

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 7283700298f3f9a7355f3587ecfc0a9f > files > 4


%define name	cobertura
%define version	1.5
%define release	1.1mdk
%define section	free

Summary:	Free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests
Name:		%{name}
Version:	%{version}
Release:	%{release}
Epoch:		0
Group:		Development/Java
License:	GPL
Patch0:		cobertura-no-javancss.patch.bz2
Patch1:		cobertura-no-classpath-in-manifest.patch.bz2
BuildArch:	noarch
Requires:	ant >= 0:1.6
Requires:	ant-junit
Requires:	ant-nodeps
Requires:	asm2
Requires:	gnu.getopt
Requires:	jpackage-utils >= 0:1.5.32
Requires:	junit
Requires:	log4j
Requires:	oro
Requires:	xerces-j2
BuildRequires:	ant >= 0:1.6
BuildRequires:	ant-junit
BuildRequires:	ant-nodeps
BuildRequires:	asm2
BuildRequires:	gnu.getopt
BuildRequires:	jpackage-utils >= 0:1.5.32
BuildRequires:	junit
BuildRequires:	log4j
BuildRequires:	oro
BuildRequires:	xalan-j2
BuildRequires:	xerces-j2
#Vendor:		JPackage Project
#Distribution:	JPackage
BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot

Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code 
accessed by tests. It can be used to identify which parts of your 
Java program are lacking test coverage. It is based on jcoverage.


    * Can be executed from ant or from the command line.
    * Instruments Java bytecode after it has been compiled.
    * Can generate reports in HTML or XML.
    * Shows percent of lines coveraged and branches coveraged for each
      class, package, and for the overall project.
    * Shows the McCabe cyclomatic code complexity of each class, and
      the average cyclomatic code complexity for each package, and for
      the overall product.
    * Can sort HTML results by class name, percent of lines covered,
      percent of branches covered, etc. And can sort in ascending or
      decending order.

NOTE: Due to asm version conflicts, if you use Cobertura as an ant
      task you MUST add manually a classpath element 

        <classpath location="/usr/share/java/asm2/asm2.jar"/>

      to all Cobertura tasks requiring bytecode manipulation.

NOTE: This version does NOT contain the cyclomatic code complexity 
      code because the javancss dependency cannot currently be rebuilt
      from source.

%package	javadoc
Summary:	Javadoc for %{name}
Group:		Development/Java

%description	javadoc
Javadoc for %{name}.

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1 -b .javancss
%patch1 -p1 -b .manifest
%{__perl} -pi -e 's/1000000/99999/' test/net/sourceforge/cobertura/util/
find . -name '*.jar' -exec %{__rm} -f '{}' ';'

export CLASSPATH=$(build-classpath ant asm2/asm2 gnu.getopt junit log4j oro xalan-j2 xerces-j2)
export OPT_JAR_LIST="junit ant/ant-junit ant/ant-nodeps"
# FIXME: E: cobertura-javadoc zero-length /usr/share/javadoc/cobertura-1.5/package-list
%ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=last compile test jar javadoc

%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}

# jar
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_javadir}
%{__cp} -a %{name}.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/%{name}-%{version}.jar
(cd %{buildroot}%{_javadir} && for jar in *-%{version}*; do \
%{__ln_s} ${jar} ${jar/-%{version}/}; done)

%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/ant.d
%{__cat} > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/ant.d/%{name} << EOF
ant cobertura gnu.getopt junit log4j oro xerces-j2

# javadoc
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-%{version}
%{__cp} -a build/api/* %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-%{version}
(cd %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir} && %{__ln_s} %{name}-%{version} %{name})

%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}

%post javadoc
%{__rm} -f %{_javadocdir}/%{name}
%{__ln_s} %{name}-%{version} %{_javadocdir}/%{name}

%postun javadoc
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
  %{__rm} -f %{_javadocdir}/%{name}

%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ant.d/%{name}

%files javadoc
%dir %{_javadocdir}/%{name}-%{version}
%ghost %dir %{_javadocdir}/%{name}

* Wed Aug 17 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.5-1.1mdk
- 1.5
- gnu.getopt no longer required
- require oro
- export OPT_JAR_LIST when building

* Mon May 31 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.4-1mdk
- 1.4

* Sat May 28 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.3-1mdk
- release

* Thu Mar 17 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.2-2jpp
- fix changelog entry

* Thu Mar 17 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.2-1jpp
- 1.2
- drop oro as java 1.4 classes are now used for regex

* Tue Mar 15 2005 Sebastiano Vigna <vigna at> 0:1.1-3jpp
- Added blurb about required classpath ant element.

* Sat Mar 12 2005 Sebastiano Vigna <vigna at> 0:1.1-2jpp
- Removed spurious dependency on BCEL, and fixed dependency on asm2.

* Fri Mar 11 2005 Sebastiano Vigna <vigna at> 0:1.1-1jpp
- Upgrade to 1.1

* Sat Feb 19 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.0-1jpp
- release