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<H1><A NAME="SECTION0001300000000000000000"><!--x--></A><A NAME="section-pep302"><!--z--></A>
12 PEP 302: New Import Hooks 

While it's been possible to write custom import hooks ever since the
<tt class="module">ihooks</tt> module was introduced in Python 1.3, no one has ever
been really happy with it because writing new import hooks is
difficult and messy.  There have been various proposed alternatives
such as the <tt class="module">imputil</tt> and <tt class="module">iu</tt> modules, but none of them
has ever gained much acceptance, and none of them were easily usable
from C code.

<a class="rfc" id='rfcref-2126'
href="">PEP 302</a> borrows ideas from its predecessors, especially from
Gordon McMillan's <tt class="module">iu</tt> module.  Three new items 
are added to the <tt class="module">sys</tt> module:


<LI><code>sys.path_hooks</code> is a list of callable objects; most 
  often they'll be classes.  Each callable takes a string containing a
  path and either returns an importer object that will handle imports
  from this path or raises an <tt class="exception">ImportError</tt> exception if it
  can't handle this path.

<LI><code>sys.path_importer_cache</code> caches importer objects for
  each path, so <code>sys.path_hooks</code> will only need to be traversed
  once for each path.

<LI><code>sys.meta_path</code> is a list of importer objects that will
  be traversed before <code>sys.path</code> is checked.  This list is
  initially empty, but user code can add objects to it.  Additional
  built-in and frozen modules can be imported by an object added to
  this list.


Importer objects must have a single method,
<tt class="method">find_module(<var>fullname</var>, <var>path</var>=None)</tt>.  <var>fullname</var>
will be a module or package name, e.g. "<tt class="samp">string</tt>" or
"<tt class="samp">distutils.core</tt>".  <tt class="method">find_module()</tt> must return a loader object
that has a single method, <tt class="method">load_module(<var>fullname</var>)</tt>, that
creates and returns the corresponding module object.

Pseudo-code for Python's new import logic, therefore, looks something
like this (simplified a bit; see <a class="rfc" id='rfcref-2128'
href="">PEP 302</a> for the full details):

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
for mp in sys.meta_path:
    loader = mp(fullname)
    if loader is not None:
        &lt;module&gt; = loader.load_module(fullname)
for path in sys.path:
    for hook in sys.path_hooks:
            importer = hook(path)
        except ImportError:
            # ImportError, so try the other path hooks
            loader = importer.find_module(fullname)
            &lt;module&gt; = loader.load_module(fullname)

# Not found!
raise ImportError

<div class="seealso">
  <p class="heading"><b>See Also:</b></p>

<dl compact class="seerfc">
    <dt><a href=""
        title="New Import Hooks"
        >PEP 302, <em>New Import Hooks</em></a>
    <dd>Written by Just van&nbsp;Rossum and Paul Moore.
Implemented by Just van&nbsp;Rossum.




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