

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a512b27f512850f72bf78b44150e02f1 > files > 11



This document contains instructions for installing the Horde
Framework on your system.

The Horde Framework, by itself, does not provide any significant end
user functionality; it provides a base for other applications and
tools for developers. When you have installed Horde as described
below, you will probably want to install some of the available Horde
applications, such as IMP (a webmail client), or Kronolith (a
calendar). There is a list of Horde applications and projects at

If you are interested in developing applications for Horde, there is
developer documentation and references available at, and some tutorials and papers on Horde
available at

For information on the capabilities and features of Horde, see
the file README in the top-level directory of the Horde


The Horde Framework can be obtained from the Horde website and FTP
server, at

Or, better yet, use a mirror that is closer to you.  The mirror list can be
found at:

(For the rest of the documentation, all links will point to the main Horde
website - simply replace with the hostname of your preferred
mirror to access the files at a mirrored location.)

The "tarballs/" subdirectory contains the Horde PHP files which can
be unpacked using tar+gunzip (see INSTALLING HORDE, below).  If you
are using Red Hat Linux and prefer to use RPMs, they can be found

(For an RPM install, consult the README file in the RPM directory
for important instructions!)

Bleeding-edge development versions of Horde and its applications are
available via CVS; see the file docs/HACKING, or visit the website, for information on accessing the Horde
CVS repository.

You will probably also want one or more Horde applications, since
Horde doesn't do much by itself; a list of available applications,
with links to descriptions and downloads, can be found at

While previous versions of Horde were numbered to correspond with a
particular version of the IMP webmail application, that is no longer
true as of Horde version 2.0. The current version of Horde will work
with the current version of Horde applications.


The following prerequisites are REQUIRED for Horde to function

  1. A webserver that supports PHP.

     Horde and its applications are developed under the Apache
     webserver, which we recommend. Apache is available from

     Horde has also been reportedly used successfully under Microsoft IIS,
     among others.

  2. PHP 4.2.1 or above.

     PHP is the interpreted language in which Horde is written.
     You can obtain PHP at

     Follow the instructions in the PHP package to build PHP
     for your system. If you use Apache, be sure to build PHP
     as a library with the


     options to ./configure, and not as a standalone executable.

     The following PHP options are REQUIRED by Horde (listed with
     their own prerequisites and configure options). In many cases,
     the required libraries and tools can be obtained as packages from
     your operating system vendor.

       a. Gettext support. (--with-gettext)

          Gettext is the GNU Translation Project's localization library.
          Horde uses gettext to provide local translations of text
          displayed by applications. Information on obtaining the
          gettext package is available at


          (See also note below on configuring translations.)

       b. XML and DOMXML support. (--with-xml --with-dom)

          Horde's help engine and component configuration require
          XML support. While some webservers (including recent Apache
          versions) have XML libraries built-in, others will require
          the expat XML parser libraries, available from


          IMPORTANT: You must have BOTH XML libraries installed for Horde
                     to work properly!

     The following PHP options are RECOMMENDED to enable advanced features
     in Horde:

       a. A preferences container.

          Horde applications can store user preferences in an SQL
          database, an LDAP directory, or in PHP sessions.

          For SQL database preferences storage, Horde is
          thoroughly tested on MySQL (--with-mysql) and PostgreSQL
          (--with-pgsql) and has been reported to work with Oracle
          (--with-oracle). It may also work with any other database
          supported by PEAR, but they are untested.

          Preferences can also be stored via LDAP (--with-ldap).

          Alternatively, preferences can be stored in PHP sessions,
          which requires no external programs or configure options,
          but which will not maintain preferences between sessions.

          While the LDAP or database server need not be running on
          the machine onto which you are installing Horde, the
          appropriate client libraries to access the LDAP or
          database server must be available locally.

          If a preference container is not configured, no preference
          options will be configurable via Horde's web interface - the
          default values stored in each applications config/prefs.php
          file will be used.

       b. Mcrypt support (--with-mcrypt)

          Mcrypt is a general-purpose cryptography library which is
          broader and significantly more efficient (FASTER!) than
          PHP's own cryptographic code. You can obtain mcrypt from


          Building PHP without mcrypt support will not stop Horde
          from working, but will force it to use weaker (and much slower)

       c. UTF-8 support (--with-iconv --enable-mbstring)

          If these extensions are enabled, Horde can support the UTF-8 
          character set (meaning that content with any charset can be viewed
          with any translation).

       d. GD support (--with-gd)

          Horde will use the GD extension to perform manipulations on image
          data through the Horde_Image library.

          If you want GD to be able to work with PNG images, you should use
          the --with-png-dir option to make sure PHP can find the PNG
          libraries it needs to compile.
          If you want GD to be able to work with JPEG images, you should use
          the --with-jpeg-dir option to make sure PHP can find the JPEG

          You can also use the ImageMagick package
          ( to do these manipulations instead.
          See horde/config/conf.php for more details.

