

distrib > Mandriva > 10.0 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > a161ae365eb8a979a4c41dbef0e130fd > files > 4


0.62 to 0.70

- booster
- wall acceleration
- better handling of .ini file (versioning & protection against partly
  written files)
- simplified GUI
- new bot AI

0.61 to 0.62
- better & faster shadows
- red outlines on the recognizer

- better 3D sound effects
- sound effects for player's lightcycle
- sound effects for recognizer flying overhead
- support for 'switching songs' (add your own music)
- mp3 support
- ogg/vorbis support (only linux version)

- better camera zoom functions

- integrated scripting language
- more & more intuitive configuration options
- many stability & performance enhancements
- distribution friendly build process 

0.59 to 0.61
- fixed lightcycle-hits-lightcycle lockup bug
- fixed a view z-buffer issues
- camera settings are saved

0.59 to 0.60

- new camera controls, use the mouse to tweak/rotate/zoom
- removed the 2D map
- simplified the menu structure
- vastly better visuals due to lighting & shadows
- fixed many rendering artefacts
- added recognizers
- new textures / create your own
- 3D positional sound & doppler effects
- more movie-like default
- much much stronger AI options (try to beat the MCP)
- in-game credits

some details (outdated):
- fixed load/save of player options (computer/human/none)
- fixed crash on exit on linux/3dfx
- converted all '// ... ' comments to '/* ... */' for added portability
- added z-tests for almost everything to prevent visual artefacts
- back-to-front ordering of transparent surfaces (sort-of)
- converted 0 to NULL for null pointers
- changed internals for:
- collision detection, turns, movement, trails, 
- messed with trail drawing (z-buffer), moved that to trail.c
- added mouse callbacks (glut only) and stubs in the gui
- added mouse callbacks for SDL and SYSTEM_MOUSEUP, SYSTEM_MOUSEDOWN constants
- colored debug texture (2D map)
- added second 2D map for evaluation (one line drawing, one textured)
- added "console" for status messages
- added ligthing for trails
- added shadows to trails
- added line to trail-top to make them appear 'thick'
- added 'art-pack' support
- rewritten texture handling / loading. added 'fallback' path
- texture repeat or stretch on larger arenas (configurable)
- too many to add

0.53 to 0.59
most important visible changes (including the ones to 0.59beta)
Game play:
- rewrote computer player / added skill levels
- different arena sizes (menu item)
- different speeds (menu item)
- experimental speed oszillation
- configure players (human, computer, none)
- very cool new model from Charles Babbage
- levels-of-detail for the model
- configure keyboard controls (not saved between games yet)
- added volume settings for music / fx to Audio menu
- used wall & floor texture from Nicolas Zimmermann
- (optional) sound effects, SDL version only
- added trail decals on solid trails (option)
- added trail bow before cycle
- changed GUI background
- resized menu (dynamic size now)
- added screenshot function (F12 - disabled on MacOS)
- fixed lightcycle going backwards (if you liked the old way better,
  that's an option now)
- added arena overview camera mode when dead
- GNU autoconf WOOO! WOOO!
- textures in png format

other visible changes (including the ones to 0.59beta)
- played with wall dimensions
- fixed chase camera starting position
- fixed bug with crash texture turning then crashing during smooth turn
- 4 different wall textures (Nicolas, Darrell)
- added mipmapping with GLU box filter (Darrell)
- choose bitween bilinear & trilinear filtering
- fixed wall textures being upside down
- adjusted clip plane (better 1st person view now)
- added polygon counter
- added support for multiple fonts
- cam chase speed scales with cycle speed now

code changes:
- see cvs logs

to 0.59beta
visible changes
- Arena size is now a variable (game->settins->grid_size or grid_size
  in gltron.ini)
- cam chase speed scales with cycle speed now
- fixed lightcycle going backwards (if you liked the old way better,
  that's an option now)
- (optional) sound effects, SDL version only
- fixed wall textures being upside down
- used wall & floor texture from Nicolas Zimmermann <>
- fixed bug with crash texture turning then crashing during smooth turn
- 4 different wall textures (Nicolas, Darrell)
- added mipmapping with GLU box filter (Darrell)
- added different speeds to Game Settings menu (boring, normal, fast, crazy)
- fixed chase camera starting position
- played with wall dimensions
- experimental speed oszillation
- very cool new model from Charles Babbage
- levels-of-detail for the model
- configure players (human, computer, none)
- configure keyboard controls (not saved between games yet)
- added arena overview camera mode when dead
- GNU autoconf WOOO! WOOO!

