

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 5fb5406c831ab8958aea80c1734a9c1e > files > 16


%{expand:%%define buildfor10_0 %(A=$(awk '{print $4}' /etc/mandrake-release); if [ "$A" = 10.0 ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi)}
%{expand:%%define buildfor10_1 %(A=$(awk '{print $4}' /etc/mandrake-release); if [ "$A" = 10.1 ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi)}

%define major		3
%define	wmcalclock	wmCalClock-1.25
%define version		0.92.0
%define rel     	3
%define mdkrelease 	%mkrel_fixed %rel
%define mkrel_fixed(c:) %{-c: 0.%{-c*}.}%{!?_with_unstable:%(perl -e '$_="%{1}";m/(\\d+)$/;$rel=${1}-1;re;print "$rel";').%{?subrel:%subrel}%{!?subrel:1}.%{?distversion:%distversion}%{?!distversion:%(echo $[%{mdkversion}/10])}}%{?_with_unstable:%{1}}%{?distsuffix:%distsuffix}%{?!distsuffix:mdk}

%define _pixdir     %_datadir/pixmaps
%define gnustepdir  %_prefix/GNUstep

%define wmmajor 0
%define libnamedev %mklibname %name %wmmajor -d
%define libnamestatic %mklibname %name %wmmajor -s -d

%define x11dir	%{_prefix}/X11R6/%{_lib}

Summary:	A window manager for the X Window System
Name:		WindowMaker
Version:	%{version}
Release:	%{mdkrelease}
License:	GPL
Group:		Graphical desktop/WindowMaker

Source1:	WindowMaker-data.tar.bz2
Source2:	WindowMaker-%{wmcalclock}.tar.bz2
Source4:	WindowMaker-menumethod
Source6:	WindowMaker-WindowMaker
Source7:	WindowMaker-WMWindowAttributes
Source8:	WindowMaker-startwindowmaker
Source10:	WindowMaker-Terminal
Source13:	WindowMaker-wmaker.inst
Source15:	WindowMaker-WMState
Source20:	WindowMaker-0.80.1-man-pages.tar.bz2
Source22:	WindowMaker-WMGLOBAL

# Matthias: NET_WM_NAME patch by Marcelo E. Magallon <>
Patch0:		WindowMaker-0.91.0-NET_WM_NAME.patch.bz2

# gcc 4.x build patch for asm stuff by Vladimir Nadvornik <>
Patch10:	WindowMaker-0.92.0-asm-gcc4.patch.bz2

Requires:	gcc-cpp, mandrake_desk >= 8.3-3mdk
Requires:	libwraster = %version
%if %mdkversion > 1000
Requires:	mandrakelinux-theme
Requires:       mandrake-theme
Obsoletes:	windowmaker windowmaker-libs WindowMaker-kde WindowMaker-gnome WindowMaker-common
Provides:	windowmaker windowmaker-libs WindowMaker-kde WindowMaker-gnome WindowMaker-common

BuildRoot:	%_tmppath/%name-%version-%release-root

BuildRequires:	XFree86-static-libs automake1.4
BuildRequires:	gcc-cpp
BuildRequires:	libhermes-devel libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires:	libpng-devel libtiff-devel libungif-devel
BuildRequires:	libxpm-devel mawk rpm-build
BuildRequires:	libPropList-devel
BuildRequires:  ImageMagick

Window Maker is a X11 window manager which emulates the look and feel of the
NeXTSTEP (TM) graphical user interface. It is relatively fast, feature rich and
easy to configure and use. Window Maker is part of the official GNU project,
which means that Window Maker can interoperate with other GNU projects, such as

Window Maker allows users to switch themes 'on the fly,' to place favorite
applications on either an application dock, similar to AfterStep's Wharf or on
a workspace dock, a 'clip' which extends the application dock's usefulness.

