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<title>Two simple Qt widgets (in-process)</title>
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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>Two simple Qt widgets (in-process)</h1>


The ActiveX controls in this example are simple <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a>
subclasses reimplementing the paintEvent() method.
<p> It demonstrates the implementation of a <a href="qaxfactory.html">QAxFactory</a> to provide multiple
ActiveX controls in a single in process ActiveX server, and the use of
the <a href="qaxfactory.html#QAXFACTORY_EXPORT">QAXFACTORY_EXPORT</a> macro.
<p> The first control draws a filled rectangle. The fill color is exposed
as a property.

<pre>    class QAxWidget1 : public <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a>
        <a href="metaobjects.html#Q_OBJECT">Q_OBJECT</a>
        Q_PROPERTY( QColor fillColor READ fillColor WRITE setFillColor )
        QAxWidget1( <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a> *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0 )
            : <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a>( parent, name, f ), fill_color( red )

        <a href="qcolor.html">QColor</a> fillColor() const
            return fill_color;
        void setFillColor( const <a href="qcolor.html">QColor</a> &amp;fc )
            fill_color = fc;

        void paintEvent( <a href="qpaintevent.html">QPaintEvent</a> *e )
            <a href="qpainter.html">QPainter</a> paint( this );
            <a href="qrect.html">QRect</a> r = rect();
    <a name="x2636"></a>        r.<a href="qrect.html#addCoords">addCoords</a>( 10, 10, -10, -10 );
    <a name="x2635"></a>        paint.<a href="qpainter.html#fillRect">fillRect</a>( r, fill_color );

        <a href="qcolor.html">QColor</a> fill_color;
<p> The second control draws a circle. The linewith is exposed as a property.

<pre>    class QAxWidget2 : public <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a>
        Q_PROPERTY( int lineWidth READ lineWidth WRITE setLineWidth )
        QAxWidget2( <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a> *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0 )
            : <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a>( parent, name, f ), line_width( 1 )

        int lineWidth() const
            return line_width;
        void setLineWidth( int lw )
            line_width = lw;

        void paintEvent( <a href="qpaintevent.html">QPaintEvent</a> *e )
            <a href="qpainter.html">QPainter</a> paint( this );
    <a name="x2638"></a>        <a href="qpen.html">QPen</a> pen = paint.<a href="qpainter.html#pen">pen</a>();
    <a name="x2640"></a>        pen.<a href="qpen.html#setWidth">setWidth</a>( line_width );
    <a name="x2639"></a>        paint.<a href="qpainter.html#setPen">setPen</a>( pen );

            <a href="qrect.html">QRect</a> r = rect();
    <a name="x2641"></a>        r.<a href="qrect.html#addCoords">addCoords</a>( 10, 10, -10, -10 );
    <a name="x2637"></a>        paint.<a href="qpainter.html#drawEllipse">drawEllipse</a>( r );

        int line_width;
<p> The controls are provided by an implementation of the <a href="qaxfactory.html">QAxFactory</a>.

<p> The constructor just propagates the identifiers for the type library and the
application to the QAxFactory.
<pre>    class ActiveQtFactory : public <a href="qaxfactory.html">QAxFactory</a>
        ActiveQtFactory( const <a href="quuid.html">QUuid</a> &amp;lib, const <a href="quuid.html">QUuid</a> &amp;app )
            : <a href="qaxfactory.html">QAxFactory</a>( lib, app )
</pre>The featureList implementation returns the class names of the controls.
<pre>        <a href="qstringlist.html">QStringList</a> featureList() const
            <a href="qstringlist.html">QStringList</a> list;
            list &lt;&lt; "QAxWidget1";
            list &lt;&lt; "QAxWidget2";
            return list;
</pre>The implementations of the factory functions return the value for the requested 
<pre>        <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a> *create( const <a href="qstring.html">QString</a> &amp;key, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
            if ( key == "QAxWidget1" )
                return new QAxWidget1( parent, name );
            if ( key == "QAxWidget2" )
                return new QAxWidget2( parent, name );

