

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 0b4f450c85916cd18bc928261b079b3e > files > 42



DjVuLibre-3.5 relies on various components available from the web.  
Most recent Linux distribution already come with these.  
You can also download and compile them if you wish.

1.1 - C++ COMPILER

We strongly suggest to use the well known g++ compiler on all platforms.  You
need at least version gcc-2.91.66 (also known as egcs-1.1.2).  Development was
achieved using gcc-2.95.3, gcc-2.96-85, gcc-3.02, and gcc-3.2.2.

RedHat 7.x users should make sure they have the latest redhat updates of the
compiler.  Early versions of gcc-2.96 have serious bugs.  See


A small number of DjVu files internally use JPEG encoding instead of IW44
wavelet encoding.  These files are processed using either version 6a or 6b of
the IJG libjpeg library <>.  You can also choose to compile
DjVu without JPEG support.  You might even never notice the difference.

1.3 - QT

The graphical user interface of the viewer relies on the Qt library
from TrollTech <>.  The command line tools 
do not rely on Qt and can be compiled independently.

The source code of the Qt library can be downloaded from 

Avoid versions earlier than 2.2.0.
Suggested versions are 2.3.1 and 3.1.1


The DjVu viewer makes heavy use of multiple threads of execution.  Modern Unix
operating systems come with the standardized Posix threads.  DjVuLibre-3.5
fully supports detecting and using Posix threads.

For the sake of older operating systems, DjVuLibre-3.5 offers a custom
threading model called CoThreads.  CoThreads work best with a two line patch
to the GCC compiler.  This is described in files "etc/README.libgcc".  The
configuration script will auto-detect the available threading model and suggest
applying the GCC patch when it is needed.

1.5 - MAKE

There are various kind of "make" programs around with various capabilities.  
We have only one recommendation: use gnu-make !



Chances are that everything will work by simply running commands "configure",
"make" and "make install". 


Various options and environment variables affect the execution of the
configuration script.  A complete list can be obtained by typing 
"configure --help".  Here are the most important ones.

* Option "--prefix=PREFIXDIR"

  This option specifies where the DjVuLibre software will be installed.
  The default prefix is /usr/local.  

* Option "--with-qt=QTDIR"

  This option specifies the base location of the Qt library.
  Without this option, the configuration script will inspect
  environment variable QTDIR as well as a few typical locations.

  When everything else fails (that should not happen), you 
  can simply define the environment variables 

* Option "--with-jpeg=JPEGDIR"

  This option specifies a directory where the JPEG library has been
  compiled. This directory contains both the include files and the 
  library.  Without this option, the configuration script will search 
  the JPEG library in standard places.

  When everything else fails, you can simply define the environment
  variables JPEG_CFLAGS and JPEG_LIBS.

* Option "--enable-threads=(posix|cothread)"

  This option specifies which threading model should be used.
  Without this option, the configuration script will first 
  try to detect how to use posix threads and fall back to cothreads.
  You can help the search process by defining environment


Always check the output of the configuration script for warnings and errors.
In particular, the configuration script might disable the compilation of
djview if it cannot locate the required libraries and utilities.  The warning
messages are the only way to know.

2.2- MAKE

You can then perform the compilation by typing 

        $ make

The compilation can last a few minutes.  Again check the output for warnings
and errors.  Finally a brief message lets you know that the compilation was
successful.  You can then proceed with the installation.


The installation procedure will:

- install the executable programs into "${prefix}/bin".
- possibly install the shared library "${prefix}/lib/".
- install the man pages under "${prefix}/man or ${prefix}/share/man".
- install the Netscape plug-in as "${prefix}/lib/netscape/plugins/".
- install various ancillary files under "${prefix}/share/djvu".

The where ${prefix} refers to the directory specified by the prefix option of
the configuration script.  The default prefix is /usr/local.

To perform the installation, simply type :

        $ make install

Of course you must have the appropriate permissions to 
perform the installation.  Chances are that you need to
be root to install something into /usr/local.



3.1- NETSCAPE 4.7

The DjVu Netscape plug-in is a shared library which runs program djview
in slave mode. This shared library is normally installed in:


Therefore, unless you specified a different prefix to the configure program,
the shared library is installed in /usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins.  This is a
good thing since Netscape 4 always searches this directory for plug-ins.


