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<title>Boost Random Number Library Variate Generator</title>

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<h1>Boost Random Number Library Variate Generator</h1>

A random variate generator is used to join a random number generator
together with a random number distribution.
Boost.Random provides a vast choice of 
<a href="random-generators.html">generators</a>
as well as
<a href="random-distributions.html">distributions</a>

<h2><a name="variate_generator">Class template <code>variate_generator</code></h2>

#include &lt;<a href="../../boost/random/variate_generator.hpp">boost/random/variate_generator.hpp</a>&gt;

template&lt;class Engine, class Distribution&gt;
class variate_generator
  typedef Engine engine_type;
  typedef Distribution distribution_type;
  typedef typename Distribution::result_type result_type;

  variate_generator(Engine e, Distribution d);

  result_type operator()();
  template&lt;class T&gt;
  result_type operator()(T value);
  engine_value_type&amp; engine();
  const engine_value_type&amp; engine() const;

  result_type min() const;
  result_type max() const;


Instantations of class template <code>variate_generator</code> model a
<a href="random-concepts.html#number_generator">number generator</a>. 
The argument for the template parameter <code>Engine</code> shall be
of the form U, U&, or U*, where U models a uniform random number
generator.  Then, the member <code>engine_value_type</code> names U
(not the pointer or reference to U).

Specializations of <code>variate_generator</code> satisfy the
requirements of CopyConstructible. They also satisfy the requirements
of Assignable unless the template parameter Engine is of the form U&amp;. 

The complexity of all functions specified in this section is
constant. No function described in this section except the constructor
throws an exception. 

<pre>    variate_generator(engine_type eng, distribution_type d)</pre>
<strong>Effects:</strong> Constructs a <code>variate_generator</code>
object with the associated uniform random number generator
<code>eng</code> and the associated random distribution
<strong>Throws:</strong> If and what the copy constructor of Engine or
Distribution throws.

<pre>    result_type operator()()</pre>
<strong>Returns:</strong> <code>distribution()(e)</code>
<strong>Notes:</strong> The sequence of numbers produced by the
uniform random number generator <code>e</code>, s<sub>e</sub>, is
obtained from the sequence of numbers produced by the associated
uniform random number generator <code>eng</code>, s<sub>eng</sub>, as
follows: Consider the values of
<code>numeric_limits&lt;<em>T</em>&gt;::is_integer</code> for
<code><em>T</em></code> both <code>Distribution::input_type</code> and
<code>engine_value_type::result_type</code>.  If the values for both
types are <code>true</code>, then s<sub>e</sub> is identical to
s<sub>eng</sub>.  Otherwise, if the values for both types are
<code>false</code>, then the numbers in s<sub>eng</sub> are divided by
<code>engine().max()-engine().min()</code> to obtain the
numbers in s<sub>e</sub>.  Otherwise, if the value for
<code>engine_value_type::result_type</code> is <code>true</code> and
the value for <code>Distribution::input_type</code> is
<code>false</code>, then the numbers in s<sub>eng</sub> are divided by
<code>engine().max()-engine().min()+1</code> to obtain the
numbers in s<sub>e</sub>.  Otherwise, the mapping from s<sub>eng</sub>
to s<sub>e</sub> is implementation-defined.  In all cases, an implicit
conversion from <code>engine_value_type::result_type</code> to
<code>Distribution::input_type</code> is performed.  If such a
conversion does not exist, the program is ill-formed.

<pre>    template&lt;class T> result_type operator()(T value)</pre>
<strong>Returns:</strong> <code>distribution()(e, value)</code>.  For
the semantics of <code>e</code>, see the description of

<pre>    engine_value_type& engine()</pre>
<strong>Returns:</strong> A reference to the associated uniform random
number generator.

<pre>    const engine_value_type& engine() const</pre>
<strong>Returns:</strong> A reference to the associated uniform random
number generator.

<pre>    distribution_type& distribution()</pre>
<strong>Returns:</strong> A reference to the associated random

<pre>    const distribution_type& distribution() const</pre>
<strong>Returns:</strong> A reference to the associated random

<pre>    result_type min() const</pre>
<strong>Precondition:</strong> <code>distribution().min()</code> is
<strong>Returns:</strong> <code>distribution().min()</code>

<pre>    result_type max() const</pre>
<strong>Precondition:</strong> <code>distribution().max()</code> is
<strong>Returns:</strong> <code>distribution().max()</code>

<a href="../../people/jens_maurer.htm">Jens Maurer</a>,
