

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 23fcd86b8f6bdf6d1463505ad3db7b3b > files > 221


<chapter><title>The Windows Version of <application>apcupsd</application></title>

<para>The Windows version of <application>apcupsd</application> has
been tested on Win95, Win98, WinMe, WinNT, WinXP, and Win2000
systems. This version of <application>apcupsd</application> has been
built to run under the CYGWIN environment, which provides many of the
features of Unix on Windows systems. It also permitted a rapid port
with very few source code changes, which means that the Windows
version is for the most part running code that has long proved stable
on Unix systems. Even though the Win32 version of
<application>apcupsd</application> is a port that relies on many Unix
features, it is just the same a true Windows program. When running, it
is perfectly integrated with Windows and displays its icon in the
system icon tray, and provides a system tray menu to obtain additional
information on how <application>apcupsd</application> is running
(status and events dialogue boxes). If so desired, it can also be
stopped by using the system tray menu, though this should normally
never be necessary.</para>

<para>Once installed <application>apcupsd</application> normally runs
as a system service.  This means that it is immediately started by the
operating system when the system is booted, and runs in the background
even if there is no user logged into the system.</para>


<para>Normally, you will install the Windows version of
<application>apcupsd</application> from the binaries. This install is
somewhat Unix like since you do many parts of the installation by
hand. To install the binaries, you need <emphasis

  <para>Simply double click on the
  <filename>winapcupsd-3.8.5.tar.gz</filename> icon.  The actual name
  of the icon will vary from one release version to another.</para>

        <imagedata fileref="wininstall3.png" depth="299" width="254"/>
  <para>When Zip says that it has one file and asks if it should unpack
  it into a temporary file, respond with <emphasis

        <imagedata fileref="wininstall4.png" depth="152" width="374"/>
  <para>Ensure that you extract all files and that the extraction will
  go into <filename>C:\</filename></para>

        <imagedata fileref="wininstall5.png" depth="246" width="486"/>

<para>If you wish to install the package elsewhere, please note that you
will need to proceed with a manual installation, which is not
particularly easy as you must rebuild the source and change the
configuration file as well.</para>

<para>This installation assumes that you do <emphasis
role="bold">not</emphasis> have CYGWIN installed on your computer. If
you do, and you use mount points, you may need to do a special manual

<para>Once you have unzipped the binaries, open a window pointing to
the binary installation folder (normally
<filename>c:\apcupsd</filename>). This folder should contain folders
with the name bin, etc, examples, and manual. If and when you no
longer need them, the examples and manual sub-folders of the
<filename>c:\apcupsd</filename> directory may be removed.</para>

<para>Continuing the installation process:</para>
    <para>Open the directory <filename>c:\apcupsd\etc\apcupsd</filename>
    in the Windows Explorer by Clicking on the apcupsd folder then on the
    <filename>etc</filename> folder, then on the apcupsd folder. Finally
    double click on the file <filename>apcupsd.conf</filename> and edit it
    to contain the values appropriate for your site. In most cases, no
    changes will be needed, but if you are not using COM1 for your serial
    port, you will need to set the <emphasis role="bold">DEVICE</emphasis>
    configuration directive to the correct serial port. Note, if you are
    using WinNT or Win2000, the operating system may probe the port
    attempting to attach a serial mouse. This will cause
    <application>apcupsd</application> to be unable to communicate with
    the serial port. If this happens, or out of precaution, you can edit
    the <filename>c:\boot.ini</filename> file. Find the line that looks
    something like the following:</para>

    <para>multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT=&quot;Windows NT
    Workstation Version 4.00&quot;</para>

    <para>and add the following to the end of the line: /NoSerialMice:COM1
    (or COM2 depending on what you want to use). The new line should
    look similar to:</para>

    <para>multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT=&quot;Windows NT
    Workstation Version 4.00&quot; /NoSerialMice:COM1</para>

    <para>where the only thing you have changed is to append to the end of
    the line. This addition will prevent the operating system from
    interferring with <application>apcupsd</application></para>
    <para>Then return to <filename>c:\apcupsd</filename> and open on the
    <filename>bin</filename> folder so that you see its contents.</para>
    <para>To do the final step of installation, double click on the
    <filename>setup.bat</filename> program. This script will setup the
    appropriate mount points for the directories that
    <application>apcupsd</application> uses, it will install
    <application>apcupsd</application> in the system registry, and on
    Windows 98, it will start <application>apcupsd</application>

