

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > da63eb45c2c9af98f8abd58198091098 > files > 8


Requirements and Problems
     Egoboo ( Ee-go-boo ) is a Direct3D game, and
requires a 3D graphics card to play.  You can try
it in software mode, but that's yucky.  If you
have problems, change the SETUP.TXT file.
     Egoboo is freeware, open source, but it ain't
finished and I'm done working on it.  Do with it
as you will ( think NetHack ).

Starting a New Character
     To begin play as a new character,
simply choose one of the Starter modules.
Each character class has its own Starter
module to get you used to that character's
style of play.
     When you beat a module, your character
and his or her inventory are automatically saved.
Hidden modules may also become playable.  If you
have any pets, make sure you pick them up before
you leave the module.

Character Classes
     An Adventurer is a Jack-of-All-Trades.
He is able to use most weapons as well as
magic.  Adventurers pay for this versatility,
however, being unable to advance as far as
other classes.
     A Wizard is master of the arcane,
spells being his primary offense.  He is
incredibly frail, so stay out of close
combat with this character.
     A Healer works to cleanse the earth
of the undead and other evils.  She is
an able fighter, but is more at home in
the back lines tending to the wounded.
Her innate healing powers are useable only
when unnarmed.

Game Controls
     Egoboo supports up to 3 players
on any one computer, and 3 different
input devices.  Each of these devices
can be customized in CONTROLS.TXT, but
the defaults are listed below.  ( You
might be able to play 4 if you have 2
joysticks, but that's not tested ).

     General Keys
     Escape quits the game
     1, 2, 3, and 4 give character stats

     Keyboard Play
     T and Y attack
     G and H drop and grab items
     B and N rotate inventory
     Number pad arrows move the character, 0 on pad jumps
     7 and 9 on the number pad rotate the view
     + and - on the number pad zoom the view

     Mouse Play
     Try to use slow, continuous movements
     Try various button combinations
     A and S control the left hand

     Joystick Play
     Simplest, but you'll need 8 buttons
       for full control, otherwise you'll need
       to use it in conjunction with the keyboard

Player Display
     Each player has a little portrait
on the right side of the screen, with one
or two status bars below it and two more
little pictures to the left and right.
The character's name ( abbreviated ) and
money ( Zorkmids ) are located above the
     The portrait itself indicates the
your physical appearance and armor.  The
image to the left of the portrait shows the
weapon in the your left hand, the right
image is your right hand.
     The red status bar is your life.  When
this bar is empty, your character dies.  The
other bar is mana, the magical energy of
your character.  Mana comes back with time,
but impatient folk drink Potions...
     If your status bars change color, it
means something is unusual.  For example,
the life bar may change to green if you are

Player Status
     In addition to the quick status displays,
you can press the number keys along the top of
the keyboard to get more specific information
regarding your character.  The character's
full name and level are displayed, along with
several stats, each of which affects the game
in many ways.  The higher the number, the better.
Here's a list of the stats and one benefit for
     * The STR stat is the character's strength,
       and affects the use of melee weapons.
     * The WIS stat is the character's wisdom,
       and affects the use of Healing Magics.
     * The INT stat is the character's intelligence,
       and affects the use of Wizard Magics.
     * The DEX stat is the character's dexterity,
       and affects the accuracy of ranged weapons.
     * The DEF stat is the character's defense,
       and decreases damage done to the character.
     * The EXP stat is the character's experience.
       When a character has enough experience, he
       or she gains a level and gains more of the
       other stats.  Killing monsters is one way
       to gain experience, but each character class
       offers its own unique possibilities.  For
       example, an Adventurer may gain a substantial
       amount of experience for finding a level map,
       while a Healer benefits from destroying Undead.

     Death in Egoboo usually isn't permanent, but it's
not a good thing either.  Your character will drop
both in-hand items, all of his or her keys, and all the
Zorkmids he or she is carrying.  If you press the
Spacebar to respawn, your character loses a portion of
his or her experience and is returned to the start of
the module.  In multiplayer games, carry Scrolls of
Rebirth to avoid these bad effects.  In single player
games, carry more Life Potions...

