

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 23fcd86b8f6bdf6d1463505ad3db7b3b > files > 99


#  html2latex.tag
#  This is a configuration file for html2text that implements
#  html2latex, which translates HTML to LaTeX.
#  The format of this file is perl code.  See the html2text file for
#  more details on its contents.
#  If the environment variable HTML2LATEX is defined, it should point
#  to a cusomization file that extends or modifies these definitions.
#  Update History:
#  who     when         what
#  -----  --------     ------------------------------------------
#  K. Cunningham  12/04  Mods to avoid warning messages. Support for 
#                        conversion of Bacula Manual.
#  dpvc    10/95        Wrote it.

# Constants needed for various stuff.  Added by K.Cunningham

# Vertical space at top of a table width-limited table cell
my $vspaceTable = "0.03in"; 
# Vertical space at bottom of a width-limited table cell
my $vspaceTableEnd = "0.07in";

# The line-to-line spacing inside a width-limited table cell, 
#  as a proportion of normal line-to-line spacing.
my $spacingTableInterline = 0.8;

# This is the default image resolution for images that have to be converted
#  when there was not resolution given on the command line.
my $htmlIMGDefaultRes = 240;

# Index format controls whether the index entries are in a 
#  heirarchical form or comma-separated form.  The heirarchical form produces
#  index entries possibly followed on the next line with intented  
#  subordinate entries. The comma-separated form puts each entry on its own line
#  with the main heading separated by a comma from subordinate entryes.
#  $INDEX_FORMAT = 0 for heirarchical form, = 1 for comma-separated form.
my $MAININDEX = "general";
my $DIRINDEX = "dir";
my $FDINDEX = "fd";
my $SDINDEX = "sd";
my $CONSOLEINDEX = "console";

# This is the list of top level domains, to test links against.
my $tldlist = "com|net|org|info|biz|aero|coop|museum|name|pro|gov|edu|mil|int|ac|ad|ae|ag|am|as|au|bb|be|bg|bi|bmbr|bt|bv|ca|cc|cd|ch|ck|cl|cm|cn|cr|cucx|cz|de|dk|do|ec|ee|es|fj|fm|fo|fr|gb|ge|gi|gl|gm|gr|gs|gt|gu|hk|hm|hr|hu|id|ir|ie|il|in|io|is|it|jo|jp|kr|ky|kz|lb|li|lk|lt|lu|ly|mc|mn|ms|mw|mx|na|nc|nl|no|nu|nz|pe|ph|pk|pl|pm|py|re|ro|ru|sa|se|sg|sh|si|sk|sm|su|tc|tf|th|tj|to|tr|tv|tw|ua|ug|uk|us|uy|uz|va|vc|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|za|agent|arts|auction|chat|church|club|family|free|game|golf|inc|kids|law|llc|llp|love|ltd|med|mp3|school|scifi|shop|soc|sport|tech|travel|video|xxx|america|com2|etc|earth|not|online|usa|z";

my $prepositions = "aboard|about|above|across|after|against|along|amid|among|anti|around|as|at|before|behind|below|beneath|beside|besides|between|beyond|but|by|concerning|considering|despite|down|during|except|excepting|excluding|following|for|from|in|inside|into|like|minus|near|of|off|on|onto|opposite|outside|over|past|per|plus|regarding|round|save|since|than|through|to|toward|towards|under|underneath|unlike|until|up|upon|versus|via|with|within|without";

# Load the variables that are local to the system we are running on.

# This variable allows us to use Blackboard Bold and Fraktur characters,
# along with the symbols \ltimes and \rtimes.
# It may be necessary to make this an optional package installed only
# when such symbols are used.
$htmlIncludeAMSSYMB = "\\usepackage{amssymb}";

# This is the hypertex anchor that goes at the start of each tex file. We
#  assume there will be no conflicts with links from the html files.
$fileStartAnchor = '_ChapterStart';

#  The initialization string for when there are images to be
#  processed.

\\input $h2llocation/html2latex


#  The initialization string for when there are no images
# Changed to include a destination anchor composed of the filename
#  and #texDocStart
$htmlInitialStringNoPS =
\\input $h2llocation/html2latex


#  The termination string for the output file
$htmlFinalString = "\n\n\\end{document}\n";

#  Load the common TeX information

### The following used to be the file    html2tex-common.tag   #######
#  html2tex-common.tag
#  The format of this file is perl code.  See the html2latex file for
#  more details on its contents.
#  Update History:
#  who     when         what
#  -----  --------     ------------------------------------------
#  dpvc    10/95        Wrote it.
#  schaefer 3/98        Added the file to html2latex.tag

#  The default extension for output files.
$htmlExtension = ".tex";

#  How to output "<" and "&".
$htmlLtString = '<';
$htmlAmpString = '\&';

#  Allow line breaks at "\" and "{", and put a "%" at the and of a
#  line when it breaks at one of these places.
$htmlBreakChars = '\\\{';
$htmlBreakNL = "%";

#  Some characters need to be treated specially.  We output the TeX
#  codes for typesetting these.
#  Special charaters # $ % &  ~ _  ^ \ { }
$htmlChar{"\$"} = '\$';    ###LINE110
$htmlChar{"\#"} = '\#';
$htmlChar{"{"} = '\{';
$htmlChar{"}"} = '\}';
$htmlChar{"%"} = '\%';
$htmlChar{"{"} = '\{';
$htmlChar{"}"} = '\}';
$htmlChar{"_"} = '\_';
$htmlChar{">"} = '>';
$htmlChar{"="} = '=';
#$htmlChar{"|"} = '{\mid}'; # This only applies in math mode.
$htmlChar{"|"} = '|';
$htmlChar{"~"} = '\\~{}';
$htmlChar{"^"} = '\\^{}';
$htmlChar{"\\"} = '\textbackslash{}';
$htmlChar{'"'} = '&htmlQuote';

# The following characters are output literally while in verbatim
#  mode (similar to pre mode in html). This generates a match
#  regex string. Note the quad backslash. It winds up as a double
#  backslash, which is fed into the regex, which needs a double
#  one to match a single one.
$htmlPreChars = '[\\\\~^$#{}%_"\']';

#  The entities need to be converted to TeX format.
#  Some do not have TeX equivalents, and are left blank.
#  Added some special ones for PRE mode. K.Cunningham
$htmlEntity{"amp"} = '\&';
$htmlEntity{"lt"} = '\lt{}';
$htmlPreEntity{"lt"} = '<';
$htmlEntity{"gt"} = '\gt{}';
$htmlPreEntity{"gt"} = '>';
$htmlEntity{"nbsp"} = '\ ';