code changes
- removed clearCol
- added parameters for value, colmap, colwidth to setCol, getCol
  to remove dependency from global variable
- moved all data files (except sound effects) into data/ subdirectory
  this breaks make install of course
- regrouped variable declarations in data.h
- hopefully fixed stupid file loading bug now
- changed MAX_VAR_NAME_LEN to 64
- sanity check for grid_size and speed
- added sound effect stubs to libmikmod code for compatibility
- halfed crash texture
- changed wall texture OGL format to GL_RGB (565 is better than 4444)
- fixed bug with capped walls (wrong texcoords)
- properly shut down SDL sound at exit
- unite special&keyboard callbacks

to 0.54
- fixed bug that caused a crash on non-linux unices: do not free pointer
  returned by getenv
- removed error.h dependancy from sgi_texture.c
- moved all glut stuff to system_glut.c, makes porting to SDL easier
- moved data structures from gltron.h to data.h
- added glutReshapeCallback to center the game area when the window is

to 0.53
- added switch/option to capture mouse pointer (useful for Voodoo1/2 owners)
- added switch/option do disable lightcycle turning smoothly
- added switch/option to disable crash texture
- moved lightcycle option to video/options
- added bilinear filtering for wall & crash textures
  (thanks David for pointing that out, I just forgot it)
- new logo from David Banz <>
- accordingly, changed the color of the menu foreground and background
  to fit the logo
- moved player loading into initGameStructures and the mesh data
  into Player->Model->Mesh
- moved player color into Player->Model
- small clean-ups
- changed FPS code, added average / worst case FPS counter
- fixed bug in drawText
- added seperate display callback for gui pause mode
- changed all display() calls in idle functions to glutPostRedisplay()
- game finishes now after last crash is over (less abrupt)
- can't turn cycle now after crash
- randomized explosion vectors a bit, looks much better now
- explosion debris fades slowly
to 0.52
- added crash texture
- +necessary files: gltron_crash.cgi
- added exploding lightcycle upon crash
- added rotating lightcycle when doing corners (still ugly)
- fixed lightcycle material alpha
- changed floor texture a bit
to 0.51:
- moved to CVS (now on
- fixed model coloring
- fixed a few win32 problems
- fixed chase camera (finally)
to 0.50:
- optimised drawPlayers, does now frustum culling based on object coordinates
- added configuration menu for the bots
- threw some junk out
to 0.50beta4:
- incorporated the low poly models, not yet optimized
- fixed font / generating distorted texture
- added Game Settings menu
- made font size screen size dependent (where useful)
- changed menu layout and initialization a bit
- changed menu highlighting (it's now done by font color)
- necessary files: + t-u-low.obj
to 0.50beta3:
- added new font handling and font textures
- consequently dropped M. Kilgards TexFont
- organized files (a bit)
- necessary files: + xenotron.ftx, xenotron.0.sgi, xenotron.1.sgi
- necessary files: - helvetica.txf
to 0.50beta2:
- broke FPS counter again (actually, it wasn't ever working really good)
- changed texture format to 'SGI image data, 3-D, 4 channels, uncompressed'
- broke a LOT of stuff
- rewrote some more
- it's too late in the evening
- added some nifty background effects to the UI
- added new callback management, works GREAT so far
- necessary files: + gltron.sgi