%package -n libwraster%major
Summary:	Window Maker Raster Graphics Library
Group:		Graphical desktop/WindowMaker
PreReq:		libPropList >= 0.10.1
Provides:	libwraster
Conflicts:	libwraster2

%description -n libwraster%major
Also known as libwraster, it is WindowMaker's core graphics and image
processing system. libwraster is an optimized, fast, lightweight image library.
It takes advantage of MMX optimizations (on systems that have support for it)
to accelerate rendering. You can load a picture from a file easily with
libwraster, and it has support for .gif, .jpg, .png, .xpm, .ppm, and .tiff at
the moment. Support for other image formats can be added in the future.

This package contains a shared library needed if you wish use WindowMaker.

%package -n libwraster%major-devel
Summary:	Window Maker Raster Graphics Library development files	
Group:		Development/C
PreReq:		libwraster%major = %version-%release
Provides:	libwraster-devel
Conflicts:	libwraster2-devel

%description -n libwraster%major-devel
This package allows building applications using the libwraster library.

%package -n libwraster%major-static-devel
Summary:	Libwraster - Static library
Group:		Development/C
PreReq:		libwraster%major-devel = %version-%release
Provides:	libwraster-static-devel
Conflicts:	libwraster2-static-devel

%description -n libwraster%major-static-devel
This package contains a static library used to build statically linked 
applications against libwraster.

%package -n %libnamedev
Summary:	Libraries and header files for WindowMaker
Group:		Development/C
PreReq:		libwraster%major-devel = %version-%release
Obsoletes:	windowmaker-devel, WindowMaker-devel
Provides:	windowmaker-devel, WindowMaker-devel

%description -n %libnamedev
Window Maker is an X11 window manager which emulates the look and feel of the
NeXTSTEP (TM) graphical user interface. It is relatively fast, feature rich and
easy to configure and use. Window Maker is part of the official GNU project,
which means that Window Maker can interoperate with other GNU projects, such as

Window Maker allows users to switch themes 'on the fly,' to place favorite
xapplications on either an application dock, similar to AfterStep's Wharf or on
a workspace dock, a 'clip' which extends the application dock's usefulness.

This package contains headers needed for development.

%package -n %libnamestatic
Summary:	Static libraries and header files for WindowMaker
Group:		Development/C
PreReq:		%libnamedev = %version-%release
Obsoletes:	WindowMaker-static-devel
Provides:	WindowMaker-static-devel

%description -n %libnamestatic
Window Maker is an X11 window manager which emulates the look and feel of the
NeXTSTEP (TM) graphical user interface. It is relatively fast, feature rich and
easy to configure and use. Window Maker is part of the official GNU project,
which means that Window Maker can interoperate with other GNU projects, such as

Window Maker allows users to switch themes 'on the fly,' to place favorite
xapplications on either an application dock, similar to AfterStep's Wharf or on
a workspace dock, a 'clip' which extends the application dock's usefulness.

This package contains static libraries needed for development.

%setup -q -a 1 -a 2 -a 20
%patch0 -p0

%patch10 -p0

# protect the location for unclean build envs with gnustep-make installed

LINGUAS="bg cs da de el es et fi fr gl hr hu it ja ko nl no pl pt ro ru sk sv tr zh_CN zh_TW"
export LINGUAS
%configure2_5x --prefix=%_prefix \
		--sysconfdir=%_sysconfdir/X11 \
		--with-nlsdir=%_datadir/locale \
		--enable-sound  \
		--with-pixmapdir=%_pixdir \
                --with-gnustepdir=%gnustepdir \
		--enable-xinerama \
		--enable-usermenu \
		--with-pic \


## wmCalClock (default clock)
pushd wmCalClock-1.25/Src
make LIBDIR=-L%{x11dir}

if [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ]; then rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT; fi

install -d 644 %buildroot/%_pixdir
install -m 644 WindowMaker-data/pixmaps/* %buildroot/%_pixdir

# Install wmCalClock (default clcok)
pushd wmCalClock-1.25/Src
install -s -m 0755 wmCalClock %buildroot/%_bindir
install -m 0644 wmCalClock.1 %buildroot/%_mandir/man1/

