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<LI><A href="node18.html#SECTION0001810000000000000000">17.1 Date/Time Type</a>
<LI><A href="node18.html#SECTION0001820000000000000000">17.2 The optparse Module</a>
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION0001800000000000000000">
17 New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules</A>

As usual, Python's standard library received a number of enhancements and
bug fixes.  Here's a partial list of the most notable changes, sorted
alphabetically by module name. Consult the
<span class="file">Misc/NEWS</span> file in the source tree for a more
complete list of changes, or look through the CVS logs for all the


<LI>The <tt class="module">array</tt> module now supports arrays of Unicode
characters using the "<tt class="character">u</tt>" format character.  Arrays also now
support using the <code>+=</code> assignment operator to add another array's
contents, and the <code>*=</code> assignment operator to repeat an array.
(Contributed by Jason Orendorff.)

<LI>The <tt class="module">bsddb</tt> module has been replaced by version 4.1.6
of the <a class="ulink" href=""
  >PyBSDDB</a> package,
providing a more complete interface to the transactional features of
the BerkeleyDB library.

The old version of the module has been renamed to 
<tt class="module">bsddb185</tt> and is no longer built automatically; you'll 
have to edit <span class="file">Modules/Setup</span> to enable it.  Note that the new
<tt class="module">bsddb</tt> package is intended to be compatible with the 
old module, so be sure to file bugs if you discover any
incompatibilities.  When upgrading to Python 2.3, if the new interpreter is compiled
with a new version of 
the underlying BerkeleyDB library, you will almost certainly have to
convert your database files to the new version.  You can do this
fairly easily with the new scripts <span class="file"></span> and
<span class="file"></span> which you will find in the distribution's
<span class="file">Tools/scripts</span> directory.  If you've already been using the PyBSDDB
package and importing it as <tt class="module">bsddb3</tt>, you will have to change your
<code>import</code> statements to import it as <tt class="module">bsddb</tt>.

<LI>The new <tt class="module">bz2</tt> module is an interface to the bz2 data
compression library.  bz2-compressed data is usually smaller than 
corresponding <tt class="module">zlib</tt>-compressed data. (Contributed by Gustavo Niemeyer.)

<LI>A set of standard date/time types has been added in the new <tt class="module">datetime</tt>
module.  See the following section for more details.

<LI>The Distutils <tt class="class">Extension</tt> class now supports
an extra constructor argument named <var>depends</var> for listing
additional source files that an extension depends on.  This lets
Distutils recompile the module if any of the dependency files are
modified.  For example, if <span class="file">sampmodule.c</span> includes the header
file <span class="file">sample.h</span>, you would create the <tt class="class">Extension</tt> object like

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
ext = Extension("samp",

Modifying <span class="file">sample.h</span> would then cause the module to be recompiled.
(Contributed by Jeremy Hylton.)

<LI>Other minor changes to Distutils:
it now checks for the <a class="envvar" id='l2h-1'>CC</a>, <a class="envvar" id='l2h-2'>CFLAGS</a>, <a class="envvar" id='l2h-3'>CPP</a>,
<a class="envvar" id='l2h-4'>LDFLAGS</a>, and <a class="envvar" id='l2h-5'>CPPFLAGS</a> environment variables, using
them to override the settings in Python's configuration (contributed
by Robert Weber).

<LI>Previously the <tt class="module">doctest</tt> module would only search the
docstrings of public methods and functions for test cases, but it now
also examines private ones as well.  The <tt class="function">DocTestSuite(</tt>
function creates a <tt class="class">unittest.TestSuite</tt> object from a set of
<tt class="module">doctest</tt> tests.

<LI>The new <tt class="function">gc.get_referents(<var>object</var>)</tt> function returns a
list of all the objects referenced by <var>object</var>.