    <para>If everything went well, you will get something similar to the
    following output in a DOS shell window:</para>

        <imagedata fileref="wininstall1.png" depth="359" width="652"/>

    <para>What is important to verify in the DOS window is that the root
    directory <filename>\</filename> is mounted on device

    <para>The DOS window will be followed immediately by a Windows
    dialogue box as follows:</para>

        <imagedata fileref="wininstall2.png" depth="139" width="324"/>
    <para>On Windows 98, to actually start the service, either reboot the
    machine, which is not necessary, or open a DOS shell window, and
    type the following commands:</para>

    cd c:\apcupsd\bin
    apcupsd /service

    <para>Alternatively, you can go to the
    <filename>c:\apcupsd\bin</filename> folder with the Explorer and
    double click on the <emphasis role="bold">Start</emphasis>
    <para>On Windows NT, to start the service, either reboot the machine,
    which is not necessary, or go to the Control Panel, open the Services
    folder and start the <application>apcupsd</application> daemon program
    by selecting the <application>apcupsd</application> UPS Server and
    then clicking on the Start button as shown below:</para>
        <imagedata fileref="wininstall6.png" depth="339" width="672"/>
    <para>If the Services dialog reports a problem, it is normally
    because your DEVICE statement does not contain the correct serial
    port name.</para>

<para>You probably should also click on the <emphasis
role="bold">Startup...</emphasis> button to ensure that the correct
defaults are set. The dialogue box that appears should have <emphasis
role="bold">Startup Type</emphasis> set to <emphasis
role="bold">Automatic</emphasis> and <emphasis
role="bold">Logon</emphasis> should be set to <emphasis
role="bold">System Account</emphasis> with <emphasis role="bold">Allow
Service to Interact with Desktop</emphasis> checked. If these values
are not set correctly by default, please change them otherwise
<application>apcupsd</application> will not work.</para>

<para>For WinXP systems (and probably Win2K), the dialogs are a bit
different from those shown here for WinNT, but he concept is the
same. You get to the Services dialog by clicking on: <emphasis
role="bold">Control Panel -&gt; Administrative Tools -&gt; Component
Services</emphasis>. The <application>apcupsd</application> service
should appear in the right hand window when you click on <emphasis
role="bold">Services (Local)</emphasis> in the left hand menu

<para>That should complete the installation process. When the system
tray icon turns from a battery
<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="onbatt.png"
depth="16" width="16"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> into a plug
<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="online.png"
depth="16" width="16"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>, right click
on it and a menu will appear. Select the <emphasis
role="bold">Events</emphasis> item, and the Events dialogue box should
appear. There should be no error messages. By right clicking again on
the system tray plug and selecting the <emphasis
role="bold">Status</emphasis> item, you can verify that all the values
for your UPS are correct.</para>

<para>When the UPS switches to the battery, the battery icon will
reappear in the system tray. While the UPS is online, if the battery
is not at least 99% charged, the plug icon will become a plug with a
lightning bolt in the middle
<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="charging.png"
depth="16" width="16"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> to indicate
that the battery is charging.</para> 

<sect1><title>Installation Directory</title>

<para>The Win32 version of <application>apcupsd</application> must
reside in the <filename>c:\apcupsd\</filename> directory, and there
must be a <filename>c:\tmp</filename> directory on your machine. The
installation will do this automatically, and we recommend that you do
not attempt to place <application>apcupsd</application> in another
directory. If you do so, you are on your own, and you will need to do
a rebuild of the source.</para> </sect1>

<para>It would be hard to overemphasize the need to do a full testing
of your installation of <application>apcupsd</application> as there
are a number of reasons why it may not behave properly in a real power
failure situation.</para>

<para>Please read <xref linkend="testing"/> of
this document for general instructions on testing the Win32
version. However, on Win32 systems, there is no Unix system log
file, so if something goes wrong, look in the file
<filename>c:\apcupsd\etc\apcupsd\</filename> where apcupsd
normally logs its events, and you will generally find more detailed
information on why the program is not working. The most common
cause of problems is either improper configuration of the cable
type, or an incorrect address for the serial port.</para>