# Config files: Auto installation
install -m 755 %SOURCE8 %buildroot/%_bindir/startwindowmaker

install -d -m 755 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/X11/WindowMaker
install -m 644 %SOURCE6 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/X11/WindowMaker/WindowMaker
install -m 644 %SOURCE7 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/X11/WindowMaker/WMWindowAttributes
install -m 644 %SOURCE15 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/X11/WindowMaker/WMState
install -m 644 %SOURCE22 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/X11/WindowMaker/WMGLOBAL

# Better terminal launched in Dock
install -m 755 %SOURCE10 %buildroot/%_bindir

# Menu support
install -d %buildroot/%_menudir
install -d %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/menu-methods

install -m 755 %SOURCE4 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/menu-methods/%name

cat > %buildroot/%_menudir/%name << EOF
# Call Window Maker in other window managers
?package(%name): needs=wm section=Session/Windowmanagers title="Window Maker" longtitle="Empty" command="%_bindir/startwindowmaker" icon="%name.png"

# Desktop
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker" title="Desktops" longtitle="Empty" command="WORKSPACE_MENU"

# Workspace
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Workspace" title="Hide Others" longtitle="Empty" command="HIDE_OTHERS"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Workspace" title="Show All" longtitle="Empty" command="SHOW_ALL"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Workspace" title="Arrange Icons" longtitle="Empty" command=ARRANGE_ICONS
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Workspace" title="Refresh" longtitle="Empty" command=REFRESH
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Workspace" title="Lock"  longtitle="Empty" command="EXEC xlock -allowroot -usefirst"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Workspace" title="Save Session" longtitle="Empty" command=SAVE_SESSION
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Workspace" title="Clear Session" longtitle="Empty" command=CLEAR_SESSION

# Themes
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance" title="Themes" longtitle="Empty" command="OPEN_MENU -noext %_datadir/%name/Themes \$HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes WITH setstyle"

# Styles
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance" title="Styles" longtitle="Empty" command="OPEN_MENU -noext %_datadir/%name/Styles \$HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Styles WITH setstyle"

# Backgrounds (solid)
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Solid" title="Black" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(solid, black)'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Solid" title="Blue" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(solid, \"#505075\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Solid" title="Indigo" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(solid, \"#243e6c\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Solid" title="Bleumarine" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(solid, \"#224477\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Solid" title="Purple" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(solid, \"#554466\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Solid" title="Wheat" longtitle="Empty" command=" WS_BACK '(solid, \"wheat4\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Solid" title="Dark Gray" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(solid, \"#333340\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Solid" title="Red Wine" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(solid, \"#400020\")'"

# Background (Gradient)
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Gradient" title="Sunset" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(mvgradient, deepskyblue4, black, deepskyblue4, tomato4)'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Gradient" title="Sky" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(vgradient, blue4, white)'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Gradient" title="Blue Shades" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(vgradient, \"#7080a5\", \"#101020\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Gradient" title="Indigo Shades" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(vgradient, \"#746ebc\", \"#242e4c\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Gradient" title="Purple Shades" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(vgradient, \"#654c66\", \"#151426\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Gradient" title="Wheat Shades" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(vgradient, \"#a09060\", \"#302010\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Gradient" title="Grey Shades" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(vgradient, \"#636380\", \"#131318\")'"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Gradient" title="Wine Shades" longtitle="Empty" command="WS_BACK '(vgradient, \"#600040\", \"#180010\")'"

# Background (Images)
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Images" title="Scaled" longtitle="Empty" command="OPEN_MENU -noext %_datadir/%name/Backgrounds \$HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds WITH wmsetbg -u -s"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance/Background/Images" title="Tiled"  longtitle="Empty" command="OPEN_MENU -noext %_datadir/%name/Backgrounds \$HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds WITH wmsetbg -u -t"