$htmlEntity{"iexcl"} = '{\char"3C}';
$htmlEntity{"cent"} = '{\cents}';
$htmlEntity{"pound"} = '{\it\$}';
$htmlEntity{"curren"} = '';
$htmlEntity{"yen"} = '';
$htmlEntity{"brvbar"} = '\htmlBar';
$htmlEntity{"brkbar"} = '\htmlBar';
$htmlEntity{"sect"} = '\S';
$htmlEntity{"uml"} = '{\char"7F}';
$htmlEntity{"copy"} = '{\copyright}';
$htmlEntity{"ordf"} = '';
$htmlEntity{"laquo"} = '$\ll$';
$htmlEntity{"not"} = '$-$';
$htmlEntity{"shy"} = '\-';
$htmlEntity{"reg"} = '\textsuperscript{\textregistered}';
$htmlEntity{"hibar"} = '{\char"16}';
$htmlEntity{"deg"} = '$^\circ$';
$htmlEntity{"plusmn"} = '$\pm$';
$htmlEntity{"sup2"} = '$^2$';
$htmlEntity{"sup3"} = '$^3$';
$htmlEntity{"acute"} = '{\char"13}';
$htmlEntity{"micro"} = '$\mu$';
$htmlEntity{"para"} = '\P';
$htmlEntity{"middot"} = '$\cdot$';
$htmlEntity{"cedil"} = '{\char"18}';
$htmlEntity{"sup1"} = '$^1$';
$htmlEntity{"ordm"} = '';
$htmlEntity{"raquo"} = '$\gg$';
$htmlEntity{"frac14"} = '$\htmlFrac 1/4$';
$htmlEntity{"frac12"} = '$\htmlFrac 1/2$';
$htmlEntity{"frac34"} = '$\htmlFrac 3/4$';
$htmlEntity{"iquest"} = '{\char"3E}';
$htmlEntity{"Agrave"} = '\`A';
$htmlEntity{"Aacute"} = "\\'A";
$htmlEntity{"Acirc"} = '\^A';
$htmlEntity{"Atilde"} = '\~A';
$htmlEntity{"Auml"} = '\"A';
$htmlEntity{"Aring"} = '{\AA}';
$htmlEntity{"AElig"} = '{\AE}';
$htmlEntity{"Ccedil"} = '\c C';
$htmlEntity{"Egrave"} = '\`E';
$htmlEntity{"Eacute"} = "\\'E";
$htmlEntity{"Ecirc"} = '\^E';
$htmlEntity{"Euml"} = '\"E';
$htmlEntity{"Igrave"} = '\`I';
$htmlEntity{"Iacute"} = "\\'I";
$htmlEntity{"Icurc"} = '\^I';
$htmlEntity{"Iuml"} = '\"I';
$htmlEntity{"ETH"} = '';
$htmlEntity{"Dstrok"} = '';
$htmlEntity{"Ntilde"} = '\~N';
$htmlEntity{"Ograve"} = '\`O';
$htmlEntity{"Oacute"} = "\\'O";
$htmlEntity{"Ocirc"} = '\^O';
$htmlEntity{"Otilde"} = '\~O';
$htmlEntity{"Ouml"} = '\"O';
$htmlEntity{"times"} = '$\times$';
$htmlEntity{"Oslash"} = '{\O}';
$htmlEntity{"Ugrave"} = '\`U';
$htmlEntity{"Uacute"} = "\\'U";
$htmlEntity{"Ucirc"} = '\^U';
$htmlEntity{"Uuml"} = '\"U';
$htmlEntity{"Yacute"} = "\\'Y";
$htmlEntity{"THORN"} = '';
$htmlEntity{"szlig"} = '{\ss}';
$htmlEntity{"agrave"} = '\`a';
$htmlEntity{"aacute"} = "\\'a";
$htmlEntity{"acirc"} = '\^a';
$htmlEntity{"atilde"} = '\~a';
$htmlEntity{"auml"} = '\"a';
$htmlEntity{"aring"} = '{\aa}';
$htmlEntity{"aelig"} = '{\ae}';
$htmlEntity{"ccedil"} = '{\c c}';
$htmlEntity{"egrave"} = '\`e';
$htmlEntity{"eacute"} = "\\'e";
$htmlEntity{"ecirc"} = '\^e';
$htmlEntity{"euml"} = '\"e';
$htmlEntity{"igrave"} = '{\`\i}';
$htmlEntity{"iacute"} = "{\\'\\i}";
$htmlEntity{"icirc"} = '{\^\i}';
$htmlEntity{"iuml"} = '{\"\i}';
$htmlEntity{"eth"} = '';
$htmlEntity{"ntilde"} = '\~n';
$htmlEntity{"ograve"} = '\`o';
$htmlEntity{"oacute"} = "\\'o";
$htmlEntity{"ocirc"} = '\^o';
$htmlEntity{"otilde"} = '\~o';
$htmlEntity{"ouml"} = '\"o';
$htmlEntity{"divide"} = '$\div$';
$htmlEntity{"oslash"} = '{\o}';
$htmlEntity{"ugrave"} = '\`u';
$htmlEntity{"uacute"} = "\\'u";
$htmlEntity{"ucirc"} = '\^u';
$htmlEntity{"uuml"} = '\"u';
$htmlEntity{"yacute"} = "\\'y";
$htmlEntity{"thorn"} = '';
$htmlEntity{"yuml"} = '\"y';
$htmlEntity{"quot"} = '&htmlQuote';

#  Define the different character styles
$htmlTag{"B"} = '{\bf '; $htmlTag{"/B"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"I"} = '{\it '; $htmlTag{"/I"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"U"} = '{\sl '; $htmlTag{"/U"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"TT"} = '{\tt '; $htmlTag{"/TT"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"EM"} = '{\it '; $htmlTag{"/EM"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"STRONG"} = '{\bf '; $htmlTag{"/STRONG"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"CODE"} = '{\tt '; $htmlTag{"/CODE"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"SAMP"} = '{\tt '; $htmlTag{"/SAMP"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"CITE"} = '{\tt '; $htmlTag{"/SITE"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"KBD"} = '{\tt '; $htmlTag{"/KBD"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"VAR"} = '{\it '; $htmlTag{"/VAR"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"DFN"} = '{\rm '; $htmlTag{"/DFN"} = '}';
$htmlTag{"ADDRESS"} = '{\it '; $htmlTag{"/ADDRESS"} = '}';

#  Use special macros for <BR> and <HR>
$htmlTag{"BR"} = "\n";
#$htmlTag{"HR"} = "\\htmlHR\n";
#$htmlTag{"HR"} = "\\\\\n";
$htmlTag{"HR"} = "\n";

#  Handle FORMs correctly
$htmlTag{"INPUT"} = '&htmlInput';
$htmlTag{"SELECT"} = '&htmlSelect';
$htmlTag{"/SELECT"} = '&htmlSelectEnd';
$htmlTag{"OPTION"} = '&htmlOption';
$htmlTag{"TEXTAREA"} = '&htmlTextarea';
$htmlTag{"/TEXTAREA"} = '&htmlTextareaEnd';

# Maximum and Minimum functions
sub max { return ($_[0] > $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; }
sub min { return ($_[0] < $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; }

# Output an initial anchor for the file.
sub printInitAnchor {
        $fileStartTagPrinted = 0;
#       &htmlPrint("\\label{$fileStartAnchor}");

#  Handle quotes specially:  put out the correct set depending on
#  whether this is an open or a close quote.
#  11/21/97 schaefer -- We only do this if we are not in PRE mode.
sub htmlQuote
    if ($htmlPreMode) {&htmlPrint(q/"/)}
    else {
        if ($htmlQuoteOpen) {&htmlPrint(q/''/)} else {&htmlPrint(q/``/)}
        $htmlQuoteOpen = !$htmlQuoteOpen;

#  Process comments specially:
#  If the command begins with "\TeX" then the rest of the comment is
#  inserted into the tex output verbatim (this provides a method of
#  embedding TeX commands in the HTML file but not having them mess up
#  the look when it is viewed on the web).
#  Added K.Cunningham 12-9-04...
#  If the comment contains one equal sign, process it separately.
$htmlComment = "&htmlTeXcomment";
sub htmlTeXcomment
  local ($comment) = @_;
  if ($comment =~ m/^\\TeX +/i) {&htmlPrint($')}
        elsif (($comment =~ tr/=//s) == 1) {

# htmlCommentCmd processes comment commands.
#  Process the comment as as a command, with 
#  the name of the command on the left side of the equal sign, and 
#  any arguments on the right, comma-separated. Arguments can have
#  whitespace in them but if they include a comma, they must be double-
#  quoted.
#  Whitespace surrounding the equal sign is ignored.
#   eg: <!-- tablecolwidths = 1.5,2.3,1.6,2.4 -->
#  or <!-- blocktitle = "this is the first",second,"the third",argument -->
#  These commands are put into a global hash of arrays called %commentcmd, 
#  with the command name as the hash key, and each argument as an 
#  array element.

