

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 23fcd86b8f6bdf6d1463505ad3db7b3b > files > 330


         Technical notes on my code submission of 28 Nov 99
                        Kern Sibbald

- Mostly documentation and cleanup of problems
  found in testing.
- Fixed some important bugs in power fail shutdown.
- I added two new events "commfailure" and "commok".
- Again some tabbing differences.  The good news is that
  I've completed about half of the work to make my editor
  more compatible.

Changes submitted this submission:
- I added two new events "commfailure" and "commok".  This
  was done when rewritting the UPSlinkCheck code.  The code
  is now much simpler (at least I think so).  It attempts to
  get a valid response from the UPS by sending a Y command
  and receiving a SM. If not, it logs the failure once every
  10 minutes, waits one second (actually a total of six
  seconds) and then tries again.  This continues until it
  establishes contact.
  The old code that restarted apcupsd after 100 tries has
  been eliminated.
- I tested the full shutdown conditions and found a number
  of minor problems.  This prompted me to rewrite the
  shutdown code in apcaction to put it all in a single
  subroutine as it was being done slightly differently in
  different places.  Now all shutdowns are done in
- I fixed logging of the fact that users are requested to
  logoff to occur only once.
- If for some reason, apcupsd continued to run after the
  requested shutdown, it would send additional shutdown
  commands.  Now, only a single shutdown will be issued.
- I moved the code to prohibit user logins to a subroutine.
- As a result of the above modifications, you will find
  the code in apcaction.c much easier to read since many
  more of the details are done (the same way) in a subroutine.
- I restructured the order of the configuration variables in
  apcconfig.c.  This is to help distinguish networking,
  shutdown parameters, and EPROM parameters.
- I ressurrected SELFTEST as I am planning to add it as one
  of the values that apcupsd can set in the EPROM.
- I removed what I think are the last vestiges of the old
  http code from the configuration and from apc_struct.h
- I changed the default of annoy to 5 minutes (previously
  one minute), and set the annoydelay to one minute.  I personally
  found this much more reasonable during my long mulitude of
  power failure tests.
- I added a new UPS code that returns the number of bad external
  battery packs.
- I increased the number of events from 5 to 10 that are sent
  as EVENTS information.   
- I experienced a number of problems acquiring the serial port
  lock file. Consequently, I added detailed logs to all the
  error conditions. This should allow us to MUCH more easily
  diagnose these kinds of problems. In fact, it helped me
  eliminate a bug with killpower.  
- I added a new command line option "-t" and long form 
  "--term-on-powerfail", which causes apcupsd to terminate
  on a powerfail condition rather than hanging around 
  waiting for the SIGTERM signal. I'm a little uncertain
  whether or not we want to keep this option. If you don't
  like it, tell me and I will remove it.
- I put the options in the usage display in alphabetic order.
  This made it easier to document them.
- Simplified the initial code that establishes contact with
  the UPS (17 lines reduced to 6 lines).
- Added more log messages for display when apcupsd does a
  killpower. These messages tell the user to power off the
  UPS. I did this because during my testing, I noticed that
  the UPS power never shutoff -- possibly a bug. One time,
  I rebooted my computer and during the reboot, the UPS
  shutdown -- NOT GOOD for my hard disk.
- I fixed the server (apcserver.c) so that it never error_aborts.
  It simply waits in a loop periodically logging the problem
  until it goes a way.
- Poll the ups for the number of bad batteries.
- As mentioned above, simplified the code that does the UPSlinkCheck
  (21 lines of code => 11 lines of code) at the same time increasing
  the functionality.  
  NOTE: This is very important code for apcupsd. Please help me
  check it in reading it.
- Added a human readable form of the STATFLAG to the status output.
  The new variable is named STATUS and gives the status of the
- Corrected the way the last transfer status and selftest
  status are displayed.
- Changed to display more visibly the machine 
  and version that it found. This is important to verify for
  proper installation.
- Enhanced the instructions for the users after installation
  of the RedHat version.
- I changed the logic of the code placed in the halt file.
  In my opinion, it was buggy because it would cause apcupsd
  to be reexecuted after a powerfail if the UPS power did
  not shut off and subsequently the user pressed ctl-alt-del,
  which his is very likely to do (at least I did it). Please
  look at the new code in /distributions/redhat/halt-6.1
- I have started to bring the documentation up to date
  with the changes made ( Much more work to
  be done here.
- I've added additional documentation and restructured the
  order in apcupsd.conf
- I made the default configuration file /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf
- more documentation in apc_struct.h
- Fixed killpower in, added the new commfailure
  and commok. I also added a bit of text to the shutdown commands.
  Finally, instead of attempting to cancel the shutdown by
  calling init, I call shutdown with the -c option. I'm not 100%
  sure this is correct.

                Kern's ToDo List

To do:
- Apparently during self test, apcupsd thinks that the
  power was lost. Distinguish this condition!
- Add and test a bunch of events that email a message.
- Documentation.
- Automatic conversion of old apcupsd.config files
  to the new format?
- Check and double check killpwr changes (one pass made).
- Expand Last UPS Self Test field in cgi program
- Produce a RPM for RedHat
- Check out apmd and see if we should interface to it.

Wish list:
- Add more commands (individual variables) to apcnetd
- Accumulate time on batteries and number of transfers
  to batteries. Perhaps save history in file so that the
  info can be recovered if apcupsd restarts.
- Fix apcupsd so that it respawns the server if it
  dies (limit number of times). This will avoid the
  possibility that someone can bring down our apcupsd
  by connecting via Internet (denial of service attack,
  or exploit possible buffer overflow).
- Make apcaccess use the network code as an option.
- Remember date and time when apcupsd started.
- Eliminate rest of character command codes using new
  capabilities code in apcsetup.c (for setup stuff).
- Eliminate the rest of the printfs().
- Eliminate as many error_aborts as possible in making
  new events.
- Possibly retab new cgi/net server code

- Eliminate all error_aborts in apcnetd (especially apcserver.c)
- Create new line for status bits but in English
- Enhance documentation of apcupsd.conf
- Audit apcconfig.c