# Save theme and preference utility
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance" title="Save Theme" longtitle="Empty" command="SHEXEC getstyle -t \$HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes/\"%a(Theme name,Enter file name:)\""
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance" title="Save IconSet" longtitle="Empty" command="SHEXEC geticonset \$HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets/\"%a(IconSet name,Enter file name:)\""
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Appearance" title="Preferences Utility" longtitle="Empty" command="EXEC %gnustepdir/Applications/"

# Information
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Information" title="Info Panel" longtitle="Empty" command="INFO_PANEL"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Information" title="Legal" longtitle="Empty" command="LEGAL_PANEL"

# Selection
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Selection" title="Copy" longtitle="Empty" command="SHEXEC echo \'%s\' | wxcopy"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Session/Window Maker/Selection" title="Search in manual" longtitle="Empty" command="SHEXEC MANUAL_SEARCH(%s)"

# Exit and restart
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Exit" title="Restart" longtitle="Empty" command="RESTART"
?package(%name): needs=wmaker section="Exit" title="Exit" longtitle="Empty" command="EXIT"

rm -f %buildroot/%_datadir/WindowMaker/menu.*

# Icons
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%_iconsdir,%_miconsdir,%_liconsdir}
convert -geometry 48x48 %name/Icons/GNUstepGlow.tiff $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_liconsdir}/%name.png
convert -geometry 32x32 %name/Icons/GNUstepGlow.tiff $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_iconsdir}/%name.png
convert -geometry 16x16 %name/Icons/GNUstepGlow.tiff $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_miconsdir}/%name.png

# Some documentation for WMCalClock
install -d 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_docdir/%{wmcalclock}
install -m 644 %{wmcalclock}/BUGS $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_docdir/%{wmcalclock}
install -m 644 %{wmcalclock}/CHANGES $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_docdir/%{wmcalclock}
install -m 644 %{wmcalclock}/COPYING $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_docdir/%{wmcalclock}
install -m 644 %{wmcalclock}/HINTS $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_docdir/%{wmcalclock}
install -m 644 %{wmcalclock}/README $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_docdir/%{wmcalclock}
install -m 644 %{wmcalclock}/TODO $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_docdir/%{wmcalclock}

install -m 644 *.1x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_mandir/man1/

# Dadou - 0.62.1-18mdk - Make auto-login happy
install -m 755 %SOURCE13 %buildroot/%_bindir/wmaker.inst

# Matthias - 0.91.0-3mdk - change font in WM standard themes to Sans to
# make non-western users happy
for i in %buildroot/%_datadir/%name/Themes/*.style
	sed s/Trebuchet\ MS\,Luxi\ //g $i > $i.tmp && mv -f $i.tmp $i;
	sed s/Arial,Luxi\ //g $i > $i.tmp && mv -f $i.tmp $i;
	sed s/Verdana/Sans/g $i > $i.tmp && mv -f $i.tmp $i;

# Matthias - - Install Galaxy theme
# (made default in startwindowmaker script)
bzcat %SOURCE21 > %buildroot/%_datadir/%name/Themes/

# wmsession support
mkdir -p %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/X11/wmsession.d/
cat << EOF > %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/X11/wmsession.d/03WindowMaker
DESC=Window manager which emulates the look and feel of the NeXTSTEP (TM) graphical user interface
exec %_bindir/startwindowmaker

%find_lang WPrefs
%find_lang WindowMaker
%find_lang WINGs
cat WPrefs.lang >> WindowMaker.lang
cat WINGs.lang >> WindowMaker.lang

rm -fr %buildroot



%post -n libwraster%major -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n libwraster%major -p /sbin/ldconfig

%files -f %name.lang
%doc %_docdir/%{wmcalclock}

%dir %_sysconfdir/X11/WindowMaker/
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/X11/WindowMaker/*
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/menu-methods/WindowMaker
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/X11/wmsession.d/*



%doc %_mandir/man1/*
%lang(sk) %doc %_mandir/sk/man1/*

%dir %_datadir/WindowMaker/

%dir %_datadir/WINGs/



%files -n libwraster%major

%files -n libwraster%major-devel

%files -n libwraster%major-static-devel

%files -n %libnamedev

%dir %_includedir/WINGs/

%files -n %libnamestatic

* Sat Aug 06 2005 Christiaan Welvaart <> 0.92.0-3mdk
- fix buildrequires (upstream used automake 1.4)

