

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > 3d3d286587fe1782c1987bf32c6481cc > files > 62


#VRML V2.0 utf8

    DEF vec3f_to_float0bis1 Script 
      eventIn SFVec3f vec3f_in
      eventOut SFFloat float_out
         function vec3f_in(value, time)
            if (value[0]<0)
            else if (value[0]>1)
    DEF CoordinateInterpolator1 CoordinateInterpolator 
	0 -1 -1 
	-1.158750 0.374614 -0.980874 
	0.382683 -1 -0.923879 
	-1.064319 0.745395 -0.904429 
	0.707107 -1 -0.707107 
	-0.937749 1.049329 -0.695034 
	0.923879 -1 -0.382683 
	-0.798317 1.240139 -0.384566 
	1 -1 4.371138e-8 
	-0.667245 1.288779 -2.029160e-2 
	0.923879 -1 0.382683 
	-0.564495 1.187849 0.342332 
	0.707107 -1 0.707107 
	-0.505702 0.952709 0.648096 
	0.382683 -1 0.923879 
	-0.499823 0.619156 0.850457 
	1.509960e-7 -1 1 
	-0.547748 0.237973 0.918600 
	-0.382683 -1 0.923879 
	-0.642184 -0.132807 0.842157 
	-0.707107 -1 0.707107 
	-0.768751 -0.436742 0.632761 
	-0.923879 -1 0.382683 
	-0.908185 -0.627552 0.322293 
	-1 -1 -1.192490e-8 
	-1.039250 -0.676195 -4.198139e-2 
	-0.923879 -1 -0.382683 
	-1.142009 -0.575263 -0.404605 
	-0.707107 -1 -0.707107 
	-1.200798 -0.340122 -0.710371 
	-0.382683 -1 -0.923879 
	-1.206680 -6.568789e-3 -0.912729 
	-0.853250 0.306293 -3.113660e-2 
	0 -1 0 
	0 -1 -1 
	0.725000 1.575079e-2 -1.300390 
	0.382683 -1 -0.923879 
	0.799278 -0.317579 -1.111680 
	0.707107 -1 -0.707107 
	0.863743 -0.552703 -0.807039 
	0.923879 -1 -0.382683 
	0.908576 -0.653824 -0.432866 
	1 -1 4.371138e-8 
	0.926953 -0.605551 -4.612030e-2 
	0.923879 -1 0.382683 
	0.916077 -0.415230 0.294322 
	0.707107 -1 0.707107 
	0.877605 -0.111836 0.536629 
	0.382683 -1 0.923879 
	0.817390 0.258442 0.643912 
	1.509960e-7 -1 1 
	0.744606 0.639231 0.599839 
	-0.382683 -1 0.923879 
	0.670327 0.972561 0.411123 
	-0.707107 -1 0.707107 
	0.605862 1.207690 0.106486 
	-0.923879 -1 0.382683 
	0.561029 1.308809 -0.267684 
	-1 -1 -1.192490e-8 
	0.542653 1.260529 -0.654430 
	-0.923879 -1 -0.382683 
	0.553529 1.070209 -0.994875 
	-0.707107 -1 -0.707107 
	0.592001 0.766816 -1.237179 
	-0.382683 -1 -0.923879 
	0.652215 0.396539 -1.344470 
	0.734803 0.327490 -0.350277 
	0 -1 0 
      appearance       Appearance 
	material 	Material 
      geometry       IndexedFaceSet 
	coord 	DEF Coordinate1 Coordinate 
	    0 -1 -1 
	    -1.158750 0.374614 -0.980874 
	    0.382683 -1 -0.923879 
	    -1.064319 0.745395 -0.904429 
	    0.707107 -1 -0.707107 
	    -0.937749 1.049329 -0.695034 
	    0.923879 -1 -0.382683 
	    -0.798317 1.240139 -0.384566 
	    1 -1 4.371138e-8 
	    -0.667245 1.288779 -2.029160e-2 
	    0.923879 -1 0.382683 
	    -0.564495 1.187849 0.342332 
	    0.707107 -1 0.707107 
	    -0.505702 0.952709 0.648096 
	    0.382683 -1 0.923879 
	    -0.499823 0.619156 0.850457 
	    1.509960e-7 -1 1 
	    -0.547748 0.237973 0.918600 
	    -0.382683 -1 0.923879 
	    -0.642184 -0.132807 0.842157 
