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    <title>Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 Release Notes</title>
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          <!-- Introduction -->
          <p>Thunderbird is a full-featured email, RSS and newsgroup client that makes emailing
             safer, faster and easier than ever before. <a href="">More 
             information</a> about Thunderbird is available.</p>     
          <p>These Release Notes cover <a href="#new">what's new</a>, <a href="#download">download</a>  and <a href="#install">installation 
             instructions</a>, <a href="#issues">known issues</a> and <a href="#links">end user support / feedback</a> for
             the Thunderbird 1.0 release. Please read these notes and the <a href="">
              bug filing instructions</a> before reporting any bugs to Bugzilla. 
          <p> We want to 
              hear your feedback about Thunderbird. Please join us in the <a href="">
              Mozilla Thunderbird Support forum</a>, hosted by <a href="">
      <!-- What's New -->
      <h2><a name="new">Highlights</a></h2>
      <p>Here are some of the new features to look for in Thunderbird:</p>
      <ul class="news">
        <li><a href="">Adaptive Junk Mail Controls</a></li>      
        <li><a href="">RSS Integration</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Saved Search Folders</a>
          <p>Saved Search Folders display messages based on previously set search criteria. For example,
             instead of filtering messages into a new folder, you can create a
             Saved Search Folder that lists all the messages received from a certain
             person over the past 30 days, even if those messages are stored in
             different folders and subfolders.        
        <li><a href="">Global Inbox Support</a>
          <p>POP3 users can now combine all of their POP3 accounts into a single global inbox
             under local folders.</p>
        <li><a href="">Message Grouping</a>
          <p>You can now group messages in a 
             folder by attributes such as date, sender, priority or a custom label. For instance,
             a folder grouped by date will group messages from today, yesterday, last week, etc. into self-contained
             groups in the message list pane. (<span class="mnu">View &gt; Sort By &gt; Grouped By Sort</span>)</p>        
        <li><a href="">Privacy Protection</a>
          <p>In order to help protect your privacy, Thunderbird now automatically blocks remote image 
             requests in emails from senders you
             don't know.</p>
        <li>Comprehensive Mail Migration from other Mail Clients
          <p>Switching to Thunderbird has never been easier since Thunderbird can now migrate 
             all of your email data including settings, mail folders and address book data from common mail applications 
             such as the Mozilla 1.x Suite, Outlook Express, Outlook and Eudora.</p>

      <h2 id="downloadandinstall">Downloading and Installing</h2>

      <h3 id="requirements">System Requirements</h3>
      <p>Before installing, make sure your computer meets the <a href="/products/thunderbird/sysreq.html">
         system requirements</a>.</p>

      <h3 id="download"><a name="download">Downloading Thunderbird</a></h3>
       <p>The Mozilla Foundation provides Thunderbird for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.</p>
       <p><strong>Windows</strong>: <a href="">Installer</a></p>
       <p><strong>Linux</strong>: <a href="">GTK2 + XFT</a> (no installer)</p>
       <p><strong>Mac OS X</strong>: <a href="">Compressed Disk Image</a></p>

        Build contributors, please put your builds under:

        Your build filename must have the prefix "thunderbird-<ver>-", e.g. "thunderbird-1.0-"
        and include a README explaining any build peculiarities and identifying 
        yourself as the contributor. Thanks. 
      <div style="border: 1px solid #cccccc; background-color: #f8f8f8; padding: 4px;">
        <p><strong><a name="externalcontrib">Contributed builds</strong> (These are unofficial builds and may be configured 
           differently than the builds. 
           They may also be optimized and/or tested on specific platforms. Please see below.)</p>
        <ul type="circle">
        <li>Solaris x86: All 32 bit x86 processors including AMD Opteron in 32 bit and 64 bit modes:
        <a href="">thunderbird-1.0-i386-pc-solaris2.8-gtk1.tar.gz - Sun Contributed SunOne Studio 8 build for 32 bit and 64 bit for Solaris on x86 8, 9, and 10</a>
        <a href=""> (README)</a>
        <a href=""> (MD5SUM)</a></li>

        <li>Solaris SPARC:
        <a href="">thunderbird-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.8-gtk1.tar.gz - Sun Contributed SunOne Studio 8 build for Solaris on SPARC 8, 9, and 10 </a>
        <a href=""> (README)</a>
        <a href=""> (MD5SUM)</a></li>

        <li>Sun Java Desktop for Linux 2 and 3:
        <a href="">thunderbird-1.0-i686-pc-linux-jds2.tar.gz - Sun Contributed Build for Java Desktop for Linux version 2 and 3</a>
        <a href=""> (README)</a>
        <a href=""> (MD5SUM)</a></li>