* Mon Aug 01 2005 Guillaume Bedot <> 0.92.0-2mdk
- thanks to Udo Rader: use --with-gnustepdir for a correct 
 location, and reenable mmx asm  with SuSE patch (Patch10).
- removed %%_datadir/WPrefs/ from packaged files (no more file in there)
- use mkrel

* Sun Jul 31 2005 Guillaume Bedot <> 0.92.0-1mdk
- New release 0.92.0
- disabled mmx asm
- added %%_datadir/WPrefs/ to packaged files
- removed (no more there...)

* Mon Apr 18 2005 Giuseppe Ghibò <> 0.91.0-6mdk
- Fix for X86-64.

* Tue Mar 22 2005 Matthias Debus <> 0.91.0-5mdk
- sanitize requires
- add conflicts: libwraster2

* Fri Jan 13 2005 Matthias Debus <> 0.91.0-4mdk
- patch0: fix NET_WM_NAME property

* Fri Dec 10 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.91.0-3mdk
- change menu encoding to UTF-8 (Thanks to Michael Scherer!)
- use Sans font in WM default themes to make non-western users happy
- Galaxy theme: Use switch panel image

* Sun Nov 28 2004 Christiaan Welvaart <> 0.91.0-2mdk
- fix the location before the build

* Thu Nov 18 2004 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.91.0-1mdk
- fix location
- disable parrallel build (broken for now)
- Matthias Debus <>:
  o new version
  o relocate in /usr
  o remove WMMail from core package
  o set NLSDIR in startwindowmaker script and remove locale patch
  o remove all old patches (merged)
  o Source22: provide WMGLOBAL file to use system standard font in WINGs
  o Galaxy theme: use system standard font
  o remove wm_mdk_dir/WindowMaker (clueless)
  o spec file cleanup

* Mon Sep 13 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040826.2mdk
- fix WPrefs location in default menu

* Thu Aug 31 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040826.1mdk
- new snapshot from wm2 branch
- fixes #9697
- remove patches 2-7 (NETWM support): merged

* Wed Aug 04 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040627.6mdk
- change Mandrakelinux.png -> default.png in Galaxy theme

* Wed Aug 04 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040627.5mdk
- update Galaxy theme to use new path to Mandrakelinux wallpaper

* Fri Jul 16 2004 Michael Scherer <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040627.4mdk
- use correct Requires on mandrakelinux-theme

* Fri Jul 02 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040627.3mdk
- really remove CJK style

* Fri Jul 01 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040627.2mdk
- patch12: don't crash with 16-bit color depth (fixes bug #10145)
- use ImageMagick to convert icons
- only ship with Galaxy and default themes (remove CJK style)

* Thu Jul  1 2004 Nicolas Planel <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040627.1mdk
- snapshot 20040627.
- merge stable and devel spec file.

* Fri Jun 18 2004 Christiaan Welvaart <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040502.4mdk
- re-add BuildRequires: libPropList-devel
- use specific versions of autotools

* Tue May 18 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040502.3mdk
- convert more icons to png (WM standard and WM-data)
- remove WindowMaker-extras from sources list (not used)
- no rpmlint errors anymore (use mklibname macro)
- remove libPropList requirement

* Wed May 12 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040502.2mdk
- patch10: make localisation working
- patch11: reduce minimize animation speed on fast boxes or with kernel 2.6

* Fri May 07 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.4cvs20040502.1mdk
- From Christiaan Welvaart <>:
	- new snapshot
	- patch9: Try to fix xlib in WMMail
	- replace cd's by popd/pushd
- patches 2-7: enable NETWM2 support (removed old NETWM patch)
- make rpmlint happier (use configure macro)
- make guys at happier (clearer cvs version naming)
- requires libwraster
- change default WMMail config (fixes bug #4473)
- add xvt argument passing (fixes bug #457)
- adjust workspace display fontsize in Galaxy theme
- set NLSDIR to /usr/share (but localisation still isn't working)

