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<h1>libQGLViewer installation</h1>
libQGLViewer can easily be installed on many architectures. It was successfully installed on Linux,
Windows, Mac OS X, SGI IRIX and QNX.
<a href="mailto:Gilles.Debunne at imag dot fr?Subject=QGLViewer installation">Let me know</a> if you
encountered problems that could be reported on this page or if you compiled it on another


libQGLViewer is distributed under the <a href="">GNU-GPL</a> license and is
distributed as-is with no guarantee.


Select your architecture : 
<a href="#linux"><img src="images/linux.png" width="49" height="54" align="middle" alt="linux" border="0"/></a> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="#mac"><img src="images/mac.png" width="55" height="54" align="middle" alt="mac" border="0"/></a> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="#windows"><img src="images/windows.png" width="55" height="54" align="middle" alt="windows" border="0"/></a> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
or see the Qt section <a href="#qt"><img src="images/qt.png" width="38" height="40" align="middle" alt="Qt" border="0"/></a>

Previous versions of the library are still available in the <a href="src">repository</a>.

<a name="linux">
<h2><img src="images/linux.png" width="49" height="54" align="middle" alt="linux"/>Linux and Unix</h2></a>
The easiest way to install the library on Linux is to use the RPM pre-compiled version (see the <a href="rpm.html">RPM page</a> for other rpm):<br/>
rpm -Uvh <a href="">libQGLViewer-1.3.6-1.i586.rpm</a> <a href="">libQGLViewer-devel-1.3.6-1.i586.rpm</a>


You can also directly compile the sources :
> tar -xzf <a href="">libQGLViewer-1.3.6.tar.gz</a> (release 1)
> cd libQGLViewer-1.3.6/QGLViewer
> qmake [INCLUDE_DIR=...] [LIB_DIR=...] 
> make
> make install

<li>In case of compilation troubles, edit <code>config.h</code> and <code></code>.</li>
<li>The default install directories are <code>/usr/local/include/QGLViewer</code> and
<li>The optional <code>INCLUDE_DIR</code> and <code>LIB_DIR</code>
parameters let you customize these installation paths (useful if you do not have root
<li><code>qmake PREFIX=<i>dir</i></code> is equivalent to <code>qmake LIB_DIR=<i>dir</i>/lib
INCLUDE_DIR=<i>dir</i>/include</code> (example : <code>qmake PREFIX=$HOME</code>).</li>
<li>If your Qt version is lower than 3.1, you need to link with the <code>glut</code> library :
uncomment a line in <code></code> as explained.<br/>
(<code>glut</code> can be installed with a <a href="">rpm</a> or <code>apt-get

Once the library is installed, compile and test the <a href="examples/index.html">examples</a> :
> cd ../examples
> qmake [INCLUDE_DIR=...] [LIB_DIR=...] (use the same parameters as above, or use
  qmake INCLUDE_DIR=../.. LIB_DIR=../../QGLViewer  if you didn't "install" the library)
> make

<b>Note</b> : You may have to <code>setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib</code>
since recent distributions (Mandrake 9.2) don't have it.

<b>Attention</b> : Recent gcc compilers (Mandrake 9.2) have a bug and you need to replace
<code>release</code> by <code>debug</code> in the <code>CONFIG += ...</code> line of <code></code>.

<a name="mac">
<h2><img src="images/mac.png" width="55" height="54" align="middle" alt="mac"/>Mac OS X</h2></a>

The installation procedure is essentially identical to the one described in the <a href="#linux">Linux</a>
section. The <code>GL</code> (and <code>GLUT</code> with old Qt) path may have to be tuned in <code>config.h</code> and

The distributed version is designed for non-threaded versions of Qt. If you compiled Qt with the
thread option, simply look for <code>thread</code> in the <code>macx/CONFIG</code> section of
<code>.pro</code> files.

<a name="windows">
<h2><img src="images/windows.png" width="55" height="54" align="middle" alt="windows"/>Windows</h2></a>
<li>If not already done, check the <i>Tools/Customize/Add-ins and Macro Files/QMsDev Add in</i> box in MSDev to use Qt</li>

<li>Download the sources <a href=""></a>.</li>

<li>Extract the archive and go to the <code>QGLViewer</code> directory.</li>

<li>Use the <i>Open Qt project</i> function of MS Visual on <code></code> to create a
<code>.dsp</code> file.<br/>
<a href=""><img src="images/qt.png" width="19" height="20" align="middle" alt="Qt" border="0"/></a> version 2.3 : 
replace <code></code> by <code></code> and then use <i>Generate Qt project</i>.</li>

<li>In case of problem, use <code>qmake -win32 -t vclib -o libQGLViewer.dsp</code> in a DOS console instead.</li>

<li>Open the generated <code>.dsp</code> workspace and make sure you select
<code>Release</code> as the <code>Build</code> active configuration.
<a href=""><img src="images/qt.png" width="19" height="20" align="middle" alt="Qt" border="0"/></a> version 2.3 : 
add <code>/GX</code> in <i>Project/Settings/C-C++/General/Project Option</i> to limit warnings.