        <p><strong><a name="otherlanguages">Localized builds</a></strong> (contributed by volunteers of the <a href="" title="Mozilla Localization Project">MLP</a>):<br>
        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
          function setTBcookie (CookieTxt)
            { document.cookie = 'TBlangpack='+escape(CookieTxt)+';PATH=/projects/l10n/'; }
        <ul type="circle">
          <li>None Yet</li>
      <h3><a name="install">Installing Thunderbird</a></h3>
      <p>Once you have downloaded a Thunderbird installer or compressed archive, follow 
         these instructions to install:</p> <span style="font-style: italic;">Note:&nbsp; Mozilla Thunderbird will
         create its own user profile information if it does not
         exist. If you have previously installed the Mozilla Suite, Thunderbird will 
         not interfere with your Mozilla Suite profiles.</span><br>                           
      <p>Double click the <tt class="filename">Thunderbird Setup 1.0.exe</tt> installer to 
         start the install.</p>
      <h3>MacOS X</h3>
      <p>Double click the Thunderbird Disk Image to uncompress and mount it. 
         Your browser may have already done this for you. Double click the Thunderbird 
         Disk Image to open it in Finder and drag the Thunderbird application onto your 
         hard disk. <strong>Do not double click the icon in the disk image!</strong>
         Be sure to drag the Thunderbird application out of the disk image and onto your
         Hard Disk before running it. Drag the icon to your Dock if you want it to 
         appear there.</p>
      <h3>Other Platforms</h3>
      <p>Extract the compressed archive and run <tt>thunderbird</tt></p>
      <h3 id="uninstall">Uninstalling Thunderbird</h3>
      <p>To uninstall Thunderbird, follow these instructions:</p>
      <p>From the <kbd>Start</kbd> menu, choose <kbd>Control Panel</kbd>. When the 
         Control Panel appears, double click <kbd>Add/Remove Programs</kbd>. Find 
         "Mozilla Thunderbird (1.0)" in the list and click <kbd>Remove</kbd> to uninstall.</p>
      <h3>MacOS X</h3>
      <p>Drag the <tt class="filename">Thunderbird</tt> application to the Trash.</p>
      <p>Remove the <tt class="filename">thunderbird</tt> folder.</p>
      <p>These instructions leave your profile in place in case you install Thunderbird 
         again in the future. If you wish to remove your profile folder, remove 
         the location described below in the <strong>"Profile Folder"</strong> section. 
         Note that by doing this you are destroying all of your email, address book data,
         settings and other information and should you decide to use Thunderbird again you
         will be starting with a clean profile.</p>
      <h2>Other Information</h2>
      <h3 id="profilefolder">Profile Folder</h3>
      <p>Thunderbird stores your user data in one of the following locations:</p>
      <table style="font-size: smaller;" border="1" cellspacing="0">
          <td><img src="../../../images/ico-win.png" alt=""> Windows 2000, XP</td>
          <td>Documents and Settings\&lt;UserName&gt;\Application Data\Mozilla Thunderbird</td>
          <td><img src="../../../images/ico-win.png" alt=""> Windows NT</td>
          <td>WINNT\Profiles\&lt;UserName&gt;\Application Data\Mozilla Thunderbird</td>
          <td><img src="../../../images/ico-win.png" alt=""> Windows 98, ME</td>
          <td>Windows\Application Data\Mozilla Thunderbird</td>
          <td><img src="../../../images/ico-osx.png" alt=""> MacOS X</td>
          <td><img src="../../../images/ico-tux.png" alt=""> Linux and Unix systems</td>