* Sat Apr 24 2004 Christiaan Welvaart <> 0.90.0-0.3mdk
- patch7: add basic NETWM (gnome2) support

* Wed Apr 21 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.2mdk
- make new Galaxy theme the default 
	- needs bitstream vera fonts
	- changes in startwindowmaker script
	- use setstyle for default theme
- patch8: vera fonts (not arial) in WINGs apps
- disable NETWM support (patch7; not working)
- patch1 (zh locale fix): backed out (needs to be regenerated) 
- patch2 (window levels): removed (merged)
- patch3 (windows switch menu): backed out (merged/buggy) 
- patch4 (single WINGs): removed (merged)
- patch6 (xinerama fixes): removed (merged)
- remove some non-existant icon/pixmap paths
- change some icons in WMWindowAttributes

* Tue Apr 13 2004 Matthias Debus <> 0.90.0-0.1mdk
- new cvs snapshot with XFT support (yes!)
- back out patch1,2,3,4 and 6: need to be regenerated
- patch7 - enable NETWM2 support

* Thu Sep 04 2003 Laurent MONTEL <> 0.80.2-5mdk
- Fix buildrequires

* Wed Jul 23 2003 Per Øyvind Karlsen <> 0.80.2-4mdk
- rebuild

* Wed Jan 21 2003 Pablo Saratxaga <> 0.80.2-2mdk
- English correction of menu entry (proofreading by Stew Benedicts)

* Tue Nov 12 2002 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.80.2-1mdk
- new release
- remove patch 7 (merged upstream)

* Tue Nov 12 2002 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.80.1-2mdk
- source 20 : add new man pages : WPrefs.1x.bz2, WindowMaker.1x.bz2
- patch 2 : fix some invalid pointer dereferences
- patch 3 : fix windows list window / windows switch
- patch 4 : ensure simple WINGs
- patch 5 : add autoscale option
- patch 6 : fix some xinerama bugs
- patch 7 : fix buffer overflow

* Fri Jul 12 2002 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.80.1-2mdk
- %%lang non english man pages

* Tue Jul 02 2002 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.80.1-1mdk
- new release
- add source Url
- regenerate configure (IF needed)
- require newer mandrake_desk
- fix zh translation (patch1)

* Thu Feb 28 2002 Geoffrey Lee <> 0.80.0-5mdk
- Really don't depend on aterm (sorry for the missing fix).

* Wed Feb 27 2002 Geoffrey Lee <> 0.80.0-4mdk
- Use xvt so we don't explicitly depend on aterm.
- Put the libwraster la file in -devel.

* Wed Feb 20 2002 Frederic Crozat <> 0.80.0-3mdk
- Fix description length
- Do not modify _prefix macro
- Replace Wine with Red Wine entry (to prevent translation errors with Wine package)

* Thu Jan 10 2002 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.80.0-2mdk
- further spec clean

* Wed Jan 09 2002 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.80.0-1mdk
- sanitize macros use
- new release

* Tue Dec  4 2001 Stefan van der Eijk <> 0.70.0-2mdk
- Removed %%dir %%_pixdir/ (owned by filesystem)
- Removed redundant BuildRequires

* Tue Nov 08 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.70.0-1mdk
- 0.70.0
- various rpmlint fixes (Titi)
- s!wundowmaker!windowmaker!g (Titi)
- s!windowmkaer!windowmaker!g (Titi)

* Tue Oct 09 2001 Lenny Cartier <> 0.65.1-6mdk
- rebuild against new libpng

* Tue Oct 02 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.65.1-5mdk
- Fix Provides/Requires/PreReq
- Clean spec
- Remove old KDE support
- Move static libraries in static-devel packages
- Put includes in right packages
- Solve locales inclusion problem