     ** Additionally, individual Horde applications may REQUIRE other     **
     ** options to be built into PHP also. Please check docs/INSTALL      **
     ** for all applications you wish to use to see if other PHP options  **
     ** are needed.                                                       **

  3. Additional PEAR Modules

     PEAR is short for "PHP Extension and Application Repository".
     The goal of PEAR is to provide a means of distributing reusable

     For more information, see

     ** Make sure you are running a supported (i.e. new enough) version **
     ** of PEAR: use the test script described below under Section 5 of **
     ** "Configuring Horde".                                            **

     These PEAR modules are REQUIRED to be installed for complete Horde

       a. Log
       b. Mail_Mime
       c. VFS

          To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
            pear install Log Mail_Mime VFS

     These PEAR modules are RECOMMENDED to be installed:

       a. File

          REQUIRED only if you wish to import CSV files.
          To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
            pear install File

       b. Date

          REQUIRED only if you are dealing with calendar data.
          To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
            pear install Date

       c. XML_SVG

          REQUIRED only if you are dealing with SVG image elements.
          To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
            pear install XML_SVG

     This method of installing PEAR modules requires that your PHP has
     been compiled as a static binary. If you installed PHP as a webserver
     module, recompile PHP without the module option (for Apache, without
     BOTH --with-apache and --with-apxs) and do a 'make install'.

     Note that recent versions of PHP (4.3.0+) build both a SAPI module
     (Apache, CGI, etc.) and a command-line (CLI) binary at the same
     time. Check if you have a php binary in /usr/bin (/usr/bin if
     if you installed from an operating system package) before recompiling.

     If you receive the error "Could not read cmd args",
     you should run the pear script this way:
       php -d register_argc_argv=1 _PEAR_ install _URL_

     _PEAR_ is the complete path of the pear script installed by PHP
     during installation (e.g. /usr/bin/pear).
     Make sure the 'pear' script appears in your path. The default
     installation path for pear is '/usr/bin/pear'.

     _URL_ is the URL, listed above, which you wish to download

     If you are unable to find any of the above PEAR packages, make
     sure you have allowed the installation of beta packages. Check
     for this by typing the following on the command line:
       pear config-get preferred_state

     If PEAR reports the preferred_state as 'stable', then run the following
     command to add support for installing beta packages:
       pear config-set preferred_state beta

     For more detailed directions on installing PEAR modules, see
     the PEAR documentation at

  4. Additional PECL Modules

     PECL is short for "PHP Extension Community Library".
     The goal of PECL is to provide a means of easily distributing 
     PHP extensions.

     For more information, see

     PECL is the "sister" of PEAR and uses the same packaging and
     distribution system as PEAR, so the configuration/setup is essentially
     identical to the PEAR instructions above.

     These PECL modules are RECOMMENDED to be installed:

       a. fileinfo

          Allows Horde modules to guess the MIME type of files by analyzing
          their contents.

          If not enabled, Horde will use its own PHP code to perform MIME
          magic lookups.  However, this lookup is slower, less accurate, and
          detects fewer MIME types than the PECL extension will.

          To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
            pear install fileinfo

     For additional help on using the pear command-line program to install
     PECL extensions, see the PEAR installation section above.

The following non-PHP prerequisites are RECOMMENDED, or are REQUIRED
if you use a specific Horde application (as noted in [brackets]):

  1. Sendmail or equivalent.

     Horde uses sendmail, or a program that implements the
     sendmail(8) API (as included with postfix, qmail, and exim,
     among others). If your system does not already have a full
     mail transport with a sendmail interface, you can configure
     Horde to speak directly with a remote SMTP server, but this
     may incur a performance penalty.


Horde is written in PHP, and must be installed in a web-accessible
directory. The precise location of this directory will differ from
system to system. If you have no idea where you should be installing
Horde, install it directly under the root of your webserver's document

(For an RPM installation, consult the README file in the RPM directory
for important instructions!  The following instructions are for a tarball

Since Horde is written in PHP, there is no compilation necessary;
simply expand the distribution where you want it to reside and rename
the root directory of the distribution to whatever you wish to appear
in the URL. For example, with the Apache webserver's default document
root of '/usr/local/apache/htdocs', you would type::

   cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs
   tar zxvf /path/to/horde-3.0.tar.gz
   mv horde-3.0 horde

At this point, the Horde framework modules need to be installed. This must be
done as root (or another user with sufficient administrator priviledges)::

   cd horde/framework
   php -q install-packages.php

For Windows systems - use the ``install-packages.bat`` file instead.
For Debian systems - the command-line PHP interpreter might be called ``php4``
instead of ``php``.

You would then find Horde at the URL::



1. Configuring the web server

   Horde requires the following webserver settings. Examples shown are
   for Apache; other webservers' configurations will differ.

   a. PHP interpretation for files matching "*.php"

         AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

   NOTE: The above instructions may not work if you have specified
         PHP as an output filter with SetOutputFilter directive 
         in Apache 2.x versions.  In particular, Red Hat 8.0 and
         above Apache 2.x RPMS have the output filter set, and
         MUST NOT have the above AddType directive added.

   b. "index.php" as an index file (brought up when a user requests
      a URL for a directory)

         DirectoryIndex index.php

2. Creating databases

   The specific steps to create a preferences storage container depend
   on which database you've chosen to use.