You might have however to first disable any previous version of the plug-in.
Selecting menu "Help->About Plugins" in Netscape displays the current list of
plug-ins.  Previous versions of the plug-in were often installed in one of the
following locations.


You can safely remove these files to disable the previous version of the DjVu
plug-in. You can also remove the directory "DjVu" that was installed under the
corresponding "netscape" or ".netscape" directory.  Note that ""
and "DjVu" are often symbolic links to the actual installation directory.
Removing the symbolic links is sufficient to disable the plug-in.


More complicated cases can be dealt using one of the following strategies.

- You can explicitly set the plug-in search path by setting the
  environment variable NPX_PLUGIN_PATH before starting Netscape.
  Setting this variable overrides Netscape default search directories.

    $ NPX_PLUGIN_PATH="${prefix}/lib/netscape/plugins:$HOME/.netscape/plugins"
    $ export NPX_PLUGIN_PATH ; netscape

- You can create a symbolic link to from a place that
  is normally searched by Netscape.

    $ cd $HOME/.netscape ; mkdir plugins ; cd plugins
    $ ln -s ${prefix}/lib/netscape/plugins/
  You must not copy but create a symbolic link.  This is necessary
  because will first locate its normal installation directory by 
  following the symbolic link, and then will locate the DjVu viewer djview.
You can then restart Netscape and select menu "Help->About Plugins" to check
that the DjVu plug-in is properly recognized.  The Netscape plug-in search rules
are explained in the README file that usually comes with the Netscape


Sometimes Netscape creates a huge mess in configuration files
named ${HOME}/.mailcap and ${HOME}/.mime.types.  The following
command cleans the djvu related entries in these files:

     $ djview -fix

Then restart Netscape and hope for the best.

3.2- NETSCAPE 6.1

It seems that Netscape 6 only recognize plug-ins installed inside its own
plug-in directory.  This can be done using a symbolic link.  Let us assume that
Netscape 6 is installed in /usr/local/netscape6 and that the DjVu plug-in is
installed in /usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins.  

    $ cd /usr/local/netscape6/plugins
    $ ln -s /usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins/

You can then run Netscape 6.1 and view DjVu images.

3.3- KONQUEROR-2.2

The DjVu plug-in works decently with the Konqueror web browser.  There are some
problems with embedded DjVu images.  You need KDE-2.2 or better for that.

In Konqueror, select "Settings->Configure Konqueror".  When the dialog
appears, select the icon "Netscape Plugins".  Make sure that directory
"${prefix}/lib/netscape/plugins" appears in the list of plug-in directories.
Then press button "Scan for new plugins".  Clicking the "Plugins" tab button
should display a list of recognized plug-ins.  Check that "" appears
there.  You should now be able to use DjVu with Konqueror.


You must establish a link from the mozilla plugin directory.  Let us assume
that mozilla is installed under /usr/lib/mozilla-1.1 and that the DjVu plug-in 
is installed in /usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins.

    $ cd /usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/plugins
    $ ln -s /usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins/

Works nicely.


Install the plugin for mozilla and it will work for galeon.

3.6- OPERA-6

You must install openmotif to have plugin support in Opera.
The DjVu plugin then works okay.  




Simply typing "configure ; make" should work on most recent distributions.

In addition, the tarball contains a valid spec file for the rpm packager.
The following command should perform all the compilation steps.

        $ rpm -ta djvulibre-3.5.X.tar.gz

The resulting rpm files can be found in the usual places.

4.2- SGI IRIX 6.5

Successful compilation using qt-2.3.0.  
Compilation was made with gcc-3.0.2 with the thread patch discussed at
The configure command line was:
  $ ./configure --enable-rpo \
        --with-qt=/home/leonb/djvulibre-3.5/BUILDI/qt-2.3.0 \


Successful compilation using qt-2.3.0.  
Compilation was made with gcc-3.0.2 with option -fpermissive.
The configure command line was:
  $ ./configure --enable-rpo \
        --with-qt=/home/leonb/djvulibre-3.5/BUILDS/qt-2.3.0 \
        --with-jpeg=/home/leonb/djvulibre-3.5/BUILDS/libjpeg \
        CXX='g++ -fpermissive'

4.4- FREEBSD-4.4

Successful compilation using gnu-make, qt-2.3.1 and gcc-2.95.3.
The configure command line was:
  $ ./configure \
        JPEG_LIBS='/usr/local/lib/libjpeg.a' \