<LI>The <tt class="module">getopt</tt> module gained a new function,
<tt class="function">gnu_getopt()</tt>, that supports the same arguments as the existing
<tt class="function">getopt()</tt> function but uses GNU-style scanning mode.
The existing <tt class="function">getopt()</tt> stops processing options as soon as a
non-option argument is encountered, but in GNU-style mode processing
continues, meaning that options and arguments can be mixed.  For

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; getopt.getopt(['-f', 'filename', 'output', '-v'], 'f:v')
([('-f', 'filename')], ['output', '-v'])
&gt;&gt;&gt; getopt.gnu_getopt(['-f', 'filename', 'output', '-v'], 'f:v')
([('-f', 'filename'), ('-v', '')], ['output'])

(Contributed by Peter &#197;strand.)

<LI>The <tt class="module">grp</tt>, <tt class="module">pwd</tt>, and <tt class="module">resource</tt> modules
now return enhanced tuples:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; import grp
&gt;&gt;&gt; g = grp.getgrnam('amk')
&gt;&gt;&gt; g.gr_name, g.gr_gid
('amk', 500)

<LI>The <tt class="module">gzip</tt> module can now handle files exceeding 2&nbsp;Gb.  

<LI>The new <tt class="module">heapq</tt> module contains an implementation of a
heap queue algorithm.  A heap is an array-like data structure that
keeps items in a partially sorted order such that, for every index
<var>k</var>, <code>heap[<var>k</var>] &lt;= heap[2*<var>k</var>+1]</code> and
<code>heap[<var>k</var>] &lt;= heap[2*<var>k</var>+2]</code>.  This makes it quick to
remove the smallest item, and inserting a new item while maintaining
the heap property is O(lg&nbsp;n).  (See
<a class="url" href=""></a> for more
information about the priority queue data structure.)

The <tt class="module">heapq</tt> module provides <tt class="function">heappush()</tt> and
<tt class="function">heappop()</tt> functions for adding and removing items while
maintaining the heap property on top of some other mutable Python
sequence type.  Here's an example that uses a Python list:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; import heapq
&gt;&gt;&gt; heap = []
&gt;&gt;&gt; for item in [3, 7, 5, 11, 1]:
...    heapq.heappush(heap, item)
&gt;&gt;&gt; heap
[1, 3, 5, 11, 7]
&gt;&gt;&gt; heapq.heappop(heap)
&gt;&gt;&gt; heapq.heappop(heap)
&gt;&gt;&gt; heap
[5, 7, 11]

(Contributed by Kevin O'Connor.)

<LI>The IDLE integrated development environment has been updated
using the code from the IDLEfork project
(<a class="url" href=""></a>).  The most notable feature is that the
code being developed is now executed in a subprocess, meaning that
there's no longer any need for manual <code>reload()</code> operations.
IDLE's core code has been incorporated into the standard library as the
<tt class="module">idlelib</tt> package.

<LI>The <tt class="module">imaplib</tt> module now supports IMAP over SSL.
(Contributed by Piers Lauder and Tino Lange.)

<LI>The <tt class="module">itertools</tt> contains a number of useful functions for
use with iterators, inspired by various functions provided by the ML
and Haskell languages.  For example,
<code>itertools.ifilter(predicate, iterator)</code> returns all elements in
the iterator for which the function <tt class="function">predicate()</tt> returns
<tt class="constant">True</tt>, and <code>itertools.repeat(obj, <var>N</var>)</code> returns
<code>obj</code> <var>N</var> times.  There are a number of other functions in
the module; see the <a class="ulink" href="../lib/module-itertools.html"
  >package's reference
documentation</a> for details.
(Contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)

<LI>Two new functions in the <tt class="module">math</tt> module,
<tt class="function">degrees(<var>rads</var>)</tt> and <tt class="function">radians(<var>degs</var>)</tt>,
convert between radians and degrees.  Other functions in the
<tt class="module">math</tt> module such as <tt class="function">math.sin()</tt> and
<tt class="function">math.cos()</tt> have always required input values measured in
radians.  Also, an optional <var>base</var> argument was added to
<tt class="function">math.log()</tt> to make it easier to compute logarithms for
bases other than <code>e</code> and <code>10</code>.  (Contributed by Raymond

<LI>Several new POSIX functions (<tt class="function">getpgid()</tt>, <tt class="function">killpg()</tt>,
<tt class="function">lchown()</tt>, <tt class="function">loadavg()</tt>, <tt class="function">major()</tt>, <tt class="function">makedev()</tt>,
<tt class="function">minor()</tt>, and <tt class="function">mknod()</tt>) were added to the
<tt class="module">posix</tt> module that underlies the <tt class="module">os</tt> module.
(Contributed by Gustavo Niemeyer, Geert Jansen, and Denis S. Otkidach.)

