

distrib > Mandriva > 10.2 > i586 > media > contrib > by-pkgid > d850f7dd4b36e681be8f41afe2482c0c > files > 46


<chapter id="Dialogs">
  <sect1 id="AddColorDialog" >
    <title>The Add Color Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="addcolor.png" format="PNG" />
      The displayed list is all the colors that are currently available for the selected scheme.
      New colors may be added using the 'New Color' button.
      The colors can be selected singularly with the &LMB;, utilising the <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> key to select
      multiple seperate colors, or in groups using the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key.
      If you select a color by accident, you can deselect it using the <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> key and the &LMB;.
  <sect1 id="NewColorDialog" >
    <title>The New Color Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="newcolor.png" format="PNG" />
      The dialog shows the name of the scheme that the new color will be added to. The color requires a name
      and a description, which can be anything you want, although color name will usually be defined by the
      floss manufacturer.
      Clicking on the Color button will show a standard KDE color selection dialog. The initial color can be
      selected and then the parameters can be adjusted to give the correct color.
      Once added this new color will be available to be included in your patterns palette via the 'Add Color'
      dialog. It may also be adjusted by using the 'Floss Calibration' dialog.
  <sect1 id="DeleteColorDialog" >
    <title>The Delete Color Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="delcolor.png" format="PNG" />
      This is essentially the same as the 'Add Color' dialog, although the 'New Color' button is not
      available. Color selection is the same, but colors that are currently used in the pattern are greyed out
      and are not available for selection.
  <sect1 id="CalibrateDialog" >
    <title>The Floss Calibration Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="calcolor.png" format="PNG" />
      This dialog has two parts.
      On the left, a pick list of the schemes that are currently available along with a list of colors that
      are in that scheme.  The color description will be appended with '(Calibrated)' if the color has been
      modified by the current invocation of this dialog.
      On the right, is the name and description of the currently selected color, this will be appended with
      '(Modified)' if the color has been modified, a preview of the color, and the current RGB values for the color.
      Also shown is a 'Reset Color' button. This will reset the currently selected color to the value it had
      when the dialog was first invoked.
      Pressing the 'OK' button will commit all of the changed colors.
      Pressing the 'Cancel' button will restore all the changed colors back to thier original values.
  <sect1 id="ConfigurationDialog" >
    <title>The Configuration Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="config.png" format="PNG" />
      This dialog lets you configure some of the &kapp; display parameters.
      Most of the options are self explanatory.  The check boxes enable or disable the display of various
      elements. The pick lists allow selection of the required format of those elements.
      The cell size value is the size of a grid square in screen pixels. The grouping value is the number
      of squares in a major group, ie between the heavier lines.  It may be necessary to change the grid line
      colors if you work on dark materials and have set the patterns background color accordingly.
      The scale size is the width of the border in screen pixels.  You may need to adjust this if you have
      large patterns and want to see the full text of the scales.
  <sect1 id="ImportImageDlg" >
    <title>The Import Image Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="import.png" format="PNG" />
      On the left of the dialog there is a preview of the imported image, based on the parameters on the right.
      The floss scheme for the finished pattern can be selected, by default this is the same as the 'New
      Pattern Dialog' defaults. The maximum colors to be used for the pattern can be enabled and changed as
      required, by default the imported pattern will have as many colors as are defined in the original image
      that are converted to floss colors.
      The cloth count value defaults to the 'New Pattern Properties' dialog and the scale is set such that
      the final size is as close to the 'New Pattern Properties' pattern size as possible. These values can be
      changed as required.
      Clicking 'Import' will convert the image into a pattern.
  <sect1 id="PatternPropertiesDialog" >
    <title>The Pattern Properties Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="properties.png" format="PNG" />
      The pattern size can be defined in units of stitches, centimeters or inches.
      The width and height values will updated automatically to the equivilent size in the new unit type if
      the units type is changed.
      The cloth count is defined in units per centimeter or inches and is dependant on the units of size.
      ie. if CM is selected for the units then cloth count will be in units per centimeter, similarly for inches.
      if the Stitches unit is selected then the cloth count units will remain as the last CM or inches value.