            return 0;
        <a href="quuid.html">QUuid</a> classID( const <a href="qstring.html">QString</a> &amp;key ) const
            if ( key == "QAxWidget1" )
                return QUuid( "{1D9928BD-4453-4bdd-903D-E525ED17FDE5}" );
            if ( key == "QAxWidget2" )
                return QUuid( "{58139D56-6BE9-4b17-937D-1B1EDEDD5B71}" );

            return QUuid();
        <a href="quuid.html">QUuid</a> interfaceID( const <a href="qstring.html">QString</a> &amp;key ) const
            if ( key == "QAxWidget1" )
                return QUuid( "{99F6860E-2C5A-42ec-87F2-43396F4BE389}" );
            if ( key == "QAxWidget2" )
                return QUuid( "{B66280AB-08CC-4dcc-924F-58E6D7975B7D}" );

            return QUuid();
        <a href="quuid.html">QUuid</a> eventsID( const <a href="qstring.html">QString</a> &amp;key ) const
            if ( key == "QAxWidget1" )
                return QUuid( "{0A3E9F27-E4F1-45bb-9E47-63099BCCD0E3}" );
            if ( key == "QAxWidget2" )
                return QUuid( "{D72BACBA-03C4-4480-B4BB-DE4FE3AA14A0}" );

            return QUuid();
</pre>The <tt>exposeToSuperClass</tt> implementations returns the key for the "QAxWidget2", and
calls the default implementation otherwise. The QAxWidget2 control will not expose
properties or methods of any parent class, while QAxWidget1 exposes all properties,
signals and slots of <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a> and <a href="qobject.html">QObject</a>, too.
<pre>        <a href="qstring.html">QString</a> exposeToSuperClass( const <a href="qstring.html">QString</a> &amp;key ) const
            if ( key == "QAxWidget2" )
                return key;
            return QAxFactory::exposeToSuperClass( key );
</pre>The <tt>hasStockEvents</tt> implementation returns TRUE for the "QAxWidget2", and FALSE
otherwise. The QAxWidget2 control will fire OLE stock events when the user interacts
with the control.
<pre>        bool hasStockEvents( const <a href="qstring.html">QString</a> &amp;key ) const
            if ( key == "QAxWidget2" )
                return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
<p> The factory is exported from the server using the QAXFACTORY_EXPORT macro.
The implementation of <tt>main</tt> is just a dummy, but required for the linker.
<pre>    QAXFACTORY_EXPORT( ActiveQtFactory, "{98DE28B6-6CD3-4e08-B9FA-3D1DB43F1D2F}", "{05828915-AD1C-47ab-AB96-D6AD1E25F0E2}" )
<p> To build the example you must first build the <a href="qaxserver.html">QAxServer</a> library. Then run qmake and your make tool in 
<p> <hr>
<p> The <a href="qaxserver-demo-multiple.html">demonstration</a> requires your
WebBrowser to support ActiveX controls, and scripting to be enabled.

<pre>    &lt;script language=javascript&gt;
    function setColor( form )
        Ax1.fillColor = form.colorEdit.value;

    function setWidth( form )
        Ax2.lineWidth = form.widthEdit.value;

    This is one QWidget subclass:&lt;br&gt;
    &lt;object ID="Ax1" CLASSID="CLSID:1D9928BD-4453-4bdd-903D-E525ED17FDE5"
    [Object not available! Did you forget to build and register the server?]
    Fill Color: &lt;input type="edit" ID="colorEdit" value = "red"&gt;
    &lt;input type="button" value = "Set" onClick="setColor(this.form)"&gt;
    &lt;input type="button" value = "Hide" onClick="Ax1.hide()"&gt;
    &lt;input type="button" value = "Show" onClick=""&gt;

    This is another QWidget subclass:&lt;br&gt;
    &lt;object ID="Ax2" CLASSID="CLSID:58139D56-6BE9-4b17-937D-1B1EDEDD5B71"
    [Object not available! Did you forget to build and register the server?]
    Line width: &lt;input type="edit" ID="widthEdit" value = "1"&gt;
    &lt;input type="button" value = "Set" onClick="setWidth(this.form)"&gt;
</pre><p>See also <a href="qaxserver-examples.html">The QAxServer Examples</a>.

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