# Procedure:
#  Check that there is an equal sign in the comment.
#  Strip leading and trailing space
#  Split the comment into a command and args at the equal sign
#   according to above rules. Missing arguments (this,,that) or trailing
#   commas result in undefined elements in the array.
#  Feed the arguments into an array.
#  Save the array into the global hash %commentcmd, using $command as the key.
sub htmlCommentCmd {
        my ($comment) = shift;

        # We must have an equal sign here or else.
        $comment =~ /=/ or return;
        $comment =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
        my ($command,$args) = split /\s*=\s*/,$comment;

        # From the perl faq section 4.
        my @args = ();
        push(@args, $+) while $args =~ m{"([^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*)",? | ([^,]+),? | , }gx;
        push(@args, undef) if substr($args,-1,1) eq ',';
        $commentcmd{$command} = [ @args ];

#  This second comment handler adds the ability to turn off the html output
#  when it is convenient to replace it with the TeX commands.
#  Turn off with <!--SUSPENDinTeX-->
#  Turn back on with <!--RESUMEinTeX-->
#  10-31-97 J. Schaefer

sub htmlTeXcommentWithSuspend
  local ($comment) = @_;
  if ($comment =~ m/^\\TeX +/i) {&htmlPrint($')}
  if ($comment =~ m/^SUSPENDinTeX/i) {&htmlSuspendOutput}
  if ($comment =~ m/^RESUMEinTeX/i) {&htmlRestoreOutput}

#  &htmlNewLine  - conditionally print a newline
#  If there is some text one the current line
#    End the current line with a "%"
#    Make sure that leading spaces are retained
sub htmlNewLine
  if ($htmlLinePar eq 0)
    $htmlLineSpace = -1;

#  Routines to handle FORMs

#  &htmlInputCHECK  - process a check box
#  Output \htmlInputCheckbox with the correct checked status.
sub htmlInputCHECKBOX
  local ($check) = "";
  $check = "checked" if (defined($tag{"CHECKED"}));
  &htmlPrint("\\htmlInputCheckbox{$check} ");

#  &htmlInputRADIO  - process a radio button
#  Output \htmlInputRadio with the correct checked status.
sub htmlInputRADIO
  local ($check) = "";
  $check = "checked" if (defined($tag{"CHECKED"}));
  &htmlPrint("\\htmlInputRadio{$check} ");

#  &htmlInputSUBMIT  - process a submit button
#  Output \htmlINputButton with the correct button name (translating
#  any entities within the button name).
sub htmlInputSUBMIT

#  &htmlInputRESET  - process a reset button
#  Output \htmlINputButton with the correct button name (translating
#  any entities within the button name).
sub htmlInputRESET

#  &htmlInputBUTTON  - process a reset button
#  Output \htmlInputButton with the correct button name (translating
#  any entities within the button name).
sub htmlInputBUTTON

#  &htmlInputTEXT  - process a single-line text entry field
#  Get the size and default text.
#  If the size has both a row and column value (obsolete HTML)
#    Split the size into its parts
#    Start a multi-column input area
#    Send out the text in PRE-formatted mode
#    End the text area
#  Otherwise
#    Output \htmlInputText withthe correct size and text (translating
#    any entities in the default text).
sub htmlInputTEXT
  local ($size) = &htmlGetTag("SIZE","30");
  local ($value) = &htmlGetTag("VALUE","");
  local ($rows,$cols);

  if ($size =~ m/,/)
    ($cols,$rows) = split(", *",$size);
    $htmlPreMode = 1;
    $htmlPreMode = 0;
  } else {

#  &htmlInputIMAGE  - process a selectable image
#  If we're in Postscript mode
#    Make sure this is marked as an ISMAP item and do the PS image
#  Otherwise do a regular text image
sub htmlInputIMAGE
  if ($htmlPS)
    $tag{"ISMAP"} = "";
  } else {&htmlTextIMG}

#  &htmlTextarea  - process a multi-line text area
#  Parse the tags and get the ROWS and COLS items
#  Print a new line, if needed
#  Output the \htmlTextarea command with the correct size
#  Start PRE-formatted mode
sub htmlTextarea
  local ($rows,$cols);

  $rows = &htmlGetTag("ROWS",1);
  $cols = &htmlGetTag("COLS",30);
  $htmlPreMode = 1;
#  End PRE-formatted mode
#  End the text area
sub htmlTextareaEnd
  $htmlPreMode = 0 if ($htmlPreMode);

#  &htmlSelect  - process a single- or multi-line menu selection
#  Parse the tags and look for the SIZE item
#  Split it into rows and columns (or just columns if only one is suplied)
#  If this is a single line item
#    Suspend output until the selected <OPTION> is found
#  Otherwise
#    Start a new line if needed
#    Start a multi-line menu in PRE-formatted mode
sub htmlSelect
  local ($rows,$cols);
  local ($size);

  $size = &htmlGetTag("SIZE","30,1");
  ($cols,$rows) = split(",",$size);
  if ($rows eq "") {$rows = $cols; $cols = 30}
  if ($rows == 1)
  } else {
    $htmlPreMode = 1;

#  &htmlSelectEnd  - end a single-or multi-line menu
#  If this was a multi-line menu
#    End PRE_formatted mode and end the menu
#  Otherwise
#    If the output is suspended, restore it
#    Otherwise (we're in the selected <OPTION>) end the option text
sub htmlSelectEnd
  if ($htmlPreMode)
    $htmlPreMode = 0;
  } else {
    if ($htmlNoOutput) {&htmlRestoreOutput} else {&htmlPrint("}")}

#  &htmlOption  - process a menu option
#  Parse the tags
#  If this is part of a multi-line menu
#    If the item is selected, output the select bullet
#    Otherwise output some blank spaces
#  Otherwise (single-line menu)
#    If the item is selected
#      Restore the output so the selected item will show up
#      Output the \htmlInputMenu macro (the menu name will follow)
#    Otherwise if the previous option was the selected on
#      Close the text string for it and suspend the output again
sub htmlOption
  if ($htmlPreMode)
    if (defined($tag{"SELECTED"})) {&htmlPrint("{\\htmlSelectBullet}")}
      else {&htmlPrint("  ")}
  } else {
    if (defined($tag{"SELECTED"}))
    } elsif (!$htmlNoOutput) {

#  Handle postscript conversion of images
### The following used to be the file    html2text-psIMG.tag   #######
#  html2text-psIMG.tag
#  This is a configuration file for html2text that processes the .gif
#  files from <IMG> tags and converts them to .eps files for inclusion
#  into TeX documents.  This file is required by html2tex and
#  html2latex.
#  This file adds several new command line options:
#    -images            process images into postscript form
#    -noimages          don't process images (the default)
#    -ps                same as -images
#    -nops              same as -noimages
#    -home dirname      specifies where the image files reside
#        -htmloutput            Do output optimized for coversion to html
#        -pdfoutput                     Do output optimized for coversion to pdf
#        -table_parbox          Insert parbox commands in tables to control spacing
#  The environment variable HTML2TEXT_PSDIR points to the name of the
#  directory where the .eps files can be stored (defaults to ".")
#  The format of this file is perl code.  See the html2text file for
#  more details on its contents.
#  Update History:
#  who     when         what
#  -----  --------     ------------------------------------------
#  dpvc    10/95        Wrote it.
#  schaefer 3/98        Added this file to html2latex.tag

#  These are variables used in this file that you can customize
#  by editing the file html2latex-local.tag
#  This is where the main web tree begins
#  $htmlWebRoot
#  This is the name of the main web server
#  $htmlWebServer 
#  This is the directory where user's home directories are found
#  $htmlUserRoot
#  This is the name of the place where user's html files are stored
#  $htmlUserHTML
#  This is the directory where the document originally came from
#  (the picture files will be looked for here).  This can be specified
#  on the command line
#  $htmlWebHome
#  This is the command to convert .gif files to .eps files.  "%in"
#  will be replaced by the input file name and "%out" by the output
#  file name.
# $htmlScale
# $htmlConvert 

#  New command-line flags

#  Define the new command-line flags
$cliArg{"ps"} = "&cliFlagPS";
$cliArg{"nops"} = "&cliFlagNoPS";
$cliArg{"images"} = "&cliFlagPS";
$cliArg{"noimages"} = "&cliFlagNoPS";

$cliArg{"home"} = '$htmlWebHome = shift(@ARGV)';

# This is where the initialization code resides. It is executed after this file
#  has been sourced and after the cli arguments have been evaluated,
#  but before any files are processed.
$htmlRunInit = '&htmlRunInitLatex';
sub htmlRunInitLatex {
	#  This is where the converted postscript files will go.
	#$htmlTMP = $ENV{"PWD"} if (!defined $htmlTMP or $htmlTMP eq "");

	# Changed this to be a our current directory as a relative path. K.Cunningham
	$htmlTMP = "." if (!defined $htmlTMP or $htmlTMP eq "");
	$htmlIndexContext = $DIRINDEX;

# This is the closing code. It is executed after everything else is finished.
$htmlRunEnd = '&htmlRunEndLatex';
sub htmlRunEndLatex {}