<LI>In the <tt class="module">os</tt> module, the <tt class="function">*stat()</tt> family of
functions can now report fractions of a second in a timestamp.  Such
time stamps are represented as floats, similar to
the value returned by <tt class="function">time.time()</tt>.

During testing, it was found that some applications will break if time
stamps are floats.  For compatibility, when using the tuple interface
of the <tt class="class">stat_result</tt> time stamps will be represented as integers.
When using named fields (a feature first introduced in Python 2.2),
time stamps are still represented as integers, unless
<tt class="function">os.stat_float_times()</tt> is invoked to enable float return

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; os.stat("/tmp").st_mtime
&gt;&gt;&gt; os.stat_float_times(True)
&gt;&gt;&gt; os.stat("/tmp").st_mtime

In Python 2.4, the default will change to always returning floats.

Application developers should enable this feature only if all their
libraries work properly when confronted with floating point time
stamps, or if they use the tuple API. If used, the feature should be
activated on an application level instead of trying to enable it on a
per-use basis.

<LI>The <tt class="module">optparse</tt> module contains a new parser for command-line arguments 
that can convert option values to a particular Python type 
and will automatically generate a usage message.  See the following section for 
more details.

<LI>The old and never-documented <tt class="module">linuxaudiodev</tt> module has
been deprecated, and a new version named <tt class="module">ossaudiodev</tt> has been
added.  The module was renamed because the OSS sound drivers can be
used on platforms other than Linux, and the interface has also been
tidied and brought up to date in various ways. (Contributed by Greg
Ward and Nicholas FitzRoy-Dale.)

<LI>The new <tt class="module">platform</tt> module contains a number of functions
that try to determine various properties of the platform you're
running on.  There are functions for getting the architecture, CPU
type, the Windows OS version, and even the Linux distribution version.
(Contributed by Marc-Andr&#233; Lemburg.)

<LI>The parser objects provided by the <tt class="module">pyexpat</tt> module
can now optionally buffer character data, resulting in fewer calls to
your character data handler and therefore faster performance.  Setting
the parser object's <tt class="member">buffer_text</tt> attribute to <tt class="constant">True</tt>
will enable buffering.

<LI>The <tt class="function">sample(<var>population</var>, <var>k</var>)</tt> function was
added to the <tt class="module">random</tt> module.  <var>population</var> is a sequence or
<tt class="class">xrange</tt> object containing the elements of a population, and
<tt class="function">sample()</tt> chooses <var>k</var> elements from the population without
replacing chosen elements.  <var>k</var> can be any value up to
<code>len(<var>population</var>)</code>. For example:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; days = ['Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'St', 'Sn']
&gt;&gt;&gt; random.sample(days, 3)      # Choose 3 elements
['St', 'Sn', 'Th']
&gt;&gt;&gt; random.sample(days, 7)      # Choose 7 elements
['Tu', 'Th', 'Mo', 'We', 'St', 'Fr', 'Sn']
&gt;&gt;&gt; random.sample(days, 7)      # Choose 7 again
['We', 'Mo', 'Sn', 'Fr', 'Tu', 'St', 'Th']
&gt;&gt;&gt; random.sample(days, 8)      # Can't choose eight
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "&lt;stdin&gt;", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 414, in sample
      raise ValueError, "sample larger than population"
ValueError: sample larger than population
&gt;&gt;&gt; random.sample(xrange(1,10000,2), 10)   # Choose ten odd nos. under 10000
[3407, 3805, 1505, 7023, 2401, 2267, 9733, 3151, 8083, 9195]

The <tt class="module">random</tt> module now uses a new algorithm, the Mersenne
Twister, implemented in C.  It's faster and more extensively studied
than the previous algorithm.

