

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > d9833c3d816a278974f8c48406d819c4 > files > 10


sdlBasic is a little basic for make simple games in 2d

This basic is a dimostrtion to the power of GPL
the interpreter basic is wxbasic of David Cuny ("") distribuited on lGPL
The graphics library  SDL ("")are distribuited on GPL
the graphics engine was started on a demo games aliens ("")
written in  c and distribuited on GPL
the rutine putpixel getpixel  directly derivated from SDL tutorial
the original rutine line wasimported from the sourceof library python pygame("")
always GPL
i have used again the source of library sdldraw ("")

i have cut paste and adapt  code distribuited on GPL.
This software is subject at GPL is gratis as every program use to create it

sdlBasic comand and sintax list:

i suggest to download wxbasic for specific help

    Run time
    Sub and function
    Control structures
    console output
    Date and time

    File graphics input output
    Image manipulation
    Sprite system
    Bob system
    Text draw
    Print screen
    Sounds and music

Run time

option explicit				: must declare variable
option qbasic				: qbasic mode you can use a function before create in a code
include(filename)			: inclusion of extern source file
argc					: return number of args in caller
argv					: copy arg onto stack
command command$			: returns requested arg from command line
*run					: run command on new thread
shell					: execute command, wait until finished
end					: terminate program and exit
os					: give the operative system in work (linux or windows)

Sub and function


Control structures

exit while
end while

end if

case else
end case


mod					:
shl					: shift left
shr					: shift right


lbound					: returns lower bound of array
*quicksort				: sort an array
ubound					: upperbound of array

asc					: returns ascii value of first char in string
chr chr$				: return string corresponding to ascii key value
*format format$				: returns formatted string with embedded args
insert insert$				: insert source string to target at index
instr					: returns position in source that target was found
lcase lcase$				: convert string to lower case
left left$				: returns leftmost chars in string
len length				: return length of string
ltrim ltrim$				: returns string with left whitespace removed
mid mid$				: returns string with chars 1..n from source
replace replace$			: replace string from source with replace starting at index
replacesubstr replacesubstr$		: replace substring in source with withstring
reverse reverse$			: reverse a string
right right$				: returns rightmost chars in string
rinstr					: reverse Instr function, search from end to start
rtrim rtrim$				: right trim string
space space$				: return string with n spaces in it
str str$				: return string representation of numeric expression
strf strf$				: converts a floating point or number value to a string
string string$				: returns string m chars wide with n in it
tally					: returns number of occurances of matchstring
trim trim$				: trim string
typeof typeof$				: returns string with datatype
ucase ucase$				: convert string to upper case
val					: returns closest numeric representation of number


abs					: returns absolute value of number
acos					: returns arccos of number
asin					: returns arcsin of number
atan					: returns arctan of number
cos					: returns cos of number
exp					: returns exponential function
fix floor				: truncate fractional number, rounding down towards zero
frac					: return fractional portion of number
hex hex$				: returns hexidecimal representation of number
int					: convert to 32 bit integer, truncating decimals
log					: returns natural log of expression
randomize				: reseed the random number generator
rnd					: return an random number
round					: round to nearest integer
sgn					: returns sign of numeric expression
sin					: returns sine of given angle in radians
sqr					: return square root - make sure it's non-negative
tan					: return tanget of given angle in radians
min   					: return min number of the operands
max					: return max number of the operands
bitwiseand andbit			: return the logic and of the operands
bitwiseor  orbit			: return the logic or of the operands
bitwisexor xorbit			: return the logic xor of the operands


open as
file input

eof					: returns nonzero if Eof
fileexists				: returns true if the file exists
filecopy				: copy a file
filemove				: move a file
filerename				: rename a file
freefile				: return the handle of the next free file
kill					: delete filename
loc					: returns position in file
lof					: returns length of file
readbyte				: return a byte from the file
rename					: rename file
seek					: seek file position/return current file position
writebyte				: write a byte in the file


chdir(path)				: change directory
dir dir$				: returns current path
direxists(path)				: returns true if directory exists
dirfirst(path)				: returns first entry in path dir
dirnext					: returns next entry in path dir
mkdir(path)				: create a new directory
rmdir(path)				: remove directory

console output


Date and time

date date$				: returns date in MM-DD-YYYY format
time time$				: return time in HH:MM:SS format
ticks					: returns current timer value


