI enquote(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file,FXbool forcequotes=FALSE);
00136 <span class="comment"></span>
00137 <span class="comment">/// Dequote filename to get original again</span>
00138 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI dequote(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00139 <span class="comment"></span>
00140 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00141 <span class="comment">* Generate unique filename of the form pathnameXXX.ext, where</span>
00142 <span class="comment">* pathname.ext is the original input file, and XXX is a number,</span>
00143 <span class="comment">* possibly empty, that makes the file unique.</span>
00144 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00145 FXString FXAPI unique(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00146 <span class="comment"></span>
00147 <span class="comment">/// Search path list for this file, return full path name for first occurrence</span>
00148 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI search(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; pathlist,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00149 <span class="comment"></span>
00150 <span class="comment">/// Return path to directory above input directory name</span>
00151 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI upLevel(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00152 <span class="comment"></span>
00153 <span class="comment">/// Return true if file name is absolute</span>
00154 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isAbsolute(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00155 <span class="comment"></span>
00156 <span class="comment">/// Return true if input directory is a top-level directory</span>
00157 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isTopDirectory(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00158 <span class="comment"></span>
00159 <span class="comment">/// Return true if input path is a file name</span>
00160 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isFile(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00161 <span class="comment"></span>
00162 <span class="comment">/// Return true if input path is a link</span>
00163 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isLink(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00164 <span class="comment"></span>
00165 <span class="comment">/// Return true if input path is a directory</span>
00166 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isDirectory(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00167 <span class="comment"></span>
00168 <span class="comment">/// Return true if input path is a file share</span>
00169 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isShare(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00170 <span class="comment"></span>
00171 <span class="comment">/// Return true if file is readable</span>
00172 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isReadable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00173 <span class="comment"></span>
00174 <span class="comment">/// Return true if file is writable</span>
00175 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isWritable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00176 <span class="comment"></span>
00177 <span class="comment">/// Return true if file is executable</span>
00178 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isExecutable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00179 <span class="comment"></span>
00180 <span class="comment">/// Return true if owner has read-write-execute permissions</span>
00181 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isOwnerReadWriteExecute(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00182 <span class="comment"></span>
00183 <span class="comment">/// Return true if owner has read permissions</span>
00184 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isOwnerReadable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00185 <span class="comment"></span>
00186 <span class="comment">/// Return true if owner has write permissions</span>
00187 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isOwnerWritable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00188 <span class="comment"></span>
00189 <span class="comment">/// Return true if owner has execute permissions</span>
00190 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isOwnerExecutable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00191 <span class="comment"></span>
00192 <span class="comment">/// Return true if group has read-write-execute permissions</span>
00193 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isGroupReadWriteExecute(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00194 <span class="comment"></span>
00195 <span class="comment">/// Return true if group has read permissions</span>
00196 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isGroupReadable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00197 <span class="comment"></span>
00198 <span class="comment">/// Return true if group has write permissions</span>
00199 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isGroupWritable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00200 <span class="comment"></span>
00201 <span class="comment">/// Return true if group has execute permissions</span>
00202 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isGroupExecutable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00203 <span class="comment"></span>
00204 <span class="comment">/// Return true if others have read-write-execute permissions</span>
00205 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isOtherReadWriteExecute(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00206 <span class="comment"></span>
00207 <span class="comment">/// Return true if others have read permissions</span>
00208 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isOtherReadable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00209 <span class="comment"></span>
00210 <span class="comment">/// Return true if others have write permissions</span>
00211 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isOtherWritable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00212 <span class="comment"></span>
00213 <span class="comment">/// Return true if others have execute permissions</span>
00214 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isOtherExecutable(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00215 <span class="comment"></span>
00216 <span class="comment">/// Return true if the file sets the user id on execution</span>
00217 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isSetUid(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00218 <span class="comment"></span>
00219 <span class="comment">/// Return true if the file sets the group id on execution</span>
00220 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isSetGid(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00221 <span class="comment"></span>
00222 <span class="comment">/// Return true if the file has the sticky bit set</span>
00223 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI isSetSticky(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00224 <span class="comment"></span>
00225 <span class="comment">/// Return owner name from uid if available</span>
00226 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI owner(FXuint uid);
00227 <span class="comment"></span>
00228 <span class="comment">/// Return owner name of file if available</span>
00229 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI owner(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00230 <span class="comment"></span>
00231 <span class="comment">/// Return group name from gid if available</span>
00232 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI group(FXuint gid);
00233 <span class="comment"></span>
00234 <span class="comment">/// Return group name of file if available</span>
00235 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI group(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00236 <span class="comment"></span>
00237 <span class="comment">/// Return permissions string</span>
00238 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI permissions(FXuint mode);
00239 <span class="comment"></span>
00240 <span class="comment">/// Return file size in bytes</span>
00241 <span class="comment"></span><span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">long</span> FXAPI size(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00242 <span class="comment"></span>
