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<title>Boost.Threads - Header &lt;boost/thread/condition.hpp&gt;</title>
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      <h1 align="center">Boost.Threads</h1>
      <h2 align="center">Header &lt;<a href="../../../boost/thread/condition.hpp">boost/thread/condition.hpp</a>&gt;</h2>
<dl class="page-index">
  <dt><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></dt>
  <dt><a href="#classes">Classes</a></dt>
  <dl class="page-index">
    <dt><a href="#class-condition">Class <code>condition</code></a></dt>
    <dl class="page-index">
      <dt><a href="#class-condition-synopsis">Class <code>condition</code> synopsis</a></dt>
      <dt><a href="#class-condition-ctors">Class <code>condition</code> constructors
        and destructor</a></dt>
      <dt><a href="#class-condition-modifiers">Class <code>condition</code> modifier
  <dt><a href="#examples">Example(s)</a></dt>
<h2><a name="introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>
<p>Include the header &lt;<a href="../../../boost/thread/condition.hpp">boost/thread/condition.hpp</a>&gt;
  to define the class condition.</p>
<h2><a name="classes"></a>Classes</h2>
<h3><a name="class-condition"></a>Class <code>condition</code></h3>
<p>An object of class <code>condition</code> is a synchronization primitive used
  to cause a thread to wait until a particular shared-data condition (or time)
  is met. A <code>condition</code> object is always used in conjunction with a
  mutex object (an object whose type is a model of <a href="mutex_concept.html">Mutex</a>
  or one of its refinements). The mutex object must be locked prior to waiting
  on the <code>condition</code>, which is verified by passing a lock object (an
  object whose type is a model of <a href="lock_concept.html">Lock</a> or one
  of its refinements) to the <code>condition</code> object&#39;s <code>wait</code>
  functions. Upon blocking on the condition object, the thread unlocks the mutex
  object. When the thread returns from a call to one of the condition object's
  wait functions the mutex object is again locked. The tricky unlock/lock sequence
  is performed automatically by the <code> condition</code> object&#39;s <code>wait</code>
<p>The <code>condition</code> type is often used to implement the <i> Monitor
  Object</i> and other important patterns (see <a href="bibliography.html#Schmidt-00">[Schmidt
  00]</a> and <a href="bibliography.html#Hoare-74">[Hoare 74]</a>). Monitors are
  one of the most important patterns for creating reliable multithreaded programs.</p>
<p>See <a href="definitions.html">Formal Definitions</a> for definitions of thread
  states <a href="definitions.html#state"> blocked</a> and <a href="definitions.html#state">ready</a>.
  Note that &quot;waiting&quot; is a synonym for blocked.</p>
<h4><a name="class-condition-synopsis"></a>Class <code>condition</code> synopsis</h4>
<pre>namespace boost
    class condition : private <a href="../../utility/utility.htm#Class_noncopyable">boost::noncopyable</a> // Exposition only.
       // Class condition meets the <a href="overview.html#non-copyable">NonCopyable</a> requirement.

        void notify_one();
        void notify_all();
        template &lt;typename <a href="lock_concept.html#Lock-concept">Lock</a>&gt;
            void wait(<a href="lock_concept.html#Lock-concept">Lock</a>&amp; lock);
        template &lt;typename <a href="lock_concept.html#Lock-concept">Lock</a>, typename <a href="">Predicate</a>&gt;
            void wait(<a href="lock_concept.html#Lock-concept">Lock</a>&amp; lock, <a href="">Predicate</a> pred);
        template &lt;typename <a href="lock_concept.html#Lock-concept">Lock</a>&gt;
            bool timed_wait(<a href="lock_concept.html#Lock-concept">Lock</a>&amp; lock, const xtime&amp; xt);
        template &lt;typename <a href="lock_concept.html#Lock-concept">Lock</a>, typename <a href="">Predicate</a>&gt;
            bool timed_wait(<a href="lock_concept.html#Lock-concept">Lock</a>&amp; lock, const xtime&amp; XT, <a href="">Predicate</a> pred);
<h4><a name="class-condition-ctors"></a>Class <code>condition</code> constructors
  and destructor</h4>
<dl class="function-semantics">
  <dt><b>Effects:</b> Constructs a <code>condition</code> object.</dt>
<dl class="function-semantics">
  <dt><b>Effects:</b> Destroys <code>*this</code>.</dt>
<h4><a name="class-condition-modifiers"></a>Class <code>condition</code> modifier
<pre>void notify_one();
<dl class="function-semantics">
  <dt><b>Effects:</b> If there is a thread waiting on <code>*this</code>, change
    that thread&#39;s state to ready. Otherwise there is no effect.</dt>
  <dt><b>Note:</b> If more than one thread is waiting on the condition, it is
    unspecified which is made ready. After returning to a ready state the notified
