

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 1e0e55b943c5f82e3729da4a2951673d > files > 8


+	Smurf Sound Font Editor	- Installation		+
+	Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Josh Green		+
+	Email:		+
+	Smurf homepage:	+

Building a binary RPM

If the distributed Smurf binary RPM is not to your liking (i586, *no* ALSA,
audiofile) and you want one, then you can roll your own. There is only one file
installed via the traditional "make install" method and thats the Smurf
executable, so maybe having an RPM isn't that important to you.

NOTE: You'll probably need to be root to build RPM packages

If you have the tar.gz file then you can execute:
rpm -tb smurf-x.xx.x.tar.gz

If you have the src.rpm file then you'll want to execute:
rpm --rebuild smurf-x.xx.x-x.src.rpm

If all goes well, then the RPM will be dropped in the RPM tree on your system
(usually /usr/src/redhat or /usr/src/RPM). You should find it in the RPMS/<arch>
sub-directory under your RPM build tree, where <arch> is something like i386,
i586, ppc etc.

Once you find it, just install it like you would any other binary RPM:
rpm -i smurf-x.xx.x-1.<arch>.rpm

Non-RPM based build

Configure build system

Change to toplevel Smurf source directory and execute:

Some useful options to the configure script ("./configure --help" to list more
options) you probably won't need to specify any of these:

--with-audiofile	Force use of audiofile
--with-sndfile		Force use of libsndfile
--with-audiofile-prefix=PFX  Prefix where AUDIOFILE is installed (optional)
--with-sndfile-prefix=PFX  Path where libsndfile is installed (optional)
--disable-splash        Don't compile Smurfy splash intro image

TIPS in using the configure script

Support for external libraries is for the most part auto detected. So you
probably won't need to supply any switches to the configure script. If the
configure script does something unexpected or fails it is often useful to
look at the config.log file. If you install or remove a library used by
Smurf and you want to re-run configure, you may want to delete
config.cache first.

Description of switches

The --with-audiofile and --with-sndfile switches are useful if you have
both audiofile and libsndfile and want to force a particular one. Even if you
have both libraries, configure will be smart about which one is used, so you'll
only need to use one of those switches if you don't like what it automatically

If you installed libsndfile in a non-standard location, just supply
the --with-sndfile-prefix=PFX switch, where PFX is the base directory
of the installed library. Example: If libsndfile.a is in
/usr/local/lib and sndfile.h is in /usr/local/include then you would
supply configure with --with-sndfile-prefix=/usr/local.

Required libraries

Smurf requires a sound file library to load sample files (WAV, AU etc). Either
libsndfile or audiofile can be used.

UPDATE: Audiofile v0.2.0 was released recently, which apparently is a big
improvement over the previous versions. Upgrading to audiofile v0.2.0 or using
libsndfile is recommended. Support for RAW sample loading has been added
for audiofile but will only work with versions >= 0.2.0.

audiofile homepage:
libsndfile homepage:

GTK 1.2+ is required. It depends on a number of other libraries as well. Chances
are you already have it.

GTK homepage:

Optional libraries

Smurf supports ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture). The advantage of using
ALSA, over OSS, is the ability to use Smurf and other ALSA sequencer software
simultaneously. Also the AWE driver with ALSA is generally more up to date
than the one commonly found with OSS. ALSA has OSS emulation, so your OSS
based apps should still work.
ALSA homepage:

OSS (Open Sound System) is the current Linux audio system. The OSS driver is
not required to compile Smurf, but the AWE driver currently uses it. The OSS
driver comes with the standard Linux kernel, so you shouldn't need to worry
about this as long as your kernel header files are set up correctly. If you
are using ALSA you will want to enable OSS emulation to use the AWE patch
loading driver. If you are using OSS make sure you have v0.4.4+ of Takashi
Iwai's AWE driver in order to use sample caching features, a good thing! (TM)
OSS homepage:

The libpng library is used for the splash intro image. If you don't have it
you won't get the splash image. You can also force the splash image to not be
compiled (save about 60k in the Smurf binary, but lose some of the Smurfy
atmosphere) with the --disable-splash switch.

Compile and install

To compile the package execute:

To install the binary file "smurf" issue a:
make install

Please contact me (Josh Green <>) if you have
problems or suggestions with the build process.