(All changes contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)

<LI>The <tt class="module">readline</tt> module also gained a number of new
functions: <tt class="function">get_history_item()</tt>,
<tt class="function">get_current_history_length()</tt>, and <tt class="function">redisplay()</tt>.

<LI>The <tt class="module">rexec</tt> and <tt class="module">Bastion</tt> modules have been
declared dead, and attempts to import them will fail with a
<tt class="exception">RuntimeError</tt>.  New-style classes provide new ways to break
out of the restricted execution environment provided by
<tt class="module">rexec</tt>, and no one has interest in fixing them or time to do
so.  If you have applications using <tt class="module">rexec</tt>, rewrite them to
use something else.

(Sticking with Python 2.2 or 2.1 will not make your applications any
safer because there are known bugs in the <tt class="module">rexec</tt> module in
those versions.  To repeat: if you're using <tt class="module">rexec</tt>, stop using
it immediately.)

<LI>The <tt class="module">rotor</tt> module has been deprecated because the 
  algorithm it uses for encryption is not believed to be secure.  If
  you need encryption, use one of the several AES Python modules
  that are available separately.

<LI>The <tt class="module">shutil</tt> module gained a <tt class="function">move(<var>src</var>,
<var>dest</var>)</tt> function that recursively moves a file or directory to a new

<LI>Support for more advanced POSIX signal handling was added
to the <tt class="module">signal</tt> but then removed again as it proved impossible
to make it work reliably across platforms.

<LI>The <tt class="module">socket</tt> module now supports timeouts.  You
can call the <tt class="method">settimeout(<var>t</var>)</tt> method on a socket object to
set a timeout of <var>t</var> seconds.  Subsequent socket operations that
take longer than <var>t</var> seconds to complete will abort and raise a
<tt class="exception">socket.timeout</tt> exception.

The original timeout implementation was by Tim O'Malley.  Michael
Gilfix integrated it into the Python <tt class="module">socket</tt> module and
shepherded it through a lengthy review.  After the code was checked
in, Guido van&nbsp;Rossum rewrote parts of it.  (This is a good example of
a collaborative development process in action.)

<LI>On Windows, the <tt class="module">socket</tt> module now ships with Secure 
Sockets Layer (SSL) support.

<LI>The value of the C <tt class="constant">PYTHON_API_VERSION</tt> macro is now
exposed at the Python level as <code>sys.api_version</code>.  The current
exception can be cleared by calling the new <tt class="function">sys.exc_clear()</tt>

<LI>The new <tt class="module">tarfile</tt> module 
allows reading from and writing to <b class="program">tar</b>-format archive files.
(Contributed by Lars Gust&#228;bel.)

<LI>The new <tt class="module">textwrap</tt> module contains functions for wrapping
strings containing paragraphs of text.  The <tt class="function">wrap(<var>text</var>,
<var>width</var>)</tt> function takes a string and returns a list containing
the text split into lines of no more than the chosen width.  The
<tt class="function">fill(<var>text</var>, <var>width</var>)</tt> function returns a single
string, reformatted to fit into lines no longer than the chosen width.
(As you can guess, <tt class="function">fill()</tt> is built on top of
<tt class="function">wrap()</tt>.  For example:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; import textwrap
&gt;&gt;&gt; paragraph = "Not a whit, we defy augury: ... more text ..."
&gt;&gt;&gt; textwrap.wrap(paragraph, 60)
["Not a whit, we defy augury: there's a special providence in",
 "the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it",
&gt;&gt;&gt; print textwrap.fill(paragraph, 35)
Not a whit, we defy augury: there's
a special providence in the fall of
a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not
to come; if it be not to come, it
will be now; if it be not now, yet
it will come: the readiness is all.

The module also contains a <tt class="class">TextWrapper</tt> class that actually
implements the text wrapping strategy.   Both the
<tt class="class">TextWrapper</tt> class and the <tt class="function">wrap()</tt> and
<tt class="function">fill()</tt> functions support a number of additional keyword
arguments for fine-tuning the formatting; consult the <a class="ulink" href="../lib/module-textwrap.html"
documentation</a> for details.
(Contributed by Greg Ward.)