      <h3 id="extensions">Extensions and Themes</h3>
      <p>When you upgrade to a new version of Thunderbird all of your Extensions and Themes
         will be disabled until Thunderbird determines that either a) they are compatible
         with the new release or b) there are newer versions available that are 
         compatible. This is because Thunderbird changes from release to release and as such
         the ways in which some extensions integrate changes, meaning there can be problems
         when running an older extension with a newer version of Thunderbird. If you find
         that your favorite Extension or Theme has not been updated to be compatible with
         this release of Thunderbird, write the authors and encourage them to update it.</p>
      <h2><a name="issues">Known Issues</a></h2>
      <p>This list covers some of the known problems with Thunderbird 1.0. Please read this
         before reporting any new bugs, and watch it regularly (we'll update it as new 
         bugs are found in the release).</p>
      <h3>All Systems</h3>
          If you install Thunderbird on a multi-user system in an area in which there is
          restricted access privileges, you must run Thunderbird as a user with access to
          that location upon installation so that all initial startup files are generated.
          If this is not done, when a user without write access to the install location
          attempts to start Thunderbird, they will not have sufficient privileges to allow
          Thunderbird to generate the initial startup files it needs to operate.
          When upgrading, all your Extensions and Themes will be disabled. This is not
          an issue, but it may appear to be one (hence its listing here). For rationale,
          see "Extension and Themes" above.
          The default dictionary is English-only. To add a non-English dictionary, read 
          the <a href="../dictionaries.html">installation instructions</a>.
          When switching between using a Global Inbox and using an Inbox for a POP3 account, be sure to 
          make copies of the messages into another folder.
          When installing as a restricted access user on a shared machine into a location
          that you can write to, there may still be negative side effects (default 
          email/other keys not being set correctly). The email client should still function 
          however. When installing as a restricted access user do <strong>not</strong>
          attempt to install over an installation in a restricted-access/shared location 
          as this may destroy that installation.
          Windows users can sync their address book with a Palm device by installing the 
          <a href="">Palm Sync extension</a>
          for Thunderbird. Save the file locally and install it from the extensions dialog in Thunderbird. The extension will
          not show up in the list of extensions. You will have to restart Thunderbird after installing the extension
          before it will take effect.
      <h3>MacOS X</h3>
          <strong>Do NOT run Thunderbird from the Disk Image!</strong> - doing this will
          cause an infinite restart loop (the symptom of which is a Thunderbird icon that
          bounces briefly in the Dock then disappears and reappears, bounces and 
          disappears, over and over). To break Thunderbird out of this loop, open a 
          Terminal and type "killall thunderbird-bin" and press enter. Install Thunderbird to
          a location you have write access to and try again. When installing on a multi-
          user limited access system, install it into a shared location as administrator,
          run it once and then all users should be able to access it. 

      <h3>Linux and Unix systems</h3>
          GNOME integration does not work properly with Fedora Core 3. 
          Users of Fedora Core 3 will need to download and install
          <a href="">linc-1.0.3-3.1.i386.rpm</a>.
          After installing the RPM, perform the following command in the directory you 
          installed Thunderbird into (you will need write permission):
            <code>touch .autoreg</code>
          <p>The next time you start Thunderbird, GNOME integration should be functional.</p>
      <h2><a name="FAQ">Frequently Asked Questions</a></h2>
      <ol class="faq">
          What can I do to help?
          <p>We need all the exposure we can get. Make it your mission to convert as many 
             of your friends, family members and coworkers as possible. If you're a student, 
             get it distributed at your college. Submit a story to <a href="">
             Slashdot</a> and other news sites about the release. Make some noise on your 
             blog. Mass distribution via the Internet is possible -- look at Kazaa.</p>
          Why haven't you responded to the mail I sent you?
          <p>Use the <a href="">forums</a>. The 
             Thunderbird team reads them regularly. We all get a lot of email and your email may 
             get lost.</p>
          Where can I get themes and add-ons (extensions)?
          <p><a href="">Extensions</a> and
             <a href="">themes</a> can be downloaded from
             <a href="">Mozilla Update</a>.</p>
          Who is working on Thunderbird?
          <p>Lots of people. See Help-&gt;About Mozilla Thunderbird, Credits for a list of some of the people
             who have contributed to Thunderbird.</p>

      <h2 id="links">Other Resources and Links</h2>  
      <p>The following resources contain useful information about Thunderbird:</p>
        <li><a href="">Introduction to Mozilla 
            Thunderbird</a> (getting started quickly)</li>
        <li><a href="">Mozilla Thunderbird Help</a> 
           (FAQs, Tips &amp; Tricks, and other customization)</li>            
        <li><a href="">MozillaZine Knowledge Base</a>
           (FAQs, Tips &amp; Tricks, and other useful information)</li>
        <li><a href="">Mozilla Thunderbird forums</a>
           (general discussion, feedback, and peer user support) hosted by <a href="">
      <small>Previous versions of the Release notes: <a href="">
            0.1</a> | <a href="">
            0.2</a> | <a href="">
            0.3</a> | <a href="">
            0.4</a> | <a href="">
            0.5</a> | <a href="">
            0.6</a> | <a href="">
            0.7</a> | <a href="">
            0.8</a> | <a href="">

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        <li><a href="../">Back to Thunderbird Page</a></li>
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        <li><a href="#requirements">System Requirements</a></li>
        <li><a href="#download">Downloading</a></li>
        <li><a href="#install">Installing</a></li>
        <li><a href="#uninstall">Uninstalling</a></li>
        <li><a href="#profilefolder">Profile Folder</a></li>
        <li><a href="#extensions">Extensions and Themes</a></li>
        <li><a href="#issues">Known Issues</a></li>
        <li><a href="#FAQ">FAQ</a></li>
        <li><a href="#externalcontrib">Other Systems</a></li>
        <li><a href="#otherlanguages">Other Languages</a></li>
        <li><a href="#links">Other Resources and Links</a></li>


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