<li>Build the library.</li>

<li>Copy <code>QGLViewer.dll</code> in a standard library directory, such as <code>C:\WINNT\system32</code>.</li>

<li>Add the path to <code>libQGLViewer-1.3.6</code> to your
<i>Project-QGLViewer properties-C/C++-General-Additional Include Directories</i>
(<i>Tools-Options-Directories-include files</i> with MSVC 6.0).</li>

<li>Add the path to <code>libQGLViewer-1.3.6\QGLViewer\Release</code> to your
<i>Linker-General-Additional Library Directories</i>
(<i>Tools-Options-Directories-Library files</i> with MSVC 6.0).</li>

<li>Compile and test the <a href="examples/index.html">examples</a>, using the same <i>Generate QT
project</i> procedure to convert <code>.pro</code> files into <code>.dsp</code> workspaces.
<a href=""><img src="images/qt.png" width="19" height="20" align="middle" alt="Qt" border="0"/></a> version 2.3 : 
edit the <code>.pro</code> and remove the end of the file as explained.
<a href=""><img src="images/qt.png" width="19" height="20" align="middle" alt="Qt" border="0"/></a> version 2.3 : 
screenshot saving is not supported with Qt 2.3.</li>

<!-- <li>Non-developers can also directly download the
<a href="">QGLViewer-1.3.6.dll</a>.</li> -->


If your Qt version is lower than 3.1, install the
<a href=""><code>GLUT library</code></a> (add the paths to
<code>GLUT</code> in your <i>Tools-Options-Directories</i> configuration if needed).


<b>October 2003</b> : The free Qt-2.3 version is no longer distributed by Qt :(<br/>
<b>January 2004</b> : However, this <a
href="">trolltech web page</a> provides a link.

An option is to install the <a href="">cigwin</a> linux emulator, with
the <a href="">Qt-KDE</a> port. You should then be able to use the
latest <a href="#linux">Linux</a> version of libQGLViewer. This was successfully tested, althought
Qt had to be recomplied.


<a name="qt">
<h2><img src="images/qt.png" width="38" height="40" align="middle" alt="Qt" border="0"/>Qt installation</h2></a>

You need to have the <a href="">Qt</a> library installed
in order to run libQGLViewer. Check the <a href="">Qt FAQ</a> in case of problem:

<h4><img src="images/linux.png" width="49" height="54" align="middle" alt="linux"/>Linux and Unix</h4>

Qt is probably already installed on your machine, or available on your distribution CDs. You may
however have to install the <code>qt3-devel</code> (Mandrake and redhat rpm) or <code>aptget
libqt3-mt-dev</code> (debian) development package. The complete Qt/X11 non commercial version can
also freely be <a href="">downloaded</a>.
Try to compile a simple Qt example and check the
<a href="">Qt FAQ</a> page in case of
problem. You will probably need to set some Qt variables:
tcsh > setenv QTDIR /usr/lib/qt3 (/usr/share/qt on debian)
bash > export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3 (/usr/share/qt on debian)
> set PATH=${PATH}:${QTDIR}/bin/
If only the non-threaded version of Qt is installed on your machine (<code></code> instead
of <code></code>), simply remove <code>thread</code> from <code>QGLViewer/</code> and examples' <code>.pro</code>.

<h4><img src="images/mac.png" width="55" height="54" align="middle" alt="mac"/>Mac OS X</h4>
<a href="">Download</a> the free Qt/Desktop version for Mac. Qt-X11 is also freely available from the apple web site.

<h4><img src="images/windows.png" width="55" height="54" align="middle" alt="windows"/>Windows</h4>
<a href="">Download</a> the free Qt/Windows non
commercial version (ver 2.3), or the Qt/Desktop 30 day evaluation version (ver 3.1). Screenshot
saving are not supported with the free 2.3 version. There also seems to be a problem with inherited
signals in Qt 2.3, and pointers to <code>Frames</code> in <code>KeyFrameInterpolator</code> are
hence disabled.
With MS Visual Studio 6, you need to check the <i>Tools/Customize/Add-ins and Macro Files/QMsDev Add
in</i> box in MSDev in order to use Qt.

Please <a href="mailto:Gilles.Debunne at imag dot fr?Subject=QGLViewer RPM">let me know</a> if you
encountered specific installation problems that could be reported on this page.

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  <i>Last modified on Wednesday, February 11, 2004.</i>