#  These are the initialization strings for PS and non-PS modes
$htmlInitialStringPS = "" if (!defined($htmlInitialStringPS));
$htmlInitialStringNoPS = "" if (!defined($htmlInitialStringNoPS));
#  For Postscript mode, set the initialization string, define the IMG
#  tag and indicate that we are in postscript mode
sub cliFlagPS
  $htmlInitialString = $htmlInitialStringPS;
  $htmlTag{"IMG"} = '&htmlIMGps';
  $htmlPS = 1;

#  For non-Postscript mode, set the initialization string, define the
#  IMG tag to be the standard routine, and mark that we are not in
#  postscript mode.
sub cliFlagNoPS
  $htmlInitialString = $htmlInitialStringNoPS;
  $htmlTag{"IMG"} = '&htmlIMG';
  $htmlPS = 0;

#  default to non-Postscript mode

# This is the initialization string for each tex file.
$htmlFileStartString = "\%\%\n\%\%\n\n";

#  The main routines

#  To process an IMG tag:
#    Check if the SRC field is specified; if so
#      Find the name of the file for the image; if it exists
#        If the ALIGN field is specified
#          Set the "where" variable to the correct character
#        Get the name of the original file and remove leading directories
#        Remove the extension and replace it with ".eps" (or add it if
#          there is no extension, or the file starts with .)
#        Add the PS directory name
#        Remove a leading ./ if any (just for looks)
#        Add the file names to the conversion command
#        Execute the conversion command
#        Call the routine to add the image to the output file
#  If there was a problem, do a plain text image
sub htmlIMGps {&htmlParseTags; &htmlDoIMGps}
sub htmlDoIMGps
  local ($name,$epsname);
  local ($command) = $htmlConvert;
  local ($where) = "b";

  if (defined($tag{"SRC"}))
    if ($name = &htmlFindIMG($tag{"SRC"}))
      if (defined($tag{"ALIGN"}))
        $where = substr($tag{"ALIGN"},0,1);
        $where =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
        $where = "m" if ($where !~ m/[tbm]/);
      $epsname = $name;
      $epsname =~ s:.*/::;
      $epsname =~ s/((.)\..*|$)/$2.eps/;
      $epsname = $htmlTMP."/".$epsname;
      #$epsname =~ s:^\./::; # Allow ./ == this directory.
	  $command =~ s/%in/$name/g; $command =~ s/%out/$epsname/g;
	  system($command) if (! -e $epsname);
      eval $htmlEPSfile.'($where,$epsname)';
  &htmlTextIMG if ($name eq "");

#  Convert local image file names to their correct locations
#  Convert /~userid/ references to their correct locations
#  If the file exists, return its name, otherwise return ""
sub htmlFindIMG
  local ($file) = @_;
  $file =~ s#^($htmlWebServer/|/)#$htmlWebRoot/#o;
  $file =~ s#^$htmlWebRoot/~(.*)/#$htmlUserRoot/$1/$htmlUserHTML/#o;
  if (-e $file) {return($file)}
  if (-e "$htmlWebHome/$file") {return("$htmlWebHome/$file")}
  if (-e "$ENV{\"PWD\"}/$file") {return("$ENV{\"PWD\"}/$file")}

  if ($htmlInFile =~ m!.*/!) {
        if (-e "$&/$file") {return("$&/$file")}


#  This variable should hold the name of a routine that writes out the
#  .eps filename to the output file somehow.
$htmlEPSfile = "&htmlNOOP";
sub htmlNOOP {};
########   END of the file html2text-psIMG.tag    ####################

#  &htmlEPSfile
#  Output an entry for the list of figures, if the figurename
#    was defined as a comment directive.
#  Output the \epsFile command with the correct placement and file
#  name.  If this is a mapped image, place a box around it.
$htmlEPSfile = "&htmlEPSfile";
sub htmlEPSfile
  local ($placement,$file) = @_;
  if (defined($commentcmd{imagename})) {
        delete $commentcmd{imagename};
  &htmlPrint("\\htmlBox{1pt}{") if (defined($tag{"ISMAP"}));
  &htmlPrint("}") if (defined($tag{"ISMAP"}));

#Added by schaefer: 10/97

#  &htmlTeXImages
#  This subroutine allows us to place the TeX code in IMG tags whose 
#  images were created from TeX.  All other images are sent to the 
#  EPS subroutine (if the flag -images was used)
#  or to &htmlTextIMG.
#  Parse the tags.
#  If the ALT starts with \TeX,
#    Send the rest of the ALT string verbatim,
#  Otherwise
#    If we're using PostScript images, go to &htmlDoIMGps
#    Else use &htmlTextIMG
sub htmlTeXImages
    local ($alttag,$rest);


    $alttag = &htmlGetTag("ALT",''); 
    if ($alttag =~ m/^\\TeX +/i) {
        $rest = $';
        $rest =~ s/\\gt +/>/g;
        $rest =~ s/\\lt +/</g;

    elsif ($htmlPS) {&htmlDoIMGps;}

    else {&htmlTextIMG;}


$cliArg{"teximages"} = '&cliTeXImages';

sub cliTeXImages
    $htmlTag{"IMG"} = '&htmlTeXImages';
    $htmlComment = '&htmlTeXcommentWithSuspend';
    $htmlPS = 1;

$cliArg{"texcomments"} = '&cliTeXComments';

sub cliTeXComments
    $htmlComment = '&htmlTeXcommentWithSuspend';

######## End of the file    html2tex-common.tag        ###############

#  Define the list tags
$htmlTag{"UL"} = "\n\n\\begin{itemize}\n";
$htmlTag{"/UL"} = "\n\\end{itemize}\n\n";
$htmlTag{"OL"} = "\n\n\\begin{enumerate}\n";
$htmlTag{"/OL"} = "\n\\end{enumerate}\n\n";
$htmlTag{"LI"} = "\n\\item ";
$htmlTag{"DL"} = '&htmlDL'; $htmlTag{"/DL"} = '&htmlDLend';
$htmlTag{"DT"} = '&htmlDT';
$htmlTag{"DD"} = '&htmlDD';

#  To process definition lists, we record whether a DT is currently in
#  effect.  If a DD occurs without a preceeding DT, then we use the
#  special \htmlDD macro, otherwise just use a paragraph break
$htmlDTopen = 0;
sub htmlDL {&htmlPrint("\n\n\\begin{description}\n"); $htmlDTopen = 0}
sub htmlDLend {&htmlPrint("\n\\end{description}\n\n")}

# Get the text that follows, up to the closing </dt>, and save it for output
#  after the close of the item. Put the rest of the text back to be processed in the
#  normal way.
sub htmlDT {
	my $tag;
	($htmlDTtext,$tag) = &htmlFindNext("</DT>|<DD>");
	$htmlBuffer = $htmlDTtext . $tag . $htmlBuffer;
	&htmlPrint("\n\n\\item {\\bf "); 
	$htmlDTopen = 1

# Close the DT heading.  This closes the description item. Then output
#  an index entry.
sub htmlDD
	my $entry;
	if ($htmlDTopen) {
		$entry = &makeSpecialIndexEntry($htmlDTtext);
		if (defined $entry) {
	} else {
		&htmlPrint("\n\\htmlDD ");
	$htmlDTopen = 1;

# makeSpecialIndexEntry messages text around to create a special index entry.
# Drop newlines, leading and trailing spaces, and leading articles. If the entry
#  is less than 3 characters, forget it.
# Drop anything to the right of an equal sign.
sub makeSpecialIndexEntry {
	my $entry = shift;

	$entry =~ s/(\n|\s+$)//sg;
	$entry =~ s/\s+/ /g;
	$entry =~ s/\!+//g;
	$entry =~ s/^(\W+|the|an|and|a)\s+//i;
	$entry =~ s/=.*//;
	$entry = &charconv($entry);
	return undef  if (length($entry) < 3);
	return $entry;

# htmlTestContext checks the string being sent out for the presence of keywords which
#  indicate context.
sub htmlTestContext {
	$string = shift;
	$contextDIR = "director|-dir";
	$contextFD = "\\s+file\\s+|file\\s+deamon|\\s+fd\\s+|-fd";
	$contextSD = "\\s+storage\\s+|storage\\s+deamon|\\s+sd\\s+|-sd";
	$contextConsole = "console";

