

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 31894d0259bc39fc98142ddc670705d3 > files > 3


   The snortSnmpPlugin enables snort to send snmp alerts to network
   managemement systems (NMS). The alerts can be traps (the alert will 
   not be acknowledged by the receiver) or informs (the alert will be
   acknowledged by the receiver ). 
   This adds significant power to the NMS by allowing it to monitor the
   security of the network. It also allows the snort sensor to exploit
   the features that are built into existing network management systems. 

   The plugin requires the net-snmp (or ucd-snmp) libraries and header files.  
   You will need to download and install the net-snmp (ucd-snmp)
   package before you try to install this plugin. The package can be 
   downloaded from

   You will need the latest snort source distribution.

Activation Steps:
    NOTE: That the MIB files created after applying the patch
    in the etc directory

      need to be referred to by snmp applications.

          [Otherwise the OID-to-name translation will not take place]
          refer to the snmpcmd manpages [do 'man snmpcmd'] for further details.
 0. Build the Snmp enabled snort package.
    DownLoad the SnortSnmpModule.
    uncompress and untar - it will contain 
          README.SNMP                        -- This file
          SnortSnmp-<PatchVersion>.gz        -- Patch to build the Snmp enabled snort 
                                             -- PatchVersion is something like M.m.p-NN
                                             -- NN is the SnortSnmp patch version number 
                                             -- that applies to snort-M.m.p     

    Apply the SnortSnmp patch as follows:
    In the directory where snort-N.m.pp is gunzipped and untarred

          cd snort-M.m.p
          zcat SnortSnmp-M.m.p-NN.gz | patch   

    This will update the following files

    and create the following files in the snor source tree (snort-N.m.p).

 1. follow the usual steps to build the package
          automake --add-missing
          ./configure --with-snmp --with-openssl
          make install 

    NOTE-WELL: The '--with-snmp' option is required if you want to build
               with the snortSnmpPlugin

    NOTE: the compiler may complain about the non-availability of some 
          libraries used by libsnmp. You may try configuring with 
          ./configure --with-snmp --with-openssl
 2. Prepare the snort.conf which defines the snort run-time configuration
    Important: You need to enable the SnmpTrap plugin in the snort.conf
               or whatever configuration file you pass on to snort.
    The trap_snmp plugin requires several parameters and these will need 
    to be specified in the trap_snmp activation line in the configuration
    file (snort.conf).
    The parameters depend on the Snmpversion that is used (specified)
    For the SNMPv2c case the parameters will be as follows
      alert, <sensorID>, [NotificationOptions] ,
      {trap|inform} -v <SnmpVersion> [-p <portNumber>] -c <community> <hostName>
    For SNMPv2c, traps to the standard SNMP trap port (162), with MD5 
    digest based packetPrint generation the trap_snmp activation line will 
    be as follows
    output trap_snmp: alert, 7, cpm,trap -v 2c -c myCommunity myTrapListener
    For SNMPv2c informs to port 999 with the 'compact' notification option
    output trap_snmp: alert, 7, c,inform -v 2c -p 999 -c myCommunity myTrapListener 

    For details on configuring the trap_snmp plugin see the notes below and
    in the accompanying snort.conf. 
    [You may also refer to the preliminary draft of the snort-snmp guide at]
  You are all set. Start snort !
  If you have problems / queries / suggestion - mail to

   Note1. The trap_snmp plugin accepts the following options 
              c : Generate compact notifications. 
                 (Saves on bandwidth by not reporting MOs for which 
                  values are unknown, not available or, not applicable. 
                  For details see below.) 
                  By default this option is reset.
              p : Generate a print of the invariant part of the 
                  offending packet. This can be used to track the packet 
                  across the Internet. If you do not know what this is 
                  about you probably do not need this. 
                  By default this option is reset.                  
              m : Use the MD5 algorithm to generate the packet print. 
                  By default this algorithm is used. If you do not know 
                  what this is about you probably do not need this.  
              s : Use the SHA1 algorithm to generate the packet print.
                  If you do not know
                  what this is about you probably do not need this.
   Note2. As of now SNMPv1 traps are not supported. SNMPv2 and above should 
          work. You will need to specify the parameters correctly.
          The paremeters after the trap[inform] are pretty much the same as 
          those that are accepted on the commandline by netSnmp applications.
          To see the options and features do a 'man snmptrapd'.
          If you choose to send traps [informs] - you should ensure that a 
          SnmpTrapListener is listening for the traps[informs] on the 
          destination (<hostName>) at the specified port (<portNumber>).
          If Snmptrapd is not running - you can try 
                    snmptrapd -P -p <portNo> -Os 
          on <hostname>. This will work if you have the NetSnmp package 
          installed on <hostname>. 
          The received alerts will get printed on the console. 

