

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 06719cf03808e17ae6f0852ca1052dc2 > files > 269


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		<title> Setting up an OGRE Application </title>
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<p align="center" class="header">OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)</p><p align="center" class="header"> 
Setting up an OGRE Application</p><p align="left" class="MainHeader">&nbsp;</p>This 
is a quick reference for setting up an application which uses OGRE. First off, 
lets talk about directories. <p align="left" class="MainHeader">Directory Structure</p><p> 
Building and running an application based on OGRE involves ensuring that both 
the compiler and the runtime files can find all the dependent files they need. 
<BR> During the build, we need to find: <UL> <LI>header files (*.h)</LI><LI>library 
files (*.lib / *.a)</LI></UL>At runtime, we need to find: <UL> <LI>OGRE core dlls 
(OgreMain, OgrePlatform)</LI><LI>The plugins.cfg file</LI><LI>Any plugin dlls 
mentioned in plugins.cfg</LI><LI>Resources (*.zip, *.png, *.particle, *.mesh etc 
etc)</LI></UL>The simplest way of ensuring that all the directory dependencies 
are satisfied is to build your application in the same place as the existing OGRE 
samples, (i.e. each in it's own subdirectory of 'Samples'), using the same settings. 
<P></p><p> For the more adventurous, you can build and run OGRE applications in 
any directory you like, you just have to make sure that the directories are set 
up properly. As I describe all the project settings you need, I will describe 
the 'easy' way and the 'advanced' way. Please try the easy way first if you are 
unsure. </p><P CLASS="MainHeader">The steps to follow</P><OL> <LI> <A href="createfolder.html">Create 
an application folder</A> </LI><LI> <A href="copysources.html">Copy template source 
files</A> </LI><LI> <A href="createproject.html">Create a project file</A> </LI><LI> 
<A href="compilersettings.html">Build settings</A> </LI></OL><P>&nbsp;</P>