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<title>Documentation: Serialization of Data and Objects</title>
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<table border=0 cellpadding= cellspacing=2 width=100% ><tr><td><a href='' target=_top><img src='art/foxlogo_small.jpg' border=0></a></td><td width=100% valign=bottom id="HEADLINE"><b>
Documentation: Serialization of Data and Objects <A href='serialization.html' target="_top" align=left><font  size=-2>[Remove Frame]</font></a>
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
  <p>Often, your application needs to save and load data in a machine-independent,
  binary format.&nbsp; This data may be very simple, such as an array of
  numbers, or it may be a complex networks of objects arranged in some application-defined
  data structure.</p>
  <p>FOX offers some tools to make implementation of such basic save and
  load facilities in an application fairly straighforward: <b>Serialization</b>
  and <b>Deserialization</b>.&nbsp;&nbsp; Serialization refers to the process
  of taking a network of objects and their member data, and turning it into
  a linear byte stream; deserialization of course refers to the opposite.&nbsp;
  This process is also sometimes referred to as <i>streaming</i>, <i>flattening</i>,
  or more prosaically, <i>pickling</i>.</p>

  <p>The <b>FXStream</b> classes support streaming of objects and data in
  a type-safe and architecture-neutral manner;&nbsp; this means that a) your
  data will be read in the way you wrote it out, and b) streaming works as
  efficient on little-endian machines as it does on big-endian ones:- there
  is no byte-order preference.</p>

  <p>The FXStream class are extremely flexible, in that you may subclass
  them ad libitum to implement esoteric applications ranging from compression
  to encryption, BSD sockets, UNIX pipes,&nbsp; clipboard, drag &amp; drop,
  and what have you.&nbsp; Code you write to serialize your data may be reused
  to perform any of these functions simply by substituting the FXStream class
  upon which they operate.</p>

  <p>Once code for an object's serialization has been written, this streaming
  capability can be used for a variety of purposes:

  <li>Saving or loading from <b><i>files</i></b>, in a machine-independent manner.</li>
  <li>Saving into <b><i>memory buffers</i></b>, or loading back from memory buffers.</li>
  <li>Loading of <b><i>resources</i></b> compiled into the application using <b><i><a href="icons.html#RESWRAPDOC">reswrap</a></i></b>.</li>
  <li>Exchanging objects and data between applications using <b><i><a href="draganddrop.html#DRAGNDROP">Drag and Drop</a></i></b> techniques.</li>
  <li>Just <b><i>counting the bytes</i></b>, e.g. to determine buffer sizes.</li>
  <li>Transfer objects and data over the network, e.g. via <b><i>sockets</i></b>,

<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Philosophy in FOX Serialization
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
  <p>The FOX Stream classes have been designed with a number of goals in mind:</p>
  <li><b>Speed</b>.&nbsp; The serialization and deserialization should be very
  fast.&nbsp; Thus, a minimal amount of computing overhead is required; also,
  I/O should be minimized.</li>

  <li><b>Flexibility</b>.&nbsp; At some small expense in speed, all I/O eventuallyboils down to a few basic virtual I/O functions; thus, it is possible to
  derive subclasses and serialize data into byte streams with different destinations
  or sources:- not just files, but also memory buffers, sockets, or perhaps
  shared memory segments or mapped files.</li>

  <b>Type Safety</b>.&nbsp; In order to make sure that the number of bytes
  saved exactly matches the number of bytes loaded, all stream insertion/extraction
  operators are defined for all basic machine types, and these <i>types </i>are<i>
  guaranteed </i>to be the<i> same size </i>on all FOX implementations.</li>

  <b>Byte Swapping</b>.&nbsp; Since the types are known, the FOX Stream class
  is able to swap bytes upon stream deserialization.&nbsp; The FOX Stream
  does NOT swap bytes on <i>saving</i>, but only on <i>loading</i>.&nbsp;
  This is for the following reasons:</li>

  It is faster to serialize in a machine-natural order, so that as long as
  one works on machines of the same architecture, no cost is incurred with
  swapping bytes at all.&nbsp; Loading and saving on the same type of machine
  is expected to be a very, very common case.</li>

  By byte swapping on the receiving end, an <i>in-situ</i> swap can be performed,
  which will lead to much better caching, and eliminates the need to temporary
  buffers etc.</li>