<para>On Win98 and Win95 systems, to upgrade to a new release, simply
stop <application>apcupsd</application> by using the tray icon and
selecting the <emphasis role="bold">Close
<application>apcupsd</application></emphasis> menu item, or by double
clicking on the <emphasis role="bold">Stop</emphasis> icon located in
the <filename>c:\apcupsd\bin</filename> directory, then apply the
upgrade and restart <application>apcupsd</application>.</para>

<para>On WinNT systems (and Win2000 systems), you may stop
<application>apcupsd</application> as indicated abover or
alternatively you may stop <application>apcupsd</application> by using
the <emphasis role="bold">Services</emphasis> item in the <emphasis
role="bold">Control Panel</emphasis>. In addition, at least on my
system, there seems to be a WinNT bug that causes the system to
prevent <emphasis role="bold">apcupsd.exe</emphasis> from being
overwritten even though the file is no longer being used.  This is
manifested by an error message when attempting load a new version and
overwrite the old <application>apcupsd.exe</application> (the extract
part of WinZip as described above). To circumvent this problem (if it
happens to you), after shutting down the running version of
<application>apcupsd</application>, through the <emphasis
role="bold">Services</emphasis> dialogue in the <emphasis
role="bold">Control Panel</emphasis>, first click on the <emphasis
role="bold">Stop button</emphasis>:</para>

    <imagedata fileref="wininstall6.png" depth="339" width="672"/>

<para>then click on the <emphasis role="bold">Startup ...</emphasis>
button, and in the Startup dialogue select the <emphasis
role="bold">Disabled</emphasis> button to disable

    <imagedata fileref="wininstall7.png" depth="405" width="382"/>

<para>After closing the dialogues, reboot the system, typical of
Microsoft :-(. When the system comes back up,
<application>apcupsd</application> will not be automatically launched
as a service, and you can install the new version. To reinstate
<application>apcupsd</application> as an automatic service, using the
<emphasis role="bold">Control Panel</emphasis>: reset
<application>apcupsd</application> to <emphasis
role="bold">Automatic</emphasis> startup in the Startup dialogue, then
restart <application>apcupsd</application> in the <emphasis
role="bold">Services</emphasis> dialogue as shown above in the
installation instructions. Frequently after an upgrade, you will click
on the <emphasis role="bold">Start</emphasis> button and after a few
seconds, the system reports that it failed to start. The cause of this
problem is unknown, but the solution is simply to click again on the
<emphasis role="bold">Start</emphasis> button.</para> </sect1>

<para>After installing <application>apcupsd</application> and before
running it, you should check the contents of two files to ensure that
it is configured properly for your system. The first is
<filename>c:\apcupsd\etc\apcupsd\apcupsd.conf</filename>. You will
probably need to change your UPSCABLE directive, your UPSTYPE and
possibly your DEVICE directives. Please refer to the configuration
section of this manual for more details.</para>

<para>The second file that you should examine is
<filename>c:\apcupsd\etc\apcupsd\apccontrol</filename>. This file is
called by <application>apcupsd</application> when events (power loss,
etc) are generated. It permits the user to program handling the
event. In particular, it permits the user to be notified of the
events. For the Win32 version, each event is programmed to display a
Windows popup dialogue box. If your machine is mostly unattended, you
may want to comment out some of these popup dialogue boxes by putting
a pound sign (#) in column one of the appropriate line.</para>

<sect1><title>Problem Areas</title>

<para>In addition to possible problems of reinstallation or upgrade on
WinNT systems, as noted above, we have discovered the following
problem: On some Windows systems, the domain resolution does not seem
to work if you have not configured a DNS server in the Network section
of the Control Panel. This problem should be apparent only when
running a master or a slave configuration. In this case, when you
specify the name of the master or the slave machine(s) in your
<filename>apcupsd.conf</filename> file, apcupsd will be unable to
resolve the name to a valid IP address. To circumvent this problem,
simply enter all machine addresses as an IP address rather than a
domain name, or alternatively, ensure that you have a valid DNS server
configured on your system (often not the case on Win32 systems).  For
example, instead of using the directive &quot;MASTER; use something like &quot;MASTER;
where you replace the IP address with your actual IP address.</para>

<para>Also, on WinNT systems, the PIF files in
<filename>/apcupsd/bin</filename> used for starting and stopping
<application>apcupsd</application> do not work. Use the services
control panel instead.</para>

