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<title>Documentation: DataTargets</title>
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<table border=0 cellpadding= cellspacing=2 width=100% ><tr><td><a href='' target=_top><img src='art/foxlogo_small.jpg' border=0></a></td><td width=100% valign=bottom id="HEADLINE"><b>
Documentation: DataTargets  <A href='datatarget.html' target="_top" align=left><font  size=-2>[Remove Frame]</font></a>
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<p>A common application of GUI development is the
collection of inputs from the user in the form of booleans, numbers and
strings of text.&nbsp; This usually involves building a dialog panel with
a collection of controls such as text fields, sliders, and other input
controls.&nbsp; The GUI developer then would write callback handler functions
so as to be notified when any of these controls changes value.&nbsp; Often,
the developer is forced to fill up these controls to reflect the initial
suggested values.</p>

<p>This process is common enough that we have found
that it makes sense to support it with a much more declarative programming
style:-&nbsp; instead of writing many callback routines, and routines to
preset the GUI controls with their initial value, we have implemented a
more easy to use method in the form of the FOX FXDataTarget class.

<p>The FXDataTarget acts as an intermediary between
a program variable, such as an integer or string, and a FOX widget such
as a FXTextField or FXSlider.&nbsp;&nbsp; The FXDataTarget works by associating
a variable in the application code with one or more control widgets in
the GUI.&nbsp; Several controls may be connected to the same data target,
although each data target is associated with only one variable at a time.</p>

<p>A FXDataTarget forms a bi-directional channel through which a GUI control can communicate
with a variable in an application
program.&nbsp; Thus, once the GUI is created and connected via the FXDataTarget,
the GUI controls will automatically display the current value of that variable,
and when the user starts interacting with a control, the variable will
be automatically changed.&nbsp; Moreover, if several GUI controls are connected
to one single FXDataTarget, each of these controls will automatically update
when the variable has been changed.</p>

<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
Example Usage
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->

<p>Suppose you are writing a program to enter personnel
data by means of a dialog.&nbsp; One or the first things you may want to
do is to design a data structure which is to hold this information:</p>

// Employee record
struct Employee {
  FXString name;
  FXint    number;
  FXdouble salary;
  FXString address;

<p>Lets make a dialog box which obtains this information from the user,
and of course we'll use the FXDataTargets to eliminate as much coding as
possible; first comes the header file (we'll omit some details in the interest
of brevity):</p>

/* EmployeeEntry.h */

// Employee Information Entry Dialog
class EmployeeEntry : public FXDialogBox {
  Employee record;   // Record we'll be modifying
  FXDataTarget nameTarget;
  FXDataTarget numberTarget;
  FXDataTarget salaryTarget;
  FXDataTarget addressTarget;
  EmployeeEntry(FXWindow* owner);


<p>Well, that's basically it.&nbsp; Now for the implementation file:</p>

/* EmployeeEntry.cpp */
#include "EmployeeEntry.h"


EmployeeEntry::EmployeeEntry(FXWindow* owner):
  FXDialogBox(owner,"Enter Employee Information"),

  new FXTextField(frame,5,&nameTarget,FXDataTarget::ID_VALUE,...);
  new FXSpinner(frame,5,&numberTarget_target,FXDataTarget::ID_VALUE,...);
  new FXTextField(frame,5,&addressTarget,FXDataTarget::ID_VALUE,...);
  new FXSlider(frame,&salaryTarget,FXDataTarget::ID_VALUE,...);
  new FXTextField(frame,5,&salaryTarget,FXDataTarget::ID_VALUE,...);
  new FXButton(frame,"Cancal",NULL,this,FXDialogBox::ID_CANCEL,...);
  new FXButton(frame,"Accept",NULL,this,FXDialogBox::ID_ACCEPT,...);


<p>We have of course omitted some details here regarding the layout and
other&nbsp; visual&nbsp; paraphernalia.&nbsp; Note that we have connected
the data target controlling the <b>salary </b>member to both a text field
as well as a slider, so we can set the salary either way.&nbsp; So far,
it sounds rediculously simple, doesn't it? The secret is, it really is!
Next, we're getting ready to use this new panel.&nbsp; Here's how we
would do that.&nbsp; Lets say we have selected the employee from a big
array of employee records, and we enter the following callback handler
to edit one of the entries in this array:</p>

/* EmployeeDatabase.cpp */
#include "EmployeeEntry.h"