  Note3. Description of the notifications sent by snortSnmpPlugin.

    The following notifications are supported: 
              This is the notification sent when no specific notification
              is found for the event.
              This notification reports that a scan.
              is detected, in progress or terminated.
              The sidaScanEventStatus MO indicates the status of the
              scan - whether the start of a scan is detected,
              a scan is in progress or, a detected scan has
              terminated. The periodicity of the scan in progress
              alerts is implementation dependent.
    The MOs in the sidaAlertGeneric-2 are 
      sidaAlertTimeStamp,                       M  (M:Mandatory, O:Optional)  
      sidaAlertMsg,                             M
      sidaAlertImpact                           M
      sidaSensorID                              O
      sidaAlertID                               O
      sidaAlertActionsTaken,                    O
      sidaAlertMoreInfo,                        O
      sidaSensorAddressType,                    O 
      sidaSensorAddress,                        O
      sidaAlertSrcAddressType,                  O
      sidaAlertSrcAddress,                      O
      sidaAlertDstAddressType,                  O
      sidaAlertDstAddress,                      O
      sidaAlertSrcPort,                         O
      sidaAlertDstPort,                         O
      sidaAlertEventPriority                    O
      sidaAlertSrcMacAddress                    O
      sidaAlertDstMacAddress                    O
      sidaAlertProto                            O 
      sidaAlertRuleID                           O
      sidaAlertRuleRevision                     O
      sidaAlertPacketPrint                      O
  The MOs in the sidaAlertScanStatus-2 are 
      sidaAlertTimeStamp,                       M (M:Mandatory, O:Optional) 
      sidaAlertMsg,                             M
      sidaAlertImpact                           M
      sidaAlertScanType                         M
      sidaAlertEventStatus                      M
      sidaSensorID   ,                          O 
      sidaAlertID    ,                          O 
      sidaAlertActionsTaken,                    O
      sidaAlertMoreInfo                         O
      sidaSensorAddressType,                    O 
      sidaSensorAddress,                        O
      sidaAlertSrcAddressType,                  O
      sidaAlertSrcAddress,                      O
      sidaAlertDstAddressType,                  O
      sidaAlertDstAddress,                      O
      sidaAlertSrcPort,                         O
      sidaAlertDstPort,                         O
      sidaAlertDstAddressList,                  O
      sidaAlertDstPortList,                     O
      sidaAlertEventPriority                    O 
      sidaAlertScanDuration,                    O
      sidaAlertScannedHosts,                    O
      sidaAlertTCPScanCount,                    O
      sidaAlertUDPScanCount,                    O
      sidaAlertSrcMacAddress                    O
      sidaAlertDstMacAddress                    O
      sidaAlertProto                            O
      sidaAlertRuleID                           O
      sidaAlertRuleRevision                     O
      sidaAlertPacketPrint                      O
  Note4: Mandatory MOs and Optional MOs 
      o Two categories of MOs are defined for the notifications.
        The mandatory MOs will *always* be 
        included in the notification and in the same order as in 
        which they appear in the definition of the corresponding 
        NOTIFICATION object in the SNORT-ID-ALERT-MIB.
      o If the true value of a mandatory MO is unavailable 
        (or unknown) an appropriate value will be assigned 
        to the MO to indicate that. [Refer to the  
        SNORT-ID-ALERT-MIB definitions in the MIBs directory 
        for the default values of the MOs]
      o The handling of the optional MOs depends on the trap_snmp 
        plugin options.
         - By default, all the MOs will be present in the 
           notification. If the true value of an MO is not available
           or is unknown, a preassigned value will be supplied to 
           to indicate that. The place and order of the MOs 
           in the notification is fixed.   
           [These notifications have the advantages of being fixed 
           format and the disadvantage of being unnecessarily
         - if the compact option 'c' is given as a parameter 
           to the snmptrap-plugin, the MOs for which the 
           values are unknown or not available will not 
           be present in the notification. The ordering of the MOs
           does not change - but the place of the MOs may 
           change. [ These notifications have the advantage of being
           compact (there are no MOs without meaningful values
           in the notification) and the disadvantage of being
           variable format.  (variable format should
           not be a problem as an SNMP notifications always 
           contains the information in MO-Value pairs)] 

  The following have helped with suggestions,comments,patches and 
  encouragement. Let me know if I have left out anybody.

      Mariusz Woloszyn
      Juergen Schoenwaelder
      Abe Katsuhisa
      Yosuke Sato
      Martin Olsson
      Andrew Hood
      All users.