* Wed Aug 29 2001 HA Quôc-Viêt <> 0.65.1-4mdk
- switched to manual dependencies to avoid depending upon gnome-libs
- the default paths for icons and pixmaps in has been
  altered to reflect our own locations
- added --enable-shm
- removed executable flag from source 4 8 10 to make rpmlint happy
- added the 48x48 menu icon

* Fri Aug 24 2001 HA Quôc-Viêt <> 0.65.1-3mdk
- added a symlink for wmCalClock so that old conf will not be broken
- added two alternative rpms with or without gnome/kde  

* Wed Aug 08 2001 HA Quôc-Viêt <> 0.65.1-2mdk
- nothing much, I have added scaled and tiled modes for the background picture
  in /usr/lib/menu/WindowMaker

* Wed Aug 01 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.65.1-1mdk
- 0.65.1
- Changed background color
- Close bug #2325

* Wed Jun 20 2001 Matthias Badaire <> 0.65.0-4mdk
- add ia64 compliant

* Fri Jun 08 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.65.0-3mdk
- Add Conflicts: tag to stop "Rebuild to replace packages lost by crazy bot" song

* Tue Jun 05 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.65.0-2mdk
- Rebuild to replace packages lost by crazy bot

* Fri May 18 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.65.0-1mdk
- 0.65.0

* Sun Apr 15 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.64.0-8mdk
- Display WMMail applet only if /var/spool/mail/$USER exist and is readable
- Add missing locales for WMPrefs

* Thu Apr 12 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.64.0-7mdk
- Rebuild to replace packages lost by crazy bot

* Mon Mar 26 2001 Guillaume Cottenceau <> 0.64.0-6mdk
- rebuild to get a binary RPM in Cooker

* Sat Mar 24 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.64.0-5mdk
- BuildRequires: egcs for architectures which don't use GCC-2.95.3 as
  default compiler

* Wed Mar 21 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.64.0-4mdk
- Rebuild to have packages lost by crazy bot

* Tue Mar 20 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.64.0-3mdk
- Fix crash when X run in 16 bit (buggy, buggy gcc...)

* Mon Feb 12 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.64.0-2mdk
- Re-upload 0.64.0 replaced by crazy bot
- Merge Alex DU modifications for Chinese

* Mon Feb 12 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.64.0-1mdk
- 0.64.0

* Tue Feb 08 2001 David BAUDENS <> 0.63.1-1mdk
- 0.63.1

* Thu Feb 08 2001 Alex DU <> 0.62.1-21mdk
- Add support for CJK (multibytes chars) user.
- Add a new theme and make change of WindowMaker-wmaker.inst.

* Wed Dec 13 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-20mdk
- Libdification

* Fri Nov 10 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-19mdk
- Build with glibc-2.2 & gcc-2.96

* Tue Sep 19 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-18mdk
- Make auto-login happy

* Thu Aug 31 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-17mdk
- Fix wmsession

* Wed Aug 30 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-16mdk
- Fix "I kill the X server"

* Sun Aug 13 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-15mdk
- New clock (wmCalClock)
- New config files
- Modify Window Maker specific menu entries
- Spec clean up
- Patch for wmsetbg
- Add Packager tag
- New wmsession support

* Mon Aug 07 2000 Frederic Lepied <> 0.62.1-14mdk
- automatically added BuildRequires

* Fri May 12 2000 dam's <> 0.62.1-13mdk
- corrected workspace menus.

* Wed May 10 2000 dam's <> 0.62.1-12mdk
- corrected wmaker.inst text script

* Tue May 09 2000 dam's <> 0.62.1-11mdk
- corrected wmaker test script.