<LI>The <tt class="module">thread</tt> and <tt class="module">threading</tt> modules now have
companion modules, <tt class="module">dummy_thread</tt> and <tt class="module">dummy_threading</tt>,
that provide a do-nothing implementation of the <tt class="module">thread</tt>
module's interface for platforms where threads are not supported.  The
intention is to simplify thread-aware modules (ones that <i>don't</i>
rely on threads to run) by putting the following code at the top:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
    import threading as _threading
except ImportError:
    import dummy_threading as _threading

In this example, <tt class="module">_threading</tt> is used as the module name to make
it clear that the module being used is not necessarily the actual
<tt class="module">threading</tt> module. Code can call functions and use classes in
<tt class="module">_threading</tt> whether or not threads are supported, avoiding an
<tt class="keyword">if</tt> statement and making the code slightly clearer.  This
module will not magically make multithreaded code run without threads;
code that waits for another thread to return or to do something will
simply hang forever. 

<LI>The <tt class="module">time</tt> module's <tt class="function">strptime()</tt> function has
long been an annoyance because it uses the platform C library's
<tt class="function">strptime()</tt> implementation, and different platforms
sometimes have odd bugs.  Brett Cannon contributed a portable
implementation that's written in pure Python and should behave
identically on all platforms.

<LI>The new <tt class="module">timeit</tt> module helps measure how long snippets
of Python code take to execute.  The <span class="file"></span> file can be run
directly from the command line, or the module's <tt class="class">Timer</tt> class
can be imported and used directly.  Here's a short example that
figures out whether it's faster to convert an 8-bit string to Unicode
by appending an empty Unicode string to it or by using the
<tt class="function">unicode()</tt> function:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
import timeit

timer1 = timeit.Timer('unicode("abc")')
timer2 = timeit.Timer('"abc" + u""')

# Run three trials
print timer1.repeat(repeat=3, number=100000)
print timer2.repeat(repeat=3, number=100000)

# On my laptop this outputs:
# [0.36831796169281006, 0.37441694736480713, 0.35304892063140869]
# [0.17574405670166016, 0.18193507194519043, 0.17565798759460449]

<LI>The <tt class="module">Tix</tt> module has received various bug fixes and
updates for the current version of the Tix package.

<LI>The <tt class="module">Tkinter</tt> module now works with a thread-enabled 
version of Tcl.  Tcl's threading model requires that widgets only be
accessed from the thread in which they're created; accesses from
another thread can cause Tcl to panic.  For certain Tcl interfaces,
<tt class="module">Tkinter</tt> will now automatically avoid this 
when a widget is accessed from a different thread by marshalling a
command, passing it to the correct thread, and waiting for the
results.  Other interfaces can't be handled automatically but
<tt class="module">Tkinter</tt> will now raise an exception on such an access so that
you can at least find out about the problem.  See
<a class="url" href=""></a> for a more detailed explanation of this change.  (Implemented by
Martin von&nbsp;L&#246;wis.)

<LI>Calling Tcl methods through <tt class="module">_tkinter</tt> no longer 
returns only strings. Instead, if Tcl returns other objects those
objects are converted to their Python equivalent, if one exists, or
wrapped with a <tt class="class">_tkinter.Tcl_Obj</tt> object if no Python equivalent
exists. This behavior can be controlled through the
<tt class="method">wantobjects()</tt> method of <tt class="class">tkapp</tt> objects.

When using <tt class="module">_tkinter</tt> through the <tt class="module">Tkinter</tt> module (as
most Tkinter applications will), this feature is always activated. It
should not cause compatibility problems, since Tkinter would always
convert string results to Python types where possible.

If any incompatibilities are found, the old behavior can be restored
by setting the <tt class="member">wantobjects</tt> variable in the <tt class="module">Tkinter</tt>
module to false before creating the first <tt class="class">tkapp</tt> object.

