

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > f447a29bf9d08471e94454e23261f549 > files > 1


# isodiff                                                                      # 
#                                                                              #
# Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft                                              #
#                                                                              #
# Goneri Le Bouder <>                                #
#                                                                              #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify         #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as            #
# published by the Free Software Foundation.                                   #
#                                                                              #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License            #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                  #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.   #

use strict;
use RPM::Header;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;

my $version;
my $old_iso;
my $new_iso;
my %hachage_new;
my %hachage_old;
my %changelog;
my @new_pkg;
my @newrelease_pkg;
my @updated_pkg;
my @removed_pkg;
my $i;
my $html_output;
my $new_tmpdir;
my $old_tmpdir;
my $df_new_tmpdir;
my $df_old_tmpdir;


sub give_tmp{
$_[0] = tempdir( ); 

sub argument {
    my $arg;

    if ( $#ARGV == 2 ) {
        $arg = shift (@ARGV);
        if ( $arg eq "--html" ) {
            $html_output = 1;
        else {
    if ( $#ARGV == 1 ) {
        $new_iso = shift (@ARGV);
        $old_iso = shift (@ARGV);
    else {


sub usage {
    print "Iso diff $version\n";
    print "Usage : isodiff [OPTION] [NEW_ISO] [OLD_ISO]\n";
    print " -h --help : help message\n";
    print " --html : html output\n";
"\nexemple : isodiff --html new-release.iso old-release.iso > ../test.html\n";
    exit 1;


sub mount {
    my @cmd_line;
    my $stat;

    if ( @_ != 2 ) {
	"&mount usage : [iso name] , [mount_point]\n";
        exit 0;

    @cmd_line = (
        "mount",                "-t",    "iso9660", "-o",
        "nodev,nosuid,ro,loop", "$_[0]", "$_[1]"
    if ( $stat = system(@cmd_line) ) {
        print STDERR "mount failed, status="
          . ( $stat >> 8 ) . "\n"
          . "  command was: @cmd_line\n";
    else {


sub umount {

    system "umount $_[0]";
    system "umount $_[1]";


sub cleanage {
    rmdir $_[0];
    rmdir $_[1];


sub listage {
    my @mdk_dir;
    my $i;
    my $j;
    my $fichier_rpm;
    my $headers;
    my @list_rpm;
    my @tableau_new;
    my @tableau_old;

    if ( @_ != 2 ) {
        print "&listage : usage [new_iso] [old_iso]\n";
        exit 0;


    $i       = undef;
    @mdk_dir = undef;
    open( FICHIER, "<$new_tmpdir" . "/Mandrake/base/hdlists" )
      or die "can't load hdlists $_[0]";

    $i = 0;
    while (<FICHIER>) {
        if (/\S+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+/) {
            $mdk_dir[$i] = $1;
    close FICHIER or die "can't close hdlists of $_[0]";

    foreach (@mdk_dir) {
        opendir( DOSSIER, $new_tmpdir . "/" . $_ )
          or die "can't open $!";

        while ( defined( $fichier_rpm = readdir(DOSSIER) ) ) {
            next unless $fichier_rpm =~ /\.rpm$/;
            $headers =
              new RPM::Header
              $new_tmpdir . "/"
              . $_ . "/"
              . $fichier_rpm;

            $hachage_new{ $headers->{name} } = [
                $headers->{version},     $headers->{release},
                $headers->{description}, $headers->{CHANGELOGTEXT}
        closedir DOSSIER
          or die "can't open $!";


    open( FICHIER, "<$old_tmpdir/" . "/Mandrake/base/hdlists" )
      or die "can't open $!";

    $i       = undef;
    @mdk_dir = undef;
    $i       = 0;
    while (<FICHIER>) {
        if (/\S+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+/) {
            $mdk_dir[$i] = $1;

    close FICHIER or die "can't close $!";

    foreach (@mdk_dir) {

        opendir( DOSSIER, $old_tmpdir . "/" . $_ )
          or die "can't open $!";
        while ( defined( $fichier_rpm = readdir(DOSSIER) ) ) {
            next unless $fichier_rpm =~ /\.rpm$/;

            $headers =
              new RPM::Header 
              $old_tmpdir . "/"
              . $_ . "/"
              . $fichier_rpm;