to 0.50alpha:
- GPL'd all my stuff
- rewrote a whole LOT of code not mentioned here
- added a (primitive) menu system
- added general file searching routine,
  it now looks in ., GLTRON_HOME, /usr/share/games/gltron and
- necessary files are (currently): menu.txt settings.txt helvetica.txf
- added these to make install...
- changed INSTALL to mention the files from above
- changed the way settings are loaded (and pointers to
  game->settings->whatever are obtained)
- finally really fixed the 'behind'-view (F10 to switch)
- switched to Mark Kilgard's TexFont for Fonts (not permanent, because
  it's not GPL'd)
- hopefully didn't break the rpm.specs

to 0.47: (all changes by Thomas Flynn)
- Added ifdefs to .h files to allow multiple inclusion

- Moved a bunch of functions from gltron.c to engine.c
  These seem to be functions necessary for the game and do not contain OpenGL
  or glut code.  List of functions are:

- Added argument to drawTraces() so that pfTron knows which player (0,1,2,3)
  to draw traces for.

- Created getElapsedTime() to replace frequent calls to 
  glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME); which are specific to glut.

- Changed name of Display structure to gDisplay.  Conflicts with Display 
  structure in Xlib.h

- Changed movePlayers() to call setGameIdleFunc() where it used to call 
  glutIdleFunc().  Needed to move that glut call elsewhere.

- Changed it so that scores are not updated if in screensaver mode.
  Didn't seem to make sense.  If you disagree, lemme know.

- Changed it so that the sound file is searched for in $GLTRON_SNDDIR then ./
  then /usr/share/games/gltron.

- Decided to get consistant with the naming.  All instances of gltron are now

- Added gltron.rpm.spec and gltron_sound.rpm.spec.

- New Makefile.  New rules: install, packages.  Must be root for both.
  The packages rule makes .rpms, .tgz, and .deb files.

to 0.46:
- fixed bug with -k option, no more crashes
- capped FPS at 90-100 FPS (you need more???)
- fixed crazy FPS counter under windows - now shows the real numbers
- fixed alternate camera mode under windows
- did a new windows version (with sound!)
- included glut.dll in the win32 distribution
- changed texture format, it's now char[] instead of char*, that should
remove problems with non-gcc compilers
- fullscreen rendering under win32 (switched to glutGameMode where avaiable)
- added '-i' switch, forces in-a-window-rendering under win32
- added '-v' switch, demo/screensafer mode (don't use with -f!)
to 0.45:
- added sound (Song by Peter Hajba)
- added load/save for preferences
- split code over several files

to 0.44: 
- added help screen

to 0.43:
- fixed bug with uninitialised variable 'loop' in mainIdle() that
  caused the game to crash sometimes
- added #ifdefs for FreeBSD (patch from Andrey Zahkhatov)
to 0.42:

- added glow around players (patch from Xavier Bouchoux)
- added second camera (patch from Mike Field)
- added nice color fade to model color where actually the bikes should be
  (I hope I'll receive the models soon)
- added optional erasing of crashed players (like in the movie)
- added optional fast finishing of the game after human crashes (no more
  long wait for next round if the computers decide to go in circles around
  the block)
- added message who actually won the round (if you can't find it, it's
  at the bottom of the screen)
- added CREDITS file
- added keys for steering player 3 & 4 (you're silly if you think you
  can get 4 people to use one keyboard)
- fixed a few minor bugs (e.g. speed change is now persistent)
- changed behaviour of Display->onScreen
- added keys for cycling players in upper/lower window in split-screen mode
- changed FOV to 105
- added keys to change FOV
- introduced a bug that makes the game freeze (very very rare), perhaps
  someone finds out why?

to 0.41:

- changed floor & wall textures (I'm still no artist though) 
- changed trail colors to fit new floor texture
- multiple perspectives, view 1, 2 or 4 players (F1-F3 changes
  that on the fly) - it's worth the download!
- fixed typos with -h switch
- fixed Makefile, compiles now with -O2 instead of -g (debug)
  I can't see an obvious speed increase though
- added this CHANGELOG file