* Mon May  8 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau <> 0.62.1-10mdk
- remove asclock which conflicts with AfterStep-APPS
- added url

* Tue May  2 2000 Frederic Lepied <> 0.62.1-9mdk
- really add menu support

* Fri Apr 28 2000 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.62.1-8mdk
- added fndSession call

* Thu Apr 27 2000 Thierry Vignaud <>
- fix wmconfig crash

* Fri Apr 21 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-6mdk
- Requires mandrake_desk >= 1.0.3-9mdk

* Fri Apr 21 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-5mdk
- Add the binary :/ and put it in the right PATH

* Fri Apr 21 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-4mdk
- Relocate in /usr/X11R6
- Menu support
- Fix crazy obsoletes

* Thu Apr 20 2000 Thierry Vignaud <> 0.62.1-3mdk
- fix a very old bug : when ~/GNUstep doesn't exists, exec wmaker.inst
  else the end user won't be able to launch WindowMaker

* Tue Apr 04 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-2mdk
- Split in 2 packages (devel & normal)
- Fix Group

* Tue Apr 04 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.1-1mdk
- 0.62.1

* Fri Mar 31 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.62.0-1mdk
- 0.62.0
- Release for impatients
- Use new Groups
- Use %%{_tmppath} for BuildRoot

* Sun Mar 05 2000 David BAUDENS <> 0.61.1-17mdk
- Fix duplicate screen saver
- French translations and adapatations

* Wed Jan 05 2000 - David BAUDENS <>
- 0.61.1-16mdk: new icon
- 0.61.1-15mdk: back to /usr for some directories 
- 0.61.1-14mdk: fix PATH in /etc/X11/WindowMaker 
- 0.61.1-13mdk: fix a typo in WMDrake
- 0.61.1-12mdk: requires mandrake_desk >= 1.0.1-11mdk

* Tue Jan 04 2000 - David BAUDENS <>
- 0.61.1-11mdk: new icon
- 0.61.1-10mdk: better MandrakeSoft customization

* Mon Jan 03 2000 - David BAUDENS <>
- Enable WMDrake
- Fix typos

* Mon Dec 27 1999 - David BAUDENS <>
- Fix display version

* Tue Dec 21 1999 - David BAUDENS <>
- Fix WMDrake

* Wed Dec 15 1999 - David BAUDENS <>
- Cleanup spec
- Back to original sources
- (Re) Fix cpp problem

* Wed Dec 09 1999 - David BAUDENS <>
- Build release

* Tue Dec 08 1999 - David BAUDENS <>
- Add some apps in wmdrake

* Fri Dec 04 1999 - David BAUDENS <>
- Initial wmdrake

* Fri Nov 20 1999 - David BAUDENS <>
- 0.61
- Add some patches from package of Ryan Weaver <>

* Wed Sep 29 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <>
- Various patch syncronised with package from Ryan Weaver <>
- Added diff from cvs 'WindowMaker-0.61.0-19990922cvs.diff.bz2'
- fixes seg fault at exit among other things including the following.
- fixed problem with window shortcut assignment from the menu
- fixed problem with fonts in WINGs (Masahide -mac- NODA
- WindowMaker-0.61.0-po.patch.bz2

* Tue Sep 21 1999 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <>
- 0.61.0
- fix compilation
- redo Mandrake adaptions

* Tue Jul 20 1999 Thierry Vignaud <>
- add french description from Gregus <>
- fix a typo

* Wed Jun 30 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <>
- Update URL.

* Mon May 17 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <>
- Fix include problem with /usr/bin/cpp (need /lib/cpp).

* Sat May 15 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <>
- Mandrake Adaptations.

* Mon Apr 19 1999 Preston Brown <>
- fixed up default config (dock was empty...)

* Thu Apr 15 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
- version 0.52.0

* Wed Apr 14 1999 Preston Brown <>
- fixed problem with running wmaker.inst in batch mode (forgot comma)

* Mon Apr 12 1999 Preston Brown <>
- fixed icon problems
- run wmaker.inst in batch mode if no ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker dir exists

* Mon Apr 05 1999 Preston Brown <>
- strip binaries

* Thu Apr 01 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
- requires cpp

* Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton <> 
- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 4)

* Wed Mar 17 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
- make sure we get the full distribution
- run ldconfig in the post script

* Mon Feb 15 1999 The Rasterman <>
- added gnome winhints areas support fix.

* Tue Feb 02 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
- version 0.51.0