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		<title> Copying the sample sources </title>
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<p align="center" class="header">OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)</p><p align="center" class="header"> 
Copying the sample sources</p><p align="left" class="MainHeader">&nbsp;</p><p>This step 
is the same whether you're using the 'easy' or the 'advanced' way. </p><p>In summary: 
<UL><LI>Copy <a href="SampleApp.cpp" TARGET="_blank">SampleApp.cpp</A> from this 
folder into your application folder, and rename it to reflect your application's 
name.</LI></UL><P></p><p> And now in more detail: OGRE comes with a useful set 
of classes for getting applications up and running, called 'ExampleApplication' 
and 'ExampleFrameListener'. These classes basically boot the OGRE system, set 
up all the usual stuff like displaying a configuration dialog and creating a window, 
sets up a camera and make it responds to the standard mouselook & WSAD controls, 
and just basically make your life easy. All you have to do to create your application 
is to subclass these classes to customise the behaviour where you want.</p><p>And 
hey, to make it even easier, I've created a sample subclass which you can use 
as a template. In the same folder as this tutorial is a file called 'SampleApp.cpp', 
which you can just copy into your application folder, rename, and fill in the 
blanks. As your project gets bigger you will want to split things up into more 
files, but for simplicity I've included it all in one file for the moment (since 
excluding comments it's less than a page of code anyway). </p><p> All you <i>have</i> 
to do is to fill in the 'createScene' implementation. If you want to do more advanced 
things like adding extra controls, choosing a different scene manager, setting 
up different resource locations etc you will need to override more methods of 
ExampleApplication and maybe introduce a subclass of ExampleFrameListener. You 
can look at the other tutorials and the sample applications provided with OGRE 
to see how this is done. </p><TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="0"> 
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