Weapon Types
     Your character has restrictions on the
types of weapons he or she may use.  Healers,
for example, attack with Maces and Clubs and
are forbidden from other types.  Here is a
partial list of weapons, along with details
about each one...
     * Swords are the weapon of choice for
       large battles, as their sweeping
       attacks cut through several opponents
       in one swipe.  They are among the best
       weapons around.
     * Daggers are deadly for their speed,
       often killing an enemy before it can
       react.  They don't do much damage,
       however, and are all but useless against
       heavily armored foes.
     * Spears blend a swift attack with an extra
       long range, making it possible to damage
       an enemy with no fear of a counter attack.
     * Maces are best used by strong characters,
       and do extra damage against brittle creatures.
     * Crossbows are powerful weapons, capable of
       piercing even the thickest platemail.  Of
       course you might also put a hole in your best
       friend with one...
     * Kursed weapons are bad.

Armor Types
     Your character will live longer with better
armor, but may only wear armor permitted by
his or her class.  A Wizard likes robes, while
an Adventurer prefers tunics, and a Healer
only wears dresses.
     Finding "better" armor is often problematic,
as no one type of armor is the best.  Take platemail
for example.  This armor provides great defense in
hand to hand combat, but it slows down its wearer
and Crossbows bite through it.

Equipment Types
     Another category of items is equipment,
things such as Bracelets and Amulets and Boots.
To wear a piece of equipment, just grab it and
put it into your inventory.

Using Magic
     Books of Magic are everywhere in Egoboo,
all you have to do is find them.  Each
Book contains one spell, usable by either a
Wizard or an Adventurer.  Healers would rather
burn the Books...
     To cast a spell, simply pick up a book
and press the attack button.  If that doesn't
work, try holding in the button for a while to
charge up the spell.  If it still won't do
anything, you may not be advanced enough to
use it, or you might need to use it around a
specific type of creature or item, or you might
just be unlucky.  Here is a list of some common
     * Shock is a close range attack spell that
       electrocutes foes.
     * Missile is an attack spell that releases
       several seeker bolts that chase after an
     * Bind is a combat Enchantment, used to
       keep a powerful enemy out of combat
       as long as possible.
     * Enchant Weapon imbues the weapon in the
       caster's other hand with powerful magic.
       It also unkurses that weapon.
     * Unseeing is an Enchantment that allows
       a character to see invisible monsters.

Editing Files
     Most data files for Egoboo are stored as
.TXT files for easy modification, to encourage
the growth and expansion of the game.  If you
are interested in making changes, see the
HOW2EDIT.TXT file in the TEXT directory.
     The map files are .MPD files, and can be
made with the included map editor.  Yes, the
map editor is bad, but it works.  Well, it
works sometimes.
     The image files are .BMP file, and can
be made with the included paint program
( nice for seamless tiles ), or any commercial
     The model files are .MD2 files, and can
be made with the included modeller.  This
program isn't mine, but it's what I used for
everything.  It'll grow on you.
     The sound files are .WAV files.  I don't
know of any free programs for doing full sound
manipulation, but many sound cards come with
programs that are good enough.  Well they're
enough anyway.

Contacting the Author
     Don't, unless you want to give me a job,
that is...  Here's a mini-resume.

     BA in Integrative Arts
     C/C++, x86 assembly
     UNIX and Windows

     I wrote Egoboo myself ( 99% ) and don't
want to do another game as long as I live,
so...  If you've got a nice, boring job that
you'd like filled with a half-competent person,
please send a letter to...

     Prof. Bishop
     Department of Computer Science
     University of Georgia
     418 Graduate Studies Research Center
     Athens, GA  30602-7404

     Prof. Bishop isn't me, but he'll forward any
letter to me and I'll consider it.  Please don't
mail him a bunch of garbage though, 'cause he's a
nice guy and he's awfully busy.  Anyway, thanks.