Employee *employeedatabase;     // Database of records
int       currentemployee;      // Current employee number we're going to edit
int       numberofemployees;    // Total number


long EmployeeDatabase::onCmdChangeInformation(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*){
  EmployeeEntry dialog(mainwindow);
  dialog.record=employeedatabase[currentemployee];    // We will work on the copy
    employeedatabase[currentemployee]=dialog.record;  // We accept the change
  return 1;

<p>In the above code, we <i>copy</i> the employee record from the database,
and then pop up the EmployeeEntry dialog by calling its <b>execute()</b>
member function.
When this dialog shows up, it will initially display the old information
from <b><tt>employeedatabase[currentemployee]</tt></b>.&nbsp; After editing
it with the dialog, if the user hits the <b>Accept</b> button, <b>execute()
</b>will return <b>true</b> and we copy the changed record back into the
database; if the user hit the <b>Cancel</b> button, <b>execute()</b> we
will simply do nothing and return from the callback.
The EmployeeEntry dialog's destructors will automatically clean up the


<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
More Advanced Usage
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->

<p>The above shows the most basic usage of FXDataTarget.&nbsp;
It uses the <b>ID_VALUE</b> message.&nbsp; When a FXDataTarget receives
this message, it will ask the sender of the message for the desired value,
and then place that value into the connected program variable.</font>
<br><font color="#000000">However, the FXDataTarget also understands the
<b>ID_OPTION</b> messages.&nbsp; With these messages, the actual value
is encoded in the message ID itself, by adding the value to the message

<p>For example, to set a program variable to the
value <b>10</b>, we could send the FXDataTarget a message <b>ID_OPTION+10</b>.&nbsp;
With the ID_OPTION messages we can for example connect a FXDataTarget to
a number of <b>FXRadioButtons</b>, and set a program variable by clicking
on one of several radio buttons:</p>

  enum Color {Red, Green, Blue};

  FXint color;
  FXDataTarget colorTarget(color);

  new FXRadioButton(matrix,"Red",option_target,FXDataTarget::ID_OPTION+Red,...);
  new FXRadioButton(matrix,"Green",option_target,FXDataTarget::ID_OPTION+Green,...);
  new FXRadioButton(matrix,"Blue",option_target,FXDataTarget::ID_OPTION+Blue,...);

<p>Here we set the variable <b>color</b> to one of the three values <b>{Red,
Green, Blue}</b> by directly connecting the FXDataTarget to three FXRadioButtons.
<br>When the FXDataTarget receives an ID_OPTION message, it changes the
program variable to (message-<b>ID_OPTION</b>).&nbsp; Using this method,
its easy to input<b> yes/no</b> values, lists of <b>choices</b>, and so
on, all without having to write explicit callback handlers.</p>


<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2><tr><td width=100% valign=bottom id=HEADLINE><b>
How It Works
<br><img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1></b></td></tr></table>
<!--- TOPIC TITLE -->

<p>The FXDataTarget idea works because of FOX's built-in
GUI Update mechanism.&nbsp; The GUI Update mechanism is responsible for
refreshing the state of each widget in your program, based on the state
of your application data structures.&nbsp; Basically, each widget periodically
inquires about its state by sending its target a <b>SEL_UPDATE</b> message.</p>

<p>When an FXDataTarget receives a message of type
SEL_UPDATE, it reads the value of its associated variable and updates the
sender of the message by means of another message.&nbsp; Note that the
FXDataTarget does not need to know what type of Widget did the sending.</p>

<p>There are two ways the FXDataTarget can receive
updates: by an <b>ID_VALUE</b> message or an&nbsp; <b>ID_OPTION</b> message.&nbsp;
The former type is usually generated by a <b>valuator control</b>, such
as an FXSlider.&nbsp; When a message from a valuator control is received,
FXDataTarget responds by sending back an <b>ID_SETINTVALUE, ID_SETREALVALUE,
</b>or<b> ID_SETSTRINGVALUE</b> message to the sender of the request.</p>

<p>When a FXDataTarget receives a message of the
form (<b>ID_OPTION+i</b>),&nbsp; it resonds by sending back one of two
messages: <b>ID_CHECK</b> or <b>ID_UNCHECK,</b> depending on whether the
value of the associated variable is equal to<b> i</b>.</p>

<p>In the example above, the "Red" radio button will
receive an <b>ID_CHECK</b> message, because the initial value of the variable
color is red.&nbsp; The other radio buttons will receive the <b>ID_UNCHECK</b>

<p>All of these methods explained here are deployed in the <b>datatarget</b>
example program.</p>


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<img src='art/line.gif' width=100% height=1><font size=-1>
Copyright &copy; 1997-2004 Jeroen van der Zijp</font>
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