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
import Tkinter
Tkinter.wantobjects = 0

Any breakage caused by this change should be reported as a bug.

<LI>The <tt class="module">UserDict</tt> module has a new <tt class="class">DictMixin</tt> class which
defines all dictionary methods for classes that already have a minimum
mapping interface.  This greatly simplifies writing classes that need
to be substitutable for dictionaries, such as the classes in 
the <tt class="module">shelve</tt> module.

Adding the mix-in as a superclass provides the full dictionary
interface whenever the class defines <tt class="method">__getitem__</tt>,
<tt class="method">__setitem__</tt>, <tt class="method">__delitem__</tt>, and <tt class="method">keys</tt>.
For example:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; import UserDict
&gt;&gt;&gt; class SeqDict(UserDict.DictMixin):
...     """Dictionary lookalike implemented with lists."""
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.keylist = []
...         self.valuelist = []
...     def __getitem__(self, key):
...         try:
...             i = self.keylist.index(key)
...         except ValueError:
...             raise KeyError
...         return self.valuelist[i]
...     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
...         try:
...             i = self.keylist.index(key)
...             self.valuelist[i] = value
...         except ValueError:
...             self.keylist.append(key)
...             self.valuelist.append(value)
...     def __delitem__(self, key):
...         try:
...             i = self.keylist.index(key)
...         except ValueError:
...             raise KeyError
...         self.keylist.pop(i)
...         self.valuelist.pop(i)
...     def keys(self):
...         return list(self.keylist)
&gt;&gt;&gt; s = SeqDict()
&gt;&gt;&gt; dir(s)      # See that other dictionary methods are implemented
['__cmp__', '__contains__', '__delitem__', '__doc__', '__getitem__',
 '__init__', '__iter__', '__len__', '__module__', '__repr__',
 '__setitem__', 'clear', 'get', 'has_key', 'items', 'iteritems',
 'iterkeys', 'itervalues', 'keylist', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem',
 'setdefault', 'update', 'valuelist', 'values']

(Contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)

<LI>The DOM implementation
in <tt class="module">xml.dom.minidom</tt> can now generate XML output in a
particular encoding by providing an optional encoding argument to
the <tt class="method">toxml()</tt> and <tt class="method">toprettyxml()</tt> methods of DOM nodes.

<LI>The <tt class="module">xmlrpclib</tt> module now supports an XML-RPC extension
for handling nil data values such as Python's <code>None</code>.  Nil values
are always supported on unmarshalling an XML-RPC response.  To
generate requests containing <code>None</code>, you must supply a true value
for the <var>allow_none</var> parameter when creating a <tt class="class">Marshaller</tt>

<LI>The new <tt class="module">DocXMLRPCServer</tt> module allows writing
self-documenting XML-RPC servers. Run it in demo mode (as a program)
to see it in action.   Pointing the Web browser to the RPC server
produces pydoc-style documentation; pointing xmlrpclib to the
server allows invoking the actual methods.
(Contributed by Brian Quinlan.)

<LI>Support for internationalized domain names (RFCs 3454, 3490,
3491, and 3492) has been added. The ``idna'' encoding can be used
to convert between a Unicode domain name and the ASCII-compatible
encoding (ACE) of that name.

<div class="verbatim"><pre><TT>
 &gt;&gt;&gt; u&#34;www.Alliancefran&#184;;.encode(&#34;idna&#34;)

The <tt class="module">socket</tt> module has also been extended to transparently
convert Unicode hostnames to the ACE version before passing them to
the C library.  Modules that deal with hostnames such as
<tt class="module">httplib</tt> and <tt class="module">ftplib</tt>) also support Unicode host names;
<tt class="module">httplib</tt> also sends HTTP "<tt class="samp">Host</tt>" headers using the ACE
version of the domain name.  <tt class="module">urllib</tt> supports Unicode URLs
with non-ASCII host names as long as the <code>path</code> part of the URL
is ASCII only.

To implement this change, the <tt class="module">stringprep</tt> module, the 
<code>mkstringprep</code> tool and the <code>punycode</code> encoding have been added.  