  <b>Predictability</b>.&nbsp; With the exception of serialization of FOX
  Objects, the FOX Stream class serializes exactly as many bytes as it is
  given by the application.&nbsp; This has a number of interesting benefits:-
  for example, the FOX GIF Image loading routine works based on a FOX Stream,
  permitting it to read both from files as well as from memory data arrays;
  this makes handling of compiled-in or embedded resources (e.g. by using
  <a href="icons.html#RESWRAPDOC">reswrap</a>)
  very simple indeed.</li>

  <b>Future expansion</b>.&nbsp; An escape tag is prepended for serialized
  FOX Objects.&nbsp; This will in the [near] future allow deserialization
  of FOX Objects that are available in <i>dynamic link libraries (DLL's).
  </i>Currently, FOX can only deserialize objects that have been compiled
  into the application code.</li>

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<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
So How Does It Work?
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
  From the application programmer's point of view, it works very simply:

FXuint data[100],numdata;

// Save my stuff to a stream
void savemystuff(FXStream& stream){
  stream << numdata;         // Save the number of data values,numdata);  // Save the data

// Save stuff to a FILE stream
FXFileStream  stream;"datafile.dat",FXStreamSave);

  <p>As you see, this is pretty simple. Note that the code fragment doing the
  actual serialization does not depend on the type of FXStream being used;
  I recommend simply passing in an FXStream&amp;, so that the same code may
  be used to serialize to FXFileStreams, FXMemoryStreams or other stream
  classes as yet to be invented.</p>

  <p>From the stream's point of view, things are a bit more complicated.
  Saving basic types (FXchar, FXshort, etc) into an FXStream is done by C++-tradional
  insertion and extraction operators <b>&lt;&lt;</b> and <b>&gt;&gt;</b>.<br>
  Note that all operators take a <i>reference</i>, rather than a <i>value</i>.
  If we would save a value, regular C++ type promotions might be silenty
  invoked, and more bytes might be saved than expected;&nbsp; by taking reference
  arguments, one has to first store a value into a variable of <i>known type</i>,
  then call the insertion operator.</p>

  <p>For <i>arrays</i> of basic types, the FXStream class supplies a few
  regular member functions called save() and load(), one for each basic type.&nbsp;
  Note that FOX may support a type FXlong on certain machines; FXlong is
  always 64 bits, or 8 bytes, if supported by the system.&nbsp; If 64 bit
  numbers can not be supported, FXlong is NOT defined.</p>

  <p>For objects, things are a more complex.  A network of objects
  can be saved into a stream, and should be restored upon a load.
  Of course, upon load not all objects will occupy the same address as where
  they were initially stored from, so pointer-values can not be simpy stored in the
  stream:- a translation is necessary.  <br>
  Also, objects may refer to each other, that is to say, the program's data structures
  may have circular references.<br>
  Thus, care must be taken to ensure that each object will be saved only once.</p>

  <p>FOX currently implements the object save by means of a hash table to
  translate object pointers into reference numbers and vice versa. In a nutshell, here's how it works:</p>

  <u>To save an object-pointer to the stream:</u>
  <li>If the pointer is NULL, save the speciall <b>null</b> tag.</li><br><br>

  <li>Consult the hash table to see if the object pointer has been saved before.&nbsp;
  If the object has been encountered previously, its data must already have
  been saved, and the <b>reference</b> tag found in the hash table is saved
  to the stream.</li><br><br>

  <li>If the object has never been encountered before, generate a new reference
  tag, and add the object pointer and the reference tag to the hash table.
  Subsequently, a <b>class</b> tag, an <b>escape</b> code [0 for now], and
  the object's <b>class name</b> is saved to the stream.
  Then the object's <b>member data</b> are saved by calling the object's overloaded
  <b>save()</b> member function.</li>


  <u>To load an object-pointer from the stream:</u>
  <li>Read the tag.  If the tag was the <b>null</b> tag, the pointer was
  NULL, and a NULL is returned.</li><br><br>

  <li>If the tag was the <b>reference</b> tag, the object has already been loaded,
  and the hash table is consulted to return the object-pointer.</li><br><br>

  <li>If the tag was the <b>class</b> tag, the <b>escape</b> tag is read and
  [for now] discarded, and subsequently the classname is read.
  The <b>FXMetaClass</b> is localized from the class name, and a new object is
  constructed by means of its <b>makeInstance() </b>function.
  The a new reference number is generated and the reference number and the
  object-pointer are stored into the hash table.
  Then the object member data are loaded by calling the object's overloaded
  <b>load()</b> member function.</li>