            $hachage_old{ $headers->{name} } = [
                $headers->{version},     $headers->{release},
                $headers->{description}, $headers->{CHANGELOGTEXT}

          or die "can't close $!";


    foreach ( keys %hachage_old ) {
        push @list_rpm, $_;

    foreach ( keys %hachage_new ) {
        if ( !( $hachage_old{$_} ) ) {
            push @list_rpm, $_;
    $i = undef;

    foreach $i ( sort @list_rpm ) {

    foreach $i ( sort @list_rpm ) {
        if ( defined @{ $hachage_new{$i} } ) {
            @tableau_new = @{ $hachage_new{$i} };
        else {
            @tableau_new = undef;
        if ( defined @{ $hachage_old{$i} } ) {
            @tableau_old = @{ $hachage_old{$i} };
        else {
            @tableau_old = undef;

        if ( !( $tableau_new[0] eq $tableau_old[0] ) ) {

            if ( !( $tableau_old[0] ) ) {
                push @new_pkg, $i;
            if ( !( $tableau_new[0] ) ) {
                push @removed_pkg, $i;
            if ( ( $tableau_new[0] ) && ( $tableau_old[0] ) ) {
                push @newrelease_pkg, $i;
        elsif ( !( $tableau_new[1] eq $tableau_old[1] ) ) {
            foreach ( reverse( @{ $tableau_old[3] } .. @{ $tableau_new[3] } ) )
                if ( $html_output == 1 ) {

                    ${ @{ $tableau_new[3] } }[ @{ $tableau_new[3] } - $_ ] =~
                    ${ @{ $tableau_new[3] } }[ @{ $tableau_new[3] } - $_ ] =~

                    push @{ $changelog{$i} },
                      ${ @{ $tableau_new[3] } }[ @{ $tableau_new[3] } - $_ ]
                      . "<br>\n";

                    ### Si l'on veut afficher l'auteur de la mise a jour du rpm dans les logs
                    #"<i>".${ @{ $tableau_new[4] } }[ @{ $tableau_new[3] } - $_ ] . "</i><br>\n"

                else {
                    push @{ $changelog{$i} },
                      ${ @{ $tableau_new[3] } }[ @{ $tableau_new[3] } - $_ ]
                      . "\n"
                      . ${ @{ $tableau_new[4] } }[ @{ $tableau_new[3] } - $_ ]
                      . "\n";

            push @updated_pkg, $i;

sub ascii_output {
    print "New version of packages:\n @new_pkg \n\n";
    print "Removed Packages: @removed_pkg \n\n";
    print "New Releases:\n @newrelease_pkg \n\n";
    print "Updated packages:\n @updated_pkg \n\n";
    print "Changelog of the updated packages:\n";
    foreach (@updated_pkg) {
	print "$_:\n";    
        print @{ $changelog{$_} };
    print "\n";

sub html_output {
    my $i;
    print "

  <title>isodiff change : $old_iso to $new_iso</title>
  <meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">
  <base href=\"about:blank\">
<body text=\"#000000\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" link=\"#000099\" vlink=\"#990099\" alink=\"#000099\">
<h2><b>$old_iso to $new_iso :</b></h2>
<b>New version of packages :</b><br>";
    foreach $i (@new_pkg) {
        print "$i-${$hachage_new{$i}}[0]-${$hachage_new{$i}}[1]<br>\n";
    print "<br>
<b>Removed packages :</b><br>\n";
    foreach $i (@removed_pkg) {
        print "$i-${$hachage_old{$i}}[0]-${$hachage_old{$i}}[1]<br>\n";
    print "<br>
<b>New release :</b><br>\n";
    foreach $i (@newrelease_pkg) {
        print "$i-${$hachage_new{$i}}[0]-${$hachage_new{$i}}[1]<br>\n";
    print "<br>
<b>Updated packages :</b><br>\n";
    foreach $i (@updated_pkg) {
        print "$i-${$hachage_new{$i}}[0]-${$hachage_new{$i}}[1]<br>\n";

    print "<br>Changelog of the updated packages:<br>
<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\" width=\"600\" bgcolor=\"Silver\">
      <td valign=\"top\">";

    foreach $i (@updated_pkg) {
        print "<b>$i</b><br>\n";
        print @{ $changelog{$i} };
        print "<br>";
    print "</td>



mkdir( $new_tmpdir . $new_tmpdir, 700 );
mkdir( $old_tmpdir . $old_tmpdir, 700 );


&mount( $new_iso,    $new_tmpdir );
&mount( $old_iso,    $old_tmpdir );
&listage( $new_iso, $old_iso );

if ( $html_output == 1 ) {
else {

&umount ($new_tmpdir, $old_tmpdir);
&cleanage ($new_tmpdir,$old_tmpdir);