<H2><A NAME="SECTION0001810000000000000000">
17.1 Date/Time Type</A>

Date and time types suitable for expressing timestamps were added as
the <tt class="module">datetime</tt> module.  The types don't support different
calendars or many fancy features, and just stick to the basics of
representing time.

The three primary types are: <tt class="class">date</tt>, representing a day, month,
and year; <tt class="class">time</tt>, consisting of hour, minute, and second; and
<tt class="class">datetime</tt>, which contains all the attributes of both
<tt class="class">date</tt> and <tt class="class">time</tt>.  There's also a
<tt class="class">timedelta</tt> class representing differences between two points
in time, and time zone logic is implemented by classes inheriting from
the abstract <tt class="class">tzinfo</tt> class.

You can create instances of <tt class="class">date</tt> and <tt class="class">time</tt> by either
supplying keyword arguments to the appropriate constructor,
e.g. <code>, month=10, day=15)</code>, or by using
one of a number of class methods.  For example, the <tt class="method"></tt>
class method returns the current local date.

Once created, instances of the date/time classes are all immutable.
There are a number of methods for producing formatted strings from

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; import datetime
&gt;&gt;&gt; now =
&gt;&gt;&gt; now.isoformat()
&gt;&gt;&gt; now.ctime()  # Only available on date, datetime
'Mon Dec 30 21:27:03 2002'
&gt;&gt;&gt; now.strftime('%Y %d %b')
'2002 30 Dec'

The <tt class="method">replace()</tt> method allows modifying one or more fields 
of a <tt class="class">date</tt> or <tt class="class">datetime</tt> instance, returning a new instance:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; d =
&gt;&gt;&gt; d
datetime.datetime(2002, 12, 30, 22, 15, 38, 827738)
&gt;&gt;&gt; d.replace(year=2001, hour = 12)
datetime.datetime(2001, 12, 30, 12, 15, 38, 827738)

Instances can be compared, hashed, and converted to strings (the
result is the same as that of <tt class="method">isoformat()</tt>).  <tt class="class">date</tt> and
<tt class="class">datetime</tt> instances can be subtracted from each other, and
added to <tt class="class">timedelta</tt> instances.  The largest missing feature is
that there's no standard library support for parsing strings and getting back a
<tt class="class">date</tt> or <tt class="class">datetime</tt>.

For more information, refer to the <a class="ulink" href="../lib/module-datetime.html"
  >module's reference
(Contributed by Tim Peters.)


<H2><A NAME="SECTION0001820000000000000000">
17.2 The optparse Module</A>

The <tt class="module">getopt</tt> module provides simple parsing of command-line
arguments.  The new <tt class="module">optparse</tt> module (originally named Optik)
provides more elaborate command-line parsing that follows the Unix
conventions, automatically creates the output for <b class="programopt">--help</b>,
and can perform different actions for different options.

You start by creating an instance of <tt class="class">OptionParser</tt> and telling
it what your program's options are.

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser

op = OptionParser()
op.add_option('-i', '--input',
              action='store', type='string', dest='input',
              help='set input filename')
op.add_option('-l', '--length',
              action='store', type='int', dest='length',
              help='set maximum length of output')

Parsing a command line is then done by calling the <tt class="method">parse_args()</tt>

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
options, args = op.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
print options
print args

This returns an object containing all of the option values,
and a list of strings containing the remaining arguments. 

Invoking the script with the various arguments now works as you'd
expect it to.  Note that the length argument is automatically
converted to an integer.

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
$ ./python -i data arg1
&lt;Values at 0x400cad4c: {'input': 'data', 'length': None}&gt;
$ ./python --input=data --length=4
&lt;Values at 0x400cad2c: {'input': 'data', 'length': 4}&gt;

The help message is automatically generated for you:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
$ ./python --help
usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -iINPUT, --input=INPUT
                        set input filename
  -lLENGTH, --length=LENGTH
                        set maximum length of output

See the <a class="ulink" href="../lib/module-optparse.html"
  >module's documentation</a>
for more details.

Optik was written by Greg Ward, with suggestions from the readers of
the Getopt SIG.


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