	# Replace newlines with spaces in the string.
	$string =~ s/\n+/ /sg;
	while ($string =~ /$contextDIR/s) {
		$string = $';
		$htmlIndexContext = $DIRINDEX;
	while ($string =~ /$contextFD/s) {
		$string = $';
		$htmlIndexContext = $FDINDEX;
	while ($string =~ /$contextSD/s) {
		$string = $';
		$htmlIndexContext = $SDINDEX;
	while ($string =~ /$contextConsole/s) {
		$string = $';
		$htmlIndexContext = $CONSOLEINDEX;

# Detects the context of the outgoing string, for indexing.
# Searches the string to be output for the last entry that matches. 
# Sets the context accordingly.
sub htmlDetectContext {
	my $string = shift;

	my $dirSearch = "director|-dir";
	my $fdSearch = "file daemon|-?fd";
	my $sdSearch = "storage daemon|-?sd";
	my $consoleSearch = "console";
	while ($string =~ /$dirSearch/is) {
		$string = $';
		$htmlBaculaContext = $DIRINDEX;
	while ($string =~ /$fdSearch/is) {
		$string = $';
		$htmlBaculaContext = $FDINDEX;
	while ($string =~ /$sdSearch/is) {
		$string = $';
		$htmlBaculaContext = $SDINDEX;
	while ($string =~ /$consoleSearch/is) {
		$string = $';
		$htmlBaculaContext = $CONSOLEINDEX;

#  Define the special formatiing tags
$htmlTag{"BLOCKQUOTE"} = "\n\n\\begin{quote}\n";
$htmlTag{"/BLOCKQUOTE"} = "\n\\end{quote}\n\n";
$htmlTag{"PRE"} = '&htmlPRE';
$htmlTag{"/PRE"} = '&htmlPREend';

#  Print out the macros for PRE mode, and make sure the text between
#  them preserves its line breaks and spacing
# Add the \footnotesize and \normalsize here.  This will help the code sections to fit
#  the page.
sub htmlPRE {&htmlPrint("\n\n\\footnotesize\n\\begin{verbatim}\n"); $htmlPreMode = 1}
sub htmlPREend {$htmlPreMode = 0; &htmlPrint("\n\\end{verbatim}\n\\normalsize\n\n")}

$htmlTag{"H1"} = '&htmlHeading(1)';
$htmlTag{"H2"} = '&htmlHeading(2)';
$htmlTag{"H3"} = '&htmlHeading(3)';
$htmlTag{"H4"} = '&htmlHeading(4)';
$htmlTag{"H5"} = '&htmlHeading(5)';
$htmlTag{"H6"} = '&htmlHeading(6)';
$htmlTag{"/H1"} = '&htmlHeadingEnd';
$htmlTag{"/H2"} = '&htmlHeadingEnd';
$htmlTag{"/H3"} = '&htmlHeadingEnd';
$htmlTag{"/H4"} = '&htmlHeadingEnd';
$htmlTag{"/H5"} = '&htmlHeadingEnd';
$htmlTag{"/H6"} = '&htmlHeadingEnd';

#  Hyperlinks
$htmlTag{"A"} = '&htmlLINK';
$htmlTag{"/A"} = '';

# htmlLINK -- adds links to the tex output
# If an HREF is defined:
#   Get the href
#   Get the buffer up to the closing tag, plus the tag
#   Replace newlines in the source text with spaces (will be re-
#     wrapped at output)
#   Replace multiple spaces in the source text with single ones.
#	If the link is an image
#	  Replace the image with the alt text (after dropping leading
#     and trailing spaces and square brackets. If there is no
#	  alt text, replace with the link.
#   If not an Internet link and no tld exists in the link:
#     Reduce multiple #s to one.
#     Change file references from .html to .tex
#     Append #$fileStartAnchor to plain filenames
#     Prepend Our filename if not included
#     If there are no periods or # in the link,
#       prepend our filename followed by a #
#     Output the link command.
#   Otherwise (an Internet link)
#     Put in http:// if needed (actually done in previous if)
#     Output the link command.
# Otherwise (not href)
#   If a name is defined
#   Get the name 
#   If we are inside a heading
#     set the anchor pending flag.
#   Otherwise
#     Output the anchor as a \label
sub htmlLINK {
	my ($href);

	if (defined $tag{"HREF"}) {
		$href = htmlGetTag("HREF");
		my ($source,$tag) = &htmlFindNext("</A>");
		$source =~ s/\n/ /s;
		$source =~ s/  +/ /s;
		if ($source =~ /img\s+src=/i) {
			if ($source =~ /alt=\"(.*?)\"/i) { 
				$source = $1; 
				$source =~ s/^\s*\[\s*//;
				$source =~ s/\s*\]\s*$//;
			} else {$source = $href;}
		if (($href !~ /^\s*(mailto:|http:|ftp:)/) and
				!($href =~ s/.*\.($tldlist)/http:\/\/$&/)) {
			$href =~ s/##+/#/;
			$href =~ s/\.html/.tex/;
			$href =~ s/\.tex$/\.tex#$fileStartAnchor/;
			$href =~ s/^\#/$htmlOutFile#/;
			$href =~ s/\#$/#$fileStartAnchor/;
			if ($href !~ /[\.#]/) { $href = "$htmlOutFile#$href";}
		} else {
	} elsif (defined $tag{"NAME"}) {
		$anchorName = htmlGetTag("NAME");
		if ($inHeading) { 
			$anchorPending = 1; 
		} else {

# htmlInsertAnchor -- Inserts an anchor in the output.
#  Accepts the anchor as the only argument.
sub htmlInsertAnchor {
        my $name = shift;

# Inserts a local link into the output.
# Accepts four arguments:
#  1. The text to be highlighted in the link.
#  2. The text to preceed the section name.
#  3. The text to come after the section name.
#  4. The link target.
sub htmlInsertLocalLink {
        my ($href,$text) = @_;
        my ($url,$category);

		if ($href =~ /#/) {
			($url,$category) = split("#",$href);
		} else {

# Inserts an external link into the output.
# Accepts two arguments, the text and the target.
sub htmlInsertExternalLink {
        my ($text,$target) = @_;

# htmlHeading -- Handle heading tags
# Get the text from the buffer up to the closing tag, and save it.
# Put the text back on the buffer.
# Drop any other tags from the text.
# Save the text and the level for use by the closing routine.
# Output the start of the latex heading command
# Set the flag to say they we are inside a heading tag pair.
sub htmlHeading {
        my $level = shift;
        my @latexOut = qw/\\section*{ \\subsection*{ \\subsubsection*{ \\paragraph*{ 
                {\\small {\\scriptsize/;

        my ($source,$tag) = &htmlFindNext("</H\\d>");
        $htmlBuffer = $source . $tag . $htmlBuffer;

        # Drop any other tags from the source.
        $source =~ s/<.*?>//g;

        # Replace newlines with spaces. or drop them entirely if at the beginning.
        $source =~ s/^\n//;
        $source =~ s/\n/ /g;

        # Save pertinent stuff for the directives to be put in on close of
        #  the heading tag.
        $htmlHeadingData{source} = $source;
        $htmlHeadingData{level} = $level;

        # And now the heading.
        &htmlPrint("\n\n$latexOut[$level - 1]");
        $inHeading = 1;

# htmlHeadingEnd  -- Closes the heading tag and prints other directives.
# Output the closing text for the heading directive.
# If an anchor is pending, output it.
# Create index entries from the text saved by the heading opening routine,
#   and output them.
# Output a table of contents entry based on the level.
# Remove the saved information from the heading opening routine.
# Reset the flag to say that we are not inside a heading tag pair.
sub htmlHeadingEnd {
        my @sec_unit = qw/section subsection subsubsection paragraph/;


        if (!$fileStartTagPrinted) {
                $fileStartTagPrinted = 1;
        } else {

        if ($anchorPending) {
                $anchorPending = 0;

        if (defined($htmlHeadingData{source})) {
                my $indexNames = &createIndexName($htmlHeadingData{source});