setdisplay(w,h,bpp,m)		 	: open the screen/window in double buffer. 0=screen|1=window|2=resizable
displaywidth				: give the display width
displayheight				: give the display height
displaybpp				: give the display color depth

screen(n)				: attivated the logic screen n
directscreen 				: direct drawing on display like a screen(more fast but sprite and offset does not works)
screenopen(n,w,h,dx,dy,dw,dh,flag)	: open the logic screen n of dimension w,h in display coordinates dx,dy,dw,dh
screenclose(n)				: close the logic screen n

screenclone(n,s,x,y,w,h,flag)		: create a  new viewport in logic screen s
screencopy(n,x,y,w,h,nd,xd,yd)          : copy a portion of screen n in a screen nd
screenfade(n,t)				: fade the screen n in t time
screenfadein(n,i,t)			: fade the screen n to image i in t time
screencrossfade(n,i,t)			: fade the screen n from current screen  to image i in t time
screenalpha(n,a)			: set alpha(trasparency) of screen n
screenlock(n)				: lock the  screen n for direct graphics access
screenunlock(n)				: unlock the  screen n for direct graphics access

screenrect(x,y,w,h,flag)		: change the display output coordinates of the current screen
xscreenrect				: give the x coordinate of current screen viewport
yscreenrect				: give the y coordinate of current screen viewport
wscreenrect				: give the w value of current screen viewport
hscreenrect				: give the h value of current screen viewport
flagscreenrect				: give the flag value of current screen viewport

screenwidth				: give the current screen width
screenheight				: give the current screen height

offset(x,y)				: set the logical current screen position
xoffset					: give the x coordinate offset in current screen
yoffset					: give the y coordinate offset in current screen

cls 					: clear the current logic screen

screenswap				: update display,bobsystem,spritesystem
autoback setautoback(m)			: enable / disable automatic screenswap  m=0 disable m>0 wait m milliseconds and perform screenswap m<0 perform the invocate in code screenswap after m milliseconds
dualplayfield(optional m)		: set/unset automatic update of a screen upper sprite
waitvbl					: wait automatic screenswap
fps(optional n)				: set/unset or give the current frame rate counter (0/1/none)


rgb(r,g,b)				: give current color in Uint32 format
color (c,optional v)			: set  palette color c with value v se missing give the current color c
palette(optional 0-255 param)		: set all palettes color
ink(c)					: select the current color in Uint32 format

point(x,y)				: give the color of x,y point
dot(x,y)				: write x,y point with a current color
plot(x,y,c)				: write x,y point with a c color
line(x,y,x1,y1)				: write a line
box(x,y,x1,y1)				: write a empty rettangle
bar(x,y,x1,y1)				: write a fill rettangle
circle(x,y,r)				: write a circle
fillcircle(x,y,r)			: write a fill circle
ellipse(x,y,rx,ry)			: write a ellipse
fillellipse(x,y,rx,ry)			: write a fill ellipse
paint(x,y)				: fill a close area

File graphics input output

loadimage(filename,n)			: load a graphics file in a slot n
saveimage(filename,n)			: save slot n in a graphics file(only bmp)
loadsound(filename,n)			: load a wave file in a sound slot n
soundexists(n)				: give 1 if the sound buffer n exist 0 if empty
loadmusic(filename)			: load a music module (xm,mod,ogg and only for linux mp3)
musicexists()				: give 1 if the music is load 0 if empty

Image manipulation

hotspot(n,x,y)				: select the point of coordinates in a imageslot (n,0,0=up left(default) | n,1,1=center | n,2,2 =down right)n= image
imageexists(n)				: give 1 if the image buffer n exist 0 if empty
imagewidth(n)				: give the image n width or error if image n if empty
imageheight(n)				: give the image n height or error if image n if empty
deleteimage(n)				: erase the image n of the memory
copyimage(s,d)  			: copy image s to image d
setalpha(n,a)				: set trasparency
zoomimage(n,zoomx,zoomy)		: zoom image
rotateimage(n,angle)			: rotate image
rotozoomimage(n,angle,zoom)		: rotate and zoom image


blt(n,sx,sy,sw,sh,dx,dy)		: copy a part of graphics slot in screen
pastebob(x,y,n)				: copy on screen image n at x,y performing clip
pasteicon(x,y,n)			: copy on screen image n at x,y without clipping
grab(n,x,y,w,h)				: grab a a selectarea and copy it in slot n

