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<TITLE>The free function based test case</TITLE>
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<DIV class="header"> <A href="../../../../index.html">Boost.Test</A> > <A href="../../../index.html">Components</A> 
  > <A href="../../index.html">The Unit Test Framework</A> > <A href="../index.html">Components</A> > 
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  <H1 class="subtitle">The free function based test case</H1>
  <P class="first-line-indented"> defined in <A href="../../../../../../../boost/test/unit_test_suite.hpp"> unit_test_suite.hpp</A> 
  <PRE class="code"><SPAN class="reserv-word">class</SPAN> <SPAN class="new-term">function_test_case</SPAN> : <SPAN class="reserv-word">public</SPAN> test_case
    ... <SPAN class="comment">// Implementation</SPAN>
  <P class="first-line-indented">Simplest and most widely used form of test cases. Instances of the class 
    function_test_case are created by the framework for the user supplied pointer to free function 
    with the following specification: void (*fct)(). Note void return type. To report a testing results 
    one should use the Test Tools instead of returning result code. 
  <P class="first-line-indented">To create a test case based on your test function use the following macro:</P>
  <P><SPAN class="new-term">BOOST_TEST_CASE</SPAN>( free_function_address ).</P>
  <P class="first-line-indented">BOOST_TEST_CASE creates a new instance of the class function_test_case 
    and returns a pointer to the base class test_case. In most cases you will use it as an argument to 
    the method <A href="../test_suite/index.html">test_suite</A>::add(...). The only parameter to above 
    macro is the pointer of free function - body of the test case.</P>
  <PRE class="code" id="ff_ex_1"><SPAN class="cpp-type">void</SPAN> test_feature1()

ts-&gt;add( BOOST_TEST_CASE( &amp;test_feature1 ) );</PRE>
    <PRE class="code" id="ff_ex_2">#<SPAN class="reserv-word">include</SPAN> &lt;boost/test/unit_test.hpp&gt;
<SPAN class="reserv-word">using</SPAN> boost::unit_test_framework::test_suite;

<SPAN class="comment">// most frequently you implement test cases as a free functions</SPAN>
<SPAN class="cpp-type">void</SPAN> free_test_function()
    BOOST_CHECK( <SPAN class="literal">2</SPAN> == <SPAN class="literal">1</SPAN> );

init_unit_test_suite( <SPAN class="cpp-type">int</SPAN> argc, <SPAN class="cpp-type">char</SPAN>* argv[] ) {
    test_suite* test= BOOST_TEST_SUITE( <SPAN class="literal">&quot;Example&quot;</SPAN> );

    test-&gt;add( BOOST_TEST_CASE( &amp;free_test_function )

    <SPAN class="reserv-word">return</SPAN> test;
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    <P> &copy <A name="Copyright">Copyright</A> <A href=''>Gennadiy Rozental</A> 2001-2004. <BR>
      Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. 
      (See accompanying file <A href="../../../../../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</A> or copy at 
      <A href=""></A>)</P>
        <P>Revised:        <!-- #BeginDate format:Sw1 -->6 January, 2004<!-- #EndDate -->     </P>