        # The table of contents will only accept section, subsection, etc.  It will
        #  not be happy with small and scriptsize, as we are doing with the heading
        #  text itself.  If the heading level is past the list of sec_units,
        #  take the maximum one instead.
        if (defined($htmlHeadingData{source}) and 
                defined($htmlHeadingData{level})) {
                                $sec_unit[min($htmlHeadingData{level} - 1,$#sec_unit)]);
        $inHeading = 0;

# htmlInsertTOC inserts a table of contents entry in the output.
# Takes the $source field (which is the heading line),
# Remove newlines and trailing spaces.
# Convert any whitespace to single space characters.
# Remove a leading the,and,a,an, or non-word characters.
# Convert any special html characters to their latex equivalents
# Output a TOC entry.
sub htmlInsertTOC {
        my ($source,$sec_unit) = @_;

        $source =~ s/(\n|\s+$)//g;
        $source =~ s/\s+/ /g;
        $source =~ s/^(\W+|the|an|and|a)\s+//i;
        $source = &charconv($source);

# createIndexName creates index names from a string of words.
# The string is provided as the first argument, and the following is done:
# Remove newlines or trailing spaces.
# Convert any whitespace to single space characters.
# Remove any exclaimation points
# Remove a leading the,and,a,an, or non-word characters.
# Save the string as an index item, with leading uppercase and the rest lowercase.
# Drop any embedded commas or parentheses or trailing non-word characters
# Drop any preposition followed by 'Bacula' at the end of the string.
# Separate the trailing word in the remaining string from the rest.
# If there was more than one word and the length of the trailing word is less
#  than three characters and the rest of the sentence doesn't end in a, and, an, or
#  the
#    Separate the trailing two words from the rest instead of the last word.
#    Drop any leading prepositions in the trailing two words.
# Put together an index entry using the trailing word(s), an exclamation point,
#  and the rest of the string.
# Do any needed character conversion to that index entry and return both names.
sub createIndexName {
        my $inputname = shift;
        my (%names);

        $inputname =~ s/(\n|\s+$)//g;
        $inputname =~ s/\s+/ /g;
		$inputname =~ s/\!+//g;
        $inputname =~ s/^(\W+|the|an|and|a)\s+//i;
        $names{ucfirst(&charconv($inputname))} = undef; 

        $inputname =~ s/(,|\(|\)|\W+$)//g;
        $inputname =~ s/($prepositions)\s+bacula$//io;
        my ($rest,$trailing) = $inputname =~ /(.+)\s+(\w+)$/;
        if ($trailing and length($trailing) < 3 and $rest !~ /(a|an|and|the)$/i) {
                ($rest,$trailing) = $inputname =~ /(.+)\s+(\w+\s+\w+)$/; 
                $trailing =~ s/^($prepositions)\s+//io;  # Drop leading Prepositions and space

        if ($trailing and $rest) {
                if ($INDEX_FORMAT == 0) {
                        $names{ucfirst(&charconv("$trailing!$rest"))} = undef;
                } else {
                        $names{ucfirst(&charconv("$trailing, $rest"))} = undef;

        return \%names;

# Checks the string for the presence of special html and latex characters, 
#  and converts them as needed. Issues a warning if the character 
#  replacement involves a function (not a simple substitution). In 
#  this case, we can't invoke the functions because they feed the 
#  results to the output stream rather than back to us.
sub charconv {
	my $string = shift;
	my $origString = $string;
	my $outbfr = "";
	my $thisChar;

	# Check the string against the list of html special characters.
	while ($string =~ m/\&|$htmlCharList/o) {
		$outbfr .= $`;
		$thisChar = $&;
		$string = $';
		if ($& eq "\&") {
			# This is an html entity.
			# We've got an ampersand.  This is the start of an html 
			#  entity. Get the rest of it (up to a space, semicolon, or 
			#  dollar sign.
			$string =~ s/(.*?)( +|\;|\$)//;
			my ($name,$end) = ($1,$2);

			# If there wasn't anything before the symbol, do nothing.
			(!$name) and $outbfr .= "\&" . $end; 

			# If the name starts with a pound sign, it's a symbol generated by
			#  ascii (or whatever) code.  Convert it according to lookup tables.
			if ($name =~ s/^\#//) {
				if ($name < 160) { $outbfr .= sprintf "%c",$name; }
				elsif (defined($htmlEntity{$htmlNumberEntity[$name - 160]}))
					{ $outbfr .= $htmlEntity{$htmlNumberEntity[$name - 160]}; }
					else { $outbfr .= "\#" . $name . $end; }

			# If the name is a defined html entity, append that to outbfr
			if (defined($htmlEntity{$name})) { 
			$outbfr .= $htmlEntity{$name};}
		} else {
			# The string requires html->latex character conversion.
			if ($thisChar eq "<") {
				# The character is the beginning of a tag. Drop the tag.
				$string =~ s/.*?>//;
			} elsif (defined $htmlChar{uc($thisChar)}) {
				#  If it starts with an ampersand, just output the character (don't do 
				#  recursive html entities), otherwise, output the latex equivalent.
				if ($htmlChar{$thisChar} =~ /^\&/) { $outbfr .= $thisChar; }
					else { $outbfr .= $htmlChar{$thisChar}; }
			} else { $outbfr .= $thisChar; }
	return $outbfr . $string;

sub htmlInsertIndex {
        my ($names,$indexType) = @_;

		if (ref($names) eq "HASH") {
			# Names are passed as keys of a hash.
			foreach (keys(%$names)) {
					&htmlPrint("\\index[$indexType]{$_ }\n");
		} else {
			&htmlPrint("\\index[$indexType]{$names }\n");

# Create a unique anchor name from a string of words.
sub createAnchorName {
        my ($name) = shift;
        my $CharsPerWord = 3;

        # Use the first characters from each word of the name,
        #  capitalizing the first character of each and lowercasing
        #  the rest.
        $name = lc($name);
        $name =~ s/\s*\b(\S{1,$CharsPerWord})\S*\s*/\u$1/g;

        # Check for uniqueness and adjust as needed.
        return &getNextAnchorName($name);

# getNextAnchorName keeps a global history of all names
#  assigned, and returns one with the same name as that given in the
#  first argument, possibly with an integer appended to make sure it's
#  unique within the document being processed.
sub getUniqueAnchorName {
        my $name = shift;

        # If the name hasn't been defined yet, add it to the list and
        # return it.
        if (!defined($anchorNames{$name})) {
                $anchorNames{$name} = undef;
                return $name;

        # Split the name into a possible trailing integer.
        my ($base,$number) = $name =~ /(.*)(\d*$)/;
        defined($number) or $number = 0;

        # Increment the number until an unused one is found.
        while (exists($anchorNames{$base . ++$number})){};
        $anchor{$base . $number} = undef;
        return ($base . $number);

# Load new tags for later versions of HTML
### The following used to be the file    newh2latex.tag        #######


#  This tag file for html2latex that allows the use of new tags 
#  not found in the original version.
#  6/25/97  schaefer  First draft of TABLE, TR, TD tags.
#  6/23/97  schaefer  Added CENTER tags.
#  3/25/98  schaefer  Added to the file html2latex.tag
#  It's not clear why this works, so I will comment it out for now.
#  This inserts an extra special character which
#  will allow the backslashes to be replaced correctly
#  Only when using this, single \'s are replaced with {\htmlBackslash} as
#  expected.
  $htmlChar{"\\\\"} = '{\jeffsBack}';

#Add a colon after the paragraph title to set it off from the text.
$htmlTag{"H4"} = "\n\n\\paragraph*{";     $htmlTag{"/H4"} = ":}\n\n";

$htmlTag{"CENTER"} = "\n\\begin{center}\n";
$htmlTag{"/CENTER"} = "\n\\end{center}\n\n";

# The BIG and SMALL tags will be changed to fixed sizes for now.
# Ideally, they should increase/decrease the size further when nested.
$htmlTag{"BIG"} = "{\\Large ";     $htmlTag{"/BIG"} = "}";
$htmlTag{"SMALL"} = "{\\footnotesize ";     $htmlTag{"/SMALL"} = "}";

# A really long subscript may cause problems, since LaTeX will not break a 
# line in the middle of a subscript (even if there are spaces).
$htmlTag{"SUB"} = "\\raisebox{-.6ex}{";     $htmlTag{"/SUB"} = "}";
$htmlTag{"SUP"} = "\\raisebox{.6ex}{";     $htmlTag{"/SUP"} = "}";

