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    begin                : ven avr 23 18:58:17 CEST 1999                                          
    copyright            : (C) 1999 by François Dupoux                         
AUTHOR: François Dupoux
WEB2:   (if first adresse doesn't works):            
Thanks to Heiko Goller who had written the German translation.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
at your option) any later version.

KFileReplace search and replace strings which appears inside files with others.
For example, you can replace in /root/linuxweb, all *.htm files,
the string "Linux" with "LINUX", the string "system" with "OS", ....
Since version 0.4, it support the wildcards (* and ?), and since the, they
are also supported in the replace string. For example, you can search for the
following text: "webserver*.htm" and replace it with "apache*.html" inside all 
files you want.

KFileReplace is written for Linux, used with KDE (K Desktop Environment), and
with KDevelop. It was ported to KDE 2 in Decembre 1999, and to KDE 3 in April 2002.

Please, report all bug you find to the author, by writing an e-mail to him,
with the following subject: "KFileReplace bug report (version w.x.y.z)"
If you have ideas about new features which could be added to a new version,
you can send them nto the author.

To compile it, run these commands in a terminal:
./configure && make && make install
type "rm config.cache" before if you have problems

Welcome to everybody who want to help the KFileReplace project. There are many
ways to do it: writing translations from english of the text used inside the source code,
writing C++ code with new features, drawing new icons, writing documentation (in SGML format),
translating SGML documentations into another languages... Please, download the last version
of KFileReplace before doing anything: it would be not useful to translate an old version,
and ask the author is the work is not already done, or not being done.

To translate:
- To regenerate the po/kfilereplace.pot file, you must type in terminal:
  xgettext -C -s -ki18n -x/opt/kde/include/kde.pot *.cpp *.h -o../po/kfilereplace.pot
  (if /opt/kde is your KDE directory)
- To compile the PO file file to a usable GMO file, type for example:
  msgfmt fr.po