

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 4b4336674f72bb9c32a3b6da74bab31d > files > 62


Changes in ModLogAn 0.7.0 againt 0.6.x

 $Id: Changes-0.7.0.txt,v 1.3 2001/08/12 21:10:27 jk Exp $

Starting with ModLogAn 070 the configfile format changes again. Some
internal changes were neccesary to provide a way to make ModLogAn more

The two important changes that result in these Changes are:
- generic file inclusion
- generic plugin support

For the developer the last sections are more interessing as they describe
the dataflow in modlogan 070 and how they are handled.

generic file inclusion

In versions before 070 the default values where taken from the file
specified by 'default_configfile'. This system was sufficent for most cases
as it provided a easy way to define a global set of options for all modlogan

This had one big disadvantage: It was only possible to include one file in a
whole. There was no way to pick a specific portion from the file nor was it
possible to include multiple files.

This resulted in a very huge default configfile which redefined every option
for the input-plugins which can now be share between them.

Every config-section got a new option called 'include'. This option is part
of the configfile handling and is not specific for a plugin. 

Let compare a old config file with the new scheme:



The key value pair for matchua and matchos is defined for [input_msiis],
[input_netscape] and [input_clf] as all handle logfile that provide this
kind of information.

With the new 'include' directive these options are share between a all

include         = match.os.conf,matchos
include         =,matchua
inputfile       = -

The options were exported to a external file 'match.os.conf' and
''. The section [matchos] from the external file is now
included into the section [input_msiis].

The same procedure is used for the matchua options. 

The most important result for these kind of options (match*, group*) is a
external database of strings which is already available for the searchengine
strings. While the 'groupreferrer' section is specific for one site, the
grouphost option can be share between all users that use ModLogAn.

Currently this database is rather small. It contains three entries and is
shipped with the regular version of ModLogAn. 


These entries are disabled by default as they were just examples. Now it is
time to extend this database and add more entries. But there is one side
effect that effects the speed. The more strings are added to the database
the more time spend in comparing these strings with the current 'requesting
host'. This can result in a notable slowdown. That's why this database will
be structured in some way. 

There is now sense in check for German provider if your site is commonly
used by Japanese as most Germans can't read those symbols (most browser
can't even display them, but that's another topic).

That's why I propose a the following scheme:

- the host groupings are grouped by country, region, continent or language
- these groups are combined into grouping classes

[group_host_all]        <-- a grouping class
include     =,de
include     =,eng
include     =,fr

[de]                    <-- host grouping by language
grouphosts  = "\.dip\.t-dialin\.net$",
grouphosts  = "\.arcor-ip\.net$",

grouphosts  = "\.Concordia\.CA$",Concordia.CA



In your configfile you just include either the 'group_host_all' section or
the small sections (de, fr, eng). 

include     =,group_host_all

or if you don't need the german ones:

include     =,eng
include     =,fr

So much for the topic 'generic file inclusion'. As you can see the new
system is far more flexible then the old one. That's why the option
'default_configfile' is gone now.

But let's take a look at another really nice new feature:

generic plugin support

If you take a look at the plugin handling you see three options in your

inputplugin     = clf
outputplugin    = modlogan
processorplugin = web

It was possible to load ONE input plugin + ONE processor plugin + ONE output
plugin. For most cases this is enough as you just have one logfile which
shall be transformed into a nice HTML-graphic.

Some users sent in a request for handling multiple logfiles which should
merge together to generate a report for the whole server. In the old version
you had to use an external programm like 'mergelog' to combine the logfiles
before they where piped into ModLogAn.

The new plugin handling code gives you the possiblity to do it directly in
ModLogAn. You can load one plugin multiple times which then uses a different
config section to setup it's state (inputfile).

loadplugin     = input_clf, input_file_1
loadplugin     = input_clf, input_file_2
loadplugin     = input_clf, input_file_3
loadplugin     = input_clf, input_file_4

loadplugin     = processor_web
loadplugin     = output_modlogan

After the global section is parsed the plugins are loaded and the
corresponding configsections are parsed:

1. the input plugin clf is loaded and the section 'input_file_1' is used for
   the configuration
2. the input plugin clf is loaded again, but the section 'input_file_2' is used for
   the configuration, same for input_file_3 and input_file_4
3. the processor 'web' is loaded and the section 'processor_web' is used for
   the configuration
4. the report generator 'modlogan' is loaded and the section
   'output_modlogan' is used for the configuration

As you can see the strict binding between sectionname and plugin is gone.
The pluginname is only used as sectionname if no explicit sectionname was

This change is not without a side effect. As the plugins have to be loaded
at runtime the static version of modlogan is gone. The static version of
ModLogAn existed for one reason:
  In most cases libgd was only available as a static lib (libgd.a). Starting
with GD 2.0 libgd compiles as a shared library. 

The configure script already checks if your system provides the neccesary
libraries as a shared-object file (.so). It will be intresting to see how
the new scheme compiles on Windows.

datatype handling