# Underlining also does not work across line breaks, so instead we
# change to italics.
$htmlTag{"U"} = "{ \\em";     $htmlTag{"/U"} = "}";

# It is not clear yet what to do with the STRIKE tag
#   Alternatives are: Don't print anything
#                     Print with tiny letters or alternate font
#                     Use a different color (light gray)
#$htmlTag{"STRIKE"} = "???";     $htmlTag{"/STRIKE"} = "???";

#  Tags for Tables
$htmlTag{"TABLE"} = '&htmlTABLE';
$htmlTag{"/TABLE"} = '&htmlTABLEend';
$htmlTag{"TR"} = '&htmlTR';
$htmlTag{"TD"} = '&htmlTD';
$htmlTag{"TH"} = '&htmlTH';
# The optional /TR, /TH, and /TD tags are ignored.
$htmlTag{"CAPTION"} = '&htmlCAPTION';

# The following bugs occur in the TABLE and related tags:
# LaTeX is not happy about the extra line spaces that are placed
# around tables that are inside a \multicolumn{ } command.
# Enclosing every single cell in braces { } causes LaTeX to think
# that those entries should be centered.  Perhaps the way around this 
# is to only use braces with \multicolumn{ } commands.

#  & htmlTABLE    
# RETURN if we have turned off output (with SUSPENDinTeX)
#  Initialize some variables that are used by this table 
#    and associated subroutines (&htmlTR, &htmlTD, etc.)
#    Any sub-tables will start their own local variables.
#  Parse attribute tags
#  If the table has a border, set border flag to '|'  ('' means no border)
#  Get html up to the end of this table. (Put into $u) 
#    get html up to next TABLE or /TABLE tag
#    If it's TABLE, increase depth marker
#    If it's /TABLE, decrease depth marker
#    Otherwise something is seriously wrong.
#    $u collects the html code for this table.
#    Include the depth number in the table tag
#    The temporary variable $TempU is the same as $u, 
#      with the depth of sub-tables marked.
#  Stop after the last /TABLE is reached 
#  Cut out any sub-tables in $TempU  
#      ( they're between <table2> and </table1> ) 
#      so that we can count the maximum number of columns 
#      in the rows of the main table.
#  Split $TempU into an array of rows
#  Count the number of columns in each row, 
#           keeping track of the maximum in $numcols
#  For each row,
#    Initialize $thisrowscols (actual TD's and TH's)
#           and $extracols (Those implied by COLSPAN)
#    Count TD's and TH's
#    Pull out the value of any COLSPAN's
#    For each value, add it to $extracols
#    If this row is the largest so far, set $numcols
#  Print out the first LaTeX lines of the table
#  Process the contents of the table.

sub htmlTABLE { 

    if ($htmlNoOutput) {return;}

    local($htmlTRfirst) = 1;
    local ($numcols) = 0;
    local ($colctr) = 0;        # Used in &htmlTR to keep track of columns

    local ($incaption, $endcap) = ('','');   # used in &htmlCAPTION
    local ($bottomcaption) = 0;


    if (defined($tag{"BORDER"}) && &htmlGetTag("BORDER") > 0) { 
        $border ='|';}
    else {$border  = '';}

    local ($depth) = 1;
    local ($u, $TempU) = ('','');

    local ($rr,$tt);
    do {
        ($rr,$tt) = &htmlFindNext("</TABLE>|<TABLE");
        if ($tt =~ m/<TABLE/i) {$depth++;}
        elsif ($tt =~ m!</TABLE!i) {$depth--;}
        else {print "No end to this table!\n";}
        $u = $u.$rr.$tt;

        $tt =~ s/table/table$depth/i;
        $TempU = $TempU.$rr.$tt;
    } until $depth == 0;   # Reached end of top table.

# Cut out any sub-tables  ( they're between <table2> and </table1> ) 
    $TempU =~ s!<table2(.|\s)*</table1>!!ig;

# Split the array into rows
    local (@rows);
    @rows = split(/<TR/i,$TempU); 

#count columns in each row.  Add extra cols. for colspan=k
    foreach $row (@rows) {
                local ($thisrowscols,$extracols) = (0,0);
                $thisrowscols = ($row =~ s/(<TD|<TH)/$1/ig);
# \d+ = # cols associated with each colspan
        @colspan = ($row =~ m/colspan\s*=\s*(\d+)/ig);  
        foreach $cs (@colspan) {
            $extracols += $cs - 1;
        $numcols = ( $numcols > $thisrowscols + $extracols) ?
            $numcols : $thisrowscols + $extracols;

        # Output a list of tables entry if there is a heading for this table.
        if (defined($commentcmd{tablename})) {
                delete $commentcmd{tablename};
        } else { &htmlPrint("\n\n"); }

		# print the first lines of the table
        for (my $i = 0; $i < $numcols; $i++) {
                if (defined($commentcmd{"tcolumnwidths"}->[$i])) {
                } else {



# &htmlTABLEend  finish off a table
# RETURN if we have turned off output (with SUSPENDinTeX)
# Print a } to end the lower-right cell
# If there's a border, print the bottom line
# If the caption was saved until the last row, print it.
# Print the LaTeX code to end the table.

sub htmlTABLEend {
    if ($htmlNoOutput) {return;}


    if ($border eq '|') { &htmlPrint("\n\\\\ \\hline \n");}

    if ($bottomcaption) { &htmlPrintCaption; }


	# Delete the tcolumnwidths key in the commentcmd hash, as it's 
	#  no longer needed.
	if (defined($commentcmd{tcolumnwidths})) {
			delete $commentcmd{tcolumnwidths}; }


# &htmlTR   Parse <TR> Table Row tags
# Set the 'first <TD>' flag to 1 
#     (we don't need a '&' before the first <TD> of the row.)
# Parse attribute tags
# Set $align corresponding to value of ALIGN
# If we are at the first <TR> tag,
#     Print a horizontal line above the table if there is a border
#     Set the 'first <TR>' flag to 0
# Otherwise, we are at some subsequent <TR>, print \\ and possibly a 
#     horizontal line.
#     Set column counter to 0
# Read the row into $uu
#     Use counters to keep track of any tables nested in this row.
# Process the contents of the row.
# Put the <TR tag found above back in the html buffer.
# If this row does not have the maximum number of columns, 
#     put in some extra &'s to make up the difference.

sub htmlTR { 
    local ($row, $tr, $tdcount, $align);
    local ($htmlTDfirst) = 1;


# Get the alignment tag and set the $align string accordingly. 
    local ($aligntag);
    $aligntag = &htmlGetTag("ALIGN", "LEFT");

    if ($aligntag =~ /RIGHT/i) { $align = 'r'; }
    elsif ($aligntag =~ /CENTER/i) { $align = 'c'; }
    else { $align = 'l'; }

    if ($htmlTRfirst) {
        if ($border eq '|') { &htmlPrint("\n \\hline \n");}              
        $htmlTRfirst = 0; }
    else { 
                &htmlPrint(" } \\\\\n"); # 2 backslashes and newline 
   if ($border eq '|') { &htmlPrint(" \\hline \n");} 

   $colctr = 0;

    local ($TRdepth) = 0;

    local ($rr,$tt) = ('','');
    local ($uu) = '';

    do {
        $uu .= $tt;
        ($rr,$tt) = &htmlFindNext("<TR|<TABLE|</TABLE");
        # if we're at a table, set depth counter
        if ($tt =~ m/<TABLE/i) {$TRdepth++;}
        # if we're at a /table, decrease counter
        elsif ($tt =~ m!</TABLE!i) {$TRdepth--;}
        # if we're at a tr and depth ne 0, stop looking for 
        elsif ($tt =~ m/<TR/i) { 
            if ($TRdepth == 0) {$TRdepth = -1;}
        else {print "htmlTR: Didn't find TR, TABLE, /TABLE\n";}
        $uu .= $rr;
    } until ($TRdepth == -1);

