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 <TITLE>The KMovisto Handbook: View Modes</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s4">4. View Modes</A></H2>
<H2><A NAME="ss4.1">4.1 OpenGL Mode</A>
Since version 0.4.0 this view mode is the default view mode. The molcule model is displayed with
use of the OpenGL graphic library and fills the entire window. Spheres and sticks become a little bit
more realistic look (<B>Fig. 16</B>).
<DIV align="center"><img src="./images/kmovisto.jpg"></DIV>
<B>Fig. 16:</B> KMovisto openGL mode
<H2><A NAME="ss4.2">4.2 Flat Mode</A>
This is the classic kmovisto view mode used with previous releases. This simple mode is usefull
if the appearance is set to any labeled mode e. g. (<B>Fig. 17</B>).
<DIV align="center"><img src="./images/kmovisto_flatmode.jpg"></DIV>
<B>Fig. 17:</B> KMovisto flat mode
<H2><A NAME="ss4.3">4.3 Anaglyph 3D Mode</A>
This is what KMovisto makes a real 3D molecule viewer. Use this mode to view anaglyphic 3D images
of molecule structures.
All you need are spectacles with red and green glasses or red an blue glasses (TV glasses are less
useful since their red is too dark and green to light). Make sure that the RED lens covers the LEFT eye.
Now you have the ability to choose between the anaglyphic modes via tool bar buttons
(<B>Fig. 18</B>) as described as follows.
<DIV align="center"><img src="./images/toolbar_anaglyph.jpg"></DIV>
<B>Fig. 18:</B> Anaglyph mode toolbar of KMovisto
This is the default anaglyphic mode. These images are drawn only in pure red and green color
(<B>Fig. 19</B>, reduced image quality).
<DIV align="center"><img src="./images/kmovisto_3D_anaglyph_rg.jpg"></DIV>
<B>Fig. 19:</B> KMovisto 3D anaglyph mode red/green (reduced image quality due to jpeg format restrictions)
Try this mode to view colored (!) anaglyphic images via spectacles with red and green glasses.
(<B>Fig. 20</B>, reduced image quality).
<DIV align="center"><img src="./images/kmovisto_3D_anaglyph_rc.jpg"></DIV>
<B>Fig. 20:</B> KMovisto 3D anaglyph mode red/cyan (reduced image quality due to jpeg format restrictions)
Use this mode to view anaglyphic images via spectacles with red and blue glasses.
(<B>Fig. 21</B>, reduced image quality).
<DIV align="center"><img src="./images/kmovisto_3D_anaglyph_rb.jpg"></DIV>
<B>Fig. 21:</B> KMovisto 3D anaglyph mode red/blue (reduced image quality due to jpeg format restrictions)
<H2><A NAME="ss4.4">4.4 Stereo Pair 3D Mode</A>
You are also able to view 3D images without special glasses (<B>Fig. 22</B>). To view stereoscopic
images I suggest to resize the window to get a size of 7 x 7 cm for each picture. Then you should
try to view relaxed: If the left eye looks at the left image and the right eye looks at the other
one you get a stereoscopic view.
<DIV align="center"><img src="./images/kmovisto_3D_stereo.jpg"></DIV>
<B>Fig. 22:</B> KMovisto stereo pair mode
<H2><A NAME="ss4.5">4.5 Edit Mode</A>
Since release 0.3.0 KMovisto provides some molecule edit functions. After enabling edit mode
via menu <I>view->edit mode</I> KMovisto shows three different viewpoints (x-, y- and z-axis) of the
selected molecule (<B>Fig. 23</B>).
<DIV align="center"><img src="./images/kmovisto_editmode.jpg"></DIV>
<B>Fig. 23:</B> KMovisto edit mode
Now you have the ability to choose between the six edit funtions via tool bar buttons (<B>Fig. 24</B>)
as described as follows.
<DIV align="center"><img src="./images/toolbar_editmode.jpg"></DIV>
<B>Fig. 24:</B> Edit mode toolbar of KMovisto
<B>Replace atom:</B>
Capture one atom by pressing the left mouse button and select the new element symbol you want
to replace from the symbol combo box.
<B>Move atom:</B>
Capture one atom by pressing the left mouse button and move to the new position while the left
mouse button is pressed. If <I>autoconnect</I> checkbox is enabled, atoms will by connected / disconnected
depending on their size.
<B>Add atom:</B>
Select the new element symbol you want to add from the symbol combo box and press the left mouse
button at the new position.
<B>Delete atom:</B>
Capture the atom you want to delete by pressing the left mouse button, your selection turns to diagonal
pattern. To delete press the right mouse button.
<B>Create bond:</B>
Select two atoms you want to connect by pressing the left mouse button, your selection turns to diagonal
pattern. To connect press the right mouse button.
<B>Delete bond:</B>
Select two atoms you want to disconnect by pressing the left mouse button, your selection turns to diagonal
pattern. To disconnect press the right mouse button.
<B>If no toolbar button is enabled:</B>
You are able to rotate, translate or resize the molecule as described in
<A HREF="index-3.html#ss3.2">3.2</A>.
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