

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > c8323124e8d20d6f18044fb3a30614d9 > files > 27


	+ SuSE 9.0 : text rotation doesnt work correct (y-Axis)
		(see QT example "xform")
	+ kpart in konqueror won't resize : use reload function 
	+ disable auto formatting of QT RichText
	+ opening from commandline -> maximize doesn't work correct
	+ print preview : "qDrawShadePanel() Invalid parameters."
	* Debian installation problems (KDEDIR ?)
	* 3d : rounding of double values -> +/- 1 errors (boxes style)
	* 3d : plot range for box style
	* 3d : tic label of y and z axis are crossing
	* update GraphList in ListDialog, after editing data
	* export data (Graph2D, Graph3D, GraphM) -> use QProgressDialog in DumpDialog
	* get the index of the double clicked object (for object dialog list index)
	* open project and clsoe LabPlot -> dont ask for saving
	* many times rescaling -> rounding errors in x & y direction
	* label position not shown when enabling axis (AxesDialog)
	* Data statistics with no graph -> show message
	* selected surface style in DataDialog is not used (standard style)
	* "/" for data/function separation in GraphListDialog isn't smart
	* "repaint" redraws always the whole Worksheet	-> flicker
		(Qt::WResizeNoErase, Qt::WRepaintNoErase doesn't work here)
	* sqrt scale correct ? (distants 0-1 and 2-3 are equal !)
	? LabPlot crashes when selecting any drawing method on fresh installation
	? LabPlot crashes when libraries are compiled with icc

LabPlot 1.3.0:
	* multiple plots per worksheet
		* arrange (1x2,2x1,2x2, ..)
		* plot list in main menu or in a plot (see Origin |1|2|3|) ?
		* PlotListDialog ?
		* shift whole plot with mouse
		* scale plot with mouse
		* move whole plot area in Multiplots
		* exchange graph between plots
		* automatic numbering : a) b) c) d) / 1) 2) 3) 4) / A) B) C) D)
	* open & save worksheet settings	-> WorksheetDialog
		* title (for worksheet list & MainWin caption) -> Label
		* bgcolor	-> QColor
		* timestamp	-> ?
	* solve rescaling bug (rounding problem)
	* scale string size, etc. with plot
X	* exchange of graphs between plots
X	* exchange of plots between worksheets
	* logarithmic (x & y axis) surface plot

LabPlot 1.3.x :
	* axis tic label in PI (0,PI,2PI)
	* file info (txt,image,audio, size, ...)
	* date and time format 
		-> unix time -> QDate & QTime
		* read data/time format
		* tics label format (date)
	* import images
		* 2d DataDialog : from x-y-z data to surface plot (what about nx and ny ?)
		* use symbol and style if selected in surface 2d data dialog
		* 3d plot (x-y-z & matrix)
		* import into pixmap (rgb, grayscale, palette)
		-> other data format : image ? (short, int, etc.)
		-> image color ?
	* filled 2-D contours for data that is logarithmic (see plotmtv)
	* Dump dialog
		* only export selected region or choosen rows ???
	* GraphListDialog :
		delete all selected graphs
	* Analysis :
		* all :
			* all selected graphs
			* smooth	: 2derr, 3d, matrix		2DSurface, 3D
			* prune		: 2derr, 3d, matrix		2DSurface, 3D
			* hist		: 2derr, 3d, matrix		2DSurface, 3D
			* diff		: 2derr, 3d, matrix		2DSurface, 3D
			* int		: 2derr, 3d, matrix		2DSurface, 3D
			* reg		: 2derr, 3d, matrix		2DSurface, 3D
			* fft		: 2derr, 3d, matrix		2DSurface, 3D
			* fit		: 2derr, 3d, matrix		2DSurface, 3D
		* FFT
			* inverse ( gsl_fft_complex_inverse/ fftw REDFT00,RODFT00, etc.)
			* data window
			// halflen (all values)
			// amp_correction
		* nonlinear fitting with GSL
			* custom fit function
		* convolution	(using fft)
		* regression :
			* non linear	: 
				* a*x^b,a*exp(b*x),a+b*ln(x),1/(a+b*x)
			* weighted	: 
				* 1/dy^2 (2derr), custom (function) 
			* 2derr data -> weight = 1/dy^2
		* differences		(dy(x))
			* gsl numeric differences
		* integrate
			* gsl numerical integration
			* weighted
			* use the correct function if available	(checkbox) -> undefinite integral (?)
		* histogram :
			* weighted	: gsl_histogram_accumulate (h,x,weight)
				-> weight what ?
		* correlation
		* substract, add data & functions
		* interpolate, extrapolate
		* spline (bezier, etc.)
		* peak find
	* axes scale
		* 3D axes	log10,log2,ln,sqrt
			* axes x,y,z	(
			* data	(
			* special axes tic label
		* surface : logarithmic contour
		* minor tic label (?)	(for log10)
		* use major tic number (?)
	* baseline 3d
	* line style : width
	* xy-region for 3d integration, fit, etc.
	* convert 3d type to matrix (NX=64 & NY=1 -> NX=NY=8)
		* 3d data (type 3d) -> draw line
		* 3d data -> set nx,ny
		* 3d matrix display : use nx and ny
	* configure LabPlot
		* <Action name="worksheet"/>
			before Action "plot" in LabPlotui.rc	(2 times)
		2. ConfigureDialog
			* number of recent files
			* units ?
			* colors ?
			(* save data in project as link (yes/no))
			(* open new Plot in active Worksheet or in new Worksheet)
			(* Identity ?)
		3. Template for Plot
			* axes
			* fonts
			* colors ?
	* improve surface plot -> legend (0..1)
		* KGradientSelector
		* rbg vs hsv
	* improve 3D Plotting
		* correct boxes style
			* change x,y actranges (not ranges !)
		* (Surface)
		* colorscale + contour lines (new style type ?)
		* see known bugs
	* richtext strings
		* graph label & save/open
misc :
	* Tutorial :
		* worksheet,plot,graph label,tics,etc.
	* translate handbook to german (doc/de)
	* need new method for Point3D *data = new Point3D[MAX_POINTS];
		-> use number of lines of a data file
	* care about all warnings from icc (-Wcheck)
	* test and document the API
		* improve doxygen documentation 
	* add more "WhatsThis" infos