    $htmlBuffer = $tt . $htmlBuffer;

    if ($colctr < $numcols) { &htmlPrint( ' } '.'& 'x($numcols-$colctr).' {');}


# &htmlTD   Parse <TD> Table Cell tags
# Parse attribute tags
# Set $cellalign corresponding to value of ALIGN 
#        (horizontal alignment within the cell)
# Get the number of columns this cell spans.
# If this isn't the first cell of the row, close the previous cell
#        and print a '&'
# If the cell spans more than one column, or the cell is not left-justified,
#   print the multicol. latex command
#   The left-most cell needs a left-hand border (if there is a border.)
#   Print the alignment and the right-hand border.
# If there is no width spec for this cell, begin the cell with a '{'
# Set flag indicating the next cell won't be the first
# Increment column counter by the no. of cols that this cell spans.
sub htmlTD { 

# Get the alignment tag and set the $cellalign string accordingly. 
    local ($aligntag,$cellalign, $colspan) = ('','',1);


    $aligntag = &htmlGetTag("ALIGN", '');
    if ($aligntag =~ /RIGHT/i) { $cellalign = 'r'; $boxalign = "raggedleft"; }
    elsif ($aligntag =~ /CENTER/i) { $cellalign = 'c'; }
    elsif ($aligntag =~ /LEFT/i) { $cellalign = 'l'; $boxalign = "raggedright"; }
    elsif ($align eq "r") { $cellalign = 'r'; $boxalign = "raggedleft"; }
    elsif ($align eq "l") { $cellalign = 'l'; $boxalign = "raggedright"; }
    else { $cellalign = 'l'; $boxalign = "raggedright"; }

        # Unfortunately, the html default alignment is left, and the latex is 
        #  justified for table cells.  So if the html doesn't specify it, you'll
        #  have to set the column widths with a comment command.

    $colspan = &htmlGetTag("COLSPAN",1);

    if (!$htmlTDfirst) { 
                &htmlPrint("} & ");

    if ($colspan != 1 || $cellalign ne 'l') {
        if ($htmlTDfirst) { &htmlPrint($border); }
        &htmlPrint("$cellalign$border }");

    $htmlTDfirst = 0;
    $colctr += $colspan;

# &htmlTH  Parse <TH> Table Header tags.
# Parse attribute tags
# Set $cellalign corresponding to value of ALIGN 
#        (horizontal alignment within the cell)
# Get the number of columns this cell spans.
# If this isn't the first cell of the row, close the previous cell
#        and print a '&'
# Print the multicol. latex command
#   The left-most cell needs a left-hand border (if there is a border.)
#   Print the alignment and the right-hand border.
# Begin the cell with a '{' and LaTeX boldface command.
# Set flag indicating the next cell won't be the first
# Increment column counter by the no. of cols that this cell spans.

sub htmlTH { 

    local ($aligntag,$cellalign, $colspan);


    $aligntag = &htmlGetTag("ALIGN", "CENTER");

    if ($aligntag =~ /RIGHT/i) { $cellalign = 'r'; }
    elsif ($aligntag =~ /LEFT/i) { $cellalign = 'l'; } 
    else { $cellalign = 'c'; }

    $colspan = &htmlGetTag("COLSPAN",1);

    if (!$htmlTDfirst) { 
        &htmlPrint("} & ");

    if ($htmlTDfirst) { &htmlPrint($border); }
    &htmlPrint("$cellalign$border }");

    &htmlPrint("{\\bf ");
    $htmlTDfirst = 0;
    $colctr += $colspan;

# &htmlPrintCaption
# If there is no border and we are at the bottom of the table,
#   we need another end-of-row marker.
# Print the centering command.
# Print the caption into the file
# End the command and the line  
# The last \\ is needed only if we're at the top of the table

sub htmlPrintCaption {

    &htmlPrint(" \\\\ ") if ($bottomcaption && $border eq '');

    &htmlPrint("\\multicolumn{$numcols}{c}{\\bf ");
    &htmlPrint(" } ");
    &htmlPrint("\\\\")  if (!$bottomcaption);


# &htmlCAPTION     parse the caption tag
# Parse attribute tags
# Read in until /caption tag
# If the ALIGN = TOP, process the caption right away.
# (Otherwise this will wait until the /table tag.)

sub htmlCAPTION {

                                # parse attribute tags
    $captiontag = &htmlGetTag("ALIGN", "TOP");
    ($incaption, $endcap) = &htmlFindNext("</CAPTION>");

    if ($captiontag =~ /TOP/i) { &htmlPrintCaption; 
                                 $bottomcaption = 0;
    else {                       $bottomcaption = 1;}



$htmlTag{"APPLET"} = '&htmlAPPLET';
$htmlTag{"/APPLET"} = '&htmlAPPLETend';

$htmlTag{"PARAM"} = '&htmlPARAM';

# $htmlAppletName will contain the name of the current applet.
# This allows subsequent PARAM tags to be interpreted correctly.
$htmlAppletName = '';

# &htmlAPPLET
# Collect the tags from the applet
# read in the CODE tag; this tells exactly what applet is being used 
# If it's a webeq applet, Set the applet name flag, 
#   otherwise erase the flag and 
#   print the alt text or [APPLET]
sub htmlAPPLET  {

    # parse tags

    # get the value of the code tag 
    $codetag = &htmlGetTag("CODE",'');
    # if 'webeq' is part of the applet, set WebEQ flag
    if ($codetag =~ /webeq/i) { $htmlAppletName = 'WEBEQ'; } 
    else { $htmlAppletName = ''; 


# &htmlTextAPPLET
# For unknown applets, we print the alt-text or 
# just an [APPLET] marker.
sub htmlTextAPPLET  {
    if (defined($tag{"ALT"})) {&htmlOutputHTML($tag{"ALT"});}
    else { &htmlOutput("[APPLET]");}

# &htmlAPPLETend
# This is called when the </APPLET> tag is found.
# Calls a subroutine which resets various flags to their default values.
sub htmlAPPLETend  { &htmlAPPLETreset; }

# &htmlAPPLETreset
# Resets various applet flags to their default values.
sub htmlAPPLETreset {
    $htmlAppletName = ''; 

    $WebTeXBeginChar = '$';
    $WebTeXEndChar   = '$';

# &htmlPARAM
# Parse the PARAM tags that occur inside applets.
# Currently, only WebEQ applets are supported.
# Parse the tags
# Get the NAME and VALUE tags
# If it's a WebEQ applet,
#   Check the name of the parameter:
#     STYLE: Send the value to &htmlWebEQStyle
#     EQ:    Send the value to &htmlWebEQEquation
# Other applets and parameter names are ignored, and we return
# to the calling routine.
sub htmlPARAM  {

    local ($nametag, $valuetag);

    # parse tags

    # get the values of the tags 
    $nametag = &htmlGetTag("NAME",'');
    $valuetag = &htmlGetTag("VALUE",'');

    if ($htmlAppletName eq 'WEBEQ') {
      SWITCH: {
          if ($nametag =~ /style/i) { &htmlWebEQStyle($valuetag); 
                                      last SWITCH; }  
          if ($nametag =~ /eq/i) { &htmlWebEQEquation($valuetag); 
                                   last SWITCH; }


# The LaTeX mathematical code will be placed between 
# $WebTeXBeginChar and $WebTeXEndChar
# Possible values are $ .. $  and \[ .. \]
$WebTeXBeginChar = '$';
$WebTeXEndChar   = '$';

# &htmlWebEQStyle
# Set the appropriate characters for the inline or displayed equations.
# The default will be $ ... $, unless a displayed equation is specified.
sub htmlWebEQStyle  {

    local($style) = @_;

    if ($style =~ /display/i) { 
        $WebTeXBeginChar = '\\[';
        $WebTeXEndChar   = '\\]';
    else {
        $WebTeXBeginChar = '$';
        $WebTeXEndChar   = '$';

# &htmlWebEQEquation
# Here we parse the WebTeX code and translate it to LaTeX.
# TEMPORARY:  We simply send the WebTeX code to the LaTeX file.  
sub htmlWebEQEquation {
    local ($eqtext) = @_;


    $neweqtext = &webtexParse2Latex($eqtext);


# We replace WebTeX commands with the appropriate LaTeX commands
# by including the file webtex2latex.tag.


########   END of the file newh2latex.tag    #########################

1;  # make sure perl sees an OK return status