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<h1>Mouse binding customization</h1>


A mouse click (or a double click) can perform a given atomic <i>click action</i> (such as selecting an
object) or can be the initiation of a <i>mouse action</i> (such as moving the camera) that can be
transmitted to one of these three entities:

<li>The <code>QGLViewer::camera()</code>, </li>
<li>the <code>QGLViewer::manipulatedFrame()</code> or</li>
<li>the <code>QGLViewer::mouseGrabber()</code>.</li>

The actual behavior is entirely customizable: QGLViewer provides a list of atomic
<code>ClickAction</code> that can be performed when you click, as well as a list of
<code>MouseAction</code> that can be send to the <code>camera</code> or the
<code>manipulatedFrame</code> when you move. Any mouse button combination with any
<code>Control, Alt, Shift</code> combination can be binded to any of these actions. Several
combinations can result in the same action.


The <code>MouseGrabber</code> is specific as its behavior entirely depends on your implementation. See the <a
href="refManual/classqglviewer_1_1MouseGrabber.html">MouseGrabber documentation page</a> for


<h2>Customizing your mouse binding</h2>
The following functions are illustrated in the <a href="examples/keyboardAndMouse.html">keyboardAndMouse</a> example.

To bind a <code>ClickAction</code>, use <code>setMouseBinding(Qt::ButtonState, ClickAction,
doubleClick=false, buttonBefore=Qt::NoButton)</code>. Example :
   // Click on the right button to make a selection
   setMouseBinding(Qt::RightButton, SELECT);

   // Pressing the middle button, then double clicking the right button, while pressing Alt shows the entire scene. Cool huh ?
   setMouseBinding(Qt::AltButton | Qt::RightButton, SHOW_ENTIRE_SCENE, true, Qt::MidButton);

To bind a <code>MouseAction</code>, use <code>setMouseBinding(Qt::ButtonState, MouseHandler,
MouseAction, withConstraint=true)</code>. As in :
   // Left and right buttons together make a zoom : emulates a mouse third button if needed.
   setMouseBinding(Qt::LeftButton | Qt::RightButton, CAMERA, ZOOM);

   // Alt + Shift + Left button rotates the manipulatedFrame().
   setMouseBinding(Qt::AltButton | Qt::ShiftButton | Qt::LeftButton, FRAME, ROTATE);

And finally, for the mouse wheel associated action, use <code>setWheelBinding(Qt::ButtonState, MouseHandler, MouseAction, withConstraint=true)</code>:
   // Alt + wheel MOVE_FORWARD.
   setWheelBinding(Qt::AltButton, CAMERA, MOVE_FORWARD);

The following tables list all the available <code>ClickAction</code> and <code>MouseAction</code> as
well as their associated default bindings.

<h2>Click Actions</h2>

<table bgcolor="#DDBBEE" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td><b>Default binding</b></td>

    <td>Align the camera axis with the world coordinate system axis.</td>
    <td>Double click left button</td>

  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Align the <code>manipulatedFrame()</code> axis with the camera.</td>
    <td>Control + double click left button</td>
    <td>Translates the <code>manipulatedFrame()</code> to the center of the screen.</td>
    <td>Control + double click right button</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Translates the camera so that the <code>sceneCenter</code> is in the center of the screen.</td>
    <td>Double click right button</td>
    <td>No action, only used as a specific return value in <code>QGLViewer::clickAtion()</code>.</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Calls the user-defined <code>QGLViewer::select()</code> function.</td>
    <td>Shift + Left button</td>
    <td>Set the camera <code>revolveAroundPoint()</code> to the point under pixel (if any).</td>
    <td>Double click left button with right button pressed</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Makes the <code>sceneCenter</code> the new camera <code>revolveAroundPoint()</code>.</td>
    <td>Double click right button with left button pressed</td>
    <td>Translates the camera so that the entire scene is visible.</td>
    <td>Double click middle button</td>

  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Makes the camera zoom on the pixel under the mouse (if any).</td>
    <td>Double click left button with middle button pressed</td>
    <td>Makes the camera zoom out to see the entire scene.</td>
    <td>Double click right button with middle button pressed</td>
Note that Qt, until version 3.1, has a bug that prevents multiple button actions.

<h2>Mouse Actions</h2>
The list of possible actions that can be applied on the <code>camera()</code> or on the
<code>manipulatedFrame()</code> are described by a <code>QGLViewer::MouseAction</code>. The
behavior slightly depends on the actual handler (<code><b>CAMERA</b></code> or <code><b>FRAME</b></code>).
<table bgcolor="#DDBBEE" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td><b>Default binding</b></td>

    <td>No action, only used as a specific return value in <code>QGLViewer::mouseAtion()</code>.</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td rowspan="2"><code><b>ROTATE</b></code></td>
    <td>Rotates the camera around its <code>revolveAroundPoint()</code>.</td>
    <td>Left button</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Rotates the <code>manipulatedFrame()</code> around its position.</td>
    <td>Control + Left button</td>
    <td rowspan="2"><code><b>ZOOM</b></code></td>
    <td>Makes the camera zoom in/out. Speed depends on distance to the scene.</td>
    <td>Middle button</td>
    <td>Makes the manipulatedFrame() move closer or further from the camera.</td>
    <td>Control + Middle button</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td rowspan="2"><code><b>TRANSLATE</b></code></td>
    <td rowspan="2">Translates in the camera XY plane.</td>
    <td>Right button</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Control + Right button</td>
    <td>Makes the camera go forward at flySpeed() and view direction can be changed.</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Change the viewing direction. The camera position is not modified.</td>
    <td>Makes the camera go backward at flySpeed() and view direction can be changed.</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td rowspan="2"><code><b>SCREEN_ROTATE</b></code></td>
    <td rowspan="2">Rotates with an axis orthogonal to the screen.</td>
    <td>Left and middle buttons</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Control + Left and middle buttons</td>
    <td>Rotates around a point located in the bottom of the screen, in the middle.</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td rowspan="2"><code><b>SCREEN_TRANSLATE</b></code></td>
    <td rowspan="2">Translates purely horizontally or vertically.</td>
    <td>Middle and right buttons</td>
  <tr bgcolor="#BBBBFF">
    <td>Control + Middle and right buttons</td>

    <td>Draws a rectangular region on screen and zoom on it.</td>
    <td>Shift + Middle button</td>

The <code><b>CAMERA</b></code> and <code><b>FRAME</b></code> default bindings are
essentially indentical : you simply have to press the <code>Control</code> state key to move
the <code><b>FRAME</b></code>. This default state key can be modified using <code>setMouseStateKey()</code>.

Also note that a double click basically automates the normal mouse action.

Try the <a href="examples/simpleViewer.html">simpleViewer</a> and <a
href="examples/manipulatedFrame.html">manipulatedFrame</a> examples for an illustration.

<h2>Defining new mouse actions</h2>

For a more complete redefinition of the mouse behavior, you should overload the
<code>QGLViewer::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e), mouseMoveEvent(), mouseDoubleClickEvent()</code>
and <code>mouseReleaseEvent()</code> functions. See the <code>QGLViewer::mouseMoveEvent()</code>
documentation and the <a href="examples/keyboardAndMouse.html">keyboardAndMouse</a> example for
details and code samples.

If you implemented a new mouse behavior and you think it can be useful for other applications, send
me an <a href="mailto:Gilles.Debunne at imag dot fr?Subject=QGLViewer">e-mail</a> and I'll add it
in the standard list.

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  <i>Last modified on Thursday, February 5, 2004.</i>