2.0 Releases
	* better dialogs
		* exclusive buttongroups (enable/disable) when needed
		* input validators for lineedits
	* embedding of applications (xfig, gnuplot, scilab, ...) ???
	* wizard for plots
	* Image processing
	 	* make use of ImageMagick++
	* configure : 
		* check for fftw library and headers
		* fftw version in SuSE 9.0 ?
		* fftw in RH9 ditribution  : NO
	* bounded value line edits -> slider	(QSlider)
	* include kghostview menus and toolbars, etc. in print preview (see kgv_part.rc)
		-> how to delete gv part gui elements ?
	* Splashscreen
		-> see kileapplication.cpp
	* use QSA :
		* make LabPlot scriptable, defined own analysis plugins, define fit functions, etc. 
		* needs QT > 3.1.2 (RH 9 QT 3.1.1 seems to work too !)
		* SUSE 9.0 : qsa-1.0.1
	* seperate data file from project file
		(saving a data file name in a project file instead of the data itself)
	* read all *.dat, etc.
	* support gzipped *.lpl files
	* binary/other data file support
		-> examples/fileformats/
		* matlab
		* mathematica
		* maple
		* CDF via libcdf
		* zip compressed
		* rar compressed
		* (origin)
		* (sigmaplot)
	* import spreadsheet formats
		-> see export filter of staroffice, kspread
		* kspread
		* staroffice
	* import project files
		* grace
		* kst
		* kpl
		* (origin)
		* (sigmaplot)
	* reading and writing of audio formats
		* wav, au, pcm	-> audiofile	(libsndfile)
		* mp3	-> libmp3 ?, libmad ? (RH9:-)
		* ogg	-> libogg ?, sox -> wav
		* flac	-> ?
		* shn	-> ?
		* use sox to convert
		* implement data editing like normal audio programs
	* templates ? (for inserting data)
	* image object : save in project file ?

drawing/ data manipulation :
	plots :
		* surface plot :
			* rescaling/shifting
		* contour plot :
			* colored lines (palette) or one color (black, white, blue etc.)
			* fill
			* level label
		* more plot types
			* polar plots
			* pie charts
			* xy chart (xmgrace)
			* smith plot
			* ternary plot
			* implicit plot (x+2*y=1)
			* field plot
			* space curve (sin(t),t=0..10)
		* fill only region of a graph
		* support x=f(y) plots (f(x)=sin(y))
		* parametric functions f(t)
		* horizontal & vertical lines as symbol
		* select datapoints with cursor
		* plotting surface : use pixmap and put it on the screen
	axes :
		* autoscale x+y+z
		* x-y graph flip
		* shifting 3d axes with mouse
		* Logscaling with scrolling and zooming
		* db axis scale (exp+log)
		* Axis scale
		* reciprocal
		* shifting of 3d Axes with mouse ?
		* grid, ticks and numbers : in or out of plotarea
		* 1/x scale, etc.
	misc :
		* fill of steps and boxes
		* supporting errorbars in 3D
		* 3D view changes (angles)
		* select Range by mouse
		* lens (zoom by mousearea)
		* smooth Savitzky-Golay (?)
		* different cursor symbols for different actions (Qt::CursorShapes)
		* Style in Dialog : show symbols (draw it)

misc :
	* tex style support for strings
	* use STL contructs for some critical objects (see C++-Unleashed & SGI docu)
	* timestamps
	* C functions -> C++ (sprintf, etc.)
	* animations
	* contour & density plots from 3D data ?