Sprite system

In this implementation there are 512 sprites software that are indipendent from the screens

spriteclip(x,y,w,h)			: set the visibilty area of sprites
sprite(n,x,y,fr)			: set or move the sprite n at x,y with image fr
deletesprite(n)				: unset sprite n
xsprite(n)				: give the x of sprite n
ysprite(n)				: give the y of sprite n
spritewidth(n)				: give the width of sprite n
spriteheight(n)				: give the height of sprite n
frsprite(n)				: give the frame of sprite n
livesprite(n)				: give 1 if sprite n is "live"
spritehit(n,optional x)			: give 1 if sprite n have a collission with sprite x if x=-1 with any
autoupdatesprite(m)			: set/ unset automatic sprites update at screenswap
updatesprite				: manual sprites updates at next screenswap

Bob system

In this implementation there are 512 bobs software that are dipendent from the screens and performs
background preserve

setbob(n,scr)				: set bob n at logic screen scr
bob(n,x,y,fr)				: set or move bob n at x,y with frame fr
deletebob(n)				: unset bob n
xbob(n)					: give x of bob n
ybob(n)					: give y of bob n
bobwidth(n)				: give width of bob n
bobheight(n)				: give height of bob n
frbob(n)				: give the frame of bob n
livebob(n)				: give 1 if bob n is "live"
bobhit(n,optional x)			: give 1 if bob n have a collision with bob x if x=-1 with any
autoupdatebob(m) 			: set/ unset automatic bobs update at screenswap
updatebob  				:  manual bobs updates at next screenswap

Text draw

text(x,y,s,testo)			: print the text testo  on current screen with s size
setfont(path)				: select the font
textrender(testo,s,n)                   : make an image slot n with the text  write with a current font and size s

Print screen

pen(c)					: set prints color (without parameter give the current color)
paper(c)				: set caractere back color (without parameter give the current color)
fprints(testo)				: print a text monospace without cariage return
prints(testo)				: print a text monospace
locate(x,y)				: move the cursor at x y
atx					: give x of cursor
aty					: give y of cursor
curson					: show the text cursor on screen at(atx,aty)
cursoff					: hide the text cursor
inputs(prompt,defs)			: give the string insert to keyboard(default is default text)
zoneinputs(x,y,l,default)		: give the string insert to keyboard in  x,y coordinates with l lenght
Sounds and music

playsound(n,c,optional l)		: play the sound n in  channel c l loops
volumesound(c,optional v)		: change the volume of channel c (-1  all) at value v (0-128) without v or -1 give the current volume
stopsound(optional c)			: stop the  wave play in channel c (-1 or none =all)
pausesound(optional c)			: paused channel c (-1 or none =all)
resumesound(optional c)			: unpaused channel c (-1 or none =all)
vumetersound(optional c)                : give the current state of sound channel (-1 or none=all)
positionsound(c,angle,dist)             : position sound in 3d space
soundchannels(n)	                : dinamically change the number of channells managed by sdlBasic

playmusic(n)				: play track xm,mod,ogg,mp3 n=number of ripetition(-1 always)
positionmusic(p)                        : move the execution at p second
stopmusic				: terminate the music play
pausemusic                              : set pause of the current music
resumemusic                             : unset pause of musica
rewindmusic                             : report at start the music
fademusic(t)				: music fade
volumemusic(optional v)			: change the volume of music (0-128) -1 or none give the current volume
speedmusic(v)                           : change the speed of music

key(keycode)				: give 1 if is press the key keycode
inkey					: give ascii code of key press
waitkey(optional keycode)		: wait a key pression (0 =any key)


xmouse					: give mouse x coordinate on display
ymouse					: give mouse y coordinate on display
xmousescreen(n)				: give mouse x coordinate on screen
ymousescreen(n)				: give mouse y coordinate on screen
bmouse 					: give the buttonclick on the mouse
mouseshow				: show the mouse cursor
mousehide				: hide the mouse cursor
mousezone(x,y,w,h)			: give 1 if the mouse pointer is in rectangle(xy with size wh)


**xjoy					: give joystick x coordinate
**yjoy					: give joystick y coordinate
**bjoy					: give joystick button pressed


wait(t)					: wait t milliseconds
timer					: give the current tick

* non work
** non work and be tested
-> to delete

to do:


menu system

socket system

sprite editor
ide write in sdlBasic