      The Title, Author, Copyright and Fabric fields are free text, so you can enter anything you like
      here. The fabric color can be set by pressing the color button and selecting the required color. This will
      then be shown in the editor and preview windows.
      The floss scheme has a pick list for all the available floss schemes, including any that you have
      defined yourself.
      The 'Set as default' checkbox will save the current values which will then be used as defaults
      for all new patterns.
      The Instructions tab can be used to enter any specific instructions for sewing the pattern.
  <sect1 id="PatternLibraryDialog" >
    <title>The Pattern Library Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="inslib.png" format="PNG" />
      The Pattern Library Manager has a hierarchical tree view (more of a forest really) of catagories
      on the left with an icon view of the selected catagory of patterns on the right.
      Moving the mouse over one of the pattern icons will pop up a tooltip showing the floss scheme, size
      and number of colors in the library pattern. Currently it is only possible to incorporate library
      patterns of the same scheme as the current pattern.
      Selecting an icon will enable the Insert button, which can then be clicked to insert the library
      pattern. Alternatively the icon can be double clicked to insert it.
      When the dialog has closed, press the &LMB; on the editor window roughly where you want
      the library pattern to be placed. This will show you a preview of the library pattern on the current pattern.
      Move the mouse to adjust the position of the preview, then release the &LMB; to place the
      library pattern.
      This method is exactly the same as using the Paste command. Similarly, the pasted pattern will overwrite
      the paste area. Alternatively press the <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> key when releasing the mouse button will merge
      the library pattern with the current pattern.
      When creating a new library pattern, the dialog is essentially the same.  The differences are that the
      Insert button has changed to an Add button and the icon view only shows an icon of the pattern being added.
      Navigate through the tree as required and select the catagory that you want to add the new pattern to.
      If you want a new catagory, press the &RMB; and select the 'New Catagory' option from the
      context menu. Fill in the name of the catagory and press OK. If there is no catagory currently selected,
      the new catagory will be a root level catagory, otherwise it will become a child of the catagory currently
      After you have selected the required catagory, press 'Add' and the pattern will be added to that catagory.
  <sect1 id="TextDialog" >
    <title>The Text Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="text.png" format="PNG" />
      The text dialog allows you to select a font and size, then enter the text.  Clicking OK closes the
      dialog and returns you to the &kapp; window. Positioning the text is the same as pasting any other
      element. Press the &LMB; on the canvas roughly where you want the text, this will show a preview of
      the text, position the text exactly where you want it, then release the &LMB;
            <imagedata fileref="text1.png" format="PNG" />
  <sect1 id="PrinterDialog" >
    <title>The Printer Dialog</title>
            <imagedata fileref="print.png" format="PNG" />
      The standard &kde; print dialog has been extended with a &kapp; specific page that allows
      the printing of the pattern to be customized to your requirements.
      The possible elements that can be printed are
        <listitem><para>Front page</para></listitem>
        <listitem><para>Floss key</para></listitem>
      Checkboxes in the dialog allow you to turn on or off any of these elements.
      The front page will show the title of the pattern and the authors name at the top of the page
      if they have been defined. It will show an image of the design in the centre and a copyright
      message at the bottom, if it has been defined.
            <imagedata fileref="front.png" format="PNG" />
      With the floss key you can additionally specify the printing of the floss usage which will
      be shown in metres, this will either be a total for all stitches, or the backstitches can be
      shown as a seperate length, with a with a seperate total. The stitch count for each floss
      can also be printed, either comprehensively with each stitch type totalled seperately or
      the fractional stitches can be combined and totalled together.
            <imagedata fileref="usage.png" format="PNG" />
      The pattern can be printed on a single sheet, or it will span over as many sheets as
      required. The Grid Squares per Inch and the Minimum Spill Over values can be adjusted to
      give some control over the number of sheets. The stitches can be printed in any of the 
      available formats. The backstitches can only be printed as black or coloured lines.
      For patterns that span multiple sheets, a keyplan will be printed in the top right hand
      corner of each sheet.
            <imagedata fileref="map.png" format="PNG" />