00243 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00244 <span class="comment">* Return last modified time for this file, on filesystems</span>
00245 <span class="comment">* where this is supported.  This is the time when any data</span>
00246 <span class="comment">* in the file was last modified.</span>
00247 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00248 FXTime FXAPI modified(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00249 <span class="comment"></span>
00250 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00251 <span class="comment">* Return last accessed time for this file, on filesystems</span>
00252 <span class="comment">* where this is supported.</span>
00253 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00254 FXTime FXAPI accessed(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00255 <span class="comment"></span>
00256 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00257 <span class="comment">* Return created time for this file, on filesystems</span>
00258 <span class="comment">* where this is supported.  This is also the time when</span>
00259 <span class="comment">* ownership, permissions, links, and other meta-data may</span>
00260 <span class="comment">* have changed.</span>
00261 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00262 FXTime FXAPI created(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00263 <span class="comment"></span>
00264 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00265 <span class="comment">* Return touched time for this file, on filesystems</span>
00266 <span class="comment">* where this is supported.  This is the time when anything</span>
00267 <span class="comment">* at all, either contents or meta-data, about the file was</span>
00268 <span class="comment">* changed.</span>
00269 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00270 FXTime FXAPI touched(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00271 <span class="comment"></span>
00272 <span class="comment">/// Match filenames using *, ?, [^a-z], and so on</span>
00273 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI match(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; pattern,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file,FXuint flags=(FILEMATCH_NOESCAPE|FILEMATCH_FILE_NAME));
00274 <span class="comment"></span>
00275 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00276 <span class="comment">* List files in a given directory.</span>
00277 <span class="comment">* Returns the number of files in the string-array list which matched the</span>
00278 <span class="comment">* pattern or satisfied the flag conditions.</span>
00279 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00280 FXint FXAPI listFiles(FXString*&amp; filelist,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; path,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; pattern=<span class="stringliteral">"*"</span>,FXuint flags=LIST_MATCH_ALL);
00281 <span class="comment"></span>
00282 <span class="comment">/// Return current time</span>
00283 <span class="comment"></span>FXTime FXAPI now();
00284 <span class="comment"></span>
00285 <span class="comment">/// Convert file time to date-string</span>
00286 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI time(FXTime filetime);
00287 <span class="comment"></span>
00288 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00289 <span class="comment">* Convert file time to date-string as per strftime.</span>
00290 <span class="comment">* Format characters supported by most systems are:</span>
00291 <span class="comment">*</span>
00292 <span class="comment">*  %a %A %b %B %c %d %H %I %j %m %M %p %S %U %w %W %x %X %y %Y %Z %%</span>
00293 <span class="comment">*</span>
00294 <span class="comment">* Some systems support additional conversions.</span>
00295 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00296 FXString FXAPI time(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXchar *format,FXTime filetime);
00297 <span class="comment"></span>
00298 <span class="comment">/// Return file info as reported by system stat() function</span>
00299 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI info(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file,<span class="keyword">struct</span> stat&amp; inf);
00300 <span class="comment"></span>
00301 <span class="comment">/// Return file info as reported by system lstat() function</span>
00302 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI linkinfo(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file,<span class="keyword">struct</span> stat&amp; inf);
00303 <span class="comment"></span>
00304 <span class="comment">/// Return true if file exists</span>
00305 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI exists(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00306 <span class="comment"></span>
00307 <span class="comment">/// Return true if files are identical</span>
00308 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI identical(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file1,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file2);
00309 <span class="comment"></span>
00310 <span class="comment">/// Return the mode flags for this file</span>
00311 <span class="comment"></span>FXuint FXAPI mode(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00312 <span class="comment"></span>
00313 <span class="comment">/// Change the mode flags for this file</span>
00314 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI mode(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file,FXuint mode);
00315 <span class="comment"></span>
00316 <span class="comment">/// Create new directory</span>
00317 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI createDirectory(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; path,FXuint mode);
00318 <span class="comment"></span>
00319 <span class="comment">/// Create new (empty) file</span>
00320 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI createFile(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file,FXuint mode);
00321 <span class="comment"></span>
00322 <span class="comment">/**</span>
00323 <span class="comment">* Concatenate srcfile1 and srcfile2 to a dstfile.</span>
00324 <span class="comment">* If overwrite is true, then the operation fails if dstfile already exists.</span>
00325 <span class="comment">* srcfile1 and srcfile2 should not be the same as dstfile.</span>
00326 <span class="comment">*/</span>
00327 FXbool FXAPI concatenate(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; srcfile1,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; srcfile2,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; dstfile,FXbool overwrite=FALSE);
00328 <span class="comment"></span>
00329 <span class="comment">/// Remove file or directory, recursively.</span>
00330 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI remove(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00331 <span class="comment"></span>
00332 <span class="comment">/// Copy file or directory, recursively</span>
00333 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI copy(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; srcfile,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; dstfile,FXbool overwrite=FALSE);
00334 <span class="comment"></span>
00335 <span class="comment">/// Rename or move file or directory</span>
00336 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI move(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; srcfile,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; dstfile,FXbool overwrite=FALSE);
00337 <span class="comment"></span>
00338 <span class="comment">/// Link file</span>
00339 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI link(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; srcfile,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; dstfile,FXbool overwrite=FALSE);
00340 <span class="comment"></span>
00341 <span class="comment">/// Symbolic link file</span>
00342 <span class="comment"></span>FXbool FXAPI symlink(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; srcfile,<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; dstfile,FXbool overwrite=FALSE);
00343 <span class="comment"></span>
00344 <span class="comment">/// Read symbolic link</span>
00345 <span class="comment"></span>FXString FXAPI symlink(<span class="keyword">const</span> FXString&amp; file);
00347 }
00349 }
00351 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>

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