  <p>In the current implementation, only those objects whose implementation
  has been compiled into the application can be [de-] serialized.
  <p>Future versions of FOX will use the <b>escape</b> code information for
  additional methods to localize the <b>FXMetaClass</b> objects.&nbsp; In
  particular, the thinking is that certain object-implementations may live
  in DLL's (Dynamic Link Libraries) and the escape code will help localize
  the DLL and pull it in to provide the object implementation.&nbsp; It is
  clear that this will be a very powerful mechanism, enabling for example
  drag and drop of objects whose implementations are not a-priori known at
  the time the application is compiled.</p>

  <p>I added the escape code so as to <b>not</b> break people's streamed object files when this capability will be introduced.</p>


<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Future FOX uses of Serialization
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->

  <p>Serialization is not only intended for features such as saving/restoring
  from files, and drag-and-drop of objects.&nbsp; Future versions of FOX
  will also allow FOX GUI Widgets to be serialized or deserialized; in fact,
  it is with this in mind that the two-step [Construct/Create] sequence is
  so religiously carried out throughout the Library. Once FOX Widgets have
  been deserialized from either an external file or perhaps from a compiled-in
  [reswrapped] resource, a GUI can be created in one fell swoop with a single
  call to FXApp::create().</p>

  <p>A FOX GUI Builder will be a program that builds a nice-looking GUI,
  and then serializes it for incorporation into an application [using reswrap].&nbsp;
  Using the escape-code mechanism, the FOX GUI builder will be able to build
  GUI's that contain Custom Controls or Widgets written by third parties.</p>


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<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Tips and Hints for Serialization: Byte Swapping
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
  <p>Proper use of the serialization mechanism will allow serialized data
  to be read across different machines, with different byte orders.&nbsp;
  In the scope of ``predictability,'' FOX's stream mechanism does NOT contain
  any tags or markers, nor does it contain things like byte order and such,
  with the exception of course being the saving of object-pointers. <p>It <i>does</i> however try to help:</p>

FXbool FXStream::<b>isLittleEndian</b>();

  <p>returns <i>TRUE</i> for Little Endian machines [e.g. i386 and Alpha
  CPU's] and <i>FALSE</i> for Big Endian machines [e.g. 68k, SPARC CPU's].
  <br>Note that <b>FXbool</b> is defined as <b>FXuchar</b>, NOT as C++ <b>bool</b>.&nbsp;
  [I've never been able to find a statement that says how big the standard
  type <b>bool</b> is, but I'm pretty sure a char is 1 byte!].</p>
  <p>Thus, the following chunk of code may be executed before saving any
  actual application data:</p>

FXbool endianness=FXStream::isLittleEndian();
stream << endianness;
save the data

  <p>Then upon loading:</p>

FXbool endianness;
stream >> endianness;
load the data

  <p>In other words, the bytes are swapped <b><i>on input</i></b>, if and
  only if<i> </i>the byte order of the saving application <i>differs</i>
  from the loading one.</p>

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<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Tips and Hints for Serialization: Container Object
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
  <p>Many applications have one so-called <b>container</b> object, which
  may not itself participate in serialization for one reason or another.&nbsp;
  For example, the FOX FXApp object is normally created by the main startup
  routine of an application, and will probably never be serialized [although
  its member data may be].</p>

  <p>In order to accomodate references to such an object without saving it,
  the FXStream class allows you to specify a <b>container</b> object.&nbsp;
  During serialization, when a pointer to the container object is encountered,
  only a reference tag is saved to the stream; likewise, on deserialization
  a reference to the container object is translated into the pointer passed
  in with the FXStream constructor.</p>


<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Tips and Hints for Serialization: Use FX Types
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
  <p>FOX defines a number of typedefs for the basic types, such as FXchar,
  FXshort, and so on.&nbsp; The idea is that the size of these types is <i>fixed</i>,
  and the <i>same</i> on all implementations; there is an FXASSERT somewhere
  that will trip if this is not true.</p>

  <p>Writing applications that should work on heterogeneous mixes of hardware
  becomes simpler if variables you intend to serialize are defined in terms
  of these basic types; for loop variables and such ephemeral things, you
  may want to use the ``suggested'' system-specific types, as these may be

  <p>The type <b>FXlong</b> may NOT be available on all platforms.&nbsp;
  It represents a 64 bit integer type.&nbsp; You use this at your own risk
  of potential portability loss.</p>


<!--- COPYRIGHT -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td width=100% valign=top id=HEADLINE align=right>
<img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1>
<font size=-1>Copyright &copy; 1997-2004 Jeroen van der Zijp</font>
<!--- COPYRIGHT -->