    thread must still acquire the mutex again (which occurs within the call to
    one of the <code>condition</code> object's wait functions).</dt>
<pre>void notify_all();
<dl class="function-semantics">
  <dt><b>Effects:</b> Change the state of all threads waiting on <code> *this</code>
    to ready. If there are no waiting threads, <code> notify_all()</code> has
    no effect.</dt>
<pre>template &lt;typename ScopedLock&gt;
    void wait(ScopedLock&amp; lock);
<dl class="function-semantics">
  <dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>ScopedLock</code> meets the <a href="lock_concept.html#ScopedLock">ScopedLock</a>
  <dt><b>Effects:</b> Releases the lock on the <a href="mutex_concept.html">mutex
    model</a> associated with <code>lock</code>, blocks the current thread of
    execution until readied by a call to <code>this-&gt;notify_one()</code> or
    <code> this-&gt;notify_all()</code>, and then reacquires the lock.</dt>
  <dt><b>Throws:</b> <code><a href="exceptions.html#class-lock_error">lock_error</a></code>
    if <code>!lock.locked()</code></dt>
  <dt><b>Danger:</b> This version should always be used within a loop checking
    that the state logically associated with the <code>condition</code> has become
    true. Without the loop, race conditions can ensue due to possible &quot;spurious
    wake ups&quot;. The second version encapsulates this loop idiom internally
    and is generally the preferred method.</dt>
<pre>Template&lt;typename ScopedLock, typename Pr&gt;
    void wait(ScopedLock&amp; lock, Pr pred);
<dl class="function-semantics">
  <dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>ScopedLock</code> meets the <a href="lock_concept.html#ScopedLock">ScopedLock</a>
    requirements, return from <code>pred()</code> convertible to bool.</dt>
  <dt><b>Effects:</b> As if: <code>while (!pred()) wait(lock)</code></dt>
  <dt><b>Throws:</b> <code><a href="exceptions.html#class-lock_error">lock_error</a></code>
    if <code>!lock.locked()</code></dt>
<pre>template &lt;typename ScopedLock&gt;
    bool timed_wait(ScopedLock&amp; lock, const <a href="xtime.html">xtime</a>&amp; XT);
<dl class="function-semantics">
  <dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>ScopedLock</code> meets the <a href="lock_concept.html#ScopedLock">ScopedLock</a>
  <dt><b>Effects:</b> Releases the lock on the <a href="mutex_concept.html">mutex
    model</a> associated with the <code> lock</code>, blocks the current thread
    of execution until readied by a call to <code>this-&gt;notify_one()</code>
    or <code> this-&gt;notify_all()</code>, or until <code>XT</code>, and then
    reacquires the lock.</dt>
  <dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>false</code> if <code>XT</code> is reached, otherwise
  <dt><b>Throws:</b> <code><a href="exceptions.html#class-lock_error">lock_error</a></code>
    if <code>!lock.locked()</code></dt>
  <dt><b>Danger:</b> This version should always be used within a loop checking
    that the state logically associated with the <code>condition</code> has become
    true. Without the loop, race conditions can ensue due to &quot;spurious wake
    ups&quot;. The second version encapsulates this loop idiom internally and
    is generally the preferred method.</dt>
<pre>Template&lt;typename ScopedLock, typename Pr&gt;
    bool timed_wait(ScopedLock&amp; lock, const <a href="xtime.html">xtime</a>&amp; XT, Pr pred);
<dl class="function-semantics">
  <dt><b>Requires:</b> <code>ScopedLock</code> meets the <a href="lock_concept.html#ScopedLock">ScopedLock</a>
    requirements, return from <code>pred()</code> convertible to bool.</dt>
  <dt><b>Effects:</b> As if:<br>
    <pre>while (!pred())
    if (!timed_wait(lock, XT))
        return false;
return true;
  <dt><b>Returns:</b> <code>false</code> if <code>XT</code> is reached, otherwise
  <dt><b>Throws:</b> <code><a href="exceptions.html#class-lock_error">lock_error</a></code>
    if <code>!lock.locked()</code></dt>
<h2><a name="examples"></a>Example(s)</h2>
<p><a href="../example/condition.cpp">libs/thread/example/condition.cpp</a></p>
<p>Typical output (dependent on scheduling policies) is:</p>
<pre>sent: 0
sent: 1
received: 0
received: 1
sent: 2
sent: 3
received: 2
received: 3
sent: 4
received: 4
  <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->09 January, 2003<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="38582" -->
<p><i>&copy; Copyright <a href="">William E. Kempf</a> 2001-2002.
  All Rights Reserved.</i></p>
<p>Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its
  documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the
  above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice
  and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. William E. Kempf
  makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
  It is provided &quot;as is&quot; without express or implied warranty.</p>