<para>On Win95 systems, there are reports that the PIF files do not
work. If you find that to be the case, the simplest solution is to use
the batch files that we have supplied in the
<filename>c:/apcupsd/bin</filename> directory. Also, on Win95 systems,
we have an unconfirmed report that indicates that
<application>apcupsd</application> does not start automatically as a
service even though the Registry has been properly updated. If you
experience this problem, a work around is to put a shortcut to
<application>apcupsd</application> in the StartUp folder.</para>

<para>As noted above, after an upgrade, you may need to start
<application>apcupsd</application> several times before it will
actually run.</para>

<para>On WinNT, WinXP, and Win2K systems, you can examine the System
Applications log to which <application>apcupsd</application> writes
Windows error messages during startup.</para>

<para>Regardless of which Windows system you are running,
<application>apcupsd</application> logs most error messages to
<filename>c:\apcupsd\etc\apcupsd\</filename>. This type
error messages such as configuration file not found, etc are written
to this file.</para>

<sect1><title>Utility Functions</title>

<para>The directory <filename>c:\apcupsd\bin</filename> contains six
utility routines (actually .pif files) that you may find useful. They


<para>Any of these utilities may be used on any system, with the
exception of the Start utility, which cannot be used on WinNT and
Win2000 systems. On those systems, the apcupsd service must always be
started through the <emphasis role="bold">Services</emphasis>
sub-dialogue of the <emphasis role="bold">Control

<para>The <emphasis role="bold">Install</emphasis> and <emphasis
role="bold">Uninstall</emphasis> utilities install and uninstall
apcupsd from the system registry only. All other pieces (files) of
apcupsd remain intact. It is not absolutely necessary for apcupsd to
be installed in the registry as it can run as a regular
program. However, if it is not installed in the registry, it cannot be
run as a service.</para>

<para>The functions of <emphasis role="bold">Stop</emphasis>,
<emphasis role="bold">ups-events</emphasis>, and <emphasis
role="bold">ups-status</emphasis> can be more easily invoked by right
clicking on the apcupsd icon in the system tray and selecting the
desired function from the popup menu.</para>


<para>Some of the features such as EEPROM programming have not been
exhaustively tested on Win32 systems. If at all possible, we
recommend not to use it as a network master on Win95, Win98, and
WinMe due to the instability of those operating systems.</para>

<para>Some items to note:</para>

    <para>This version of apcupsd will not attempt to shut off the
    UPS power when the battery is exhausted. Thus if the power returns
    before the UPS completely shuts down, your computer may not reboot
    automatically. This is because we do not know how to regain control
    after the disks have been synced in order to shut off the UPS

    <para>Nevertheless, it is possible to use the
    <option>--kill-on-powerfail</option> option on the apcupsd command
    line, but the use of this option could cause the power to be cut
    off while your machine is still running. See <xref
    linkend="shutdown"/> of this document for a more complete
    discussion of this subject. If you are still interested in trying
    to get this to work, please look at the code that is commented out
    in <filename>c:\apcupsd\etc\apcupsd\apccontrol</filename> under
    the <emphasis role="bold">doshutdown</emphasis> case.</para>

    <para>An alternative to the <option>--kill-on-powerfail</option>
    option is to use the <link linkend="KILLDELAY">KILLDELAY</link>
    configuration directive.</para>

    <para>This configuration directive is appropriate on Windows machines
    where apcupsd continues to run even when the machine is
    halted (as is the case on most NT machines).</para>
    <para>When apcupsd detects important events, it calls
    <filename>c:\apcupsd\etc\apcupsd\apccontrol</filename>, which is a
    Unix shell script. You may modify this script to suit your
    particular needs.  Currently, it puts a Windows dialogue on the
    screen with a brief explanation of the event. If these dialogues
    annoy you, you can remove or comment out the calls to <emphasis
    role="bold">popup</emphasis> from this file.</para>

<sect1><title>Email Notification of Events</title>

<para>On Win95/98 systems, it is possible to receive notification of
apcupsd events that are passed to
<application>apccontrol</application>. This is possible using a simple
email program that unfortunately is not functioning 100% correctly. In
addition, I (Kern) was not able to make this program work on WinNT
while apcupsd is running as a service under the system account (it
works fine with any user account).</para>