   First, look in scripts/db/ to see if a "_create" script already
   exists for your database. If so, you should be able to simply
   execute that script as superuser in your database.  Consult the
   scripts/db/README file for more information.

   Be sure to change the default password, "horde", to something
   else before creating the tables! (Remember to use this password
   when you configure Horde in the next step.)

   If such a script does not exist, you'll need to build your own, using
   the files auth.sql, prefs.sql, and category.sql as a starting point.
   If you need assistance in creating databases for a database for
   which no "_create" script exists, you may wish to let us know on
   the Horde mailing list.

   Note that the "_drop" scripts in the scripts/db/ directory remove
   the changes made by the "_create" scripts.

3. Configuring Horde

   To configure Horde, change to the config/ directory of the
   installed distribution, and make copies of all of the configuration
   "dist" files without the "dist" suffix:

      cd config/
      for foo in *.dist; do cp $foo `basename $foo .dist`; done

   Or if you are installing Horde an a Windows system:

      cd config
      copy *.dist *.

   Documentation on the format of those files can be found in each
   file. You must at least complete the "Preferences System Settings"
   section of conf.php and provide paths to helper applications in

   Configuration of applications in registry.php is documented in
   the INSTALL file of each application.  Most applications require
   you to configure them with a "Horde administrator" account.  A
   Horde administrator account is any normal Horde account that has been
   listed in the $conf['auth']['admins'] array in horde/config/conf.php
   It is recommended that you define an administrator account at this

   The other files in that directory need only be modified if you wish
   to customize Horde's appearance or behaviour -- the defaults will
   work at most sites.

   Note for international users:  Horde uses GNU gettext to provide local
   translations of text displayed by applications; the translations are
   found in the po/ directory.  If a translation is not yet available
   for your locale (and you wish to create one), or if you're having
   trouble using a provided translation, please see the horde/docs/TRANSLATIONS
   file for instructions.

4. Securing Horde

   a. Passwords

      Some of Horde's configuration files contain passwords which local
      users could use to access your database. It is recommended to ensure
      that at least the Horde configuration files (in config/) are not
      readable to system users. There are .htaccess files restricting
      access to directories that do not need to be accessed directly;
      before relying on those, ensure that your webserver supports
      .htaccess and is configured to use them, and that the files in
      those directories are in fact inaccessible via the browser.

      An additional approach is to make Horde's configuration files
      owned by the user 'root' and by a group which only the webserver
      user belongs to, and then making them readable only to owner and
      group. For example, if your webserver runs as www.www, do as

         chown root.www config/*
         chmod 0440 config/*

   b. Sessions

      Session data -- including hashed versions of your users'
      passwords, in some applications -- may not be stored as securely
      as necessary.

      If you are using file-based PHP sessions (which are the default),
      be sure that session files are not being written into /tmp with
      permissions that allow other users to read them. Ideally, change
      the 'session.save_path' setting in php.ini to a directory only
      readable and writeable by your webserver.

      Additionally, you can change the session handler of PHP to use any
      storage backend requested (e.g. SQL database) via the
      $conf['sessionhandler']['type'] parameter. See config/conf.php
      for further information.

5. Testing Horde

   Once you have configured your webserver, PHP, and Horde, bring up the
   included test page in your Web browser to ensure that all necessary
   prerequisites have been met. If you installed Horde as described
   above, the URL to the test page would be


   Check that your PHP and PEAR versions are acceptably recent, that
   all required module capabilities are present, and that
   magic_quotes_runtime is set to Off. Then note the "Session counter: 1"
   line under "PHP Sessions", and reload the page. The session counter
   should increment.


A list of available Horde applications can be found at

Instructions on configuring Horde applications can be found in
the INSTALL file in the application's docs/ directory.


Various Horde applications will generate temporary files in PHP's
temporary directory (see the $conf['tmpdir'] entry in config/conf.php).
For various reasons, some of these files may not be removed when the
user's session ends. To reclaim this disk space, it may be necessary to
periodically delete these old temporary files.

An example cron-based solution can be found at scripts/temp-cleanup.cron.
Another possible solution is to use Red Hat's "tmpwatch" utility to remove
old files (see


If you encounter problems with Horde, help is available!

The Horde Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ), available on the Web

The Horde Project runs a number of mailing lists, for individual
applications and for issues relating to the project as a whole.
Information, archives, and subscription information can be found at

Finally, Horde developers, contributors and users also make occasional
appearances on IRC, on the channel #horde on the freenode Network 

Please keep in mind that Horde is free software written by volunteers.
For information on reasonable support expectations, please read

Thanks for using Horde!

The Horde team

$Horde: horde/docs/INSTALL,v 1.69 2004/04/29 19:37:26 slusarz Exp $