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<H3><A NAME="SECTION0082012000000000000000"><!--x--></A><A NAME="optparse-options"><!--z--></A>
<BR> What are options for?

Options are used to provide extra information to tune or customize the
execution of a program.  In case it wasn't clear, options should be
<i>optional</i>.  A program should be able to run just fine with no
options whatsoever.  (Pick a random program from the <font style="font-variant: small-caps;">Unix</font> or GNU
toolsets.  Can it run without any options at all and still make sense?
The only exceptions I can think of are <b class="program">find</b>, <b class="program">tar</b>,
and <b class="program">dd</b>--all of which are mutant oddballs that have been
rightly criticized for their non-standard syntax and confusing

Lots of people want their programs to have ``required options''.
Think about it.  If it's required, then it's <i>not optional</i>!  If
there is a piece of information that your program absolutely requires
in order to run successfully, that's what positional arguments are
for.  (However, if you insist on adding ``required options'' to your
programs, look in ``Extending Examples''
(section&nbsp;<A href="optparse-extending-examples.html#optparse-extending-examples">6.20.5</A>) for two ways of
implementing them with <tt class="module">optparse</tt>.)

Consider the humble <b class="program">cp</b> utility, for copying files.  It
doesn't make much sense to try to copy files without supplying a
destination and at least one source.  Hence, <b class="program">cp</b> fails if you
run it with no arguments.  However, it has a flexible, useful syntax
that does not rely on options at all:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>

You can get pretty far with just that.  Most <b class="program">cp</b>
implementations provide a bunch of options to tweak exactly how the
files are copied: you can preserve mode and modification time, avoid
following symlinks, ask before clobbering existing files, etc.  But
none of this distracts from the core mission of <b class="program">cp</b>, which is
to copy one file to another, or N files to another directory.


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<span class="release-info">Release 2.3.4, documentation updated on May 20, 2004.</span>
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