<para>If you wish to try this program on Win95/98 systems, look at the
files named <emphasis role="bold">changeme, commfailure, commok,
onbattery, and mainsback</emphasis> in the directory
<filename>c:\apcupsd\examples</filename>. To use them, you must modify
the SYSADMIN variable to have a valid email address, then copy the
files into the directory

<sect1><title>Killpower under Windows</title>

<para>If your batteries become exhausted during a power failure and
you want your machine to automatically reboot when the power comes
back, it is useful to implement the
<application>killpower</application> feature of the UPS where apcupsd
sends the UPS the command to shut off the power.  In doing so, the
power will be cut to your PC and if your BIOS is properly setup, the
machine will automatically reboot when the power comes back. This is
important for servers.</para>

<para>This feature is implemented on Unix systems by first requesting
a system shutdown. As a part of the shutdown, apcupsd is terminated
by the system, but the shutdown process executes a script where
apcupsd is recalled after the disks are synced and the machine is
idle. Bacula then requests the UPS to shut off the power

<para>Unfortunately on Windows, there is no such shutdown script that
we are aware of and no way for apcupsd to get control after the
machine is idled. If this feature is important to you, it is
possible to do it by telling apcupsd to immediately issue the
killpower command after issuing the shutdown request. The danger in
doing so is that if the machine is not sufficiently idled when the
killpower takes place, the disks will need to be rescanned (and
there is a possibility of lost data however small). Generally,
UPSes have a shutdown grace period which gives sufficient time for
the OS to shutdown before the power is cut.</para>

<para>To implement this feature, you need to add the
<option>-p</option> option to the apcupsd command line that is
executed by the system.  Currently the procedure is manual. You do so
by editing the registry and changing the line:</para>

c:\apcupsd\apcupsd.exe /service

<para>found under the key:</para>

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices


c:\apcupsd\apcupsd.exe /service -p

<para>If you have a Smart UPS, you can configure the kill power grace
period, and you might want to set it to 3 minutes. If you have a
dumb UPS, there is no grace period and you should not use this
procedure. If you have a Back-UPS CS or ES, these UPSes generally
have a fixed grace period of 2 minutes, which is probably

<sect1><title>Power Down During Shutdown</title>

<para>Our philosophy is to shutdown a computer but not to power it down
itself (as opposed to having the UPS cut the power as described
above). That is we prefer to idle a computer but leave it running.
This has the advantage that in a power fail situation, if the
killpower function described above does not work, the computer will
continue to draw down the batteries and the UPS will hopefully
shutoff before the power is restore thus permitting an automatic
reboot. </para>

<para>Nevertheless some people prefer to do a full power down. To do
so, you might want to get a copy of PsShutdown, which does have a
power down option. You can find it and a lot more useful software at:
to use their shutdown program rather than the apcupsd supplied
version, you simply edit:</para>


<para>with any text editor and change our calls to shutdown to
<sect1><title>Command Line Options Specific to the Windows Version</title>

<para>These options are not normally seen or used by the user, and are
documented here only for information purposes. At the current time,
to change the default options, you must either manually run
apcupsd or you must manually edit the system registry and
modify the appropriate entries.</para>

<para>In order to avoid option clashes between the options necessary
for apcupsd to run on Windows and the standard
apcupsd options, all Windows specific options are signaled
with a forward slash character (/), while as usual, the standard
apcupsd options are signaled with a minus (-), or a minus
minus (--). All the standard apcupsd options can be used on
the Windows version. In addition, the following Windows only
options are implemented:</para>

      <para>Run the service helper application</para>
      <para>Start apcupsdas a service</para>
      <para>Run the apcupsd application</para>
      <para>Install apcupsd as a service in the system registry</para>
      <para>Uninstall apcupsd from the system registry</para>
      <para>Show the apcupsd about dialogue box</para>
      <para>Show the apcupsd status dialogue box</para>
      <para>Show the apcupsd events dialogue box</para>
      <para>Stop any running apcupsd</para>
      <para>Show the apcupsd help dialogue box</para>

<para>It is important to note that under normal circumstances the user
should never need to use these options as they are normally handled
by the system automatically once apcupsd is installed.
However, you may note these options in some of the .pif files that
have been created for your use.</para>

<sect1><title>Building the Win32 Version from the Source</title>

<para>If you have the source code, follow the standard procedures for
building <application>apcupsd</application> on Unix in <xref
linkend='build_install'/> of this manual. Please don't forget to look
at the system specifics for CYGWIN.</para>