	    -0.707107 -1 0.707107 
	    -0.768751 -0.436742 0.632761 
	    -0.923879 -1 0.382683 
	    -0.908185 -0.627552 0.322293 
	    -1 -1 -1.192490e-8 
	    -1.039250 -0.676195 -4.198139e-2 
	    -0.923879 -1 -0.382683 
	    -1.142009 -0.575263 -0.404605 
	    -0.707107 -1 -0.707107 
	    -1.200798 -0.340122 -0.710371 
	    -0.382683 -1 -0.923879 
	    -1.206680 -6.568789e-3 -0.912729 
	    -0.853250 0.306293 -3.113660e-2 
	    0 -1 0 
	  0 1 3 2 -1 
	  2 3 5 4 -1 
	  4 5 7 6 -1 
	  6 7 9 8 -1 
	  8 9 11 10 -1 
	  10 11 13 12 -1 
	  12 13 15 14 -1 
	  14 15 17 16 -1 
	  16 17 19 18 -1 
	  18 19 21 20 -1 
	  20 21 23 22 -1 
	  22 23 25 24 -1 
	  24 25 27 26 -1 
	  26 27 29 28 -1 
	  28 29 31 30 -1 
	  30 31 1 0 -1 
	  32 31 29 -1 
	  32 29 27 -1 
	  32 27 25 -1 
	  32 25 23 -1 
	  32 23 21 -1 
	  32 21 19 -1 
	  32 19 17 -1 
	  32 17 15 -1 
	  32 15 13 -1 
	  32 13 11 -1 
	  32 11 9 -1 
	  32 9 7 -1 
	  32 7 5 -1 
	  32 5 3 -1 
	  32 3 1 -1 
	  32 1 31 -1 
	  33 0 2 -1 
	  33 2 4 -1 
	  33 4 6 -1 
	  33 6 8 -1 
	  33 8 10 -1 
	  33 10 12 -1 
	  33 12 14 -1 
	  33 14 16 -1 
	  33 16 18 -1 
	  33 18 20 -1 
	  33 20 22 -1 
	  33 22 24 -1 
	  33 24 26 -1 
	  33 26 28 -1 
	  33 28 30 -1 
	  33 30 0 -1 
	creaseAngle 0.500000
	  0 1 3 2 -1 
	  2 3 5 4 -1 
	  4 5 7 6 -1 
	  6 7 9 8 -1 
	  8 9 11 10 -1 
	  10 11 13 12 -1 
	  12 13 15 14 -1 
	  14 15 17 16 -1 
	  16 17 19 18 -1 
	  18 19 21 20 -1 
	  20 21 23 22 -1 
	  22 23 25 24 -1 
	  24 25 27 26 -1 
	  26 27 29 28 -1 
	  28 29 31 30 -1 
	  30 31 33 32 -1 
	  34 35 36 -1 
	  34 36 37 -1 
	  34 37 38 -1 
	  34 38 39 -1 
	  34 39 40 -1 
	  34 40 41 -1 
	  34 41 42 -1 
	  34 42 43 -1 
	  34 43 44 -1 
	  34 44 45 -1 
	  34 45 46 -1 
	  34 46 47 -1 
	  34 47 48 -1 
	  34 48 49 -1 
	  34 49 17 -1 
	  34 17 35 -1 
	  34 16 43 -1 
	  34 43 44 -1 
	  34 44 50 -1 
	  34 50 51 -1 
	  34 51 52 -1 
	  34 52 48 -1 
	  34 48 49 -1 
	  34 49 53 -1 
	  34 53 54 -1 
	  34 54 55 -1 
	  34 55 56 -1 
	  34 56 38 -1 
	  34 38 57 -1 
	  34 57 58 -1 
	  34 58 59 -1 
	  34 59 16 -1 
  rotation 0 1 0 0.122175

ROUTE vec3f_to_float0bis1.float_out TO CoordinateInterpolator1.set_fraction
ROUTE CoordinateInterpolator1.value_changed TO Coordinate1.set_point

    DEF Transform1 Transform 
	  appearance 	  Appearance 
	    material 	    Material 
	      diffuseColor 1 0 0
	  geometry 	  Box 
	    size 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
	DEF PlaneSensor1 PlaneSensor 
	  maxPosition 1 0
	      appearance 	      Appearance 
		material 		Material 
		  diffuseColor 0 0 1
	      geometry 	      Text 
		  "move left/right"
	  scale 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000
	  translation -0.300000 -0.100000 0.200000
  translation 0 0 2

ROUTE PlaneSensor1.translation_changed TO vec3f_to_float0bis1.vec3f_in
ROUTE PlaneSensor1.translation_changed TO Transform1.set_translation

  position 0 0 4.260000